Let Me Down Gently (Epilogue)

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Winter was fidgeting with her fingers, her head was down and she was biting her bottom lip. Her heart was pounding because of feeling so nervous. She let Karina be the one explaining everything to her parents with a help from Aeri as well. Everything just happened so fast, Winter was still processing what had happened. Aeri took her phone from her as soon as she reached home.

"So, you knew?"

Winter glanced up at Aeri who just nodded her head at her father's question.

"What about your fiance?" her father asked Karina.

"I will talk to him and break off our engagement."

"What would you do about the news?"

Winter gulped at her father's question. There was a reason why Aeri took her phone.

"I will give my official statement and take full responsibility for what I did, sir." Karina answered.

"And your family?"

"They will understand." Karina said.

Mr Kim sighed heavily, looking at his wife who has been paying attention to Winter instead. Mrs Kim wanted to reach out and hold her, seeing how she looks scared and nervous.

"May we speak to Winter alone?" Mr Kim asked.

"Yes, sir." Karina stood up. She looked down again at Winter when the younger looked up at her with her vulnerable eyes. Karina gave her a soft smile and patted her head.

"Just talk to your parents first, okay?" Karina whispered and Winter nodded her head slowly.

Aeri then guided Karina towards the backyard and waited for Winter there.

"You are going to fight for her without giving up this time, right?" Aeri asked as soon as they were outside.

"Of course." Karina answered her quickly.

"I didn't like nor do I support your secret relationship with Winter in the past, but I also does not support Winter to stay with Jaehyun." Aeri said.

"I- I know that I did wrong. It won't happen if I didn't approach her first." 

Aeri smiled and leaned her back against the wall, crossing her arms as she looked down on the ground.

"Even if you didn't approach her, I think Winter would still like you. You caught her attention the moment she first saw you." Aeri told her, and Karina turned to look at her.

"She didn't even have any feelings left for Jaehyun at that time." Aeri added.

Karina frowned at the new information.

"What do you mean?"

"When you both met, Winter has fallen in love with you and love only you since then." Aeri told her.

"What- no, but, she still stayed with Jae-"

"Because she wasn't sure of your intention. She feels too much for you, Karina. More than she has ever felt for anyone else before you. So, she was scared. Scared that one day, you decided that you don't love her anymore. That's why, she kept Jaehyun."


"It was a wrong move, a wrong thinking. Well, definitely a mistake, which she learned already and regretted it."

"I thought I had shown her enough, that I really want her." Karina said.

"Well, I think you both were scared. I mean, you were secret lovers. So, you both do not know what the future will hold for you."

"Right..." Karina looked down and sighed.

"I thought she doesn't really love me. When I left..." Karina looked at Aeri when Aeri hummed.

"She wanted to call you." Aeri said.

"Every time she cried and dreamed of you, she wanted to just call you and ask you to come back." Aeri said again.

"Then, why...?" Karina asked.

"Because you were hurting. She realised her mistake too late, that she made you leave. She felt guilty, for letting you go, making you think that she would choose Jaehyun over you. She said that she doesn't deserve you. She was scared of hurting you again, and- well, there's another strong reason to why she never reaches out to you."

"What is it?" Karina asked seriously.

"I think, she should be the one to tell you that. I've done my part already. Just one thing, Karina. Do not give up on my sister, she needs you." Aeri told her.

"I won't."






"So, she's the one that you love?" Winter glanced at her father before nodding her head.

"For how long?" Her father asked.


"You've been in love with her, for how long?"

"Oh..." Winter blinked and kept playing with her fingers.

"Around... F-Four years." Winter whispered.

Mr Kim let out a loud sigh and shook his head.

"I am not proud of what you did."

"I know, dad."

"Have you apologised to Jaehyun?"


"Winter wasn't the only one who made a mistake."

They all looked at Aeri who suddenly came back inside to check on them since they took so long, with Karina behind her, still giving the family some space.

"Jaehyun cheated too." Aeri said. Karina raised her eyebrows and looked at Winter, who still looked down on her lap.

"What?" Mr Kim frowned.

"Winter only found out after Karina stopped seeing her." Aeri said.

"He cheated first, and-" Aeri sighed, looking at Winter.

"Winter, sis, it's time to tell the truth to everyone." Aeri said.

"Okay." Winter nodded.

"P-Please, Aeri unnie." Winter looked at Aeri with her pleading eyes. 

