She's My Wife? - Part 11

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Jimin have been feeling more deeply in love ever since Minjeong's confession and their official first night together as wives since a week ago. Minjeong was being more open with her now, and Jimin really love it. Especially when Minjeong were never hesitating to visit her in her office now.

Knock knock.

"Hm, come in."

Jimin lifted her head up and smiled seeing her wife. 

"My love."

Minjeong smiled lovingly at her as she approached Jimin who were already walking towards her. Jimin quickly pulled her by the waist and kissed her forehead.

"Jimin." Minjeong called her name gently and holds Jimin's waist.

"Yes, baby?"

"Um, Ning was asking me to help her choose a dress for tonight's event at her favourite boutique."

Jimin hummed and got distracted a little when she looked down on Minjeong's lips. So, she leaned down to kiss her lips. Minjeong kissed her back, but she pulled away when Jimin hugged her to kiss her deeper.

"Jimin." Minjeong giggled when Jimin tried to kiss her again. She put her palm on Jimin's mouth to stop her.

"Baby." Jimin frowned.

"Listen to me first."

"Okay, Ning wanted you to go with her to shop for a new dress. And?" Jimin then decided to just kiss Minjeong's forehead, humming in content as she let her lips stayed there.

"Well, if you would let me, I wanted to go with her. Then, we will come to the event together."

Jimin frowned again and pulled away from Minjeong.

"You're supposed to come with me, baby."

"I know."

"I have your dress ready too, and It's our first event to attend together."

Minjeong then pouted and looked at Jimin's face.

"How about if you join us?"


"Well, we can go and accompany Ning. Then, we will just change there and go to the event together after that."

"Hmm." Jimin thinks for a while, before nodding at Minjeong.

"We can do that." Jimin said.

"Great! I'll tell Ning that we will help her choose a dress."

"Hold on there, baby." Jimin tightened her arms around Minjeong when her wife was about to leave.

"Why-" Minjeong got cut off when Jimin just kissed her lips once again. 

Minjeong melted in Jimin's warm embrace and kissed her back passionately, hugging her neck tightly.

Knock knock.

Jimin groaned deeply through their kisses due to the interruption, but she held Minjeong tighter so she couldn't pull away. Jimin grabbed Minjeong's nape and kissed her more.

"Mmh- Ji-" Jimin did not let Minjeong to speak more, as she kissed her harder. 

Knock knock!

"Aish." Jimin hissed as she finally pulled away, but a smirk appeared on her face when she saw Minjeong's flushed face and her smudged lipstick. Jimin chuckled when Minjeong glared at her as she wiped using her palm.

"How am I going to leave now?" Minjeong asked.

"Don't leave then." Jimin smirked again.

"Jimin." Minjeong whined.

"Okay, okay. You can go use my restroom and fix your make up, baby. I have my stuff inside." Jimin told her.


Jimin grabbed her wrist and pecked her lips once again. Minjeong only chuckled, pecking Jimin's cheek in return, before Jimin let her go to Jimin's personal restroom at her office. Jimin let out a happy sigh, then cleared .

"Come in!"

"Mrs Yoo."

Jimin gestured Aeri to sit on the couch before joining her there.

"We will need to postpone the meeting with Finance department tomorrow..."

Jimin listened to the updates Aeri was telling her, but lost focus once Minjeong came out of her restroom. Jimin glanced at her, Minjeong greeted Aeri who immediately stopped when she saw her. Minjeong then told Jimin that she will be going back to her office.

"I'll come and see you later before we leave together, baby." Jimin said.

Minjeong nodded, blushing because Aeri was there to witness her interaction with Jimin.

"Whipped." Jimin turned to Aeri once Minjeong left her office.

"Of course, I am." Jimin admitted proudly.

Aeri laughed before she continued telling her the updates of her next schedule.






Minjeong chuckled seeing Ning was bickering with Aeri while both of them were holding a dress in their hand. Aeri ended up joining them upon finding out that they were going together, since she does not want to be left out. Shaking her head, Minjeong finally looked away from the Tom and Jerry to check on Jimin who were sitting quietly beside her.

