Me or Her

Winrina = Jiminjeong


Jimin turns to her girlfriend of 1 year, Kim Minjeong. She excused herself first from her dance squad before she approached Minjeong.

"Hey uh- I don't think we can visit the new cafe today." Jimin said.

"We have new members joining the club so... We're going to have a party to welcome them." She added.

"Okay." Minjeong smiled then checked her phone.

"I will go now then." Minjeong said.

"Um, I can still send you home-"

"It's okay. Ning asked me to go with her to the library cafe earlier. I'll accept her offer now since we're not going anymore." Minjeong chuckled.

"Really? Okay, that's great then-"

"Jimin! You're coming??"

Both Jimin and Minjeong glanced at Jimin's dance team, they were all preparing to leave.

"Yeah, a second!" Jimin yelled back and turned to Minjeong again.

"I'll update you later, okay? Have fun with Ning!" Jimin said and squeezed Minjeong's shoulder, then she hurried to her team. 

Minjeong watches as Jimin reached the members and there were few new faces that Minjeong never saw in the team which she concluded must be the new members. She watches a certain new member waited for Jimin and walks beside her. Then Minjeong looked at Jimin, she's smiling brightly at the girl and seems like teasing the girl too as the girl blushed.

Minjeong only smiled seeing her girlfriend is happy. She then started to walk to the other side and went into one of empty classrooms. She took a seat at the very end near the window and put her bag on the table next to her. She buried her face into her arms and decided to take a nap.




Minjeong napped for an hour before she finally walked home alone. She took her sweet time while walking, hoping to reach home not that soon but it'll only take her 15 minutes. She entered her home and as soon as she stepped in, her step father has already waiting for her in the living room.

"Where did you go?"

Minjeong gulped hearing his cold tone.

"I had to stay at school to finish some work." She lied.

"Next time this happens, you'll be punished. Let me know if you'll be coming home late."

She only nodded her head and looked down on the floor.

"Now go. You're not allowed to go out tonight. I want you in your room until tomorrow."

"Yes, father."

Minjeong went to her room and sits down on her bed. She just looks blankly at her door until she finally feel sleepy again and let herself fall asleep.






"Jimin seems to be spending awfully lots of time with her dance squad nowadays, especially the new girl."


"Are you guys still talking?"


"Minjeong, is everything alright?"

Minjeong looks up from her food and glances at the dance team's table at the cafeteria, she was seeing the same thing again. Jimin beside that new girl, smiling to each other with blushes on their face. Her chest tightened but she ignores it.

"Yeah. It's all right." Minjeong replied to her best friend.

"Well, if you say so." Ning sighed.




The third time Jimin had to cancel their date, Minjeong found her answer. That Jimin was not busy with other things, no she was not. Jimin is-

"We can't go again today." Jimin said, but unlike before, now she's saying it without her guilty face.

"Okay." Minjeong nodded.

"Jimin ah! Oh. Hi, Minjeong right?"

Minjeong blinked at the new girl then at Jimin who was already smiling looking at the girl. Ouch.

"Hi. I am Minju. Nice to meet you."

Minjeong only nodded her head then looked at Jimin again.

"Oh, we need to go." Minju then told Jimin.

"Okay." Jimin smiled at her.

"I'll uh- text you later." Jimin said to Minjeong before leaving with Minju.

Minjeong bite her lip. She wishes she could stop them from leaving together. she wishes she could stop Jimin from going. But no, she could never. From the start of their relationship, she would always follow what Jimin wants. 




"Are you kidding me, Minjeong? She obviously have something going on with that Minju girl."

Minjeong was lying her head down on the desk as she looks outside the window, ignoring her best friend scolding her.

"Minjeong. Until when you're going to let it be like this? This isn't healthy."

"God. I thought you're in good hands when I've been busy meeting the Uchinaga girl from other school but- Ugh. I had to find out myself until you finally told me."

"I wouldn't know if I didn't go to the same cafe last night! Did she tell you she's going with the dance team again? But yeah, I saw them both only."

Minjeong closed her eyes and humming softly to a song.

"Yah! Are you listening?"

"Sigh. Fine. If you don't want to talk, then suit yourself."




"If only your mother didn't die, my life wouldn't be this miserable!!"

Minjeong flinched when her step father throw a glass to the floor.

"Clean everything up. I'm going out for a drink."

Minjeong sighed once her step father left after slamming the door hard.

She squats down to pick up the shattered glass but ended up hurting her finger.

"Ack!" She hissed and put her finger into right away. She chuckled when she could feel it stings.

