She's My Wife? - Part 9

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Jimin was all smiles as she remembered Minjeong's shy face when Jimin was getting bold now ever since they both fixed their misunderstanding. She hummed to a soft song as she turned herself round and round using the swivel chair, hands behind her head as she closed her eyes, imagining Minjeong's smiling face.



"This... Is a lot."

Jimin looked at Minjeong's shocked face seeing a variety of food she had prepared this morning.

"Is it?" Jimin asked.

"We can't finish this, Jimin."

"That's fine. We will give some to the guards downstairs." Jimin told her.


Jimin followed Minjeong when she went to wash her hands. This time, Jimin did not hesitate to hug her waist from behind. She smiled hearing Minjeong gasped.

"Um, Jimin..."

"Yes, baby?" Jimin buried her nose on Minjeong's shoulder. God, she's addicted to Minjeong's scent now and she can't stop hugging her.

"A-Are you going to wash your hands too?" Minjeong asked.

"Nope, I have already washed my hands earlier." Jimin answered.

She smiled widely when Minjeong turned around with a blushing face. 

"You smile."


"You always smile now." Minjeong muttered.

"You make me happy. That's why." Jimin said, Minjeong looked up at her. Slowly, a smile appeared on Minjeong's face. When Jimin said that she made her happy, it made Minjeong feels good.






"Ow!" Jimin hissed and glared at the intruder who just throw a small pillow from her sofa at her.

She cleared and sits up straight when she saw a serious Aeri standing there.

"Aeri. When did you arrive?"

"I hate you."

Jimin raised her hands and gestured her to sit first.

"You're lucky that I can handle everything on your behalf." Aeri said, gritting her teeth.

"I know that I can count on you." Jimin said.

"I still want to kill you."

"How much do you want?"


"You deserve a raise. I will raise your salary, oh, I'll give you a double bonus as well."

"All of that, and a week of vacation where you won't be calling me, sending me emails and bothering me."


Aeri squinted her eyes. Jimin was a strict boss, not only to her employees, her best friend was included too. So, Aeri was surprised with how fast and easy she agreed with Aeri's request now.

"Yah. What did Minjeong do to you?" Aeri asked.

Jimin then smiled dreamily.

"She wants to try, Aeri. She finally start to let me in." 

"Really?" Aeri asked with wide eyes.

"Yes! And I told her everything too."

"Wait, for real??"

"Uh huh. So, are you done being angry with me? Because I want to tell you everything that happened after I left you unannounced in Japan."

"Oh. I will get really angry if you don't tell me everything now."

Jimin chuckled seeing Aeri's eager face to listen to her whole story.






"Wow. I can't believe that Jeno was actually a jerk behind his friendly image."

Jimin nodded at Aeri's words.

"I am more mad that he did not think of Minjeong's feeling at all. She was his best friend." Jimin said, shaking her head as she remembered back about Minjeong's story.

"Minjeong and you could have been together if only you were not a coward last time."

"No, Aeri. I don't think it would be that easy. Like you already know, Minjeong is so kind. Jeno is manipulative. There's a possibility that Minjeong would sacrifice her happiness for her best friend."

"Hmm. True."

"Well, I don't regret anything at all. I think, I met Minjeong again at the right time. What I regret was that I was not able to be there for her when she was hurting and alone."

"Yeah, a very right time. You even make her your wife now."

"I love my wife, Aeri." Jimin smiled.

"Ew. Don't show me your annoyingly in love face. Go to your wife instead. Gosh, I'm not used to this version of you."

"Have I ever told you that you were always right?"

"Nope, but glad that you realised that I am always right."

"Mhm. Because you are still right, even now. I should go to my wife indeed."

Aeri's jaw dropped when Jimin winked at her, getting up to leave and check on her wife.

"I am still not done with you!"

"Later, Aeri."

"Unbelievable. In just two days, many things have changed now." Aeri mumbled to herself.






Jimin nodded her head at the employee who greeted her when she reached Minjeong's floor. She glanced at Ning who was already smiling at her, gesturing her to just come inside.

"She's not busy?" Jimin asked.

"Mrs Yoo will never be busy for her wife, boss."

Jimin cleared and ignored Ning's playful comment. Aside from Aeri, Ning was the only one who dared to , but Jimin does not mind. Ning have never disrespected her. 

