In Spite Of Everything, It Is Still You (Final Sequel)

Winrina = Jiminjeong

It has been 2 months since they found Minjeong back again. Everything was going well for everyone, including Minjeong. Yeji helped her a lot too, which Ning and her family were thankful for her.

"Aeri, do you think your company has a vacant position for Minjeong?" Ning asked when they were out for lunch with Jimin.

Jimin stopped eating as she paid attention to Ning's question as well.

"Minjeong wants to work?" Aeri asked.

"Yes. She said she does not want to continue to be a burden to Yeji." Ning said.

"Yeji have been supporting her?" Jimin asked this time.

"Yeah. She said she did not mean to stay actually, but Minmin likes it here."

"Ahem. Well, my company is hiring right now..." Jimin said slowly.

Ning and Aeri looked at her. Jimin sits up straight and pressed her lips into a thin line.

"O-Only if Minjeong wouldn't mind though." Jimin said quietly.

Ning's serious face then changed into a smiling one. She leaned her body forward to look at Jimin closely.

"I thought you did not care about her anymore." Ning said which make Jimin frowned.

"Of course, I do." Jimin told her.

Ning hummed and thought of what Minjeong had finally told her. What really happened in the past, what caused Jimin to break up with her and the reason why she left. Ning tilted her head as she stared at Jimin's face.



Ning waited for Minjeong to start, as she does not want to pressure her since it is a heavy topic for Minjeong. She just let Minjeong thought of how to tell her first while she played with her phone, until Minjeong finally caught her attention by coughing twice.

"Ning ah..."

"Yes?" Ning puts down her phone, paying her full attention to her best friend.

"First of all, I want to apologise for leaving just like that. I feel bad for making you and your parents worried."

Ning shook her head and was still smiling at Minjeong.

"Do not feel bad. We are just glad that you're here now."

Minjeong nodded then took a deep breathe.

"I... I met Yunjin, before Jimin broke up with me."

Ning frowned, she encouraged Minjeong to continue.

"She- We- Uh... She came to my place at that time. Jimin was supposed to come too, but I texted her not to come."

Minjeong looked down as she tried to remember back what happened back then.

"Yunjin was back after a long time. You know that I... I missed her. I can't just ask her to leave. There must be a reason why she came to see me, so I let her in." Minjeong said.


"And she told me that she missed me. I felt happy, to know that I wasn't the only one. You know..." Minjeong looked at Ning, trying to check her expression. When Ning showed none, she continued.

"She... She just suddenly leaned in. She was about to kiss me. And I, I stayed unmoving. That's when Jimin barged in." Minjeong bit her bottom lip, she still remembered the pain on Jimin's face that day.

"She left after that, without asking anything. I know I was supposed to go after her and- I don't know. But instead, I stayed with Yunjin."


"When Yunjin asked about Jimin. I couldn't tell her that Jimin was my girlfriend, but I insisted for her to tell me why was she there after a long time of not seeing each other."

"Did she want to get back with you?" Ning asked.

"She did, at first."


"She held my hand, she hugged me. I thought, oh it was nice to have her again, but at the same time, I felt that something was not right. I pulled away from her."

"What happened, Minjeong ah?"

"My heart was racing for a split second, Ning. But it was gone too fast as well. I couldn't stop thinking about Jimin. And Yunjin noticed my face."


"She said, we were not supposed to get back together, even though that was what she wanted when she came to me. She said, not after she saw how I've moved on and did not feel anything else but simply just missing our memories together."


"I know." Minjeong whined and rubbed her face.

"It took me so long to realise it, Ning. I was stupid."

"Then, Jimin..."

"Yeah. She thought I was cheating on her." Minjeong smiled sadly.

"I wanted to explain it to her, to finally confess my feelings. I was desperate, Ning. She was with Ryujin most of the time, I kept trying to find a way to meet her. I need to let out my heart."

"But you didn't get to do it..." Ning mumbled.

"No, sadly no." Minjeong sighed.

"She had been very patient with me, very kind and loving too. She's perfect, Ningie. And I took her for granted." Minjeong looked down again.

"That night... the last time we met. It was the first time that I saw her that angry with me, Ning. I was scared, I felt hurt, mostly for her. It made me think that I must have hurt her too much to make her react that way." Minjeong said.

"She kept pushing me, but like I said, I was desperate. I asked her to kiss me and prove me that she does not love me anymore. I wanted to believe that she was still madly in love with me, like what she always told me." Minjeong closed her eyes and as the past memory came back into her mind, her wounded heart cracked open once again.

"She did kiss me. Her kiss made me feel cold and my heart shattered for the first time ever because of Yoo Jimin. She was staring at me with that cold eye of hers when she's done." Minjeong opened her eyes, letting tears rolled out of her eyes.

"That's when I realised, that I was too late." Minjeong whispered.



Ning felt her heart breaks for Minjeong whenever she remembered her story. Minjeong also told her that Jimin asked her to leave her for good and to never see her again, it's the last thing she could do, and the only way she could do to prove her love is real for Jimin this time.



"I just wanted her to know, that it was never a one sided love, Ning. That I do love her back, I always have. It's just I never realised it until it was too late. I wanted her to feel my love too. That's why I left. I wanted her to know that my feeling is real."



Ning did not know what to say to Minjeong. In the past, she thought that it's going to be hard for Minjeong to like Jimin back. Everyone witnessed how Jimin did many things to win her heart. Jimin was all over her, it was obvious. While Minjeong, she never really paid attention that much to Jimin. So, to know that Minjeong sacrificed her all to leave Jimin, to prove that she loves her was beyond her imagination.

