Be My Girl - Part 7 (Final)

Winrina = Jiminjeong

2 years later...





The night has just getting started, it was only 7:21pm. Yet, the ballroom was filled with former students of SM University. It's a reunion night for them and everyone enjoyed seeing each other again after being busy with their new work life. The former students were excited for the reunion especially when they knew they get to see their old crushes and the popular group like Minjeong's circle of friends and Jimin's too.

"You look hm- are you trying to impress someone?"

Kim Minjeong who was just sipping a juice, rolled her eyes at Yuqi's question while their friends laughed at Yuqi's teasing.

"I am always looking this good, Yuqi." Minjeong replied.

"Oooohh, the confidence. Me likey." Yuqi winked.

"That's my baby. Can't believe I raised her well." Shuhua sighed dramatically and side hugged Minjeong.

"Ah. You girls are still the same even after all this time." Mark smiled.

"Anyway, where is Ning?" Johnny asked as he looked around.

"Oh. She came already. She mentioned that she went to meet someone first." Minjeong answered.

"Okay. Too bad, Jaemin couldn't make it. Else, we will be completed tonight." Johnny said.

"Yeah." Mark nodded.

Minjeong only smiled. Jaemin decided to go oversea to pursue his career further but Minjeong knows, he need the time away and space to move on. Minjeong never stop him from going as she knows that he need it. She still remembered that Jaemin promised that he will come back with a new heart and as a friend that Minjeong need someday. Minjeong told him to take his time and know that she will always be here for him as a friend too.

"I am sure we will reunite with him one day. Jaemin promised that he will never forget us." Yuqi said.

"That's right." Johnny agreed.

"Having fun guys?"

"Ning! My man!" Johnny was the first to hug her and greeted her happily.

"Dude, where have you been?" Yuqi punched her arm softly before pushing Johnny away to hug her too.

Ning only laughed at them while hugging each of them.

"Oh. I met with our former vice president." Ning wiggled her eyebrows.

"Damn, I still can't believe that you ended up working under her." Yuqi gasped.

"It's fate." Ning said proudly while the others laughed.

A year ago, Ning have landed a job in one of Uchinaga's company and surprisingly, she is working closely with Aeri and even being supervised by her. She wasn't interested in her before but she just noticed that the girl is a charmer and slowly, Ning has fallen for her.

"Does she like you now?" Johnny asked.

"She does. I know she does. I mean, look at me." Ning flipped her hair and they all shook their head while Minjeong only chuckled at her best friend's behaviour.

"Ah. I need to find someone to flirt with." Yuqi said, eyes scanning the place to find a pretty girl.

"I thought you used to like that Soyeon girl?" Shuhua asked.

"Bold of you to assume I'm over her. Where is she? She always ignored my dm on Instagram." Yuqi groaned.

"Maybe she's afraid of you. You're kind of too bold and scary." Johnny teased.

"Hey, I am not! That's just me being brave and romantic." Yuqi defended herself.

"Yeah, right." Shuhua giggled.

"Oh, Minjeong. Heads up, Miss Yoo is coming your way." Mark suddenly said.

"We'll see you later! Come on guys."

"Wait where-" Minjeong was about to stop her friends from leaving but they all just waved their hands and grinned cheekily at her before rushing away. 

Then, in just a second, she could feel an arm wrapped around her waist. Now, she's aware how every eyes were on her and the newcomer. 

"I'm late but, I'm glad I could make it." A deep and soft voice greeted Minjeong.

Minjeong turned her head on the left and immediately got lost in Jimin's eyes. When does she ever stop being this attractive? Minjeong feels like it's not fair that Jimin keeps on looking better and better the more she sees her. Minjeong likes her way too much before, but ever since they entered their adulthood, Jimin's confidence is growing and sometimes it's too much for her to handle. 

"Hi. I missed you." Jimin smiled and pecked her forehead softly.

"You didn't see me for 3 days only." Minjeong chuckled. Jimin was away for work meeting and didn't get to see Minjeong for few days.

"3 days are long enough, baby." 

"Hmm." Minjeong then turned her body to face Jimin properly. She hugged Jimin's neck and pulling her closer. She raised her eyebrows when she saw how Jimin gulped and cleared before wrapping both her arms around Minjeong's waist.

"You're beautiful. Always been." Jimin whispered.

"Thanks." Minjeong chuckled and tiptoed to brush her nose on Jimin's playfully, causing them both to giggle together.

"That tickles." Jimin mumbled and scrunched her nose. Minjeong laughed and pecked her nose before letting Jimin did the same to her.

