The Bet - Hunbaek (unedited)

EXO - One shots and drabbles

Sehun happily walked up the stairs to the fourth floor. He had just gotten the new avengers comic, and he couldn`t be more happy about it. There was a reason he loved the comic shop, and it was because he felt like he was at home when he looked through every single comic book there were.

“Yah! That`s not fair,” he heard a voice yell from the apartment over the hallway from his own. Just recently, two new men had moved in, both unlike those Sehun usually encountered. Both of them had dyed hair, and a bad reputation. He knew who they were, Byun Baekhyun and Park Chanyeol. They went to the same university, making Sehun shiver just by the thought. They were the troubled boys, always shouting out weird comments in the hallways between classes.

“Yes, it is. You have to do it, no way out of it now,” another voice yelled. Sehun shut them out, knowing that he didn`t need to hear their conversation. They weren`t friends, and they never would be either, at least he hoped.

He put the key in the key hole of the door before turning it, and heard the click that said the door was open. He opened the door, and put the keys in the bowl in on the shelf just inside. His apartment wasn`t big, but it was big enough for two people, and sometimes there were room for visitors, but neither Sehun nor his roommate had many friends.

“Don`t be such a wuss, Byun,” he heard, and he hoped they would stop yelling so much. He still had homework, which usually took all his concentration. But he didn`t need to do homework, it was optional whether you gave yourself some or not. Sehun did this as he had trouble remembering everything unless he repeated it to himself over and over again.

“But h-“

“No but, my friend. You do it. Tomorrow!” Sehun considered going over to ask his neighbors to keep it down, but figured it wouldn`t matter. It wasn`t like they were going to do as he asked, and he didn`t really want to talk to them either.

As he slumped down on the couch, ready to start reading his new comic book, the door opened. Sehun looked up to see his roommate, Jongin, come through the door. A tired expression crept on his face. It was unsettling.

“Do you know when they will stop yelling?” he asked Sehun, clearly more upset about it then Sehun himself were.

Sehun shrugged. “No idea, but I do hope soon. I wanted to read the comic without interruptions, but I`m not sure if I`ll make it with so much noise.” Jongin nodded, knowing the feeling. Neither of them liked noise very much.

“I hope so. I don`t have any intentions to walk over there and ask,” Jongin said as he put his laptop bag down against his desk.

“Neither do I,” Sehun said, biting his lip at the thought of actually talking to them at all. That was never going to happen. If he could do anything to stop it, he would most certainly do so.


Sehun woke by his awful alarm ringing loudly in his ears. Jumping out of the bed, he rubbed his eyes awake to make his way to the bathroom. Forgetting his glasses at his nightstand making him have a hard time seeing where he was going, but he made his way into the little room without hurting himself.

It didn`t take long before he was done, and made his way to the kitchen after a detour into his room to pick up his glasses. He took his usual breakfast, cereals, and ate it fast. Having a little time before he had to make his way to his first class, he sat down at his desk and his computer.

Fiddling with everything he could find interesting, time went and it wasn`t long until he had to go. As he made his way out the door with his backpack on his shoulders, he made the infortune of running into Baekhyun. He knew that Chanyeol was the taller one, and Baekhyun was the shorter, so it wasn`t hard seeing who was walking past him.

Startled, Sehun froze in place not sure what to do. Biting his lip, he shook of the tenseness in his body and used his pointer finger to push his glasses back into place, a habit he had when he was nervous.

“Hi,” he heard Baekhyun mumble as he passed, but there was nothing more than that. Sehun stared at Baekhyun`s back wide eyed. He had talked to him. Byun Baekhyun, one of the boys that had a rumor of getting into trouble, talked to Oh Sehun, the nerd that no one actually knew about. He was a figure in the shadows, and that was what he wanted to stay. Still it didn`t seem that way.

