
Winrina = Jiminjeong

Kim Minjeong loves her life. She has a perfect family, few good friends and earned good grades. She doesn't really have any issues regarding anything. Her life was just simple and great, just like how she would want it to be. Well, that was until the ever oh so popular Yoo Jimin dragged her into a mess that is her life. In her whole life, she would never have imagined that she will be the centre of attention. She despised being in the spotlight. Yet, because of the sudden incident that was caused by Yoo Jimin, her simple and quiet life changed completely.

She was just an ordinary student, living peacefully in her own apartment and are only friends with her crackhead circle but now, not anymore. Why? Because Yoo Jimin claimed her as her girlfriend and dragged her to hang out with her circle of friends who by the way are as popular as her. Her life won't be that quiet anymore because Yoo Jimin just happened to love dropping by unannounced at her place.

Then now, whenever she's at her campus, heads will turned for her. Some will look with envy and some will look as if she's the most lucky person ever which she beg to differ. She doesn't feel lucky at all. This isn't what she want.

"Damn, we feel like we are also popular now by the amount of stares we get whenever you're with us."

Minjeong ignored what Ryujin said and just dropped her head on the table. They decided to leave the campus and eat outside. 

"Can someone please explain? What happened while I was away?" Johnny sneezed after asking. Mark pats his back. He had been skipping classes for a week due to falling sick and had a high fever.

"Let me do the honor to tell you, buddy." Doyoung said and pats his chest proudly.


Minjeong kept hearing whispers and murmurs on her way to the cafeteria. Her second class ended early so she decided to go to the cafeteria while waiting for her friends. She ignored all the gossips she heard about everyone's girl crush, Yoo Jimin. It happened a lot. News, rumours and gossips always follows Yoo Jimin. As soon as she entered the cafeteria, she scanned her eyes on any empty table and lighted up immediately when she found one near the counter.

She noticed how the atmosphere was different and everyone was looking at the middle where there was Jimin, her girlfriend and a tall guy standing together.

"I know we just broke up but since we bumped into each other here, I would like to introduce you to my new boyfriend."

Minjeong heard the conversation as it was very quiet since everyone was listening but she paid no mind to it. She quickly updated her friends that she'll reserve a table for them near the counter and told them to come as soon as possible so she wouldn't be bored alone.

"This is Lee Jeno, we just got together this morning. Right babe?"

"Yeah. Hi, Jimin. Hope you don't mind that we're together."

"Oh. No, not at all." Minjeong heard Jimin's deep voice finally spoke.

She smiled when all of her friends replied her with different silly stickers before putting her phone back into her pocket, eyes set on the empty table that she saw earlier. She was about to pass by the 3 students that everyone was watching with interest when suddenly...

"I mean, why would I mind when I have my own girlfriend." 

Minjeong could barely hear Jimin's low chuckle when she felt a strong grip on her wrist stopping her to walk further. She wasn't given a chance to think or to find out what was going on when Jimin pulled her to her side.

"I'm sure you both know Kim Minjeong, right? She is officially my girlfriend now. Just got together yesterday." Jimin said casually like it wasn't a lie at all.

Jimin gave them a small smile before she turned her head at Minjeong while Minjeong just stood there in silence, too dumbfounded to react.

"Right, baby?" Jimin spoke with the softest tone ever and loud gasps could be heard as it was the first time Jimin speaks to someone that way. Not only that, Jimin dated many people previously but none of them get to be called with any types of endearment from Jimin. Jimin was known as a cold lover after all.

"Baby?" Jimin called for Minjeong's attention softly again, right hand side hugging Minjeong's shoulder gently.

"H-Huh?" Minjeong slowly looked at her with her confused wide eyes before she looked back at the couple in front of her. Then her eyes noticed her friends behind who were jaw dropping and stood frozen there.


"Basically, Minjeongie couldn't function well after that happened so Jimin had to pull her away from everyone's eyes then she explained that she just wanted to provoke her ex girlfriend back for fun and Minjeong just happened to be there so now Minjeong had to pretend to be her girlfriend." Doyoung said and wiped his fake tears when their friends clapped hands for him and praised him for being a good story teller.

"Woah, so now you are Yoo Jimin's girlfriend!" Johnny exclaimed.

"Fake girlfriend." Minjeong whined muffly as she buried her face into her folded arms on the table.

"Right, then what else?" Johnny asked.



Ever since she got claimed by Yoo Jimin as her girlfriend, she's stuck with her. Jimin will fetch her at her class if Jimin's class ended early and walked her to her next class. Jimin also waited for her to go to the cafeteria together. 