Jimin knocked on the door before she entered, she saw Minjeong who just raised her head.

"Hi, baby." Jimin greeted her, smiling before she stepped in and closed the door.

Unknown to her, the staffs nearby including Ning heard her calling Minjeong's baby for the first time. They were squealing, and soon the cute news spread all over the building.

"Jimin ah." 

Jimin just couldn't stop smiling when Minjeong called her name softly like that. She went towards Minjeong and bend down to peck her forehead.

"Do you need anything?" Minjeong asked her.

"I just need to see my wife." Jimin said, pulling her up before sitting down on the chair instead. Minjeong looked at her confused when Jimin patted her lap.

"You can sit here." Jimin told her.


"I just want to be near you, baby. You can do your job and I get to hold you."

"Well... Uh, you don't have anything to do?" Minjeong asked, looking away from Jimin.

"Work can wait, but I need you right now. Come on." Jimin pulled her by her hand and Minjeong settled on her lap, with Jimin's arms around her waist.

Well, usually Jimin only put her hand around her waist loosely, but now her hold is firm and more secure. Minjeong can feel the butterflies in her stomach.

"W-What if someone comes in?" Minjeong asked, whispering while looking at the door.

"Then, they will see us." Jimin answered innocently.


"No one will come in. Don't worry."

"How am I going to do my work like this?"

Jimin then peeked at the papers before she looked at Minjeong who were looking at her.

"It's too high." Minjeong told her and gesturing to their position.

"Oh. Hold on." Jimin then lowered the swivel chair.

"How's now?" Jimin asked. Minjeong looked at her desk and smiled.

"Okay." She said softly.


So, Minjeong was doing her work while being on Jimin's lap.

Once in a while, Jimin helped to give some input in the report that she was reviewing too. When Minjeong was checking the financial statement, Jimin held her left hand on the desk and caressing her skin. Minjeong bit her bottom lip. Jimin was going all out now with her, more skinship and more... intimate.

Minjeong gulped when Jimin's right arm tightened around her waist, she can also feel her lips moved delicately on her upper arm. She turned her head slowly to look at Jimin who was just pecking her arm repeatedly now while looking at the papers on her desk. When Minjeong stopped flipping the paper, Jimin glanced at her, only to be surprised seeing Minjeong was already staring at her.

"I don't think I can work like this, Jimin."

Jimin hummed.

"I know, that's why I am going to train you until you will get used to work like this."

Just then, they heard a knock, and Jimin gave the permission to enter when she heard Aeri's voice.

"Mrs Yoo Jimin. I need to discuss about work."

Jimin watched Minjeong stood up and bowed politely at Aeri. Jimin stood up as well, still looking at Minjeong.

"Now, Mrs Yoo."

"You can wait for me at my office, Ms Uchinaga."

"Very well."

Jimin sighed.

"I guess, I have work now." Jimin said and kissed Minjeong's forehead.

"I'll train you next time, Mrs Yoo Minjeong." Jimin said again.


Jimin put her arm around Minjeong again.

"I'll see you later, baby." Jimin said, pecking her forehead again before she unwillingly let go of her to go to her own office.

Once Jimin left, Minjeong rubbed her nape and sits down. She cupped her own face to stop herself from smiling too much due to the affection she's getting from Jimin.










Jimin just scoffed at Aeri's nonstop teasing about her and Minjeong when they went downstairs together. She wanted to fetch Minjeong at her office, but her wife told her that she had been in the lobby with Ning already.

"Hey, girls." Aeri greeted them once they saw them.

Jimin let Aeri speaks to Ning while she approached Minjeong right away. She grabbed Minjeong's waist and kissed her forehead, Minjeong smiled softly at her. Jimin's heart flutters seeing that. Before this, Minjeong only bowed her head as a polite gesture upon receiving a peck from Jimin, but now, she showed Jimin that she likes her kiss.

"Did you wait for long?" Jimin asked, holding Minjeong's hand now.

"No, I was accompanying her asking our friends if they would like to join the karaoke session." Minjeong answered, gesturing towards the employees at the reception area.

Jimin nodded her head when those friends of Minjeong's and Ning's turned to look at their direction.

"Are you guys going to join us?" Ning asked.