Realizing he didn`t have that much time left, Sehun moved his body, shaking off the ridiculous thoughts that formed inside his head. He probably just thinks I`m the neighbor he should be nice to, right? He asked himself, and he decided on that. He was just the neighbor, nothing more.


Between classes, Sehun spent his time in the school library. It was quiet, and not very crowed, just as he liked it. He was in the middle of an important essay as someone poked his back, and thinking it wasn`t anything special and just someone pulling a prank on him, he continued working.

Then it happened again. Annoyed he turned around to see who it was, and his heart skipped a beat when his eyes landed on Baekhyun`s face. What was he doing there? Had he done something to get Baekhyun`s attention? No, it had to be a prank. There was no other explanation.

“Hi,” Baekhyun mumbled, looking at him nervously. Why was he nervous? Sehun looked over the top of his glasses, locking his gaze with Baekhyun`s brown eyes. He was terrified Baekhyun was going to ask him something, having little experience with talking to anyone else than his friends and family, but he managed to keep his expression calm, despite the fact that he wanted to run away and hide.

“I was wondering if you wanted to… Uhm… would like to…” Sehun was surprised over how nervous and weird Baekhyun was behaving. He had never known any time where someone had said the boy used to stutter, and Sehun was pretty sure he didn`t usually either.

“Want to what? Would like what?” Sehun asked, confused and nervous himself. On instinct he pushed his glasses back into place, and nervously bit and his lip.

Baekhyun sighed. “Are you free Friday night?” he asked, and Sehun`s eyes widened in shock. He didn`t know how to answer, and nodded as that was the truth. “Okay, uhm… Would you like to go on a-” He cut himself of, and Sehun saw him swallow before he said, “…go on a date with me?”

Sehun`s body tensed, more than it had when he had just said a simple hi. He didn`t know what to answer, after all he knew he might give the wrong answer, and that was something he couldn`t do. “I… I don`t know?” he said, though it sounded much more like a question.

Baekhyun nodded, as if he knew that would be the answer. “What…” A sigh. “What does your heart tell you to do?” he asked, and Sehun wasn`t sure about that either. He looked the boy standing in front of him, up and down. He noticed how Baekhyun body was tense, and that his hands were in fists at his side. His chest heavied up and down, and in the silence that followed Sehun could hear his heart rhythm, and just like his own, it was faster than usual.

“Y-Yes,” he suddenly said, before he could react. Baekhyun suddenly stared at him with wide eyes, clearly surprised about the answer. “Was… Was that the wrong answer?” he asked, staring into Baekhyun`s eyes with the same confused expression he had had throughout their whole conversation.

Baekhyun shook his head franticly. “No, no, no,” he hurriedly said, making Sehun even more confused than he already was. “If that`s what you want, then that`s the right answer. It depends on you,” Baekhyun said, but Sehun still couldn`t make out what he said. He knew the words, but he had never thought an answer could rely on what he felt. It never did.

“I-I think so,” he said, his voice lower than usual, dwelling on if that was the right answer too.

“Then I`ll pick you up at seven. Be ready, and wear something… uh… casual, but a little classy,” Baekhyun said, and flashed Sehun a small smile. As good as Sehun could, he smiled back, not sure if it was the right thing to do. “Bye, then,” Baekhyun said and before Sehun could say anything more, the boy was gone.

Sehun thought for a long time after that. Wondering what exactly he had said yes to do, and why he should dress casual, but still classy. Still being confused, he returned to the computer behind him and typed in the word date, having heard it many times before, but still never said to him and never with actually knowing the full meaning of it.


The days until Friday went slower than usual. Sehun had told both Jongin and Joonmyun that he had a date, neither of them knowing that much about it. He still hadn`t told them with who as he knew they would tell him it was a bad idea. He knew it himself, it was a bad idea, but he wanted to do it.

As the day finally came, Sehun did what Baekhyun had told him. Instead of a pair of ripped up jeans, he wore a pair of blue trousers, and instead of one of his t-shirts with a character from a comic book, he had a checkered white and red shirt. He cleaned his glasses for the third time that day when someone finally knocked on the door.