Then, Aeri asked Karina to sit down and to listen to her.

"I will reveal everything, but please, no reckless action after this. Winter had settled everything with Jaehyun already and they are on good terms now." Aeri started.

Once no one says anything, she started telling them first of what had happened after Winter found out about Jaehyun's cheating act, his threats to her and their deal before the public official break up.






After the talk and receiving a blessing from Kim family, Karina then excused herself to go home as she needs to explain to her family as well. She looked at Winter who was quiet beside her.

"I'm sorry."


Karina pulled her closer and cupped her face gently.

"I wasn't the only one hurting, and I left you. You even stayed with him just to protect me." Karina said, feeling bad for Winter.

"And now, you have to face the consequences of my action earlier." Karina said again.

"No... It's okay." Winter said.

"It is not okay to me." Karina frowned.

"Do not check the internet and the news for the time being, okay?" Karina told her.

"Yeah, my phone is with Aeri unnie so..." Winter nodded.

"Hmm." Karina caressed her cheek.

Despite of feeling worried about what's going to happen next, she feels calm knowing that Winter is going to be there with her. Winter is going to be with her through it all.

"I haven't told you."


"I missed you, baby." Winter blushed when Karina told her that while staring into her eyes.

"So much." Karina whispered and rest her forehead on Winter's forehead while her thumbs were still caressing Winter's cheeks softly.

"I-I missed you too." Winter replied, raising her hands to hold Karina's wrists.

Karina smiled, kissing her forehead before hugging her closely.

"Wait for me, I will come and see you after I handle the situation." Karina told her.











Karina was sitting beside Jeno as she explained everything in front of her parents as well. She also explained about Winter's part, what happened between her and Jaehyun.

"Still, you shouldn't kiss her without thinking about the consequences." Jeno said bitterly.

"I can't think right at that time. All I know is that I need to feel her, to pour my love as I was desperate to make her want me back." Karina replied in all honesty.

Jeno clenched his jaw and looked away sadly.

"We're engaged, Karina." Jeno said shakily, holding in his anger and pain.

"Okay, stop. Do not fight." Mrs Yoo quickly said when she notices her daughter was about to get angry with Jeno.

"Well, all of you were at faults here. Jaehyun, Winter, Jeno and you too, Karina." Mr Yoo said, glaring at Karina who was still frowning.

"You, Karina, I thought you've matured enough to not run away from a problem that you've created on your own instead of solving it properly as an adult." Mr Yoo said.

"Dear, she's just hurting." Mrs Yoo said, tried to defend her daughter.

"I know. Pain will make someone act so recklessly. That's why, I said, she made a mistake. She wasn't thinking with her brain, but only her heart." Mr Yoo replied.

"And you, Jeno, you shouldn't take advantage of Karina's situation and asked her to run away with you. As a best friend, shouldn't you help her out with her love one? You are being selfish, just because you're in love with her."

Jeno's face was red, he was ashamed of what Karina's father had just said. He cannot deny it as it was true.

"Let the situation calm down a little, then I want the both of you to give your official statement, especially you, Karina. You're risking Winter's good name."

"I will make sure to clear up her name, dad."






Mrs Yoo asked Karina to talk to her in Karina's room after their serious talk with her husband and Jeno.

"So, you were together all this time???" She asked again.

"Yeah, that was only before I left- ack! Mom!"

Mrs Yoo slapped her arm again causing Karina to step back and hissed in pain.

"What was that for??"

"For leaving! If I had known, I would have helped you in convincing Winter to choose you."

"Mom, you can't do that. Jaehyun was her boyfriend and were with her first before me."

"A boyfriend who cheated on her too!"

"Well, we didn't know that before."

"Yeah, but Winter clearly doesn't love him if she accepted you to be her secret lover. Why can't you think properly??"

"Because she never gives me an answer when I asked if she would leave Jaehyun for me." Karina mumbled.

Mrs Yoo sighed before hugging her daughter, rubbing her back as well.

"I'm sorry." Mrs Yoo apologised.

Karina hugged her mother back and closed her eyes, feeling warmth from her mother.

"You must have feeling hurt a lot."

"I'm fine, mom."

"And you two must have gone through a lot."

"We will be fine from now on."

"I hope so."

Mrs Yoo pulled away to look at Karina's face.

"Do you really love her?"

"With every fibre of my being, mom."

