

어디 가서 나도 내가 제일 잘 나가 이런 남자가 또 어딨어 요즘 세상에
어머나 세상에 너무나 속상해 자존심 상하게 왜 또 넌 딴 데 보는 거야
날 봐줘 내 맘 받아줘 해바라기 같은 날 왜 몰라줘
가슴 아픈데 좋은 이 심리는 뭐야 사랑해

            Lee Hongbin sighed deeply as he arrived at school. It wasn’t like he disliked school, it was fun and he was pretty good at all of his classes, but certain people gave him headaches. Not that everyone was annoying, just a select few. Like the person currently sitting in front of him, oblivious to the fact that Hongbin was sending heated glares into the back of his head. Han Sanghyuk, a freshman at Haepari University who had managed to weasel his way into Hongbin’s second year advanced social issues class. Sighing, Hongbin took his notebook out and began to doodle idly. He wasn’t quite sure why he decided to join this class (it probably had something to do with his good friend, Lee Jaehwan, promising that it would be an easy mark or something) but now he was seriously regretting his choice.

            “Morning Hongbin,” Hongbin turned around to spot his friend, Kim Wonshik sitting down in the empty seat beside him. The taller male yawned, sleepiness evident in his eyes, before bringing out his notes (although they would probably serve him as pillow rather than a learning device) and resting his head on the desk.

            “Up all night studying?” Hongbin teased, knowing full well that Wonshik had been dragged to some concert by Jaehwan last night. Ever since Hongbin had introduced the two they were practically inseparable (much to Wonshik’s annoyance) and Jaehwan’s new hobby was to drag Wonshik out every spare moment he could.

            “Shut up you brat,” Wonshik murmured while his head dropped even lower. He rested his left cheek on his notebook and stared up at Hongbin with half opened eyelids. “The concert was decent at least,” Wonshik continued as Hongbin stared at him curiously. “Jaehwan drove me home afterwards, I still don’t know how he managed to get his driver’s licence. We ran out of gas on the way back and he managed to park on the wrong side of the pump.”

            “That sounds like Jaehwan hyung,” Hongbin laughed, “but that’s it? He drove you home and then left? You sure nothing happened?” Wonshik scowled at Hongbin’s teasing and sat up straight before glaring at his ‘best friend’.

            “Shut up, how’s your love life going huh?” Wonshik smirked before letting his gaze travel to the freshman in front of them. Sanghyuk, fortunately, was too immersed in something on his phone to notice that the two older males were looking at him.

            “I dont like him okay,” Hongbin gritted his teeth. Ever since Sanghyuk had ignored him the first day of class (after Hongbin oh-so-politely greeted him too!) he had gotten on Hongbin’s nerves. Wonshik was convinced it was because Hongbin was in love but it was obviously only because Sanghyuk needed to learn some manners. The brat was too sassy and rude for his own good and it was only responsible of Hongbin to try to fix his attitude right? There was absolutely no ulterior motive, that’s for sure.

            “Okay class, settle down,” the instructer, Mr. Park, walked into the class and clapped his hands twice. Students around the room returned to their seats and prepared for the lecture ahead of them. Hongbin sighed in relief as Wonshik turned back to his desk and promptly fell asleep. He then pulled his pens out and began to take notes as Mr. Park started his PowerPoint, missing the inquiring stare Sanghyuk sent him.

            “What an utterly rude and annoying brat!” Hongbin exclaimed as he sat down angrily. His friends looked at him with a mixture of surprise and amusement on their faces. Hongbin was never one to get mad, irritated and annoyed yes, but it was difficult to get on the ulzzang’s bad side.

            “Would you mind telling us what happened?” Cha Hakyeon, fifth year, asked as Hongbin glared at the table silently. Hakyeon laced his hands with the male, Jung Taekwoon, beside him as Hongbin sighed angrily.

            “No wait hyung,” Jaehwan said, “I think I know what’s wrong.”

            “Oh? Please do tell,” Hakyeon responded, leaning against Taekwoon gently as the taller male fed him a piece of kimbap.

            “One name. Han Sanghyuk,” Jaehwan grinned and looked at Hongbin for any sort of reaction, “am I right?”

            All eyes turned to Hongbin as he gave a miniscule nod. Jaehwan and Wonshik grinned at each other with a knowing look in their eyes while Taekwoon merely drummed his fingers against the table in an irritated manner. “The stupid kid and I have to work on a project together and he refused to give me his contact information! How the hell are we supposed to figure out a time to work together if I can’t even contact him?” Hongbin raged. He glared down at his lunch, having lost his appetite due to his anger, before handing it over to Taekwoon who had been staring at his rice ever since he sat down.

            “Hongbin ah, you need to eat,” Hakyeon stopped Taekwoon from taking all of Hongbin’s lunch. He divided it evenly and cleanly and returned the lunch box to Hongbin. “Anyways, don’t you have class time to work on projects? It’s not like you’re in a rush to finish.”

            “It’s probably ‘cause Hongbin has ulterior motives for Sanghyuk ssi’s number,” Wonshik stated, moving away from Hongbin slightly to dodge the swipe that came his way. Jaehwan laughed cheerfully and pointed his chopsticks at Hongbin.

            “What a terrible person you are, taking advantage of someone younger than you,” Jaehwan accused. “It’s not like the poor baby knows any better either.”

            “Shut UP,” Hongbin glared at Jaehwan before standing up abruptly. “I do not have any feelings for Han Sanghyuk okay?” The dimpled man then stormed off towards the library which caused his friends to sit in shock for a few moments.

            “He’s totally in love,” Wonshik commented, reaching over to finish Hongbin’s lunch. “I wonder what attracted him though. He has so many girls and boys pining over him I’m surprised he hasn’t dated a million times already.”

            “That’s exactly why,” Hakyeon sighed in exasperation, “Hongbin is used to getting whatever he wants since he’s so handsome and smart. But then this Sanghyuk character rejects him and he wants to know why. He probably fell in love somewhere along the way but is just too embarrassed to admit it. After all, Taekwoonie said that Hongbin has always gotten the girl he wanted right?” Hakyeon paused and looked at his lover who gave him a curt nod. “His pride is probably bruised because of that.”

            “Well whatever happens they better find a solution quickly because the is killing me,” Jaehwan replied causing the group to agree with a synchronized ‘amen’ along with a ‘preach it sister’ from Wonshik.


Wherever I went, I was the best
Where can you find a guy like me these days?
Oh my goodness, I’m so upset, my pride is bruised
Why are you looking elsewhere again?
Look at me, accept my heart
Why don’t you know me, who is like a sunflower?
My heart hurts but I like you – what is this feeling?
I love you

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SeventeenCarrot #1
Chapter 1: I like the storyline a lot, are you think in of continuing this...?
Chapter 1: This so needs a sequel like omg XD
Sanghyuk playing hard to get ehhhhhhh Hongbin hwaiting hahahaha
MyCuteBunny #3
Chapter 1: ohmygod i really liked this damn hyogi your sass ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ pity beanbong pls the dude's in love with you at least just acknowledge his presence ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

im pretty damn sure wonshik likes jaehwany too ahxmwifmkenf my otps *-*
Chapter 1: Han sanghyuk is playing hard to get nahhh ㅋㅋㅋㅋ