“I`ll open, since you`re busy with cleaning your glasses,” Jongin said, and at first he thought it would be okay, but then he realized that Jongin wasn`t supposed to know who he was going on a date with.

“No, I`m done now. I`ll open,” Sehun said and stumbled out of the couch and ran face first to the door. Still, he was too late.

“Now I get to know who it is too,” Jongin said as he twisted the doorknob and opened the door. Sehun saw the shocked face that crept over Jongin`s face. He quickly got his jacket, his wallet and his keys, and went out the door before Jongin could say anything at all.

“You didn`t tell him, or?” Baekhyun`s rectangular smile met him as he closed the door. Sehun shook his head and sigh. “They think I`m trouble, right?” he asked, and Sehun was sure there was something in his voice saying he was hurt.

Sehun nodded, unable to get any words out of his mouth. He pushed his glasses back in place, and pursed his lips.

“Shall we get going?” Baekhyun asked him, and he nodded again. He let out a chuckle as to say that Sehun was acting weird. Sehun shook it off, not caring about what Baekhyun thought of him.

“Where are we going?” Sehun asked. Baekhyun glanced over at him, and that was when Sehun saw that his brown eyes was highlighted by eyeliner, and he didn`t know why, but he wanted to compliment it. He kept his mouth shut, not wanting to cause Baekhyun to feel uncomfortable.

“That`s a surprise. You won`t know until we`re there,” Baekhyun said, flashing him a white dazzling smile.

Sehun nodded. “I hate surprises,” he muttered, mostly to himself, but he knew that Baekhyun heard him. A small laugh came from his side, and as he looked at the man beside him, he wasn`t sure if that was reassuring or not. 

“Too bad, because this will still be a surprise,” Baekhyun said and dragged Sehun with him out of the apartment building. It was very warm outside, and Sehun hoped they could get going so he wouldn`t boil over.

Baekhyun dragged him over to a car that was parked by the sidewalk. He walked over to the passenger’s seat and opened the door for Sehun to get in. Sehun obliged without a question. Running over to the other side, Baekhyun got inside the driver`s seat and started the car.

Sehun didn`t hesitate with putting on the seatbelt, and glancing over Baekhyun he saw he didn`t have his on. “Seatbelt,” Sehun stated, and Baekhyun`s pink lips curved into a smile.

“Okay,” he said and with one hand on the steering wheel he used the other to put on the belt. Sehun sighed at the stupid boy he had agreed going on a date with. Why the hell had he said yes? The voice in his head kept repeating the word in his head. Stupid, stupid, stupid.


After what seemed like forever, the car stopped. Sehun turned towards Baekhyun, waiting for him to tell him what to do. “Wait here, I`ll be right back,” Baekhyun said and went out of the car. Sehun followed him with his eyes, and soon he disappeared from Sehun`s sight.

Sehun didn`t wait long before he saw Baekhyun coming back again. He climbed out of the car and stumbled towards Baekhyun, sick of just sitting in the car. He had had the idea that it would actually be a nice evening, not a boring one.

“I told you to wait in the car,” Baekhyun said, and Sehun rolled his eyes.

“I was bored,” he said and simply shrugged. Baekhyun chuckled, and took his hand to guide him to where they were going to be.

Sehun wasn`t sure what exactly he had expected Baekhyun to do out of the evening, but it was completely the opposite. That he could say for sure.

The place was lit up by multiple candles surrounding them. In the middle of the field they seemed to be on, there was a blanket and a picnic basket. Had Baekhyun fixed a night picnic? Sehun felt something attack him from the inside, but in an all too good way. Biting his lip, he glanced at Baekhyun who was studying him.

“You like it?” he asked Sehun, and without hesitation he nodded.

“No one has ever done this for me before,” he said and Baekhyun laughed yet again at his side.

“One time has to be the first, right?”