Jimin will always, always find her way to Minjeong at cafeteria when she's late to get Minjeong from her class. Sometimes she'll pull Minjeong to sit with her and her friends, sometimes Jimin just greeted the younger and her friends before she went back to her table where her friends were sitting at. 

Like when the first time it happened was when Minjeong almost sit beside Mark when Jimin suddenly called her. 

"Hey baby, the girls want to get to know you." 

Jimin nodded her head as a polite gesture at Minjeong's friends. 

"Is it okay if Minjeong eat with me and my friends today?" Jimin asked them, they all quickly nodded and Mark pushed Minjeong slightly towards Jimin when Ryujin pushed his shoulder repeatedly and whispered loudly for him to tell Minjeong to just go with Jimin. 

​​​​​​"Let's go, baby." 

Minjeong widened her eyes at her friends, asking for help but they all pretended to not see. Afraid to deal with Yoo Jimin. 

"Uhm, I think I can just sit with my friends. There's no space anyway." Minjeong said timidly. 

"It's okay." Jimin assured her. 

"Hey girls. Minjeong is going to sit with us." Jimin told her friends. 

"Oh great! Hi Minjeong!" Ning Yizhuo was the first one to greet her. Then followed by Aeri, Yeji, Yuna and Chaeryeong. 

"Ah. Hello. Nice to meet you all." Minjeong greeted them back politely. 

"Should we get an extra chair for her?" Yeji asked. 

"No need." Jimin said then sitting down on her chair, before she pulled Minjeong slightly. 

"Come. Sit on my lap." She said. 

"Huh?" Minjeong was shocked okay. Jimin kept her poker face and patted her thigh. 

"Sit here, on my lap." She said again. 

"B-But..." Minjeong looked around nervously but Jimin was impatient. She pulled Minjeong again and made her fall on her lap. 

"There. Much better." Jimin said and put her one arm around Minjeong's waist to hold her so she won't fall. 

Minjeong only blushed shyly, awared of the whispers filling the cafeteria now. She thought Jimin's friends will be uncomfortable with her sitting on Jimin's lap but she's surprised to find them winking and smirking at her teasingly causing her to blush even more. 


"And again, of course, our Minjeong never disappoints as she cannot function properly after that. So Jimin ended up feeding her while chatting with her friends. Her friends also tried to make a conversation with Minjeong." Doyoung said. 

"Damn." Johnny gasped and looking up to try and imagine the scene.

"What happened to the ex girlfriend and Jeno guy?" Johnny asked.

"Oh. We heard it was all planned. They wanted to hurt Jimin by dating each other because Jimin broke up with her and Jimin rejected Jeno last time." Ryujin answered.

"But well, they failed to provoke Jimin." Mark said.

"It's Yoo Jimin. Please. They're dumb to even think to hurt her." Johnny rolled his eyes.

"Yeah and because of their dumbness now I got dragged into the mess as well." Minjeong grumbled and crossed her arms.

"But aren't you so lucky? People would die to be in your position." Doyoung said.

"Right. Our Minjeong have always been the lucky one out of us all." Johnny agreed. 

"Noooo. I want my peaceful life back." Minjeong whined causing them to laugh.

They know how Minjeong likes her quiet life. She doesn't like to interact with a lot of people. It drains her social energy just within few seconds.

"Okay okay, why don't we go and have fun tonight? Let's forget about everything for a while and enjoy." Johnny suggested.

"And you're suggesting?"

"We should go to the club! Let's party!!" Johnny already jumping around with Mark, Ryujin and Doyoung.

Usually, Minjeong refused to join them. She would very much preferred to just stay at home but maybe this time, she needs to unwind.

So Minjeong really went with her friends to the club. She wore a tight black cut out tie back mini dress with long sleeve and heels. Her straight copper hair was tied loosely in low side ponytail.

"This is like the third time you've joined us. We'll make sure you will have fun tonight so you will join us again more often!" Mark hollered with Johnny, already holding a glass of beer.

Minjeong only laughed seeing them being that loud. Doyoung was seen at the DJ booth, trying to make the DJ play an exciting song. Ryujin obviously make her way to the dance floor, eyes searching for a girl to dance with. Minjeong then stares at the empty glass before she took a bottle of alcohol and pour it into the empty glass.

"Woah, hold on. You don't like to drink." Mark said, frowning.

"Man, come on. Let her. It's time to have fun. Go on, Minjeong. We'll take care of you." Johnny encouraged her.