"I'm afraid that she will not agree to work under your company, Jimin." Ning said. Minjeong told her that she does not want to get close to Jimin, she's doing all of this for Jimin.

"Oh." Jimin looked dejected, but still nodded her head.

"Do you still think that she has never loved you at all, Jimin?" Ning suddenly asked.

Jimin raised her eyebrows while Aeri turned to Ning, squeezing her hand.

"I... Um, I don't know." Jimin shook her head.

"Come to think of it, Jimin. She left." Ning said and sipped on her drinks. Ning only observed how Jimin look confused at what Ning was trying to tell her.

"She left, Jimin. For you. Don't you remember anything from the last night you saw her before she left?"

Minjeong might tell her that she was fine, and that she has Minmin now. Yeji was a new addition into her small family too as a sister she never had. Minjeong has her, Aeri and her parents too. Yes, Minjeong might be loved by them all. She might say that she was happy, that it was enough. But no, Ning knows her best friend well. 

Minjeong's heart has not been healed yet, there was sadness within her. And as much as she told Ning that she was moving on from Jimin, she can't fool Ning. No, not when her eyes still sparkle at the mention of Jimin's name. So, Ning swore, that she would do anything to bring them back together. Because now, she was sure, the feelings were still there, both of them. 

"I don't know what you mean-"

"Oh. I also forgot to tell you, Minmin was not her real daughter." Ning said, interrupting Jimin.


"Yeah, Minmin is adopted. Minjeong adopted her, with Yeji's help." Aeri said it this time.

Jimin blinked her eyes, she tried to pretend that it does not interest her, which failed terribly. Ning and Aeri almost scoffed at her failed acting.

"Oh." Jimin nodded her head slowly.

"And also, didn't you say that Yeji is going for a date with someone she has been talking to online?" Aeri asked Ning, she knew what her fiancee was trying to do, so she played along.

"Yes. Minjeong said, Yeji really like the girl." Ning said.

Jimin looked at Ning and Aeri with her round eyes at the new information. Ning then looked at Jimin innocently. Make it right, Yoo Jimin. Get your Kim Minjeong back.










Minjeong chuckled seeing the grandmother looking adorable as Minmin taught her how to draw. She decided to bring Minmin to hang out at the grandmother's house since it was her day off. Minmin grew closer to her too, since sometimes she had to leave Minmin with the grandmother when she had to go out and cannot bring Minmin with her.

"Hey, grandma. Do you think your boss will accept it if I replace you instead?"


"Grandma, you need to rest. I will work for you, I will take care of you. Let me work for us now."


"Please. I just want to find a reason to stay, grandma."

The grandmother looked at Minjeong's calm face, she smiled. Minjeong truly need a reason to stay.



"I can't promise that my boss will agree though."

"Oh, don't you worry, grandma. I think I still got my charm." Minjeong winked and the grandmother only laughed at her.










Jimin have been thinking of what Ning had told her. She kept thinking if Minjeong really left just for her, to prove that she really loves her. 

"So, she refused to talk to me to keep being strangers. Was it because..." Jimin gasped and stood up abruptly.

"Really? What if it was just me?" Jimin sighed and bit her forefinger as she kept pacing in her office room.

She couldn't focus on her work, her mind was filled with Minjeong and the possibility of Minjeong having a feeling for her.

"But if I approach her again, she will keep going away." Jimin puffed her cheeks and looked up at the ceiling.

"Should I just try again?"

Jimin then went out of her office to tell her secretary to push her schedule to tomorrow as she needs to meet Aeri for an opinion.






Jimin smiled awkwardly at Aeri who was looking at her with no expression.

"How old are you again, Yoo Jimin?"

"Uh, 28?"

Aeri smacked her head and Jimin immediately groaned as she looked at her with her shocked expression.

"I wasn't asking, idiot. I was being sarcastic." Aeri glared at her.


"Ugh. Jimin, Ning and I have given you more than enough hints already." Aeri put her hands on her hips.

"Well, I still... You know, it's hard to believe."

"Just go. Nothing wrong with trying to amend things. But make sure you don't make her feel uncomfortable." Aeri said.

"What if she pushes me away again?"

"Then you try again tomorrow."

"If she does the same thing?"

"Then you keep trying if it feels right to do it. Jimin, you're the one who had been with her. I'm sure you know better."

"Right. Wish me luck?"

Aeri smiled and hugged her.

"I always wish you both the best."










"I thought you said Jimin is going to do something about Minjeong?"

"Well, yes. I didn't know that she might take too long to prepare herself, darling."

Ning pouted, and Aeri pecked her lips. Yes, after a few weeks, Jimin have not done anything yet. She was still a stranger with Minjeong. Just like now, they were at Ning's mansion again for her mother's birthday, and she invited Jimin and Minjeong.

"It's annoying to see her keep stealing glances at Minjeong."

"Doesn't it remind you of the good old days?" Aeri asked and laughed when Ning groaned.

Jimin used to stare at Minjeong with her eyes, ogling at Minjeong shamelessly to let her know that she likes her. Ning and Aeri witnessed that many times, and they were the ones that will scold Jimin and stopped her from being creepy.

"Well, at least, now she can control herself a little." Aeri said.






Jimin looked up at the night sky as she enjoyed the night breeze outside. She felt bored inside and so much has been going in her mind, so she went to Ning's backyard garden.