Sehun nodded as they made their way to the blanket and sat down. Baekhyun took out everything from sandwiches to berries. Sehun had never had alcohol before in his life, but Baekhyun still handed him a beer. “You`ve never had one before?” Baekhyun asked shocked.

Sehun shook his head. “Never, but as you said one time has to be the first, right?” he asked and Baekhyun smiled at him, a smile that reached his eyes and making Sehun smile too.  

“Yes, I did,” Baekhyun chuckled, and Sehun couldn`t help think that he loved the sound of Baekhyun`s laughter in his ear. Wait, what? Sehun tried to shake the feeling of, but he couldn`t. “I have another surprise,” Baekhyun said, and stood up.

Sehun looked up at him. “What? Why?”

“Because I wanted to,” Baekhyun smiled, and Sehun started thinking that maybe Baekhyun actually had wanted to go on a date with him, maybe it wasn`t all just a prank.

“Oh,” Sehun said, and watched as Baekhyun motioned for him to stand up. Sehun clumsily stumbled to his feet, glad Baekhyun had turned his gaze the other way.

“Just wait a little,” Baekhyun said and looked up at the sky, and though Sehun thought he should do the same, he couldn`t get himself to take his gaze away from Baekhyun.  He studied every feature. He loved that Baekhyun`s purple hair was messy as if he had just gotten out of bed, and the way his eyes looked up at the star-filled sky as if it was a part of him.

“Why are you staring?” Baekhyun asked him, and Sehun closed his eyes for a moment.

“I don`t know,” he said, and Baekhyun smiled at him yet again, and though Sehun smiled back, he had the feeling Baekhyun thought he was weird, or that he felt uncomfortable.

“You have a weird smile,” Baekhyun said, and Sehun quit smiling at once, thinking that it was ugly when he did so. “No, keep smiling. I like it. It`s… cute.” Sehun smiled again, and he felt heat rise to his cheeks. He was blushing, and he loved it.

Then he heard it. The cracking from the sky, and he gazed up, to see fireworks in all kinds of colors. He smiled at the sky, but felt like he had to repay Baekhyun for doing so much. “You like it?” Baekhyun asked and Sehun smiled as if he was the happiest man on earth. Never had he actually considered going out with someone, definitely not a boy, but he had had the time of his life.

“I love it,” he whispered, and he heard a chuckle from his side. Turning his head, he found Baekhyun grinning at him. Sehun giggled at Baekhyun`s expression, thinking that Baekhyun chuckled more than he laughed and that sometimes it sounded somewhat fake. But he shook the feeling of as he wasn`t good at reading people, and he was most likely wrong.

It was an amazing evening, and he wished they didn`t have to end it, not yet at least. Not for a long while.


“It was more fun than I thought it would be,” Baekhyun said as they were standing in the hallway between their apartments. Sehun nodded in agreement. To have had his speculations on whether it had been a good idea to say yes, he certainly had been right to do so. It had been a long time since he last time had that much fun, and he barely even knew Baekhyun that well.

“Yeah, it was. Do you…” he cut himself off, not sure if he should actually ask.

“Do I what?” Baekhyun asked him, curiosity drawn all over his face, making his eyes sparkle.

Sehun nodded and swallowed the lump in his throat. He pushed his glasses back in place and bit his lip before he asked, “Do you maybe want to go out again?”

Baekhyun looked at him wide eyed, probably not expecting Sehun to be so forward, but a smile formed in his face. “Yes, I would like that,” Baekhyun nodded, and Sehun felt his heart beat faster, almost jumping out of his chest. He felt the butterflies that had come through the evening flutter happily in his gut. Why did he feel this way?

“I guess it`s goodnight then,” Sehun said and smiled at Baekhyun. Baekhyun smiled back, and mumbled a goodnight before turning to his apartment. Sehun didn`t know exactly why, but he didn`t want the night to be over.

He shook of the feeling he had and made his way to the apartment. Knowing that it was way past midnight, he snuck inside to not wake Jongin. He didn’t want any questions, and he didn`t want to have to explain himself.