"Oh dear." Mrs Yoo hugged Karina again when she saw that her daughter was about to cry.

"I thought I can move on with Jeno, but the moment I saw her again, my heart screams for her. I've been longing for her during the past two years, mom."

"Was it hard?"

"It was hellish." Karina sobbed softly in her mother's embrace, finally breaking down and letting her emotion out in front of her mother.

"I missed her, badly. I can't stop thinking about her at all. Many times I wish I was brave enough to just take her away from Jaehyun, but back then, I wasn't sure if she would let me have her as mine completely." Karina confessed to her mother.

"Well, settle the issue first with the public. I don't want my two babies getting hurt again after this. Then, we will meet Winter's parents to ask her hands in marriage." Mrs Yoo said.

"M-Marriage?" Karina stuttered and pulled away.

"What? You've wasted your time already. If you both love each other, then why not just get married to avoid any more problems that would separate you two again." Mrs Yoo said.

"Uh, I will have to ask Winter first-"

"Don't worry, I can help you with that. I'll talk to my baby." Mrs Yoo winked and patted Karina's cheek.

"But, isn't it too early-"

"Shh. Nothing is too early. It'll be a perfect time, you both met again at the right time. Now, we won't let anything come in your way. I will talk to your father about it, okay."

"Yeah, but-"

"I said, you don't have to worry about anything. Just settle the current issue now and let me handle the rest."

"Oh, uh- okay, mom."











Jeno was waiting for Winter just outside her company. He couldn't enter as her security got tightened after the news about her and Karina broke out. He asked one of the guards to inform Winter that he was waiting downstairs. He was aware of the eyes on him since people know that he was Karina's fiance.

"Lee Jeno."

Jeno looked up and Winter tried to maintain her blank face seeing Jeno again.

"Winter. I spent a week anguishing about whether I'd made the right decision for Karina and I." Jeno said, slowly stepping closer.

The guards were about to stop him when Winter raised her hands up, telling them that it was okay.

"I was so close in making her as mine forever. She said yes to me, Winter. She said yes in marrying me." Jeno said with his trembling lips, as his sorrow eyes stare deep into Winter's eyes.

"I'm going to throw away my ego and my pride right here. Please, Winter Kim, I'm begging you." Jeno knelt, causing people nearby to gasp at his action while Winter frowned seeing the scene right now.

"Jeno, don't-"

"Winter! Leave Karina alone. We were fine before you came back into our life!" Jeno cried in despair.

Eunchae made a call to Aeri secretly from behind and gestured the guards to standby just in case if anything were to happen. Winter stayed rooted in her position and looked at Jeno with her teary eyes.

"Let us marry, Winter. Don't take her away from me again!" Jeno cried louder.

"I'm sorry, I can't." Winter whispered and looked down. She felt bad for Jeno, but she made a new promise to Karina already, that this time she will choose her over anything or anyone.

"But I'm begging you, Winter. I love her so much. I will make her happy."

"I promised her, Jeno. She will be the only one now for me, and I intend to keep my words. I love her with all of me." Winter said in all honesty.

"No. You can't love her anymore. You don't have the right to!" Jeno yelled and stood up. The guards stayed alert and went in front of Winter when Jeno kept coming closer.

"You're so unfair, Winter!"

"Sir, please leave." One of the guards said and pushed Jeno back when he wanted to reach for Winter.

"Winter! Don't do this to me!!" Jeno kept yelling and struggled against the guards to get to Winter.

"Please, don't be like this, Jeno." Winter still feel bad for him and understands his anger.

"I hate you, Winter! I never like you! You're the worse person ever!!"

Winter was about to say something when she felt an arm wrapped around her waist. She turned her head and widened her eyes seeing Karina. Karina looked so serious and upset. She glanced at Winter to give her a curt nod before looking at Jeno who stopped fighting against the guards and stood still seeing Karina.

Aeri have just arrived too, and immediately stands at the other side of Winter.

"K-Karina, honey-"

"Don't. Don't call me that." Karina speaks with all authority in her voice.

"What are you doing here, Jeno?" Karina asked.

"We were supposed to get married. Why? Why did you let her ruin us?" Jeno asked sadly.

"You were the one who took the risk." Jaehyun said, appearing from behind him after parking his car carelessly.