She tilted her head when she saw Minmin, she was about to go towards her when she saw another little boy with her, so she stopped and just watched them.

"Let me see." 

Minmin was sitting down on the ground, checking her knees with the little boy squatting beside her.

"Why are you not crying?" The little boy asked.

"Because I am big enough not to cry anymore." Minmin answered him.

"But, doesn't it hurt?"

"It does, but I don't want to cry."


"If I cry, mommy will get worried. Then, mommy will be sad. If mommy is sad, mommy will cry. So, I can't."

Jimin smiled hearing how thoughtful Minmin was.

"I've seen my mommy cry often when she thought I wasn't looking. Seeing her cry hurts a lot." Minmin said. Jimin frowned at Minmin's next words. Minjeong cries often?

Minmin pouted and sighed, while the little boy listened to her.

"It breaks my heart, and it makes me really want to cry with her. It's more painful to see my mommy cry than my knee got scratch like this."

The boy blinked his eyes and nodded his head.

"You are amazing."


"I've never seen a girl who does not cry when they got hurt. You are really strong. I want to be your friend! What's your name??"

Minmin giggled and turned her body to face him properly, she offered a handshake which he accepted. Jimin sighed and was about to turn around, she does not want to disturb their little moments and that she has seen enough, maybe she can tell Ning about Minmin's small injury, so she can inform Minjeong about it.

She took a step already when she stopped as she heard her name.



"Yes. My name is Jimin. Kim Jimin."

Jimin's eyebrows furrowed, she looked back at Minmin with confused eyes.

"Jimin. That's a pretty name!" The little praised and grinned.

Minmin beamed and nodded her head vigorously.

"It is a pretty name! Mommy gave this special name to me, and I love it so much. Do you want to know the reason for my name?"

"Yes, yes! What is it?"

Minmin sighed dreamily and clasped her hands.

"So, there's this one person that mommy loves so much. She's the apple of her eyes, the stars of her night, the sunshine of her day..."

"Oh! I know! Is it your other mother?" The boy asked expectantly.

Minmin blinked her eyes before sighing heavily, looking down at her feet.

"Sadly, no..."


"Mommy said that she does not deserve her. She's the sky that mommy can no longer reach, and that she's happier without mommy."

"Oh..." The little boy now was pouting, feeling sad about it too. Minmin looked up at him and slowly smiled.

"But, her name has been engraved in mommy's heart forever. The name that mommy will always remember and love She's that precious to mommy." Minmin said.


"Yes, and her name is Jimin too."

"Wait, that's your name??"

"Mm!" Minmin nodded her head.

"Mommy gave me the name of the love of her life."


"Right. It's sad that she can't be with her Jimin, but it's okay. Mommy now have me. I promise that I won't leave my mommy. I'll be the Jimin that mommy can and will always have. So, mommy will still have her Jimin." 

The little boy now was smiling with Minmin as he listened to her story.

"I may not be that Jimin, the love of her life. But, I am still a Jimin, and I am mommy's love of life too."

The little boy looked at her in awe as he nodded, agreeing with what she said.

"I like you."


"You love your mommy a lot. You're a good girl."

"If you meet my mommy, you will love her a lot too."

"Really? Can I meet your mommy then?"

"Of course! Mommy will be happy to know that I make a new friend!"

After hearing enough of the kids' conversation, Jimin quickly walked away to hide from them. She walked towards her car instead with a racing heart. It was too much, she couldn't process what she had just found out. Was that the reason why Minmin would sometimes like to stare at her? Does Minmin know that it was her?

If before this, Jimin was still doubting of thinking that Minjeong might really have a feeling for her. Well, now, she was certain that Minjeong really does love her back.

"Minmin is Jimin. Kim Jimin. Minjeong named her after me." Jimin whispered.






Jimin got back inside after thinking it through. Her eyes searched for Minjeong. She asked Aeri if she saw her.

"She's going to the bathroom, why?"

Jimin ignored her and hurried to find Minjeong. She closed her eyes and put her hands on each side of the door frame as she waited for Minjeong while preparing what she was going to say to her.


Jimin opened her eyes and looked at Minjeong who were holding her chest, blinking with wide eyes at her.

"D-Do you want to use the bathroom? I'm done already." Minjeong said, bowing her head at Jimin.

"Kim Jimin."

Minjeong froze.

"That's Minmin's name."

Minjeong refused to look at her even though she was not sure how did Jimin find out. She remembers she have not told Ning or Aeri about it. Only Yeji and the grandmother knows. 


"I have to go."

Jimin blocked her way and held her arm.

"What are you doing?" Minjeong frowned and tried to push her hands off.

"Minjeong ah."

Minjeong shook her head and looked down.

"Please, s-stop."

"I think that's enough, Minjeong." Jimin said sternly this time.

"What?" Minjeong looked up and frowned.

"You've proven it enough. Stop it now, Minjeong." Jimin said, staring right into her eyes.


"I know. I get it now. Y-You..." Jimin gulped, suddenly feeling insecure, but she fought her insecurity and cupped Minjeong's face.

"You love me, right?" Jimin whispered, finding answers in Minjeong's eyes.

"I just need you to say it now to make me believe. Please." Jimin pleaded.

Minjeong stepped back, wanted to get away again, but Jimin followed her. She refused to let go of her. No more.


"Tell me your real feeling. I'm begging you, Kim Minjeong." For the first time, Jimin sounds vulnerable to Minjeong, and she hates that she's making Jimin feels this way.


