▶ eye contact

8-bit Fiction

[M // PWP]

Taekwoon was honest in that he didn't know what to think when Wonsik appeared in a mini-length black dress, but he knew it turned him on like nothing else. Everyone knew Wonsik had the best body of any of them, but it wasn't until the dress hugged him in all the right places that Taekwoon realized just how pretty it was.

Which was how he ended up on top of him now.

His hand was wrapped around one of Wonsik's dainty ankles as he skimmed the bottom of his nose up his shin. "You have such pretty legs . . ." he murmured against the skin.

Wonsik looked away, brows furrowed. "You're only saying that because I shaved them."

Taekwoon smoothed his other hand along the inside of Wonsik's thigh and hummed appreciatively at the way the muscles fluttered under his touch. "No . . . I've always thought they were pretty." He ignored when Wonsik rolled his eyes. "Do you want to?"

Curling the fist resting at his stomach, Wonsik unconsciously bat his eyelashes at him. "I wouldn't have dressed up like this for nothing."

"Suppose not."

The leg came down and Taekwoon repositioned to part Wonsik's thighs. The black dress rose up higher and higher until it revealed the black, lacy . Taekwoon thumbed along the hem circling one of his thighs. "This too? You know how to spoil me."

Wonsik made a show of slapping his arm but the action died when Taekwoon bent down to nose at the obvious straining against the fabric. "Does it turn you on as much as it does for me?"

As if answering, Wonsik parted his thighs further while looking away with tinted cheeks.

Taekwoon liked it a little too much when Wonsik became bashful. Everyone thought he was a scary, tough person, but he was actually a soft, pretty boy, too innocent for his own good. Wonsik would probably say the same thing about him, but maybe that was why they matched so well. Or not.

Slowly, ever so slowly, he dragged the black lace down, scooting bag and lifting Wonsik's leg again until the fabric hung suggestively on just the tip of one foot. He returned his attention to Wonsik to lean over him and pick his face up in his hands. Wonsik inhaled, eyes glancing to the side. Taekwoon smiled a little.


"Be quiet."

Wonsik pushed up a little to make their lips meet and tilted his head to the side, picking up one hand to pull Taekwoon's shoulder down. His tongue glossed out along Taekwoon's lips and then slipped inside when Taekwoon opened his mouth. A moan escaped when one of Taekwoon's hands sneaked under the dress to wrap around his .

"Is it okay if the dress gets dirty?" Taekwoon asked into his mouth.

Wonsik bucked up into his pumping hand. "I don't c-care." Someone else probably would, but it wasn't their problem right now.

When Taekwoon's thumb pressed into his 's slit beading with precome, Wonsik raised the dress more with his free hand to tease his own s. His stomach began to knot familiarly and his side of the kiss became more of just panting with his mouth open than trying to keep up with Taekwoon's greed.

"Are you already going to come?" Taekwoon asked, unsurprised. Wonsik nodded, a little shy.

All of Taekwoon's touches disappeared and he whined. He propped up to watch Taekwoon pull out of his pants and at the sight of his bulge, his twitched. "Maybe you should've worn a dress too." he teased, eyes lidded. "That would've been hot." He tried not to imagine it though because he'd probably come on the spot.

Taekwoon smirked and stuck two fingers in his mouth while he pulled out from his underwear. Wonsik's hole twitched with need, stomach rolling.

When Taekwoon pulled his fingers back out, they were dripping with saliva, some running down his knuckles and to his wrist. Pleasure just from the phantom feeling of them inside of him pulsed through Wonsik.

Smug, Taekwoon settled back down and Wonsik spread his legs again.

"You already prepped yourself?" Taekwoon asked when his two fingers slipped in with relative ease.

Wonsik gasped out, stuck between another moan and rolling his eyes. "I'm wearing this dr-dress, hyung. I was kinda p-prepared to get ed."

"Ah. So you do want to be ed in this dress."

"If I wasn't so hard right now, I'd hit you."

Taekwoon pumped himself while watching his fingers disappear in and out of Wonsik, smearing precome over his to help him take it easier. Wonsik's head was tilted back as he tried to ride the fingers, but it was a hard strain because he didn't want to come without Taekwoon deep inside of him. He groaned.

"Please," he whined. "Need you so bad . . ."

Taekwoon cursed under his breath and jerked his fingers out with a lewd squelch. Wonsik's entire body flinched. He braced a hand under one of Wonsik's smooth, smooth thighs and then aligned his .

Wonsik moaned in a sigh at the stretch he loved so much, wanting to part his legs as far as they could go while Taekwoon steadily slid inside of him.