“What do you think you`re doing?” Jongin`s familiar voice said as he tried to sneak past the couch. Freezing in his spot, as it would make Jongin not see him, his body tensed. “I can see you,” Jongin said and Sehun relaxed, and slightly turned his head to see Jongin.

“Why haven`t you gone to bed?” Sehun asked, biting and his lip. “Please don`t ask any questions,” he begged and Jongin raised a brow at him.

“I do think I deserve some answers. I`m your best friend, Sehun, and you kept this for three days,” Jongin told him, and Sehun knew he was right. He sighed and sat down in the leaning chair by the coffee table.

“Go ahead, then. Ask,” Sehun said and nodded for him to start. He put his feet up in the chair and dragged them closer to himself. He put his arms around them and rested his chin on his knee.

“Okay, first of all. Why didn`t you tell me it was Baekhyun?” Jongin asked, and Sehun bit his lip yet another time.

“Because I knew the reaction. He`s trouble and we both know it. I didn`t even know why I said yes,” Sehun said and pursed his lips. He sighed, a sigh telling how disappointed he was in himself and how wrong it had been to think he had made the right decision.

“Okay, next question. What the hell were you thinking?” Jongin asked, and Sehun was shocked over the use of words coming from Jongin`s mouth. He never swore, at least not so Sehun had heard.

“I don`t know. He said that I should listen to what my heart answered, and apparently it answered yes,” Sehun sighed. He wasn`t sure what to say, and it was the truth.

“And it wasn`t a prank?” Sehun shook his head, and smiled, remembering the amazing night he had had. “And you`re sure about that?”

Sehun nodded again. “Yes, we had a picnic and there was fireworks and food and…” Sehun stopped when he realized he got lost in the memories. It hadn`t even been that long ago.

“You like him,” Jongin exclaimed, and Sehun nodded carefully while heat rose to his cheeks. “Just make sure one thing okay?”

Sehun nodded, expecting something weird. “Don`t let him make you do something you don`t want to.” And Sehun knew he was right. Everyday someone went up to Jongin, mostly girls, but they still talked to him. Flirted with him, and Sehun knew why. He was good looking and charming, but Jongin always declined. He knew that Jongin had more experience with dating than Sehun himself, so he decided to listen to what he had to say.

Maybe it even helped.


It wasn`t like Sehun chose to like Baekhyun, and he couldn`t say he had fallen very deep, but after the date Baekhyun was everything Sehun could think about. He couldn`t focus enough in school, making Jongin and Joonmyun worried his grades would drop. And he couldn`t focus when he was in the comic shop, as Baekhyun still had taken over his mind.

“What did he do again?” Minseok, one of the comic shop`s two owners, asked Jongin. Sehun heard their conversation well, but he chose to ignore it, being more lost in thoughts.

“He went on a date with Baekhyun, that troublesome guy, and he fell in love. And he thinks it`s not a joke, which it has to be,” Jongin answered, and the gaps that followed made Sehun shoot the three men talking a glare each.

“Wait. You`re saying he went on a date with Byun Baekhyun? That guy that recently set fire to the abandoned warehouse?” Luhan, Minseok`s husband and the second owner of the comic shop, asked to confirm what they had been told.

Sehun couldn`t see Jongin as he had turned around, but he still knew that the older boy was nodding, confirming what Luhan had said.

“Sehun, what were you thinking?” Minseok asked him. Sehun turned around to look at his friends.

“I know he`s trouble and everything, but he actually asked me out. I thought I could try and see what was going on, and I`m pretty sure it wasn`t a prank or a joke or anything like that. In fact he agreed on going out another time,” Sehun stated, flying his arms everywhere to make sure they understood his point.   

“Hey, we`re just saying that you should be careful. You never know what will happen. You don`t even know the guy,” Luhan reasoned, and Sehun guessed he had a point. “Make sure you do the right thing. I`ve been in the same position, and it didn`t end well.”

