I'm In Love With A Criminal - Part 7

Winrina = Jiminjeong

"My people might give you a second chance, but not me. I don't give mercy to anyone."

"Agh! P-Please- No! Nooooo!!"

Karina smirked as she stepped on the poor man's thigh with her sharp heels on his wound.

"Does it hurt? It does, doesn't it? Good. I want you to feel the pain. This is a lesson for you for trying to scam me." Karina growled and reached out her hand for Johnny to put a handgun on her palm.

Karina clicked her tongue and pulled away her feet. She stepped back and shot the guy thrice emotionlessly. She watched with her cold eyes, the man stopped breathing on the spot. Karina gave back the gun to Johnny and grabbed the towel he handed in to her. She sighed heavily and wiped off some blood stains on her cheek.



Karina scoffed when he quickly approached her, she punched him in his face as soon as she's close enough and did not wait for him to recover as she throw another powerful punch on his stomach.

"You've been doing a bad job. Tell me, do you have a wish to die early? I will gladly kill you if you do." Karina said, taking back the gun from Johnny and pointed it to Jeno's head.


"I don't need a useless man in my team, Jeno."

"I apologise! I'll be better!" Jeno screamed in agony and clutched at his stomach.

"That or you'll be dead the next time you bring trouble to me." Karina said and hissed before she left with Johnny.

"Hah." Karina massaged her temple as soon as she got into her car.

"He's lucky that I don't plan to kill him yet." Karina mumbled.

"He has just finally started to contact his team back in the organization again, boss." Johnny reminded her. Yes, Johnny is in charge to keep an eye on Jeno.

"I see. He is finally making some move after all these years."

"I don't think he is trying to earn your trust anymore, boss." Johnny said.

"Hm. Don't worry, I never trust him anyway. We'll keep him for now. Find out all the details about the team he's working with."

"Yes, boss."

Karina sighed and looked outside the window as Johnny started driving.

"Make sure he won't harm Minjeong or expose Minjeong in any ways."

"Yes, boss."

"And tell your partner, it's time for him to finally do something."

Johnny glanced at Karina from the front mirror before nodding.

"Understood, boss."










Inside an interrogation room, Minjeong was trying to get the guy to tell her about his boss.

"Hey." Minjeong called for his attention, yet the guy ignored her and pretended to sleep.

"Open your eyes, and talk." Minjeong said, but still got ignored.

Minjeong sighed loudly and stood up. She pressed her forehead before turning around and stared sharply at the two-way mirror, then glanced at the CCTV. She waited for a few seconds before she cleared .

She went behind the guy and chuckled in disbelief.

"You gave me no choice." Minjeong whispered.

Then, Minjeong kicked off the table before pushed down the guy along with the chair he was sitting at, causing him to groan out loud painfully and stared at her in shocked. Minjeong wrapped her hand around his neck as she squats down.

"W-Wha- You can't do this!" He yelled.

"Oh, I can, and no one will say a word."

"This is against the law!"

"Hm? Now we're talking about the law, huh?" Minjeong raised her eyebrows.

"I will report this to my lawyer!"

"Mhm, go ahead. But, you see, I am detective Kim, I would do anything to catch anyone I want to. So, we can make this nice and easy if you tell me who is your boss, or we can do it the hard way. I don't mind, really." Minjeong smiled and he gulped in fear, knowing Minjeong's smile far from being a genuine one.

"I'm a very impatient person, don't make me drag your boss here and torture you both." Minjeong warned.

"Y-You can't do anything! He's well protected! And you can't cross the line, you are a detective, you guys have a stupid rules and stick to the law." He smirked, still tried to provoke Minjeong.

"I see." Minjeong nodded and stood up.

She hummed and looked down at him.

"That's the thing though, I've broken too many rules already, crossed all the lines and ignored the laws. I am not the old detective Kim now." Minjeong said.


Minjeong tilted her head and gave him a lazy smile.

"Oh, I guess I'll have to do it the hard way then huh."










"What the hell!"




"AGH! Oh no."

"How the hell did she find us??!"


Minjeong whistled as she walked through the room after shooting right in the head of the guards in front of the room. She then tucked her gun back in her jeans and smiled seeing the leader of the gangster she's been hunting for inside the room with his two bodyguards.

"Ah, Hello, Mr Oh. Finally, it has been a long journey." Minjeong said.

"The arrogant detective who always spoke nonsense to every gang members you had encounter. You don't seem like how I imagined to be."

"Eh. I think you're confused. I am not arrogant, I am just..." Minjeong paused and took a seat on the couch.

