

I love the smell of Irish Spring, because it reminds me of him.

My favorite letter is J, because his name starts with that letter.

I love listening to love songs, because he always listens to them.

I love spring so much, because it was spring when I met him for the first time.

Red became my favorite color, because he always wears red shirts.

I always wear a beanie, because he said that I look cute with it.

I love the sound of the crashing waves, because it comforts me like the way he eases my feelings.

I love the scent of honey, because that’s what his hair always smells like.

I own a lot of boxy T-shirts, because he said that he gets attracted to girls who wear them.

My favorite drink is pink lemonade, because it was the first drink that he treated me.

I don’t eat fish cake, but I started to like it because he always says it’s delicious.

I love it when it rains, because it reminds me of the day when he promised that he will always stay by my side.

I like the warm breeze of summer, because it reminds me of the warmth of his breath.

I like fireworks, because it reminds me of the moment that I said: “I LOVE YOU” in front of him but he didn’t hear it because of the blasting sounds.

I love him, and he’s the only person that can ever move my heart.

But I hate when he says “I LOVE YOU”

…because it is never meant for me

It’s meant for my best friend.

It was always her right? Jungkook?



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