Jimin closed her eyes and waited.

"Do you love me?" Jimin asked.

Minjeong nodded her head while closing her eyes.

"I do."

Jimin smiled, finally letting her happy tears rolled down on her cheeks.

"Can we talk then? There's something I need you to know." Jimin said softly.


Jimin texted Ning to take care of Minmin for a while as she brought Minjeong with her. They were driving around the city, using Jimin's car as she drives calmly. Jimin glanced at Minjeong who were fidgeting with her fingers and only looked outside the window.

Jimin stopped at the empty park. Minjeong's eyes widened. It was Jimin's favourite park.

"Is it okay if we talk here?" Jimin asked.

"Y-Yeah, sure."

Jimin then got out first to open the door for her. She took Minjeong's hand slowly into her hand and looked at Minjeong to see any discomfort on her face. When she sees none, she held her hand tightly and started to walk.

Jimin brought her to sit down on a bench, near the tall tree. Jimin was still holding her hand on her lap, and made sure to sit close to her.

"Minjeong, I want you to listen to everything. Okay?"

Minjeong nodded her head.

And so, Jimin explained to her everything from the start.



Jimin ran out on the street while crying, she only stopped when she felt that her feet were hurting and her legs would give out soon. She dropped to her knees on the ground with tears continuously falling down from her eyes.

"Why? Why, Minjeong ah? Why am I not enough for you?" Jimin cried.

She kept hitting her chest and wanted to stop crying, but it hurts so much. So, she screamed her heart out in frustration, anger and sadness. When her lungs got hurt, she stopped and cried more.

"I love you so much, Minjeong ah. Why do you keep hurting me like this? Why can't you look at me?" 

Ryujin drove as fast as she could after receiving a text from Jimin. She arrived 10 minutes later, and felt her heart hurt seeing Jimin in that state.

"Jimin? Hey."

Jimin looked dead in the eyes. Ryujin frowned and tried to help her up.

"I'll bring you home."

Ryujin took care of her best friend, whom she has a feeling for. When they entered Jimin's apartment, Jimin broke down again.

"Why can't I feel anything but this pain?"


"Why can't she look at me, Ryujin? Why can't she just love me back?" Jimin cried, hugging her knees to her chest.

"I want to be with her so bad. I want her to love me back. I want her so much."

Ryujin clenched her fists seeing Jimin broke down like that in front of her.

"I gave her my all, all of my heart. I just want her to look at me."

"Be with me, Jimin. Let me heal you, let me take your heart." Ryujin said seriously.

Jimin shook her head and buried her face on her knees.

"Jimin ah."

"She's taking everything with her. Nothing left for anyone else." Jimin mumbled and sobbed.

Ryujin looked away, feeling hurt by how much Jimin loves Minjeong.

"I just want her to love me back." Jimin cried again.

"Make her love me, Ryujin. Make her love me."

Ryujin closed her eyes, she has heard enough. She couldn't hear anything else coming from Jimin's mouth.

When Jimin woke up the next day, she wasn't crying anymore. Ryujin stayed with her everyday to take care of her as Jimin was not feeling well and she felt numb too. 

Ryujin managed to convince her to go out to get a fresh air, they didn't expect to bump into Minjeong. Ryujin did not want Jimin to feel hurt anymore, especially after Jimin told her that she broke up with Minjeong already through a text message. So, she pretended to be Jimin's girlfriend and hoped that Jimin would play along.

Ryujin was glad that Jimin did play along and refused to talk to Minjeong.

And then, that night. Minjeong came again to her apartment. Jimin tried hard not to break down in front of Minjeong. She was hurt and she needed space. She couldn't handle it anymore. So, she burst out in anger. She even used Ryujin to hurt her back. It was stupid, it was petty, but she just can't help it.

When Minjeong finally left, she punched her door until her knuckles bleed. She burst out crying again as she slid down and curled her body near the door.



Minjeong's tears dropped from her eyes as she listened to Jimin's story. She didn't know that Jimin had suffered so much too.

"I'm not with Ryujin. I mean it when I said I would never have a feeling for her." Jimin told her softly.

"I- Minjeong?" Jimin frowned seeing Minjeong was crying.

"D-Did I say something? What- Why are you crying?" Jimin became panic and she wrapped an arm around Minjeong as she cupped Minjeong's cheek using her other hand.

"Hey." Jimin called her softly and wiped off her tears with her thumb.

Minjeong cried even more when Jimin took care of her gently like that.

"Min-" Jimin froze when Minjeong hugged her, hands gripping tight on Jimin's shirt.

When Jimin hugged her back, Minjeong tightened her hug on Jimin, still crying. Jimin rubbed her back, letting her cry in her arms, and decided to wait until she calms down.They stayed like that for a few minutes, until Minjeong stopped crying.

However, Minjeong was still hugging her tightly, so Jimin only let her.

"I-I'm sorry." Minjeong's voice cracked as she apologised. 

Jimin wanted to pull away, but Minjeong held her stronger.

"I'm sorry for hurting you all the time. I don't deserve you."


"Jimin, please. I don't want to hurt you anymore."

Jimin sighed and managed to pull away this time. 

"You're not going to hurt me anymore, Minjeong. I will protect my heart this time." Jimin said.

"Oh..." Minjeong looked down, and Jimin smiled.

"Will you help me protect it too?" Jimin asked, and Minjeong looked at her again.

