I'm In Love With A Criminal - Part 12

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Karina was sitting down on a chair with arms and legs crossed as she stares blankly at her people torturing a group of men in front of her. 


"You're here." Karina quickly walked towards Minjeong and pulled her against her chest to kiss her senseless. Karina smiled when Minjeong gasped, but kissed her back with the same intensity before relaxing in her arms.

"You listen well. I like that." Karina murmured before kissing her again. She's elated that Minjeong really came right away when she asked her to.

"K-Karina... The boys are still here." Minjeong whispered and blushed when Johnny and other few men were witnessing their boss kissing the hell out of her.

"Hmm." Karina made a hand gesture for them to leave them alone while still kissing Minjeong. She pushed her onto the wall and hugged her waist.

"You make me addicted to you." Karina said.

"Stay that way then." Minjeong replied.

"I don't mind. Do you need to go back to work after this?"

"Yes. I have to. I'm sorry."

"How long do you have left?"

"Half an hour max?"

Karina smirked and lifted her up.



Karina let out a frustrated sigh as her mind now is full with Minjeong. She can't seem to get her out of her mind. Karina still can feel her lips and hear her sweet voice.

"Argh! Please, no more!"

Karina stood up and her people stopped immediately.

"Johnny, let's go."

"What about them, boss?"

"Finish them off. I have no time to waste." Karina said, did not even bother to spare the men a glance.

Johnny signalled their people to do as Karina said and followed Karina outside the warehouse.

"Where to, boss?"

"My lover."






Minjeong was just humming while scanning through the printed CCTV images on her desk when Ning suddenly approached her and punched her arm slightly.

"What?" Minjeong looked at her.

"What did you do? What kind of spell did you use on her?" Ning asked in a small whisper.

"What do you mean? Her, who?" Minjeong frowned.

"Your girlfriend. Who else!" Ning hissed and Minjeong frowned deeper.

"What happened to her?" Minjeong stood up, being alerted already.

Ning groaned and rolled her eyes, she showed her phone screen to Minjeong.

Tell Minjeong to come to the back of the building, walk through the gate and turn right. There's an empty alley near the mini market, she wants her to be there in 15. Don't make her wait, we don't want to handle her being pissed.     16:24.

"My girlfriend texted me just now. You should go." Ning said.

"Oh." Minjeong giggled.

"I have to go then. I'll see you tomorrow, Ningie."

"Yeah, yeah. Go."






"You know-" Minjeong got cut off as soon as she entered the passenger seat, she felt being pulled onto Karina's lap. Karina cupped her face and kissed her lovingly.

"Drive." Karina said with authority, and Johnny drove off.

Karina went back to kissing Minjeong again.

"I missed you." Minjeong whispered.

"That's why I'm here." Karina whispered back.

Minjeong's eyes twinkled as she stares at Karina's serene face, she caressed her cheek and kissed her nose. 

"I love you." Minjeong whispered again.

Karina smiled gently and nodded her head.

"I know that too." Karina caressed Minjeong's waist.

"You never read my text, I had to get to you through Aeri."

Minjeong frowned and patted her hand around her pants. Karina raised her eyebrows at her and watches her searching.


"I think I forgot to bring my phone."

"I'll ask Ning to get it for you."

"No, I can-" Minjeong paused when Karina pulled her closer and held her tight.

"You're not going anywhere. You said that you missed me." Karina growled.

"Yes, Karina." Minjeong immediately agreed when she saw a small frown on Karina's face.











Minjeong glanced at Soobin who was talking with an unknown man at the corner of the ballroom. They were at one of the wealthy businessman's private party at the moment. Minjeong ignored everyone as usual and did not interact with anyone. She tried to keep her eyes on Soobin since she's on full alert about his move nowadays as he was trying to track Karina and Black Mamba's base.

Minjeong looked away and maintained her uninterest expression as she stares at people chatting with each other when Soobin was done talking to the man.


Minjeong did not turn to see him, only nodded her head in return.

"Where's your brother?"


"Right, that's why you're here instead of him." Soobin chuckled.

"This party is boring." Minjeong sighed. She wishes she could skip this one, but Suho warned her to show up and greet the birthday girl.