Minjeong chuckled seeing Jimin was having her eyes closed, her arm wrapped around Minjeong's shoulder. Minjeong took this chance to stare at Jimin's face up close. Minjeong eyes focused on Jimin's perfect nose, looking down on Jimin's pretty lips, and she smiled when she remembered that it was the same lips that have been kissing her a lot nowadays.

Minjeong then looked at Jimin's mole that she loves to stare at whenever she gets the chance to. She tempted to kiss it, but she holds herself, not now. Then, she looked at Jimin's neck, it's where she always finds herself to snuggle into when they cuddle or sleep. Is it possible to fall more in love with a person you have been in love with for a long time?


Minjeong snapped her head towards Ning as soon as she heard the girl calling her name desperately.

"I've been telling her that this dress suits me best, but she said that one is much better. What do you think?" Ning asked.

"I want you to be honest. Don't worry about us." Aeri said.


Jimin slowly opened her eyes and glanced at Minjeong who were pouting, thinking of how to not hurt both her dumb employees. Jimin smiled seeing Minjeong's cute frowning face. She could actually feel her stares earlier, but decided to not move or open her eyes.

"Just tell them honestly, which one do you think is prettier." Jimin whispered.

"Oh, you're awake."

"Mmm." Jimin then kissed her cheek.

"Okay, hello? We are still here. Please restrain yourself from getting lovey dovey and help us out first." Aeri said in a sassy manner. Jimin shrugged her shoulders before pulling Minjeong closer.

"I think, that one will look great on you, Ningie." Minjeong said, pointing at the dress that one of the staffs have been holding. Aeri and Ning quickly turned to look at the dress that Minjeong was talking about.

"This one? But I never have ever worn a white colour."

"Then, you'll find out that you will look good in white." Minjeong smiled fondly at her.


"Maybe, you can try that one." Aeri said.

"Okay. I'll try this one." Ning agreed.

"Good choice, baby." Jimin murmured and pecked Minjeong's cheek again. She does not care if the boutique's staffs were giggling, fangirling and blushing seeing her getting touchy like that with Minjeong.

"I'll- I'll help Ning." Minjeong stuttered and stood up to get away from Jimin for a while, she could not stand her hammering heart because of Jimin's endless affection to her even when they were in public.

Aeri rolled her eyes at Jimin's smirking face as she watches Minjeong walked in a hurry to Ning.

"Spare your wife, she's a blushing mess." Aeri said, taking a seat beside her.

"She'll get used to it."

"You're unbelievable. Even I am still not used to seeing you getting all loving and touchy with your wife. Where does the Jimin who hates being touched go?"

"Gone when I'm with my baby." Jimin grinned.

Aeri chuckled. To be honest, she loves this new side of her best friend. Jimin looks more relax and happier now. 










Minjeong's eyebrows furrowed, her heart was racing, she couldn't shake the feeling inside of her heart. Yes, she was nervous, but there was just something else. She couldn't tell, but she does not feel right.


Minjeong snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at Jimin who extended her hand for her to take. Now, Minjeong did not even realise when did Jimin go out already. She did not realise that they have finally arrived at the Hwang's annual party. After taking a deep breath, Minjeong finally grabbed Jimin's hand and got out of the car.

Jimin gave her a small smile and kissed her forehead.

"Just focus on me, alright?"


Jimin then turned her body around, maintaining her expressionless face. She kept her head held up, an arm holding Minjeong's waist protectively as she guides her wife inside. Jimin nodded back to anyone who greeted them as they were trying to pass through the entrance into the luxury ballroom in one of Hwang's hotels.

Jimin made sure Minjeong did not feel left out as she would introduced her formally to anyone who came to approach and talk to her.

"Yoo Jimin. It has been so long."

"Mr Song. How are you?"

"Oh, great! Hahaha, I'm glad I got to see you here."

Jimin hummed and nodded her head before pulling Minjeong closer.

"Meet my wife, Yoo Minjeong." She said.

Mr Song raised his eyebrows, a wide smile on his face. He grinned and clasped his hands in front of his face.