"You knew that Karina had always been in love with Winter. You were the one who took the risk to still push your own desire to be with her when you knew she could just leave you anytime, because I'm sure you know well that you don't have her whole heart." Jaehyun said, Jeno glared at him.

"You! You should have stayed with Winter until my wedding! This wouldn't happen if-"

"No! You listen to me!" Jaehyun shouted back and pointed a finger at Jeno.

"Deep down you know, Karina is still hoping for Winter to come back to her. Even if I announce our break up after your wedding, I'm sure Karina wouldn't hesitate to get back with Winter again." Jaehyun said.

Karina scanned the area and noticed that a few reporters have come already. She told Aeri to bring Winter in.


"It's okay, baby. I'll handle him." Karina said and smiled at her.

"Come on, Win." Aeri pulled Winter with her.

Karina approached Jeno and Jaehyun once making sure Winter went back inside the building already.

"I've announced our break up already, Jeno. I'm breaking off our engagement." Karina said calmly.

"And what will happen if she hurts you again?" Jeno asked.

"I will stay this time. Because I won't let anyone else come in between us." Karina said firmly.

"I love you, Karina." Jeno looked like he was about to cry and Karina let out a heavy sigh.

"I know, and God knows that I've tried, Jeno. I tried to return back your feelings, but I can't." Karina replied.

"Why can't you? I've done everything to make you happy."

"And you did. Thank you for everything, but I- I want to be selfish now, Jeno. Because all I want is just Minjeong. I hope you understand." Karina said.

Jeno screamed and fell on his knees to the ground. He cried while kept hitting his chest.

"I was there for you! You should've chosen me!"

Karina sighed seeing Jeno being this way. He couldn't accept her decision to break off their engagement and cancel the wedding.

"Guards!" Jaehyun called for the guards and signalled them to take Jeno away.

"I will hate the two of you forever! You will never see me again, Karina! You've lost your best friend now!" Jeno still screaming when the guards dragged him away.

Karina looked down sadly. It pains her to see how hurt Jeno was because of her.

"You okay?"

Karina looked up and nodded at Jaehyun.

"This is not an ideal time to finally meet, but..." Jaehyun offered his hand for a handshake.

"Great to finally meet you." Jaehyun smiled slightly.

"Likewise." Karina mumbled and shook his hands for just a second before pulling her hand back.

"Take care of Winter and-"

"You don't have to tell me that. I'll take care of her with all my life." Karina said in unwavering tone. Despite of knowing he was in good terms with Winter now, she still does not like the fact that he threatened Winter in the past and were one of the reasons why Winter didn't call her at all.

"I am not your enemy anymore, Karina. I assure you that." Jaehyun said, looking at Karina with careful eyes.

"I sincerely apologised for what I've done with Winter after you left." Jaehyun said again. Karina softened upon hearing that.

"It's all in the past. I've made a mistake too." Karina said.

"Yeah, we all did. I wish to not be on your bad side, Karina. I just want the best for Winter now. So, are we good?"

Karina sighed, if Winter have forgiven him then who is she to hold a grudge against him.


Jaehyun smiled and thanked Karina for her kindness.






Winter was pouting when Aeri scolded her for insisting to go back downstairs to check on Karina and the rest.

"No, don't use your puppy eyes on me." Aeri looked away and crossed her arms.

Knock knock!

Winter's eyes brightened when Aeri opened the door and revealed Karina behind it. Karina smiled at Aeri and Aeri left them alone to talk. Karina closed the door before walking towards Winter, who just stood still while staring at her.

"Hi." Karina greeted her softly.


"Hmm." Karina pulled her into a warm hug. She rubbed Winter's back gently as she gave her soft kisses on her shoulder.

"H-How was he?" Winter asked in a small whisper.

"Not good." Karina answered honestly.

"But..." Karina pulled away and smiled assuringly at Winter.

"He won't bother us anymore. Okay?"


"I'll make sure no one hurts you." Karina said.


"He left already." Karina frowned, and Winter looked down immediately.

"I'm sorry."


"For mentioning his name."

Karina smiled and cupped Winter's chin to raise her head up.

"Stop saying sorry, okay?"


"I'll be fine, as long as you love me."

"I love you, Jimin ah."

Karina's heart tightened in content hearing it again from Winter. She smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Say it again."

"I love you."

Karina hummed and hugged Winter again. Her tears rolled down from her eyes and she tightened her arms around Winter, who hugged her back.