"So, baby..."


"We're getting a little bit older baby."

"Uh, yeah?" Minjeong tilted her head and looked at Jimin with her confused face.

"Would this be a good time already for me to ask you to marry me?"



Minjeong laughed when she finally gets what Jimin's trying to do. 


"Are you really, proposing me again now?" Minjeong asked in between her laugh.

"Not yet, I would want to propose you with romantic gesture but if you are going to say yes right now, then yes. I am proposing again. Like you've told me before, I can ask you again when we're a little bit older."

"You know, people usually do it with a ring." Minjeong tried to .

"I know. I-" Jimin sighed then used one hand to take out a ring out of her pants' pocket. 

"I've been bringing this everywhere with me. I really have no idea when is the good time to propose you but all I know is that, I am always ready." Jimin said.

Minjeong was speechless. She looked at the ring in Jimin's fingers and said nothing. Jimin have been amazing. She treats Minjeong so well. So well that Minjeong can't help but to give her all of her heart. 

"You're unbelievable." Minjeong mumbled and chuckled softly before she pulled Jimin by her blazer's collar to kiss her on the lips passionately.

Jimin was startled but melted through Minjeong's kiss. She kissed her back with the same passion and held her closer.

"Yoo Jimin." Minjeong whispered through their kisses. Jimin only hummed in return.

"Put the ring on my finger." Minjeong said and she can feel Jimin's smiling as they kissed again.

Jimin trailed her hand on Minjeong's arm until she pulled down her hand so she can hold her hand properly. Then she use her other hand that was holding the ring to put it on Minjeong's finger. Minjeong pulled away to look at how the ring fit her finger so well.

"Do you like it?" Jimin asked, fixing Minjeong's bangs.


"So, you will marry me right?"

Minjeong looked at her and chuckled.

"After telling you to put it on my finger? Of course I will marry you."

"I need you to say it, baby." Jimin laughed.

"Yes. Now that we're a little bit older, I will marry you. You sure are not going to wait any more longer."

"Why wait and suffer? We should live happily for as long as we can." 

"Okay, whatever you say. Now, I want to kiss you again but I think we've shown enough for everyone to see."

Only then, Jimin noticed that every eyes were on them. She immediately stopped smiling and keep her poker face before hugging Minjeong's shoulder with one hand.

"Let's meet your friends and mine first, then we'll leave."

"We will leave right away?"



"You said you want to kiss me again and who am I to defy your wants?"

Minjeong rolled her eyes and punches Jimin's stomach lightly.

"Okay. I must admit, I want to kiss you more." Jimin said.

"I don't think we can leave so fast, Jimin ah. Our friends for sure will be chaotic as you just proposed me." Minjeong said then Jimin stopped right away.

"Why?" Minjeong asked.

"I think, we can meet them tomorrow. I'll set a lunch for all of us together." Jimin said.

"Huh? Where are we going?" Minjeong asked when Jimin dragged her towards the exit door instead now.

"My place, baby. I missed you and I am going to fulfill your wishes, that is to get to kiss me in private."

"That's not-"

"Shh, just follow me baby. You want to kiss me right?"

Minjeong laughed and she laughed even more seeing Jimin said all of those with her straight face. Minjeong then let Jimin brings her with her. She doesn't mind. She wants to go to wherever she goes. She wants to be with Jimin for a long time and she wouldn't mind spending all the time with her. When her friends said Jimin is whipped for her, she only smiled and kept quiet. She knows. However, Jimin wasn't the only one. She is willing to do anything to make Jimin happy too.

"I love you, Yoo Jimin."

Jimin glanced at her and smiled as they are finally outside, walking towards the parking lot.

"And I love you, Kim Minjeong." Jimin then turned her around and cupped her face to kiss her gently. 

Minjeong hugged Jimin's waist tightly as they kissed. She swears, Jimin's love is so great that she can die peacefully now. She's on the cloud everytime Jimin's with her. Jimin knows how to make her fall for her each time.

"Let's go home." Jimin whispered, caressing Minjeong's cheek and smiling fondly at her.

Home. Jimin's home is Minjeong's home too. That's what Jimin told her when Jimin moves to her own apartment. She would want Minjeong to always come home to her, everytime.





The End.










And that's a wrap! Ahhh my Jiminjeong heart. Good day everyone, take care as always and hope yall enjoy this final chapter! Love ya!



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0 points #1
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #2
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #3
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #4
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
720 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #7
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #8
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #9
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 146: that was so good omg