"Give me a chance, and keep my heart with you again. This way, I can be happy again."

"B-But I- But, why? Why do you want to let me in again?" Minjeong asked.

"Because Minjeong, where does it bring me?"


"I was lost without you. I kept thinking of you. I couldn't move on from you. And my heart, it longs for you. I still love you, Minjeong ah." Jimin confessed.










Minjeong puffed her cheeks and runs her fingers through her hair as she just put down the heavy box. She pulled out her hair tie that was around her wrist, trying to tie her hair when other hands took over and tie her hair for her.

"Oh? Jimin?"

She turned around once her hair had been tied into a ponytail.

"Hi." Jimin smiled and leaned in slowly to give her a soft peck on her cheek.

Minjeong blushed and smiled shyly at her which made Jimin to smile widely at Minjeong's adorable reaction. After almost a month of convincing Minjeong to give another chance to fix their relationship, Minjeong finally agreed to try it again. Although, they are still on the dating terms, not being official as lovers yet.

"You're early." Minjeong mumbled.

"Yes. I finished work already." Jimin replied, her one hand on Minjeong's waist as they talked.

"I see. Um, you can just wait in your car. I'll go to you once my shift is done."

"It's okay, I want to see you work and make sure you're not slacking." Jimin teased, Minjeong only glared cutely at her.

"You're only going to distract me. I need to carry this first."

Jimin glanced at the huge box and frowned. 

"You will carry this?"

"I've carried it already."

"Where do you need to bring it?"

"Back to the store room. I changed the old packaging of snacks to new ones just now."

Jimin nodded and bends down to pick up the box and carry it for Minjeong. 

"Y-Yah, what are you doing?"

"Let's go. I'll carry this one for you."


"Faster. Grandma and Minmin have been waiting already."

Minjeong sighed and gave in, she led the way to the store room and told Jimin to put down the box anywhere.

"Grandma have been working like this for years?" Jimin asked.

"Yes. I can't believe that it's this tiring. She must have hurt her back a lot." Minjeong pouted. She's glad that she managed to convince the grandmother to quit this job already. She also finally introduced Jimin to the grandmother, since Jimin have been more clingy than she used to be. Jimin wanted to be with Minjeong anytime she can. 

"Now, you're going to hurt your back too." Jimin commented.

"It's fine. I'm still young."

Jimin rolled her eyes at Minjeong's casual answer. She grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. Minjeong got startled as she put her hands on Jimin's shoulders.

"I can't let you hurt yourself like that." Jimin said.

"But I can handle this."

"What if I don't want you to?"


"Work with me instead, Minjeong."

"W-What? No... I can't." Minjeong frowned. People will talk, Jimin can't just give her a job just because they were dating.

"Why?" Jimin asked.

"Jimin. It's not fair for everyone."

"What's not fair? I know you have the skill and you are more than qualified to get hired." Jimin said, acknowledged Minjeong's education background.

"Yes, but..." Minjeong blinked her eyes when Jimin leaned closer and pecked her lips.

"Just work with me, baby." Jimin whispered against her lips.

Minjeong blushed hearing Jimin called her with an endearment again after a long time, and cleared , pushing Jimin slightly. 

"There's CCTV, Jimin." Minjeong lowered her head and pulled Jimin out of the store room.

"We're not doing anything though."

"Yes, but-" Jimin pecked her lips again.

"Jimiiin." Minjeong whined in a whisper.

Jimin chuckled seeing how Minjeong's blushing face gets redder.






"Aunty Jimin!"

Jimin chuckled and picked Minmin up before she spun her around, both were laughing happily.

"Minmin, I thought I'm your favourite aunty." Yeji sulked, crossing her arms as she pouted at Minmin.

Minmin giggled as she patted Jimin's arms to put her down, then she ran and hugged Yeji's legs.

"Of course, you are. Don't be sad, aunty Yeji." Minmin said cutely.

Jimin chuckled, decided to check on Minjeong and the grandmother in the kitchen. She greeted the grandmother before going towards Minjeong to give her a back hug. 

"Hi, baby. I miss you." Jimin whispered.

"We were together a minute ago." Minjeong shook her head.

"A minute feels like an hour when you're not with me." Jimin said.

"Ugh, Jimin, please."

Jimin chuckled when Minjeong groaned at her cheesy lines.

"What?" Jimin brushed her nose on Minjeong's shoulder and tightened her hold around her. Minjeong kept giggling as Jimin tickled her playfully.

The grandmother watched them fondly, happy to finally see Minjeong's bright face and to see their love is slowly blooming.

Yeji and Minmin came in to see what's going on when they heard the sound of Minjeong's nonstop giggling, only to find her in Jimin's arms as Jimin whispered her sweet and romantic lines. 

Minmin tilted her head and smiled, it's finally there. Her mommy's genuine, happy smile. She's ecstatic to finally witness it herself. 

She looked up at Yeji who looked back at her with a wide smile. 

"Your mommy is happy now." Yeji mouthed and Minmin tried to hide her giggles as she covered with her palm.






Jimin kept pulling Minjeong into her arms. She had been saying bye to Jimin and wanted to get inside for more than three times. Minmin was inside with Yeji, Yeji promised to read her to sleep. 

"Jimin, at this point, we'll be sleeping here, standing." Minjeong said, giggling seeing Jimin pouted at her.

"I still miss you." Jimin said and hugged Minjeong's waist closer.

"Don't go yet." Jimin whispered.