"You love me." Karina whispered.

"I do, a lot."

Karina chuckled and sniffed.

"Jimin?" Winter wanted to pull away to look at Karina.

"Shh. Just stay like this, baby. Let me hug you more." Karina said.

"But, are you crying?"

"I am just happy, baby. I finally got you."

Winter smiled and let Karina hugged her for as long as she wants.










A month after the chaos happened, Karina's and Winter's name kept being mentioned in the news and a few more statements were out by both sides, the situation has finally calmed down. Karina made sure that people will stop pointing fingers at Winter and blaming her for her failed wedding with Jeno.

"I have been in love with Winter Kim as long as I've known her. Jeno was my best friend, and he was there when I was experiencing a painful heartbreak upon knowing that Winter was with Jaehyun at that time. It was my fault to accept my best friend's proposal, thinking that maybe I could finally move on with him instead. Guess, I was wrong."

"I was the one who came to Winter and asked her to be with me once I found out that she had already broken up with Jaehyun. She never steals me from Jeno. She never approached me when I came back here. It was all me. I couldn't stay away from her. I wish to keep her as a friend, well, this was before I know about her break up with Jaehyun."

"After Jaehyun's announcement, I felt like it was finally my chance, and I couldn't go through with the wedding. So, I pleaded, desperately, to Winter, to give me a chance. She said no at first, knowing that there was Jeno, but I couldn't let her go. Not when she wasn't with anyone anymore. So, I'm sorry that I was being selfish. But I'm not sorry for trying to get my own happiness. I've suffered enough, and I just want to be with Winter. I hope you will understand of what I did. And no matter what happens, with or without everyone's support, I will still be with Winter. Thank you."

Mrs Yoo giggled as she kept watching Karina's speech at the press conference in regards of the rumours. She knew her daughter was at fault too, but she did all of that because of love, her love for Winter. 

She had contacted every wedding planners and wedding dress designers, for an early preparation for Karina's and Winter's wedding. Karina did tell her that they will not talk about the wedding first as they have just got back together and she does not know if Winter would be ready to marry, but she would still like to prepare everything in advance. She told her husband about it as well. So, when Karina and Winter are finally getting married, they could just get married without any delay.


"Oh, dear! Did you just come back from seeing my baby?" Mrs Yoo asked with a wide smile when Karina came home.

"No, I haven't met her today. I was busy at work. Did you seriously watch that video again?" Karina asked in disbelief.

"You looked so cool! Trying to protect my baby like that. Oh, I am so proud of you." Mrs Yoo said and cupped Karina's face, chuckling when Karina rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, okay, okay. I need to wash up." Karina said, pushing down her mother's hands.

"Dinner with us tonight?" Mrs Yoo asked.

"Uh, I can't. I'm going to see Minjeong later."

"Oh! Then bring the food for her."


"I will cook her something! Go, go! You wash up first while I prepare the food for you to bring to my baby!"

Karina shook her head, watching her mother ran towards the kitchen, already being loud and calling every helpers to help her out.






"Aunty really cooked all of this for me?"



Karina smiled, hugging Winter's waist, as she made her sit on her lap. They were now at the apartment that Karina just bought a few days ago as soon as when Winter agreed to move in with her.

They haven't told their family about it, as they don't want them to think that it's a sign that they will get married soon. Karina agreed to not push Winter into marrying her so fast. Besides, she believes that Winter will still be there. However, they know that they will need to tell their family soon that they will be living together.

"Mm, your mother cooked so well." Winter praised after taking a bite.

"Right? She keep telling me to bring you home to eat together." Karina told her, rubbing her nose cutely on Winter's arm.

"Well. I think... It's fine already." Winter slowly said.

"Hm? Really? You want to come?" Karina asked happily.

"Yeah. I mean, I can't hide forever." Winter said, biting her bottom lip after that.

Winter was actually feeling embarrassed with Karina's family, especially her mother. Her mother was so fond of her, and she didn't know how to face her after knowing everything now.

"She still loves you, baby. Don't you worry." Karina said, knowing what's in Winter's head.

"I just- I-"

"And I love you too. We both still love you the same." Karina added, cutting her off.

"Yeah?" Winter turned her attention back to Karina who was staring at her warmly.

"Yeah." Karina smiled at her.

Karina tilted her head and chuckled when she noticed that Winter was glancing down on her lips.