Minjeong only laughed then listened to Johnny and finished her glass of drinks. She shut her eyes tightly and groaned causing Johnny to laugh at her while Mark only rolled his eyes.

"Now, let's go and dance! Come on come on!" Johnny pulled both Mark and Minjeong with him to the dance floor when he noticed Doyoung has finally chose a good song for them to dance.

Ryujin grinned when she saw her friends are all going to dance too. They all gathered and starts to sway their body. They all makes sure to pay attention to Minjeong and that she is having fun. They all satisfied when Minjeong's bright face now smiling happily while she dance with them.

"Yeah girl! Move that body! Woooo!" Ryujin screamed and started to dance wildly with Johnny and Mark. Doyoung just laughed as he sticks closer to Minjeong.

Unknown to them, a group of intimidating girls that they all know so well had just entered the club. They went to the table to order some drinks first. 

"Seems like tonight's abit more crowded." 

"Yeah and- wait, isn't that Minjeong?"

Hearing that, Jimin quickly turned her head to look at where Aeri was looking at. She raised her eyebrows when in fact, it is really Minjeong. The Kim Minjeong that she knows. The same Minjeong that is her girlfriend now, well a fake one but yes that's her.

"I thought you said she doesn't like going to the club?" Yuna asked.

"Yeah..." Jimin mumbled. It's true, that was what Minjeong told her when she invited the girl to join her and her friends to the club last time.

"Hm, your girl got some move ay." Ning said, crossing arms as she's watching Minjeong with interest.

"I must say, she can dance." Chaeryeong agreed with Ning.

"Are you sure you are going to continue faking the relationship with her, Jimin?" Aeri asked.

Jimin looked at her and they all looked at Jimin. It is a secret between them that Jimin is actually having a crush on Minjeong, no- that's not it, she is secretly in love with Minjeong. It all began when...


"Hey there little cutie, what are you doing here?"

"Minjeong, come on. We are going to be late."

"But Ryu, won't you look at this cute kitten? We need to bring him with us."

"What? No!"

"But Ryu!"

"Minjeong, this isn't the time to be a hero for a stray cat. Let's go."

"Hold on!"

Minjeong then carried the kitten and put him inside the empty box near the wall.

"Here's more safe." Minjeong then took out her marker pen and wrote down so people can read and see if anyone's interested to take care of the cute kitten.

"I hope someone will come and get you. I'll come here and check on you again later okay!" 



Minjeong was just reading her book peacefully at the library when the girls in front of her wouldn't stop gossiping about Yoo Jimin and talked bad about her.

"Would you guys just mind your own business?" Minjeong glared at them when she heard enough.

"It is up to her to reject anyone even if the person is someone with a high status or whatever. I'm sure you are all aware that Yoo Jimin is a smart woman. She has the right to reject anyone that she feels not right for her." She said again.

"And who are you to tell us that? We don't even know you." Said one of the girls before they left.

Minjeong rolled her eyes but sighed in relief. Finally can read her book without the girls gossiping in front of her.



"Hey Minjeong, I wonder too."


"Why did Jimin reject him?"

"Maybe he's not what we think he is."

"But he's kinda okay though."

"Well Ryu, I believe Jimin knows her worth. And I believe she deserves better. By better, I mean, someone that she is sure she wants to be with." Minjeong replied then closed her locker.

"Let's go. The boys are waiting outside already."




Yes, Jimin had heard and witnessed all that secretly. She was surprised when Minjeong defended her even when they were not friends at all. Minjeong, who she usually passed by like a wind and nothing. But ever since she heard how Minjeong always believe that she is a good person, Jimin can't help but to observe her. Minjeong had never ever look at her. Minjeong is too busy in her own world. She does not care about anyone else but her friends yet she can still defend whoever she believe is a good person.

Jimin only accepted the confession of another suitor of hers just to avoid her other admirers as she felt so stressed about it. While they were together, Jimin couldn't focus on the girl at all. Jimin's mind will always go back to Minjeong. Jimin refused to sit together at lunch as she wants to just eat with her friends while enjoy the opportunity to stare at Minjeong. It was wrong of her when she has a girlfriend already but she really can't stop herself from staring.


"Do you like Kim Minjeong?"

The first time her friends caught her staring, they asked her directly about it. Of course, when Jimin never stares at anyone like how she did to Minjeong.

"She's... interesting." Jimin said.

"That's new. So, since when did you become interested in her?" Aeri asked.