"Pain seems to be a part of me already." She mumbled.





"Minjeong, come here."

Minjeong sits down in front of Jimin. She's nervous when she received a text message from Jimin, asking her to meet at their usual cafe.

"How are you?" Jimin asked.

"Good. How about you?"

"Yeah, same."

Minjeong kept quiet and looked down on the scar on her finger. She took a deep breath while waiting for Jimin to say something again.

"Minjeong, there's something you should know."

Minjeong just nodded, waiting for her to continue.

"I... I don't think that we're on the same page anymore." Jimin said, looking straight at her.

Please don't. Please don't be in love with someone else, Jimin.

"I'm- I'm in love with someone else."

The cracks on Minjeong's heart has now destroyed completely. She could feel how her heart shattered into pieces. She squeezed her own hands tightly under the table to hold onto the pain that she felt inside.

"I should've told you way earlier but I wasn't sure before. But now I'm, Minju-"

Minjeong closed her eyes. Of course it's gotta be her.

"So, that's why we need to break up. I'm sorry, Minjeong."

"Okay." Despite of feeling hurt, Minjeong still tried to smile.

They finished their talk quickly and left the cafe.

"I hope we can still be friends. You know you can always find me if you need help or anything." Jimin said. After all, their first encounter was when Minjeong seek for help from her regarding a project that was assigned by her teacher.

"Sure. Thank you, Jimin."

"I gotta go now. Oh- do you need a ride?"

"No. I have somewhere else to go."

"I see. Well, okay. Take care." Jimin smiled then turned around to leave.

Minjeong watches as she counts 5 seconds using her fingers.

First finger down. She remembered how beautiful Jimin are when she first saw her. She was practicing her dance on the rooftop for the first time. Usually it was a place where Minjeong would take a nap during her free time.

Second finger down. She remembered how kind Jimin were to her when she asked for her help about the project. She was attentive and caring.

Third finger down. She remembered when Jimin suddenly keep appearing in front of her class and asked her to eat together after school.

Fourth finger down. She remembered how she sacrificed herself just to meet her at night, sneaked out of her house and ended up being punished once she came home.

Fifth finger down. She remembered how Jimin brought the lights into her darkness. But now, she's leaving her.

"Jimin... Didn't turn around." Minjeong told herself when Jimin never look back. She chuckled to herself before she slowly turned behind. All of her memories with Jimin comes back into her mind, including of the break up just now. She felt the pain in her chest yet she didn't cry. So she continued walking to her house, with a blank mind.

"Now you're home." 

Minjeong stares at her step father standing tall in front of her as soon as she entered her home.

"Where did you go this time?"


Her step father then smiled, a fake one. He grabbed Minjeong's collar harshly.

"Out? I told you many times to always update me!!" He shouted at her face.

Minjeong felt nothing. She felt nothing at all. Usually she would be scared and flinching. But now, she's not scared anymore. She had been hurting enough because of the break up that she felt numb inside.

"What? You can't talk now? Fine, from now on, you're on your own!" 

She was thrown outside with no mercy. Few minutes later, her step father opened the door to throw all of her things at her.

"You're not my responsibility anymore. Live without me!"

Minjeong looked at her things that were all scattering around. She lay down on the pavement, looking up at the dark sky.

"Mom. I'm tired." She whispered and only then, she finally let her tears rolled down on her cheeks.

She had been lying down for few hours, with no thoughts. She does not know where to go. She does not want to bother Ning. Jimin- Well, Jimin is out of the options. They're nothing now. Suddenly, there's thunder and slowly, Minjeong felt the rain dropped. She then hugged her knees and let the rain hits her body, hoping that maybe the rain could take her pain away. Hoping that maybe, she will feel better after this.

"Hey! What are you- Oh my god!"

Someone just stopped their car and yelled at her. Minjeong didn't see. She closed her eyes. She's tired. She doesn't want to deal with anyone anymore for the time being. She just want to rest. So she surrendered to the darkness and let her sleep take her away. She hopes when she wakes up, she could just forget about her pain, about her step father and about...

Jimin. How am I going to forget you now, Jimin? 





The End.










Hi everyone. This is a rare angst story from me here, but uhh who knows you guys need some angst too? But don't ask it often okay. My fragile heart is weak when it comes to angst huhuhu. 

Also! Thanks to those who were wishing me well, you guys are sweet. Love yall!

Until next update!



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Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #1
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #2
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #3
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
720 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #7
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #8
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 146: that was so good omg
taenggo09 11 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 146: this is a great one
thank you for writing such a beautiful story