Sehun rolled his eyes, turned away from the three men, and decided to check out some of the other comic books. There were always something he hadn`t read yet.


Together with Joonmyun and Jongin, Sehun walked up the stairs to Jongin and his apartment. The closer they came, the voices grew louder and clearer. And just as Jongin was about to open up the door, a tall lanky man stormed out of the apartment across theirs.

“I`ll move in with Jongdae if that`s how you want it!” The man yelled as he rushed past them. Sehun met his gaze, and if looks could kill, Sehun would have been dead.

The man turned around just before he went down the stairs. “He better be worth it, Baek,” he said, and left. 

Baekhyun, starring out the door after the man, looked broken. Sehun bit his lip, wanting to ask what was wrong, but he kept himself for saying anything at all. “Don`t ask,” Baekhyun mumbled as he saw the bewildered looks on the three men`s faces.

Jongin took hold of Sehun`s arm, dragging him with him inside. “He said don`t ask,” Jongin whispered through gritted teeth.


The days went by faster than before, and as the days went, Sehun spent more and more time with Baekhyun. He felt at peace with the latter`s presence, and every time his heart skipped a beat. The butterflies attacked him in an all too good way, and he couldn`t explain the joy he felt.

Neither Sehun`s friends, Baekhyun nor Sehun himself had expected what came next. Baekhyun had become a little part of their gang, coming with them to the comic shops, often eating dinner with them, and playing video games like he had done before too. And as Jongin and Joonmyun became more likable with Baekhyun`s presence, they welcomed him more and more.

That`s why the knocking on the door came as a surprise. None of them had invited anyone over, and thought it was Minseok or Luhan. The surprise was when Baekhyun recognized the guy, a tall boy that look intimidating and frightened the three others at the first look.

“Tao, what are you doing here?” Baekhyun asked.

“You don`t know?” Baekhyun shook his head. “Then let me clear it up. You best friend, as he`s supposed to be, told me and everyone else that you were dating a geek. Someone way below your level,” Tao explain.

“Hey!” Sehun said, without realizing it. They weren`t actually dating, at least they hadn`t talked about it yet, but he wouldn`t mind. Baekhyun laid his hand at Sehun`s thigh, it slightly to tell him he shouldn`t be offended. He didn`t realize what it actually did to Sehun, but everyone else did.

“See! He got offended by that and you`re…” Tao waved his hands in frustration. “Don`t you see that Chan is better for you. Don`t you see that he`s in love with you?” Tao asked and the whole room froze. Nobody moved a muscle.

“Excuse me,” Sehun said, breaking the silence. He ran for the bathroom, not keeping it up anymore.

You asked the geek out ‘cuz of a bet, you`re not even in love with him,” Sehun heard. The color drained from his face. He still wasn`t done with what he had done, but hearing that made it go away anyway. He couldn`t have cared less.

As he opened the bathroom door, he heard shouting, but he shut the voices out. He couldn’t bear it. Knowing that Baekhyun didn`t really like him wasn`t how he planned things to be. Making his way to his bedroom, he heard a pleading voice behind him.

Just as he entered through the doors, his tears fell. He hadn`t realized that he had been head over heels with Baekhyun before now. Before he got his heart broken.


Weeks went, and even though Sehun attended classes he couldn`t get over Baekhyun. The young man tried to approach him in the hallways, and knocked on the door every day, but Sehun wouldn`t let him come near. Neither would Jongin, Joonmyun, Luhan or Minseok. They were all taking care of him, and he appreciated it more than ever before.

“Sehun, you still need to eat,” he heard for the nth time. He sighed and kept burring himself in his covers. “And there’s someone here to see you.” Jongin caught his attention at that.

“Who?” he asked.

“Someone you will want to talk to,” Jongin replied, but Sehun didn`t get out of his bed. He stayed put, and not long after, the door opened.