"Now, it is definitely a pleasure to finally meet the wife of Yoo Jimin. Hello, dear." Mr Song offered a handshake, Minjeong glanced at Jimin who nodded her head while looking at her.

Minjeong smiled back to the old man before she accepted his handshake.

"A pleasure to meet you too, sir." Minjeong said politely. 

Mr Song gasped and looked at Jimin who were already smiling slightly at Minjeong.

"Oh my. Now I understand why you decided to settle down. You have good eyes." Mr Song teased.

"Thank you, Mr Song." Jimin replied simply and bowed her head at him.

They talked for a few minutes, never fails to include Minjeong in their conversation before Jimin finally excused themselves.

"Did you enjoy the party so far?" Jimin asked, rubbing Minjeong's waist softly.

"Hmm. It's not as bad as I thought."

"That's good." Jimin smiled.

"Jimin, Minjeong." Both of them looked to the front and waited until Aeri and Ning gets near.

"Well, well, boss, I think you should greet all of your people first. I can tell our Minjeongie will get bored listening to your business talk with them." Ning said while Aeri only chuckled.

"Aeri can talk to them on my behalf." Jimin said.

"No, we can't do that. You have to be the one to greet them. Come on, we're only going to talk to the important ones. We need to protect your image as the leader of Yoo Airlines." Aeri told her.

"You can go. I'll be with Ning." Minjeong said.

"Ning, make sure you stay with my wife." Jimin warned.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll take care of her." Ning gave her a thumbs up.

"I'll be back okay." Jimin whispered softly, kissing Minjeong's cheek before she finally walked away with Aeri.

"Boring right? That's their life for being someone influential. They have to make sure and keep a good and strong bond with those important business people." Ning said to Minjeong.

"Luckily, we don't need to do that." Minjeong chuckled.

"You're right. We should enjoy the party instead." Ning grinned.






"Your wife is staring."

Jimin stopped talking to the old woman in front of them and turned her head to look for Minjeong. There she saw her, standing not too far from where she was. Minjeong have been staring at Jimin without being afraid of getting caught at all. She finds herself taking as many glances at Jimin all over again that she ended up staring at her for a long time.

That's why, Aeri noticed while Jimin was talking to one of their clients.

"I hope you have a good night, Mrs Wang." Jimin bowed her head and fortunately, the woman understands and ends their conversation.

Aeri watches as Jimin walked ahead to go to Minjeong.

Jimin's eyes were fixed on Minjeong, she ignored everyone else as she quickened her pace. Minjeong tilted her head and raised her eyebrows seeing Jimin was coming towards her.

"Hi, baby." Jimin sighed when she finally gets to hold Minjeong again.

"I missed you." Jimin whispered while her lips were on Minjeong's forehead.

"What?" Minjeong giggled.

"I said, I missed you." Jimin smiled and wrapped her arm again around her.

"It was not even that long."

"I know. I just want to be by your side all the time." 

"I... I want that too."

Jimin paused, blinking her eyes before clearing . She knows that she got it bad for Minjeong, but it still caught her off guard sometimes, when Minjeong was being honest with how she feels around her or about her.

"I love you, baby."

And Minjeong keeps giving her that favourite smile of hers that Jimin finds very attractive.

"I love you too, Jimin ah."

And that's enough to create a chaos inside Jimin's heart. Well, a beautiful chaos of course.

Unknown to them, a pair of a jealous eye was watching their interaction like a hawk.






Minjeong was telling Jimin that she would be going to the restroom when Jimin was talking to Hwang Yeji and Hwang Hyunjin, the powerful siblings from the Hwang family.

"I'll come back to you. I can go alone." Minjeong assured Jimin when Jimin offered to accompany.

Jimin frowned slightly, but Minjeong squeezed her arm and keep telling her that she won't take long.

"I'll come and find you if you did not come back in 10 minutes." Jimin told her.


"Okay, go."

Yeji and Hyunjin looked at each other while witnessing Jimin's interaction with Minjeong.