"Confident." Minjeong said and leaned her back casually.

"You're asking for an early death by coming to see me, little lady."

Minjeong rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"I really hate it when someone looks down on me just because of my size." She muttered to herself.

"You won't be able to catch me, detective. I always escape successfully." Mr Oh smirked.

"Or, we can escape together if you would like. I don't mind having a company." Mr Oh offered and fixed his hair.

Minjeong stares at him in a serious manner, the bodyguards smirked and looked at each other, thinking that Minjeong would fall for their boss.

"Well, what else do you offer?" Minjeong stood up and started approaching him.

By this time, the guards lowered their guard and gave ways to Minjeong while Mr Oh smiled in triumph at Minjeong.

"You can honestly live a comfortable life. I can give you anything." Mr Oh said, winking at her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Oh, are you sure about that?" Minjeong asked and giggled.

"Yeah." Mr Oh was mesmerized as he heard Minjeong's cute giggle. He pulled Minjeong against him and leaned closer.

"I would even marry you. You're beautiful, detective." Mr Oh whispered

"Oh dear, you would regret to even think about it." Both Minjeong and Mr Oh frowned in confusion as they heard Ning's voice from Minjeong's wireless earbuds.

"What-" Mr Oh quickly pulled it out and threw it away.

"Yah!" Minjeong hissed and started fighting against him when he proceed to attack her. The bodyguards earlier tried to help, and Minjeong now was fighting against them three.

"Kill her!" Mr Oh yelled.

"I am!" Minjeong avoided the punches the guard was throwing.

"Not easy to kill!" She shouted as she dodges some more punches.

Mr Oh fixed his suit and his hair again, he grabbed his gun from his drawer and aimed it on Minjeong. Minjeong saw it so she rolled swiftly on the floor and get behind the couch as he starts shooting.

"What are you two doing?! Get her!"

Minjeong groaned and took out her gun as well, just when she was about to get out and shoot some bullets, the door burst opened which startling her.

There comes Johnny with some other men, and they shot their guns calmly before making a way, and Karina walked in with hands in her pocket. Minjeong furrowed her eyebrows.


Karina went to her straight, and helped her up. She nodded her head seeing Minjeong was all fine, before she stepped forward to face Mr Oh.

"M-Miss Yoo." Mr Oh's eyes widened. His eyes were shaking in troubled.

"Mr Oh." Karina nodded once and looked at his injured guards on the floor.

"I- Haha, I have a business to deal with, y-you can come and pay me a visit next time." Mr Oh said anxiously.

Karina then took out her pocket knife before sprinted towards him and slit his throat, stabbing in his chest twice before pulling out. Karina turned around coolly and gave her bloody knife to Johnny.

"Kill them all." She said.

Minjeong's jaw dropped as she just witnessed that happen within seconds.

"Minjeong, I need you to come with me." Karina said and grabbed her by the waist.






Once they were inside Karina's bedroom in her mansion, Karina pushed Minjeong against her door gently before holding her by her shoulders.

"Did you let him touch you?"


"Tell me the truth, because I heard everything."

"What?" Minjeong widened her eyes.

Karina put down her hands and glared at Minjeong.

"I asked Ning about your location because I need to see you, and I heard all of your conversation with Mr Oh through her. Now, tell me, did you let him touch you?"

"I- I didn't- I mean, he... just pulled my hand, that's all." Minjeong explained nervously.

"Your hand?"


Karina then grabbed her wrist and observed it.

"Did your job really require you to get that close to someone?"

"Only when it was necessary. I was trying to trick him before I can catch him." Minjeong frowned.

"He finds you beautiful and even thought of marrying you." Karina said.

"Oh, that..."

"He's the most annoying criminal, and I loathe him even more for wanting you."

"I need him alive though." Minjeong scratched her head.

"Too bad. I told you, I'll kill everyone that has eyes on what's mine. Now, dress up, I need to bring you to a dinner." Karina said then went to her wardrobe room.

"W-Wait, was that why you're looking for me??" Minjeong asked.

"Yes, you didn't answer my call."

And well, Minjeong was left speechless.










"You're falling for detective Kim already, aren't you?"

Karina ignored Yunjin and Giselle who were busy teasing her while giggling like some high school girls.

"I told you, there's no use in playing hard to get. You need to make sure everyone knows that she's yours." Yunjin said.

"Yeah, Ning said she's popular in the organization. She has a lot of suitors." Giselle added.