"Yeah. Is that why you always ignore your girlfriend? Why did you date her when you got your eyes on Kim Minjeong?" Ning asked.

"Right. I think I'll break it off soon."

Her friends were surprised that Jimin never think twice about it. Usually, Jimin will try to show that she's trying to make it work.

"Won't she hate you for that?"

"Don't care. I heard her friends said she dated me to brag at them. Too bad, I'm turned off immediately when I found out how different she is behind my back."

"Damn. Didn't she know that it's not always that you decided to give someone a chance?" Yuna frowned which Jimin only shrugged before her eyes were back at Minjeong again.


Jimin's friends were not surprised at all when Jimin broke up with her girlfriend a day after that. They were not surprised when the ex girlfriend went to confront her the next day nor were they surpised when her ex came to provoke her by introducing Jimin's famous suitor as her new boyfriend two months after they have broken up. However, what surprised them was when Jimin pulled Minjeong to her side when that happened and claimed her as her new girlfriend.



"Oh my!"




Jimin ignored her friends even though she could hear them. She needed to focus on the shocked girl beside her first. She had no idea why did she do that. She was okay being provoked by her annoying ex and suitor. They didn't affect her at all.

But can't anyone really blame her? When Minjeong's appearance distracted her and created a chaos inside her mind. She usually never act without thinking but somehow, she lost her mind all because of Minjeong. She kept wishing to have her as her girlfriend ever since she confirmed that she really like Minjeong. She wished that Minjeong would look at her. She's frustrated of how can she get her attention so when the opportunity came, she grabbed it without considering about the outcome.

Just like that, she pulled her and announced that she's her girlfriend.

"I'm so sorry for that. You have all right to be angry. You can even hit me if you want. I just am really sorry but would you mind to play along with me?" Jimin asked once she succesfully dragged Minjeong away from the others.

"I won't hurt you. I just need you to... Pretend to be with me."



Right after that, she met her friends and told them everything about her first conversation with Minjeong.

"Ouch! Wha- Yah!" Jimin glared at Ning who puffed her cheek after slapping Jimin's arm.

". You could have just apologised and offered her a sincere friendship instead of asking her to fake dating you."

"Yeah. Now she will only think that you're using her for your own good. How is she supposed to know that you really like her now?"

Jimin frowned when she realised what has she gotten herself into.

"Oh my god." Jimin groaned and massaged her temple, earning series of eyerolls from her friends.

"You have to think about it and fix it on your own." Aeri said.

"I will."



Now, Jimin has done nothing in trying to talk it out with Minjeong. She continued letting Minjeong think that it was all just for shows when all she has done for Minjeong was sincerely from her heart. She was pouring her affection and kindness because she likes her.

"Oh, I think her friends noticed us."

Jimin snapped out of her deep thought and glanced at the dance floor. That's when her eyes met Minjeong's. As if the universe was playing with them, Yeji gasped and whispered that she saw Jimin's ex girlfriend at the corner. Jimin saw that her ex was glaring at Minjeong.



No, her friends won't have to say anything else. Jimin has set her mind to do what she's supposed to do. Jimin nodded as usual to Minjeong's friends before she stepped closer to Minjeong while glaring at the guy who she just noticed was checking Minjeong out.

"She's mine." Jimin growled at the guy which makes Minjeong to turn around to look at him. Jimin froze for a second when Minjeong was showing her revealing back. 

'She's wearing this and the guy have been looking?!'

Jimin raised her eyes to glare sharply at the guy and pulled Minjeong by her waist into her.

"If you still want the ability to see, you better leave now before I do something to your eyes." Jimin threathened when the guy still tried to shamelessly gawk at Minjeong.

"S-Sorry." The guy stuttered then left in a hurry.

"Stay right there." Jimin said firmly when Minjeong was about to turn around. She refused to let anyone else get to see Minjeong's y back. She took off her leather jacket and quickly put it on Minjeong.

"You can turn around now." Jimin said and Minjeong faced her. 

"I thought you said you don't come to this kind of place." Jimin said and her eyes caught her ex who was standing not too far from them, maybe trying to eavesdrop.

"I- I can explain." Minjeong said and bit her bottom lip.

Jimin looked down and pulled down Minjeong's lip using her thumb to prevent her from biting her lip.

"Let's talk."

Jimin then asked Minjeong's friend's permission to take Minjeong with her which like always, they all told her to just take Minjeong. Jimin bowed politely before she pulled Minjeong to their table earlier since Minjeong mentioned that she left her bag there. Jimin sighed and trapped Minjeong, making her leaned against the edge of the table.