She smiled when Minjeong played with her shirt's button.

"We need to sleep. I have work tomorrow." Minjeong said.

"Work with me, then you can come to work whenever you want."

"And that's the reason why I don't want to work with you. What are people going to say, Jimin."

"Just ignore them."


Jimin leaned her back against the wall, pulling Minjeong with her. She cupped Minjeong's cheek with one hand and caressing her lovingly. Minjeong hummed as she closed her eyes, enjoying Jimin's soft touch.

"I'm sorry for keeping you from going to sleep. Are you tired?" Jimin asked.

"No." Minjeong shook her head and opened her eyes, seeing a smiling Jimin.

She blinked her eyes as she stares at Jimin's eyebrows, then her beautiful eyes. She raised her hand to touch Jimin's eyebrows, then slides her fingers down to trace Jimin's nose and jaw. 

"Why?" Jimin asked.

"Jimin, you're gorgeous." Minjeong said honestly.

Jimin smiled and moved her head to kiss Minjeong's fingertips. 

"And so as you."

Minjeong hummed and stares at Jimin's pretty lips.

"What do you want, baby?" Jimin asked, whispering as her heart was skipping beats so fast because of Minjeong's deep stare.

Minjeong looked up at her eyes, before looking down at her lips again. Minjeong gulped and slowly wrapped her arms around Jimin's neck. A blush appears on her cheeks. Jimin only watched her in amusement.

"I want to kiss you." Minjeong muttered lowly, blushing furiously now after letting out her desire to Jimin.

Jimin's smile widened when she heard that. It's new, coming from Minjeong. Minjeong have never initiate for a kiss. Jimin's stomach was feeling all of those butterflies. 

"Do you?" Jimin asked for a confirmation, and Minjeong nodded shyly.

"Then, kiss me, my love."

Minjeong's sparkling eyes looked into Jimin's loving eyes. She leaned her face closer and her hands moved to rub Jimin's nape.

When her lips finally touched Jimin's lips, she closed her eyes and tilted her head. She felt Jimin's strong arms were hugging her tighter. 

She smiled when Jimin kissed her back. It was a slow and sensual kiss, she felt her heart was about to burst out of her chest.

When Jimin kissed her deeper, she had to lean her body against Jimin as she felt her knees got weakened. Jimin's kiss was amazing, and Minjeong wanted to cry because of how good it was.

They stopped when they heard the door opened. Yeji shook her head and crossed her arms, smirking at Jimin who raised her eyebrows at her while Minjeong quickly buried her face in Jimin's shoulder, feeling embarrassed at Yeji. 

"Are you guys not done yet? Minmin has been asleep already. Also, Ms CEO, we have a meeting tomorrow." Yeji teased. 

"You're going home also." Jimin told her. 

"Of course." 

"Let's go then." 

"What? Are you jealous if I'll still be here when you're not around?" Yeji smirked. 

Jimin glared at her which she finds it entertaining instead. 

"Go get your stuff, we will be leaving together." Jimin commanded. 

"You're annoying, Yoo Jimin." Yeji grumbled, but still followed what Jimin said as she also feels tired and wanted to go home. 

Jimin looked at Minjeong and smiled, she grabbed her chin to make her look up. 

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" 


Jimin pecked her lips once more.










Jimin laughed when Minmin scolded her for not staying still as she tried to put on some cute stickers on her face. Minmin was currently on her lap, trying to do a makeover for Jimin.

"Minmin. Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, yes. You'll look beautiful. Just trust me." Minmin said seriously.

Jimin hummed then closed her eyes, letting the little girl do whatever she wants. While Minjeong was busy in the kitchen, she was packing some picnic stuff for Minmin. 

Yeji wanted to bring Minmin for a picnic with her date.

"Say, Minmin. Who is your favourite aunty?" Jimin asked.

"You can't ask me that. That question has been banned now."

Jimin opened her eyes and raised her eyebrows.

"I don't want a sulky aunty Yeji and I don't want you to get sulky about it too. So, don't ask me that anymore." Minmin warned her and narrowed her eyes.

Jimin then glanced at Minjeong who was still busy in the kitchen.

"What if I stop being your aunty instead?" Jimin asked.

"Eh? What do you mean, aunty Jimin?"

"What if I become your mama. You call me mama, so Yeji can still be your favourite aunty."

Minmin blinked her eyes before gasping and glanced at Minjeong as well. 

"Aunty Jimin! Are you going to propose mommy?" Minmin asked excitedly.

"Shh. Well, um, I'm thinking about it. What do you think?" Jimin asked nervously.

"Wait. We have the same name. Does that mean that I'll have to change my surname and then our name will really be the same?"

Jimin chuckled and grinned at her. 

"Yoo Jimin is a nice name. Don't you want to have the exact same name as me?" Jimin asked, feeling smug about it.

"Yoo Jimin." Minmin murmured.

"And mommy will be Yoo Minjeong. Do you think she will like it?"

Minmin slowly smiled and nodded her head. 

"I think it's going to be awesome."

They both high five and did a small dance when the bell rang. 

"Oh! That must be aunty Yeji!"

Jimin helped Minmin to open the door and greeted Yeji. 

"How do I look?" Yeji asked as soon as she saw her.

"Well..." Jimin looked at her from head to toe.

"I'm sure your date will be impressed." Jimin praised her.

"Thank you!" Yeji smirked and hugged her briefly before carrying Minmin.

"You're here. Here's the food." Minjeong appeared and handed to Yeji a small basket filled with some food.