When his hips were pressed against Wonsik's , Taekwoon grunted. He leaned over and kissed him on the corner of his glossy, wet mouth. Wonsik shifted his head to meet their lips, but his thoughts short-circuited when Taekwoon began to move.

"Ah, ," Wonsik panted, grabbing onto Taekwoon's broad shoulders for leverage. His head fell to the side as his hardened even more at the realization that he was wearing a dress and being ed—and he liked it. A flush burned at the high parts of his cheeks and tips of his ears

Taekwoon's hips picked up a faster pace, desperate when Wonsik began spasming around him. "That dress—looks so good on—you . . ." he rasped, a hickey into his skin just below his pulse. "Maybe we should—buy you more." He was too high on his ecstasy to feel Wonsik pinching his shoulder.

Wonsik wouldn't admit that maybe he'd like more dresses.

His body arched up into Taekwoon's, pleasure pulsing through his whole body when the head of Taekwoon's pushed up against his prostate. He clenched his eyes closed.

Taekwoon grabbed his chin with a near harsh grip and straightened his face. "Open your eyes." Wonsik bit down on his lip when Taekwoon hit his sweet spot again.

"Look at me." Taekwoon panted, ing harder instead of slowing down. "Look at me when I'm ing you." he hissed.

The moan that broke out of Wonsik's throat from that was so loud, Taekwoon was sure the whole block must've heard it. He didn't care though as Wonsik's pretty eyes fluttered open.

Lust and adoration shined in Taekwoon's eyes and Wonsik was both so close to ing and having an embarrassment overload.

Taekwoon smirked. "Good girl."

And that was when the pressure shot through Wonsik; down his spine, through his stomach, and left his body in thick, white spurts of . "Taekwoon, Taekwoon," he gasped.

Taekwoon followed not long after because of how tight Wonsik's made him clench. He tossed his head back in bliss, hips slowing down while his seed filled Wonsik.

They panted in unison, coming down from their highs, and Taekwoon bent back over, pulling his hips back and burying his face in Wonsik's neck, kissing at it sloppily. Wonsik rubbed one arm up and down his back.

"We can't take this dress back . . . It's dirty." Wonsik mumbled.

"We'll keep it then. Dry clean it? I don't know." Taekwoon replied tiredly, fully pulling out. Wonsik jerked from the extra stimulation. "Do you think they'll notice?"

Wonsik tried to shrug under the weight of Taekwoon curling into his side. He shivered when he began to dab at the drying on his heaving abdomen. "They will. Oh well."

Taekwoon smiled against his shoulder.

"So . . . Good girl, huh?"

Taekwoon went rigid and Wonsik laughed.


i didn't do a lot of editing for this chapter because i was surprised that i wrote it as fast as i did. usually i'm super slow with lol but i guess it being pwp helped a little. 10/10 i tried

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Chapter 40: Well I'll be damned!! I'm like...more please!? And yes. Taek shouldn't be the only one in'distress'. ( ¯∀¯ )
Chapter 41: Absolutely cute, no matter how you look at it. Poor Taekwoon, just need someone to show him how is it to be really loved (and Wonshik is just the right person).
Can't wait for the one you're stuck at, author-nim. Usually it becomes the most amazing ones those which you struggle more with.
Chapter 37: bRO this is some good stuff right here!!! i didn't see you updated until just now and im stoked to read all of the other chaps too omg >0< just saying, even if you'd abandon 8BF for two months, i'd still be here after to read again tbh
lovethetardis #4
Chapter 39: I don't know why it took me so long to start reading these but once I started, I couldn't stop and ended up reading them all pretty much in one go. You've come up with so many different aus which have all been a great read. Even though each chapter is quite short, you still manage to put so much substance and emotion into it. I hope this series keeps going on for a while because I can't wait to see what else you have for us.
Chapter 39: Bloody hell, this sure deserves its own oneshot (not that I'm satisfied with just that, but oh well)
It's beautiful and sweet (odd to say, but so what) and I want them to hook up so much that it hurts.
Love yah, kissus
missing_vixx #6
Chapter 39: Please please make this assassin au a oneshot. It's too beautiful to leave it just like this ><
Chapter 39: Hey you!!...You outdid yourself authornim!!^^
This is awesome and really really good!!
I love them here. Esp., Taekwoon. :))

Yes yes! I want more too! ^^
Chapter 38: Ugh!...I'm crying! :*(
This was sad. I would've love to see them runaway together. But....oh well...I'll believe in Taek's promise. :))