"Sorry, girls. Maybe next time. We have a dinner with family tonight." Jimin said.

"Cool. See you tomorrow, Jeongie, boss." Ning said, patting Minjeong's arm before she left with Aeri who smiled at them both.

"Dinner with mom and dad?" Minjeong asked Jimin.

"Yeah, with my family as well. My father just called earlier." Jimin told her.

"It was a last minute plan, but we're both free to go, so I said yes. I didn't know you guys were planning to go on a karaoke session." Jimin said.

"Oh, no- no no. I already told Ning that I need to ask you first if we can go or not, since I don't know if you would want to go."

"I don't mind, we can join them next time." Jimin said, smiling at Minjeong's surprised face.

"R-Really? You would like to join us?"

"Only if you're going to be there."

"Oh. Okay."

Jimin chuckled seeing Minjeong's still surprised face. She pecked her cheek, which made Minjeong to widen her eyes.

"Adorable." Jimin mumbled. Minjeong coughed and looked down to hide her blushing face.

"Let's go home." Minjeong whispered.

Minjeong tried to keep her poker face as she could feel stares from the employees in the lobby, while Jimin maintain her soft expression as her eyes were still on Minjeong while they walked out of the building together.

"Everyone's talking." Minjeong whispered again.

"Mm. Let them. They love us." Jimin said with confidence. She knew that her employees were all loyal to her, and they all rejoiced to find out that she was married to someone as kind as Minjeong. She also knew that they are all fond of Minjeong already. What can she say? Her Minjeong is a little sweetheart.










Jimin and Minjeong arrived hand in hand at the Yoo's mansion, it was Minjeong's second time there, but it already feels like home because of how Jimin's family warm welcome.

"My sister in law, how are you??" Sehun grinned and quickly pulled Minjeong with him.

Jimin glared at him, but he only scrunched his nose before dragging Minjeong away.


"Chill, Jimin. He just wanted to get to know your wife more. The last time, you didn't let him talk longer with her." Irene said, while Wendy laughed beside her.

"I heard your relationship with your wife is getting better. That's good." Irene added.

"Did you spy on us?" Jimin squinted her eyes.

"Not my fault that you have employees who were like your whole fandom." Irene replied.

"They talked about how your love story with Minjeong is such a dream relationship. They wanted what you both have." Wendy said.

"And it's cute, you and Minjeong." Irene teased, chuckling when Jimin rolled her eyes.

When they entered the living room, Jimin saw Minjeong were laughing together with their parents and Sehun. Jimin smiled at the sight. She's glad that Minjeong could feel loved, not just from her own family, but from Jimin's family as well. To Jimin, Minjeong deserves it all.

"We should really go on a family vacation with Minjeong included this time, dad." Sehun said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

Jimin sighed, crossing her arms as she glared at Sehun. He was being too comfortable for her liking.

"Well, if you would like the vacation to happen, you better watch your hand first, brother." Irene said.

Everyone then looked at Jimin. They just laughed at Jimin's possessive behaviour. Minjeong's parents smiled in content seeing that they let their daughter to be married to the right person.

"Oh, come on. Your wife loves me." Sehun winked at Jimin to more.

"Stop it, son. Let's go and have a dinner. The food must be ready already." Mr Yoo said, asking everyone to go to the dining room.

Jimin grabbed Minjeong right away when everyone went ahead. Sehun stuck out his tongue before he left Jimin and Minjeong first.

"Tell me, Minjeong."


"You love me more, right?"


Jimin sighed, circling her arms around her waist as usual and leaned down to kiss her cheek.

"I should be at the top of your list, the people that you love." Jimin said.

"So, tell me. You love me more than my annoying brother." Jimin said again.

Minjeong chuckled hearing Jimin's silly statement. Jimin smirked, she loves it when Minjeong let herself go like this with her. No hesitation, and just be herself who loves Jimin.


"Mm? Yes what?"

"I love you more than your annoying brother, and everyone else." 

Jimin froze, slowly pulling her head away to stare at Minjeong's face. Minjeong bit her bottom lip before she raised her hands up to cup Jimin's face.

"I love you, Yoo Jimin."

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Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #1
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #2
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #3
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
720 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #7
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #8
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 146: that was so good omg
taenggo09 11 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 146: this is a great one
thank you for writing such a beautiful story