“Hello,” a dark voice greeted. Sehun glared at Chanyeol. The tall man was what had made him realize Baekhyun didn`t like him, and he was better of oblivious of that fact. “There is something you need to know,” he said, looking at the floor and fiddling with his hands.

“And what may that be?” Sehun asked, his voice full of disgust.

“Something happened to Baekhyun. I just got a call that he came in a car accident. I thought you should know,” Chanyeol said. Sehun was quick to react. He put on the best he could find before rushing out, and even though he didn`t have the driver’s license, he took Jongin’s keys and ran down the stairs.


Sehun ran into the reception at the hospital. Chanyeol hadn`t told him which Baekhyun were in, but he made a go for it. “I am here to see Byun Baekhyun,” he told the woman behind the desk. She smiled at him.

“Are you family?” she asked, and he shook his head. “Then I am sorry. I cannot let you in.” She sighed, and Sehun looked at her in disbelief.

“I`m his boyfriend,” he hurriedly said.

She shook her head. “No, his boyfriend is in his room with him. There is no need to lie, sir,” the woman said. He felt tears building up in his eyes.

“I am not lying.” He looked frustrated at her. “Who told you he was Baekhyun`s boyfriend?” he asked.

“Someone named Jongdae, Kim Jongdae,” she answered. And Sehun’s whole world fell down around him. The tears were already falling down his cheeks.

“Please, tell me which room he is in. I need to know that he is okay,” Sehun cried at her. She widened her eyes at his sudden outburst. “I just want to know that he is alright.”

She smiled understandingly at him. “He is fine. The accident wasn`t as bad as they thought. Why do you wonder that much? Why would you care when he is neither your boyfriend nor your best friend?” she asked.

“Because I am in love with him, and I have been for the past three months.” Sehun ripped at his hair in frustration. Why would it be so hard to just see that he was okay?

“I see. Does he know this?” she asked. Sehun nodded in disbelief. But before he got to say anything else to the woman, a nurse came by the reception.

“Please inform everyone close to Byun Baekhyun that his state is critical, and that he may not survive,” the nurse said. Sehun’s eyes widened.

“I thought you said he was fine,” he exclaimed. The nurse frowned.

“Why would you tell him that? No, sir, Byun Baekhyun’s condition has been unknown for the past hours, but we have now figured out what is the problem. He has to have an operation, but that might kill him as well as save him.”

“No, you`re telling me he might die?” Sehun asked. The nurse nodded.

“Who are you really? His family members are already here, as well as his boyfriend. His best friend is one the way, so who are you?” Sehun got more pissed by the second.

“He is my first love, and I still love him. I am still in love with him,” Sehun sighed. He had never thought he would say it out loud. But if there was one thing he had learned through the last months; only a few lived with their first love for the rest of their lives.

“Well, since you are not that close to him I cannot let you in. I`ll make sure the news comes to you as well though,” he said. The tears were like a waterfall down Sehun’s cheeks. He couldn`t grasp what had happened, and why he couldn`t be considered an important person in Baekhyun’s life.


Jongin had decided to wait together with Sehun when he and Chanyeol came. Chanyeol had gone right to Baekhyun’s room. It had still been some time before they were sending him off to the operation room.

And as that time came, Baekhyun had been transferred through the main hall, making Sehun get a glimpse of him. He hadn`t been able to say anything, but he wanted so badly to do just that.

A few hours later, the nurse he had talked to earlier walked past them. Sehun saw that by the look on his face, Baekhyun hadn`t made it. There was no way.


The nurse had allowed Sehun to see Baekhyun a last time in the end. The tears fell more when he took Baekhyun’s cold hand in his. He was alone in the room, but he knew he should have been. He kissed Baekhyun’s hand, then his forehead. And just because he had to, and wanted to believe that Baekhyun had still been in love with him too, he kissed Baekhyun. He kissed a dead person, but he believed it was what he had to do to get over him in the first place.

I love you.”

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