"Damn, Jimin. Aeri was not lying when she said you're that whipped for your wife." Yeji smirked.

"She is my wife, after all. It's only right to be whipped for her, and her only." Jimin replied, shrugging when the twins wiggling their eyebrows at her.

While at the other hand, Minjeong was washing her hands. She wanted to pee earlier, but suddenly she does not feel like it anymore. So, she decided to go back to Jimin again. As she left the restroom, she stopped when she turned to her right and saw her former best friend who she had not seen for years.

"Jeno..." She whispered.

Jeno lifted up his head and pushed himself off the wall, turning his body to approach Minjeong.

"Kim Minjeong- Ah, or should I say, Yoo Minjeong?"

Minjeong gulped and clenched her fists on her sides.

"Aren't you amazing, Minjeong?"

"What- Why are you here?" Minjeong asked, stepping back when Jeno continued to approach her. 

It was only the two of them in the empty hallways. Minjeong would prefer it that way, since she wouldn't like anyone else to see her being weak like right now.

"Desperate, aren't you?"


"When I heard the news, I am sure that you used your family's power to tie the knot with Jimin."


Jeno scoffed and sighed heavily, looking at her with hatred.

"It's suspicious from the beginning. There was no wedding, not even photos of you two getting married. I can't believe that you did a dirty trick to get Jimin." Jeno accused her.

"I didn't do anything." Minjeong said, gritting her teeth. She was angry with Jeno's accusation.

"And you think I will believe that? Pft. I should have known. You were not as innocent as you seemed to be."

"You don't have to believe me. It's not important anymore." Minjeong said and was about to turn around when suddenly Jeno grabbed her wrist and turned her back around.


"You know what I regret the most, Minjeong? I should have just let you date Jaemin back then." Jeno hissed in anger.

"Let me go." Minjeong tried to pull her hand away, but Jeno kept his strong hold on her.

"I thought you were my best friend. Why did you betray me like this?"

"I never betray you!" Minjeong shouted, which startled Jeno a little since Minjeong was not someone who would scream at someone. Minjeong was calm and quiet, that was the Minjeong that he knew.

"Let go of me!" Minjeong pushed him harshly.

"You- You lied to me, Jeno. You manipulated me. You were the one who betrayed me. I- I trusted you. I trusted you, Jeno." Minjeong's eyes were red and teary now as she stared at Jeno.

"You were my best friend. You broke my trust and heart like no one else could."

"It wouldn't happen if only you like someone else." Jeno glared.

"Bull, Jeno! I liked Jaemin before, but you broke us before we even can start whatever might happen between us."

"I didn't-"

"Don't you dare to tell another lie!" Minjeong pointed a finger at him.

"I met Jaemin few years ago and he told me everything! I thought you were trying to protect me, but you just do not want to see me happy. You were not the best friend I thought you were, you were actually the enemy."

Jeno gritted his teeth, still glaring at Minjeong for talking back to him.

"You're only brave now that you know you're married to Jimin."

"Don't bring my wife into this." Minjeong glared back at him.

"What? Are you going to report this to your wife? You're a coward, and you forever will be." Jeno smirked and was about come closer when a cold voice stopped him.

"One more step, and I will make you regret for even trying to approach her."

Jeno froze and saw Jimin behind. Jimin's face was cold, nothing has changed. However, this time, Jeno could feel that Jimin's aura was not the same as it used to be. The air around her was dark. If there was a gun in her hand, Jeno would have probably been shot to death already.

Jimin then looked at Minjeong's clenched fists then at her wife's small and fragile back. 

"Turn around, and look at me, baby." Jimin said coldly, but Minjeong was the only one who knew, Jimin was not even trying to sound cold to her, she was only desperate to see Minjeong's condition.

Minjeong turned her head slightly, and Jimin swears her heart stopped beating for a while as she noticed the tears rolling down from Minjeong's eyes.

"Oh. You're going to really regret it now, for making her cry."

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Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #1
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #2
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #3
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
720 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #7
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #8
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 146: that was so good omg
taenggo09 11 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 146: this is a great one
thank you for writing such a beautiful story