"If she's not in love with you, I would have tried my luck too." Yunjin told her and earned a cold glare from Karina which made her grin like a maniac.

"Do not even think about it, Yunjin. It would be a shame to kill you too."

"Oh, come on! I am your dearest friend! You don't have to be jealous of me." Yunjin pouted.

"I am not jealous." Karina frowned and then her eyes were looking at Minjeong who were talking seriously with Ning who seemed to be amused as she listened to Minjeong.

"Sure, you're not." Yunjin shook her head while Giselle just laughed.

They were at Karina's close ally's private engagement party, and she threatened Karina to come and bring Minjeong along. Yes, Karina had to tell her important ally about her relationship with Minjeong, to avoid any inconvenience in the future. Karina wouldn't want her ally to cross path with Minjeong and killing each other, so she warned her ally not to cause any troubles with Minjeong.

"I never thought I would witness Karina Yoo looking at someone with eyes fills with affection."

Karina, Yunjin and Giselle turned around to see the newly engaged couple.

"Irene! Wendy! Congrats!" Yunjin then pulled them into a tight hug.

"Yah! Too tight!" Irene scolded her causing them all to laugh except for Karina.

"Congratulations!" Giselle smiled and hugged them too after Yunjin pulled away.

"Won't you give your greatest ally a hug too?" Irene raised her eyebrows.

"Happy for you two." Karina mumbled and hugged them briefly.

"Thank you, Karina." Wendy smiled widely at her.

"So, a detective huh. You sure have a unique taste." Irene said.

"Hmm." Karina only hummed.

"Well, I want to meet your first and only lover." Irene smirked.

Karina sighed and was about to go to Minjeong when Ning has already brought her over.

"Irene and Wendy! Oh goodness, congrats!" Ning hugged them while Minjeong only stands beside Karina.

Karina cleared , wrapped her arm around Minjeong's waist gently before pulling her softly.

"This is Kim Minjeong, my lover." Karina finally introduced her properly to Irene and Wendy.

"Hi, sweetie. You look beautiful! Wow, Karina stays single all this time because no girls can compared to you." Wendy praised and earned a jab from Irene.

"Of course you're still the most beautiful in my eyes, love." Wendy giggled and kissed Irene's cheek.

"Hm, Kim Minjeong. I am Irene Bae." Irene offered a handshake.

"I know you." Minjeong said and Irene raised her eyebrows.

"So, you're the one behind the assassin's organization." Minjeong mentioned which made Irene smirk.

"I am. Did my assassins give you guys a hard time?"

"Definitely, but luckily, I'm not handling your case."

"You must be thankful that you got Karina's case instead. If not, you wouldn't meet her at all."

"Ah. You're right." Minjeong replied honestly and coughed in surprised when she realised too late what she had just admitted. Everyone laughed at her while Karina only looked at her.

"Can I talk to her alone, Karina?" Irene asked. She sighed when Karina frowned, clearly doesn't like it.

"I won't take long."

"Five minutes." Karina said firmly.

"Five minutes." Irene nodded.

Irene then pecked Wendy's cheek before asking Minjeong to follow her. They went further into the corner before stopping to talk.

"Karina Yoo, I met her when she was in a huge gang war. It was a war to reclaim the title of being the leader of the underworld." Irene started and Minjeong listened carefully.

"She was so young back then, I just feel the need to help and not let her die. So, I asked my assassins to give as much help as we can. Imagine my surprise, when she came to see me personally to thank me and show her respect. When I did not even expect that from her. After all, she was known for being cold, heartless and a loner."


"She doesn't like to make friends or build a family. She hates those. She hates to have a weakness. However, it takes only special people who managed to crack the tall and huge walls that she built."


"Karina met a lot of pretty women, good ones and bad ones. Not even one woman managed to get close to her. You are the first person to do so. She's like a sister to me, detective. And I would kill for her. So, I hope you are being true to her. Try and break her heart, I'll break all of your bones with no hesitation." Irene smiled and Minjeong shivers.

"I would kill for her too."

"But you're a detective, the law-"

"The moment I fall in love with her, I was breaking all of the laws already." Minjeong said.

"You would sacrifice your normal and comfortable life for her?"

"In a heartbeat." Minjeong nodded.

Irene chuckled, and Minjeong looked confused.

"Ah. Karina has finally found her match." Irene then pulled Minjeong into a hug.

"Welcome to the underworld, Kim Minjeong."

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Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #1
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #2
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #3
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
720 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #7
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #8
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 146: that was so good omg
taenggo09 11 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 146: this is a great one
thank you for writing such a beautiful story