"Baby, do you want to kiss me?"


Karina chuckled again seeing Winter's cute, surprised face. She scooped Winter up in her arms and put her on the dining table. She quickly settled in between Winter's legs, resting her hands on Winter's hips.

"Aren't we... G-Going to eat?" Winter stuttered.

Karina smirked and leaned down her face closer to Winter's. Winter stares back at her without blinking.

"I want to kiss you, Minjeong ah." Karina said.

"Yaaah." Winter whined softly and cutely.

Karina smiled and cupped her face.

"I want to kiss the love of my life so bad right now." Karina whispered.

"Jimin." Winter held the hem of Karina's shirt tightly.

"There's no one but us here, baby. Kiss me." Karina demanded once again.

Winter gulped and stares at Karina's pretty lips.

"Jimin ah."

"Kiss me, baby. Kiss your girlfriend, your one and only lover."


Karina waited for her. She watches as Winter raised her hands to cup Karina's face and leaned closer. So, Karina hugged Winter's waist.

"Love..." Winter called her softly. Karina hummed and closed her eyes, it feels nice to have Winter loving her without hesitation now.

"I'm going to kiss you, my Jimin." 

Karina opened her eyes and stares straight into Winter's eyes.

"I''m going to love you. All of you." Winter said and caressed Karina's face gently.

She had let her down in the past, and Karina kept telling her that it was okay. Because she also had let her down as gently as she could, as Winter did it gently too. So, this time, she wants to love Karina gently.

"You're my dream come true." Winter whispered, pecking Karina's lips softly.

"I love you, Jimin ah. I really do. It is only you. I hope you know that by now." Winter said, circling her arms around Karina's neck.

"And I am only yours." Winter smiled lovingly at her before she finally leaned in again and kissed Karina's lips. Karina chuckled, feeling millions of butterflies in her stomach as she listened to Winter's love confession to her. She can't stop smiling as Winter kissed her.










Winter keeps giggling when Mrs Yoo were praising her new look with her ginger hair. Mrs Yoo's arm clung onto Winter's arm as she dragged her inside their home, leaving Karina behind and just smiling at her mother's behaviour towards Winter.

"Come on, I have to show you my small garden at the back later. I've been planting some new flowers and I am sure you will love it, baby."

"Really? More flowers now?" Winter asked, interested.

"Of course! You said it would be much prettier if I fill the garden with more flowers last time."

Winter laughed and admitted that it was true she said that in the past.

"Oh. Good afternoon, Mr Yoo." Winter bowed when Karina's father appeared from upstairs.

"That's uncle for you, baby. Or better yet, you can call us mom and dad from now on."


"Let's go, before the food gets cold."

Mrs Yoo dragged Winter excitedly towards the dining room. Mr Yoo looked at the smiling Karina and shook his head.

"Your mother seems to really like her."

"She does." Karina said, still smiling.

Mr Yoo put on a small smile and proceed to follow his wife and Winter to the dining room. Karina rolled her eyes seeing her mother already pulled Winter down to sit next to her.

"I thought Minjeong is supposed to sit beside me, mom." Karina commented.

"Hush. You can have her all you want anytime. I need to feed this baby first." Mrs Yoo said.

Karina wanted to complain, but stopped when she saw Winter was giggling cutely at her mother.

"Daughter. I think my wife loves your Winter more than us." Mr Yoo whispered at Karina. Karina only laughed hearing that.

"It's okay. I don't think I mind." Karina smiled, happy seeing that Winter is enjoying her mother's affection for her.

"Oh! I've preferred a dessert for you. You will love it! Wait here, baby." Mrs Yoo said in the middle of the lunch, patting Winter's cheek fondly before she left to go to the kitchen and asked some of the helpers to help her out.

Karina took the chance to move and sit in the other seat beside Winter. She scooted her chair closer and circled her arm around her waist, kissing her cheek before smiling at her.

"Did you eat well? You need anything else?" Karina asked her softly.

Mr Yoo tried to not being obvious in watching them silently.

"Yes. It's all delicious." Winter grinned.

"That's great." Karina smiled at her.

"Baby! Here you go!"

All of them widened their eyes seeing two big trays of many types of desserts. Mrs Yoo clapped her hands happily and asked the helpers to put them in front of Winter.

"W-Woah." Winter was amazed and she kept blinking her eyes.

"That's a lot." Mr Yoo said.