"It is. Do you want to leave with me?" Soobin smiled as he asked, slowly put his arm around Minjeong's shoulder.

Minjeong looked at him emotionlessly and tried to shrug her shoulders to make him pull his arm back. Soobin only laughed and pulled her.

"Yah." Minjeong glared while Soobin grinned cheekily at her.

Unknown to them, Karina had just arrived. As soon as she came in through the entrance, her eyes immediately scanned the room to find Minjeong. Her eyes light up upon seeing her, but got darkened at once when she saw Soobin's arm around her girlfriend's shoulder. Johnny was there as well, he came in five minutes before Karina to make sure the place is safe enough for her to enter. 

She knew she had to greet the host first so she could leave whenever she would like, but this time, she couldn't care less about her reputation as an intimidating, mysterious and powerful businesswoman. She was seeing red, she couldn't hold on any longer, or else, she might turn this event into a mess.

So, with a careful step, she approached them with confidence. Her eyes fixed on Minjeong.

"Come on, accompany me. I've been stressing out about the Black Mamba case. I need a drink and a good company like you." She heard Soobin said.

"Go with someone else. I'm busy and please take your arm away before I break it." Karina holds herself from smiling as she listened to Minjeong's flat tone.

"Aw, Minjeong. Everyone have been shipping us."


"Why don't we just entertain the shipping thing hm?" And Karina had enough.

She casually took Soobin's arm off Minjeong and pushed him aside. Both Soobin and Minjeong widened their eyes in surprised for her sudden appearance. Karina turned her back on Minjeong to face Soobin.

"May I know who you are?" She asked, faking a polite tone and smile. Even though she knew who Soobin is.

"Huh. Who are you?" Soobin asked in annoyance, but can't help to feel a little bit intimidated with Karina as she carried a certain aura. He had seen her a few times in a private party, but never get to ever talk to her or get to know her as he wasn't really that interested to know anything about her since he was usually busy in trying to be a good boy in front of Minjeong's brother when he was around.

"The name is Katarina, founder and current CEO of Ae Group."

Soobin's face turned into a shock one. Ae Group, the most successful international investment company. Karina can even buy his family's company if she wants to, that's how rich she is.

"And I am..." Karina paused, glancing at Minjeong over her right shoulder before looking at Soobin again.

"I am Kim Minjeong's girlfriend." She finally said it and revealed their relationship for the first time to someone. Minjeong gulped and fidgeting with her fingers behind Karina.

"What?" Soobin looked at them with wide eyes.

Karina stepped forward and tilted her head, a smile was still on her face, well, it was a fake one though. She put a hand on his left shoulder and squeezed it strongly causing Soobin to wince and tried to push her hand off him, but Karina was stronger.

"I don't like seeing someone setting their eyes on my lover. No one is allowed to look at her with such eyes." Karina said in a low tone as her expression changed into a cold one when she stares at Soobin emotionlessly.

"And certainly, I don't like someone else is touching her." Karina whispered and squeezed his shoulder more painful this time. She pulled back her hand before Soobin can even push her and stepped back. Soobin looked at her like she was a mad woman.

"Consider this a warning, boy." Karina said and glared at him.

Karina then turned around to face Minjeong, she pulled her by her waist and smooched her in front of Soobin's eyes. Soobin cleared his throat awkwardly and excused himself. Karina's eyes followed his back and she found Johnny not far from them, Karina gave an eye signal to Johnny which he nodded before following Soobin.

Minjeong gasped and panted a little when Karina finally pulled away.

"Woah." She was still over the moon from Karina's passionate kiss.

Karina smirked and wrapped her arm properly around her waist, she could feel eyes on them.

"Will we be okay though?" Minjeong asked in a small whisper.


"What if someone would spread the rumours."

"No one dares to take my picture."

"But you never hide your name, people might talk."

"Then, I don't care."

"I have a lot of enemies too, Kar- ahem, Katarina. Rumours might spread and they might find you to get me." Minjeong told her.

"Let them, then I'll get rid of them all for you." Karina smiled sweetly at her.

"Oh god, I'm completely bewitched by you." Minjeong mumbled.

"Mm, I like that." Karina smirked.