Jimin pulled her to her side and put her hands on her waist. 

"Thanks, Minjeong! We'll have fun. So, please don't worry about Minmin." Yeji said.

"Okay. Just don't forget to update me." Minjeong said.

"I will, and also, Jimin?"


"Nice makeover." Yeji laughed when Jimin hissed, but she ended up smiling when Minmin laughed with Yeji.

"She looks cute!" Minmin said as she pointed at Jimin.

After a few hugs and kisses, Minmin finally left with Yeji. Now, Minjeong was alone with Jimin.

Minjeong chuckled seeing Jimin's face full with sticker.

"Did Minmin put them all for you?"

"Yes, she loves me." Jimin mumbled and put her hands on Minjeong's hips as Minjeong tried to pull off the stickers.

"She does." Minjeong replied.

"Do you want to go out or just stay in and cuddle?" Jimin asked.

"Is it okay if we just stay in, watch some movies and cuddle?"


Half an hour into the movie, Jimin pulled Minjeong onto her lap and circled her arms around her waist. Minjeong was eating popcorn, feeding Jimin as well while watching the movie together.

Jimin slipped her hands underneath Minjeong's shirt, caressing her bare stomach.

"Jimin, the movie..."


Minjeong tilted her head when Jimin moved her hair to one side to kiss her neck. 



Minjeong squeezed Jimin's hand that was on her stomach inside her shirt, and Jimin pulled her dangerously closer, making their body flushed together.

"You know, I've been trying hard to hold myself back..." Jimin said, then she grabbed Minjeong's hips to lift her up and put her down on the couch.

She made her lie down before hovering above her.

"Kim Minjeong." Jimin called her name and stares into her eyes.

"Be my girlfriend again. Would you?"

Minjeong's eyes brightened at the question which made Jimin to smile in relief, waiting for a positive answer from Minjeong. 


Jimin chuckled and leaned down to kiss her lips immediately.

"Thank you. We'll make it right this time." Jimin whispered.

"No, thank you. For still wanting me." Minjeong said.

"I will always want you, baby." Jimin smiled.






Minjeong groaned softly and tried to stretch her body when she felt something restricted her from doing so. She blinked her eyes open and saw Jimin's arm hugging her tight. 

She almost forgot that Jimin stayed the night after Yeji called, asking for Minmin to stay with her instead last night. 

Minjeong turned her body to look at Jimin. She smiled seeing Jimin's peaceful sleeping face. I could've enjoyed this view before, but I was too blind back then.

Minjeong put her palm on Jimin's cheek, smiling to herself as she caressed Jimin's face. She moved closer and looked at Jimin's closed eyes before giving her a soft kiss on the forehead. 

Minjeong then looked at Jimin's face again, she pecked her eyes this time.

"Yoo Jimin, I love you so much." Minjeong whispered and almost gasped when Jimin suddenly opened her eyes.

They stares at each other for a few seconds before Minjeong opened again. 

"W-Were you awake the whole time?" She asked, stuttering a little.

"Yes." Jimin said in a croaked voice.

Minjeong's heart was beating fast, Jimin's morning voice was attractive. 

"Say it again." Jimin said.

"I love you so much." Minjeong said with confidence, although she felt nervous and shy under Jimin's watchful eyes.

"God. You have no idea you've just made my day, baby." Jimin said, pulling her closer and kissed her lips.

"I love you more, my love." Jimin added, and Minjeong smiled between their kisses.










Jimin drove as fast as she could and parked her car carelessly, rushing inside the hospital after she received a call from the grandmother that her former colleague informed her that Minjeong fell from a ladder and broke her knee.

"Baby." Jimin let out a relief sigh as soon as she saw Minjeong on the hospital bed, hugging her before checking on her knee.

"Are you her guardian?" The doctor asked.

"I'm her girlfriend." Jimin directly which made the doctor to get flustered, as he was actually interested in Minjeong.

"Oh, um, okay. So, uh, luckily it was just a simple fracture, so it doesn't require a surgery." The doctor explained.

"Thank goodness." Jimin sighed.

"But it'll take time to recover, and I suggest that she takes care of her knee. Do not move a lot." The doctor explained further to Jimin about what needs to be done and what to avoid.

"We'll set appointments for you for us to monitor your recovery too, Ms Kim." The doctor said and smiled at Minjeong.

"Thank you, doctor." Minjeong bowed her head.

Once they were left alone, Jimin looked at Minjeong and cupped her face.

"I told you to be careful, baby."


"Now, look at you."

"Yes, but-"

"I don't like seeing you get hurt like this." Jimin frowned.

Minjeong huffed, then grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled her when Jimin was about to scold her again.

"Jimin honey, please don't be mad."

Jimin looked at Minjeong without blinking as she suddenly couldn't talk or move. 

"Jimin? Love? Are you there?" Minjeong waved her hand in front of Jimin's face. 

"D-Did you..." Jimin stuttered and blinked her eyes. 

"I can call you that, right? Honey, or love? It's cute. Don't you think so, baby?" Minjeong grinned sheepishly seeing Jimin's blushing face. 

"You'll be the death of me, Kim Minjeong." 










Minjeong pouted as everyone kept scolding her when she wanted to help them or to move around. It was Minmin's birthday, and she wanted to celebrate it at her apartment. So, Jimin and Yeji made it their mission to call Ning, Aeri, Ning's parents and the grandmother to come and prepare the party since Minjeong need to rest.