"There's something I want to correct here." Jimin said.


"I never see this relationship as a fake one." 


Jimin put both her hands on each side of Minjeong on the table, towering over Minjeong who immediately feel intimidated by Jimin's strong aura and ended up backing away a little. She yelped when Jimin's hand move to hold her from her back.

"I like you, Kim Minjeong. I don't want you to think that we're pretending anymore. Not when everything I've done and said was all true." Jimin finally confessed.

"..." Minjeong blinked her eyes slowly, staring into Jimin's attractive eyes.

"Would you please be my girlfriend, for real now? Can I call you my baby, with you knowing that I am yours as you are mine? No pretend this time." 

"Jimin! I have to talk to you."

Both of them got interrupted by Jimin's ex girlfriend. Jimin was about to stand up straight and Minjeong's fast reflex made her grab onto Jimin's shirt to avoid falling flat on the table and Jimin got startled as well as she forgot she let go of her hand behind Minjeong's back too fast making her almost fall so Jimin's hand moves back to hold Minjeong's waist to steady her.

"Opps. Sorry, baby." Jimin chuckled seeing Minjeong's panic face and her cute squeal when she thought she almost fall onto the table earlier. Jimin caressed her waist gently and smiled at her.

"Jimin, I broke up with Jeno."

Jimin raised her eyebrows at her ex girlfriend, but before she could say something, she felt Minjeong's cute hands pulling her closer and hugs her.

"Why are you telling her that?" Minjeong asked.

"It's none of your business." The girl rolled her eyes at Minjeong.

"And none of mine either." Jimin said coldly.

"Jimin. Wait. Please, give me one more chance." The girl begged.

"Woah hey, you there." Ryujin suddenly came into the picture.

"Do you know that you're begging to our friend's girlfriend here?" 

"Shut up. Move. I'm still talking to Jimin."

"Oh. I don't think so. We won't hesitate to step in if it involve our friend." Johnny said, standing beside Ryujin who was blocking the ex girlfriend from coming closer to Jimin and Minjeong.

"You got some protective friends." Jimin whispered to Minjeong.

"Yeah..." Minjeong nodded her head.

Mark then gestured them to leave and let them handle it. Jimin then glanced at her friends at the other table and they all gave her thumbs up while already enjoyed seeing Minjeong's friends dealing with Jimin's ex girlfriend.

"Let's get away from here."

When they have exited the club, Minjeong tugged on Jimin's hand causing her to stop and look at her. 

"Uh, do you really mean what you said earlier?" Minjeong asked.

"I meant all that I've said since beginning." Jimin smiled.

"Why?" Jimin asked.

"So we're like... Dating for real? Not faking it anymore?"

"Only if you would want me too." Jimin said and squeezed her hand.

"Does that mean that I'm really the lucky one?" Minjeong asked herself when she remembered her previous conversation with her friends.

Jimin tilted her head before chuckling.

"You know what? Actually, I'm the lucky one." Jimin told her.

"Huh?" Minjeong looked at her in confusion with her adorable face.

"Yeah. I'm very lucky." Jimin confirmed and pinched Minjeong's cheek.

"So, do I get a yes officially now?" Jimin asked again.

Minjeong slowly nodded her head and looked away shyly. 

"Does that mean you like me too?" Jimin asked, smirking.

"I mean, you are not that hard to like. You know just how attractive you are." Minjeong said honestly and Jimin was surprised by her honesty.

"So you find me attractive." Jimin laughed when Minjeong whined because of her shyness.

"Okay baby. I won't tease you anymore but I need to send you home now. Can't let you walk around with this dress." Jimin said.

"It's a pretty dress." Minjeong argued.

"it really is but it's not good for my heart. I could've gotten a heart attack you know."

"That's nonsense."

"Nothing makes sense anymore ever since I fall for you. I can't think straight. I don't even know how to count anymore as all I can think of is you."

"God, you're unbelievable."

"Unbelievably in love with you, baby."

Minjeong chuckled and her cheeks now blushing madly. She's still not used to Jimin's sweetness. For all the time they spent together, Minjeong found out that Jimin is such an affectionate person. But she can't deny that Jimin affects her greatly.

"Lucky. I really am so lucky." Jimin mumbled seeing Minjeong laughed because of her. 



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Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #1
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #2
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #3
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
720 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #7
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #8
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 146: that was so good omg
taenggo09 11 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 146: this is a great one
thank you for writing such a beautiful story