Young In Revolt

Hardly when Soo Jung walked out of the door did a man wearing a big helmet pulled her hand and put her on his motorcycle. He then rode away immediately. She dropped her cigarette.

“Hey, what the hell! Who the are you? Why would you…”

It took her a few seconds to realize that she had forgotten all her shopping bags.

“Oh . Can you take me back to the mall please I forgot…”

“Shut the up.” He said.

His voice sounded unclear, but she was certain that there was warmth in his voice, though the words might be quite painful to hear. She tried to keep the distance between the two of them. Because of the dangerous way he rode through the traffic, her helmet crashed his a few times as she leaned forward. She was close enough to smell the Armani scent from his leather jacket. There was a moment when she had wanted to wrap her arms around his waist, but she was so afraid of what he would think of her.

"Hold on to me." He placed her left hand on his abdomen.

She held him tighter and tighter every time she thought she was about to fall.

Soo Jung hadn't felt this way since the last time she was on the motor of an older man who considered her as his 'young mistress', or 'one time experience.' Her hair would be flowing through the wind. And he would turn a side of his face to her and whisper some sweet lies to her ears. The song he sang to her on road trips, which was told to be written for her, came to her mind again this time."


"Every day I wait for these fantasies

My heart is breathing toward you

The momentarily scattering sounds reach my heart

Telling me that you're the love of my life"


She has been waiting for these fantasies indeed, because it had been a spark, and the only spark, in her teenage life before she became such a mess.

A while later, they were in front of the school gate. She did not want it to be over that soon, but right now, the moment she had ever been waiting for was coming. The moment when he took off the helmet and his eyes locked in hers. It almost happened, at least that was what she thought to herself.

It never happened. When they arrived at the school gate, he let her climb down the motorcycle and he rode away from her faster than the speed of light. He didn’t forget to take his helmet from her head. Obviously, this let Soo Jung down for a long long while.




Soo Jung struggled to find her room since the dorm was huge. Everyone looked at her with their curious eyes: her stockings were ripped off, her clothes was sloppy, and her nails were also broken. She wondered if anyone hadn’t known about her incident. She did not want people to see the vulnerable Jung Soo Jung who fell under pressure and suffered from anxiety, so she played her alter ego, Krystal, a cool, naughty and over-confident , and the first thing she had in mind was to give “her” a good look.

Soo Jung went to the toilet and opened her bag, only to find out the make-up kit was gone. So was her pack of expensive cigarettes.

“!” – She said out loud.

She was never so desperate. She thought she would lose her mind without cigarettes because that was the only thing that could possibly calm her down and help her find ease.

“You need something?” – Suddenly she heard a familiar voice. To be specific, the Busan accent.

“Busan blonde chick for sure.” – Soo Jung looked at the mirror and saw the girl’s reflection.

“Craving for drugs, perhaps? Should I be the one to put you into rehab? Oops, you have already been there.” – Gina was being herself. She took her pure red matte MAC lipstick out of her purse and wore it on a few times to make sure it was perfectly “red” the way she wanted.

“You look pale. I should be a nice person and let you borrow mine, but it’s more fun looking at you like this.” – Gina let out a ironic laugh. “I don’t usually imagine superstars to be this pathetic.” She then walked out fabulously, leaving Soo Jung and her messy mind behind.

She breathed out heavily. She saw someone she knew walking towards her from afar. Everything after that was a blur.




“You passed out on the hallway. The doctor came and gave you all this medicine. I paid them all for you, you owned me.”

“I have never seen anyone who is so irresponsible of herself.”

“You should’ve eaten my burger. You cannot simply survive by smoking.”

“Where am I?” – Soo Jung felt dizzy.

“Your dorm.”

Eun Ji had made pork porridge for her in the kitchen, and now she was wiping Soo Jung’s sweat off her forehead.

“Why are you so nice to me?”

“Because you owned me. I have to keep you safe so one day you can pay me back.”