"What were you thinking?" Giselle asked in frustration while Yunjin smirked at the straight face Karina.

"Girl is down soooo bad, and I live for it!" Yunjin grinned and hissed when Giselle smacked her head.

"What was that for???" She frowned.

"Ugh, please, be serious." Giselle sighed.

"You're exposing yourself. Minjeong is known for her detective reputation, you're only going to make yourself known as well by going out with her publicly!" Giselle told Karina.

"I thought you said it last time that I should have fun and relax. Now, this is me having fun." Karina replied and Yunjin laughed out loud at Karina's smart brain.

"Well, my dear Jiminie, you said it yourself too, that it is too risky to go out in public together." Giselle rolled her eyes.

"Well..." Karina hummed and rubbed her chin as she thinks. Both Yunjin and Giselle looked at her in curiosity.

"I've changed my mind." Karina said and stood up.

"Yah yah, we're not done talking." Giselle glared.

"I have to go and fetch my detective, Aeri."

"What happen to being careful again?" Giselle asked.

"Come on, Aeri, you worry too much. They'll be fine." Yunjin said.

Karina chuckled seeing Giselle bickered with Yunjin now.

"What do you guys think of getting rid of all the enemies?" Karina suddenly asked causing her friends to look at her in disbelief.

"You said you don't want another war." Giselle deadpanned.

"Like I said, I've changed my mind." Karina said.

"Even so, it's going to be hard, Jimin. Minjeong is the dearest detective, an asset to the organization. Her enemies will find a way to you, and your enemies might take that chance to bring you both down if they know."

"We don't have to do anything at all, Aeri."


"All we need to do is to just let them come." Karina smiled.

"I have a feeling that she's planning something crazy and it is not good." Yunjin whispered to Giselle.

"Okay, what about the organization? Minjeong's position will be in danger if the organization find out about you."

"No one will know. I am Karina, and Karina doesn't exist in their world."

"They won't stay still not knowing who's their best detective is dating, it is a huge deal, mind you."

"Then, I should get rid of the organization too."

Giselle and Yunjin gasped as they both stood up.

"Yah! Did you hit your head or something?"

"Call me crazy, because I am. I'll do anything to have Minjeong by my side 24/7. Anything, Aeri. In my whole life, I've never wanted someone this badly. She drives me crazy. I can't stand it when someone out there is trying to get her attention too. They are not allowed to have even just one chance, not with my Minjeong."


Yunjin and Giselle looked at each other, and they decided that their dearest friend slash boss is definitely crazy.

"When I told you to go have fun and fall in love, I didn't expect this from you." Giselle sighed and massaged her temple.

"What's the plan then?" Giselle asked and keep her poker face when Yunjin rolled her eyes while Karina smirked.

"Minjeong needs to leave the organization of course."

"You're taking a very dangerous path."

"I'm Karina Yoo, the most wanted criminal, dangerous path is my way of living."

"And if she refused to leave?"

Karina laughed and shook her head.

"The organization is not for her, Aeri ya. Kim Minjeong belong to me, with me and me only. She is mine. I'm going to take her away from that useless organization. They are going after me, do you think Minjeong would stay with them after knowing their plan to find me and kill me at once?"

Aeri squinted her eyes and looked at Karina carefully.

"You've received a new information." She stated.

"Hmm. It is an interesting information. I guess, Jeno managed to pass a few information to that Soobin guy." Karina's eyes turned cold as she remembered the latest news she got from Johnny and Mark.

"Did Minjeong know anything about it?"

"No, it is better that way. Let her find it out herself. Soobin doesn't know I'm the same person as Katarina, so I am still good. However, it won't be for too long."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, you'll know. For now, are you both in or not?"

"Hell yeah." Yunjin gave her thumbs up.

"It's going to be another war." Giselle hissed.

"A last one, I promise." Karina assured her.

"Don't make me regret agreeing to this crazy plan of yours." Giselle said and Karina only smiled.

"Fine. We'll do it." Giselle finally gave in.

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Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #1
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #2
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #3
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
720 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #7
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #8
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 146: that was so good omg
taenggo09 11 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 146: this is a great one
thank you for writing such a beautiful story