"Of course. My baby needs to eat more." Mrs Yoo replied and took a seat beside Winter again.

"Just take whatever you want, Winter baby." Mrs Yoo told Winter, caressing her head softly.






Karina was crossing her arms as she watched her mother and Winter observed the flowers outside in excitement. She kept staring at them from inside, through the glass door.

"So, that's your girl."

Karina glanced at her father who just came and stood beside her before looking back at Winter.

"Yes, dad."

"You did well, Jimin."

Karina looked at her father again. Her father rarely called her using that name ever since she was trained strictly for the business.

"And I am so proud of you." Mr Yoo said, smiling at her as he held her shoulder.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't here for you most of the time. For your mother as well."

"No, I understand, dad."

"I hope you won't be like me though."


Mr Yoo looked at his wife and Winter.

"They are so lovely. They deserve all the love they can get." Mr Yoo said.

"When you marry her, don't be like me, Jimin."

Karina continued staring at her father as she listened to him.

"Spend as much time with her and showers her with love, every single day. Don't get too busy with work that you always leave her alone, because you will regret all the time you've spent away from her. Just like how I am now regretting always leaving your mother home alone." Mr Yoo sighed.

"Is that why you're retiring now?" Karina asked her father.

"Yes. I missed my wife." Mr Yoo chuckled, and Karina smiled. She could see how her father is still very much in love with her mother even after all this years.

"I need to make it up to her, for being busy the past few years." Mr Yoo said.

"I'm sure mom would love it."

"Hm. Be happy with Winter, Jimin. I like her for you."

"Thank you, dad." Karina hugged her father.






"You still keep this?"

Karina turned around after charging her phone on her bed table. She smiled seeing Winter wearing her old shirt that Karina have been keeping with her after she left.


Winter giggled and running lightly towards her before hugging her tight. Karina chuckled and hugged her back, spinning her around before putting her down.

"Mm, you smell good." Karina said and buried her face into Winter's hair.

She let Winter took a shower and rest in her room. She was supposed to send her home, but her mother insisted Winter to stay until dinner since she wants to prepare other food again for Winter. She agreed, since her mother kept saying that she misses having Winter around in their home.

"Yeah?" Winter giggled and pecked Karina's cheek.

"Mhm." Karina grabbed her chin before leaning down to kiss her lips.

"I think that we should tell our family that we're moving in together." Karina said.


"I want you to be with me all day, and all night."


"I want you to stay with me."

"Okay, Jimin, my love."

Karina raised her eyebrows and looked at Winter's cheeky smile.

"You're so adorable." Karina sighed and gives her light kisses all over her face.

Winter kept giggling, enjoying Karina's soft kisses. She cupped Karina's face to stop her and pecked her lips.


"Yes, baby?"

"Marry me?"

Karina froze and stares at Winter in surprised.


Winter smiled softly at her, caressing her cheeks and pecked her lips again.

"I really want to spend the rest of my life with you, Jimin ah."

Winter tilted her head and wiped off Karina's tears as the older did not say anything, trying to hold her tears again.

"So, marry me, Yoo Jimin. I want you to be my wife, and I want to be your wife." Winter said again.

Karina pulled her into a tight hug as she closed her eyes, letting her tears fall down.

"Is this a yes?" Winter asked.

"Yes, baby. I'll marry you. I definitely will marry you."

"I love you with all of my heart, Jimin."

"Ugh. You're unbelievable." Karina mumbled and hugged her tighter when Winter only laughed.

"I love you, baby. So so much." Karina said.

"We'll be fine together, right?  We'll stay together forever, okay?" Winter asked.

"Yes. More than okay, my baby."

And they both continued to hug each other, with eyes closed. They stayed like that, thinking that it was still a dream comes true, afraid that if they let go, they'll lose one another. Once is enough, no more separation after this. Karina reminded herself to never run away no matter what. She is going to make it work this time. While Winter, she is going to show Karina and to assure her that she is the only one that she wants. A love that they hide, will bloom beautifully now in front of the whole world.

They will make sure to let the world see just how much in love they are with each other and no one can take it from them. 





The End.










An Epilogue for my adorable readers, enjoy!! And stay safe everyone, love yall!



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Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #1
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #2
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #3
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
720 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #7
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #8
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 146: that was so good omg
taenggo09 11 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 146: this is a great one
thank you for writing such a beautiful story