Minjeong stayed sitting on the couch as she watched everyone get busy with the balloons and the birthday banner. Ning was busy baking a cake with her mother. Aeri was with Ning's father, they cleaned up the apartment. Yeji and Jimin kept bickering as they chose the best dress for Minmin to wear.

Yeji even got to tag team with Minmin in teasing Jimin, causing her to sulk on them.

Minjeong laughed seeing how Jimin looks like she was the youngest one instead, as Yeji and Minmin scolded her for being stubborn.

"You know what, you are banned to help out. Go sit with Minjeong." Yeji said and pushed her away.

Minjeong's round eyes looked up at Jimin, who came towards her.

"So, you got kicked out?" Minjeong giggled seeing Jimin squinted her eyes at her.

"No, I just did it intentionally." Jimin answered. Minjeong raised her eyebrows at her and only kept looking when Jimin took a seat beside her, put her arm around Minjeong's shoulder and kissed her cheek.

"Now, this is what I want." Jimin smirked and winked at Minjeong.

"You're so bad." Minjeong chuckled, but snuggled closer into Jimin.

"But you love me."

"Mm, I do."

Jimin grinned and kissed her head.

"How's your knee?"

"It's getting better. I think I can walk soon." Minjeong said. 

"Of course, you can. You got yourself a private doctor, a hot one at that." Jimin said proudly.

"Doctor Na?" Minjeong asked in disgusted face.

"Yah! Not him. I meant, me! I am your doctor here. I'm the one who takes care of you everyday." Jimin glared.

"You're right. Doctor Yoo is kind of hot." Minjeong smirked this time, winking back at Jimin.

"Oh no. Are you flirting with me? That's bad. I might sue you for trying to steal my heart, Ms Kim." Jimin .

"Really? What should I do then?"

"Hm. You should give me a kiss, that's it."

Minjeong laughed at Jimin's playful remark, but she knows that Jimin was asking for it for real.

"I can do that." Minjeong whispered and leaned in to kiss Jimin.

Jimin chuckled, but leaning in as well. She cupped Minjeong's jaw and they kissed, forgetting that they were not alone there. While they got lost in their own world, everyone else witnessed the scene and squealed silently in delight.

Ning grinned, happy for her best friend. She got her back.

"Mama Jimin, this is my birthday." Minmin said, disturbing their moment. Everyone else laughed at Jimin's adorable surprised face.

"You're taking the spotlight. That's a no no." Minmin said again, shaking her forefinger and squinted at Jimin.

Minjeong laughed and asked her to come to her. Minmin immediately gets into Minjeong's arm and kissed her cheek.

"Mommy. I am your favourite, right?"

Jimin rolled her eyes, she pulled Minmin to make her sit on her lap and tickled her causing her to giggle.

"Ack! Mama! Please stop!"

"How dare you to steal mommy from me, hm?"

"B-But- ack! Hahaha mommy help!"

"What do you say? Come on." Jimin still tickled her.

"I- Hahahaha Mama! Okay, she's yours! She's yours!"

Jimin laughed seeing Minmin panting heavily and whining at Jimin, saying how unfair Jimin was. 

"I don't like sharing, but for you, I don't mind. Just promise you will love mommy with all of your heart and to take care of her, okay?" Jimin said, making a pinky promise with Minmin.

"I promised, Mama!" Minmin said excitedly and hugged Jimin.

Minjeong's eyes got teary as she heard Jimin's and Minmin's conversation. The two of them have been showering her with unlimited love and affection, especially after she said yes to Jimin. She glanced at the ring that was on her finger. That's right, Jimin asked her to marry her once her knee is healed. Jimin said she couldn't wait anymore.

Well, it was all thanks to her jealousy because of how Doctor Na was being sweet to Minjeong that she had to claim Minjeong and made sure people know that she's her soon to be wife. Ever since then, Minmin have been calling Jimin "Mama" too. Minjeong thought of how lucky she was. She got two Jimin in her life, Yoo Jimin and Kim Jimin, who soon to be a Yoo Jimin as well.

"What's in my baby's head?"

Minjeong looked at Jimin who were already smiling at her. Minmin went to follow Yeji to change her clothes.

Minjeong held Jimin's face gently and smiled at her.

"I'm grateful to have you back, baby." Minjeong said.

Jimin sighed softly and kissed her forehead.

"Me too. Thank you for coming back, and for loving me back. You're all I need, baby." Jimin said.

And Minjeong thanked Jimin for always being there. Jimin asked her to quit her job and offered to support her, Minmin, and even the grandmother. Jimin was serious when she said she wants to make it right.

They had gone through so much. They went through the ups and downs, together and apart. Yet, they still find their way back to each other. Minjeong couldn't deny that her feeling for Jimin has only grown stronger since they got back together. In spite of everything, it is still you, Yoo Jimin.

Jimin looked at Minjeong fondly. She still couldn't believe that Minjeong was finally hers, completely. She has introduced her to her family too, and they love her. They are one step away from getting married now. She's glad that Minjeong still end up being with her. Even after everything that happened in the past, Jimin wouldn't want anything else, but this. Because, in spite of everything, it is still you, Kim Minjeong.





The End.










And here's the second and final sequel. I hope my lovely readers will love this one. Enjoy, guys!

See you at next story!




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Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #1
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #2
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #3
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
720 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #7
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #8
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 146: that was so good omg
taenggo09 11 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 146: this is a great one
thank you for writing such a beautiful story