Eun Ji looked at poor Soo Jung sympathetically. She was never a smoker, nor a drinker, but a desperado, always in need of help when no one was around.

“Have you been here with someone, or all by yourself?”

Eun Ji remained silent, refused to answer. But it did not take long for Soo Jung to see her roommate’s sad eyes behind that smile when she asked the question. The two sat down the table and had a nice late dinner at about 11PM. They had nothing to talk to each other though.

“There’s someone named Meg who called you like 500 times. You should call her back.”

Oh gosh, Meg! , my clothes. She had promised to bring it here by 5PM and there was nothing here. Soo Jung thought to herself. Like a habit, her hands moved so quickly, and she typed Meg’s number correct without looking on the screen. Meg answered the fifth call.

“What is wrong with you, little prick? I thought Mr. Jung was clear about this. What the happened today? What’s the matter with you?” – Meg was furious on the other side.

“I need my clothes here. Why didn’t you bring them here…”

“You never listen to anything, ANYTHING we say. What am I to you, Jung Soo Jung?”

“Everything is so difficult for me right now, Meg. I can’t stand any of this …”

“ you! All you have to do is GO TO SCHOOL.”

“I… I just need my goddamn cloth…”

“Stop making everything all about you! I’ve got a lot to take care of. I’ve got a wedding coming, tons of to prepare, I cannot be around you all the time so PLEASE be a ing mature person.” – After that was all the beeps.

Soo Jung couldn’t eat anymore after the terrible conversation she had with her “best friend.” She didn’t bother about Meg too much though. Meg’s habit is to complicate everything. All she needed was some alcohol for a good night sleep.

“You have any alcohol?” – Soo Jung asked.


Of course she would say that.

It was already 2AM, and Soo Jung still couldn’t sleep. She kept thinking about yesterday with the man in black. She wondered if he would be a dark man she had always imagined, the man who had dark eyeliner, piercings and lots of tattoos, the man who would do bad things with her, the man who would love her to the moon and back. She imagined them travelling the world on his badass motorcycle on an open road. In her dreams, they would sing their favorite love songs, cook together and make love under the moonlight. That’s the reason she couldn’t fall asleep. She was so busy being a “night dreamer.” This was usually the time she called Meg and told her about every little details like before, when she was head over heels in love with a 20-year-older-than-her man, but Meg was mad at her, so she couldn’t. Her only best friend refused to be in contact with her, this feeling of having no one to talk to was unbearable for Soo Jung, even though she had to overcome.

Seeing an opportunity to relive this urge of sharing her interesting story, she woke up Eun Ji. Eun Ji was a light sleeper, even the smallest movement could make her awake, much less a Rolling Stones’ song.

“Woaaaah. Is it morning already?” – Eun Ji replied after a big yawn.

“No. But I have something to talk to you.”


“I met the man of my dreams yesterday.”

Eun Ji widened her eyes and was so eager to listen to what she was going to hear. She never thought someone would share stories with her, even if she always had her ears for everything. Her parents kept secrets from her, and none of her schoolmates were even trying to be friendly with her. Sometimes she wondered if her big warm smile and the Busan accent had anything to do with that, but as time went by, she got used to being on her own.

“Tell me all the details!” – Eun Ji’s excitement could be seen in her watery eyes from lack of sleeping.

Soo Jung started with when her heels had been broken and how she had managed to act cool in front of everybody’s eyes. And the story of that man in black pulling her hand and put her on this big af motorcycle and his Armani scent on his cold leather jacket. Also when “the special song” popped up in her head.

“Do you know that I had an affair?”

“I don’t.”

“It was actually not an “affair.” I cheated on my boyfriend.”

“Lee Seung Gi?”


“Who the hell would cheat on Lee Seung Gi?”

Soo Jung stopped herself for a few seconds.

“That man, uhm… He made me feel like I could be anything, you know. He made me the happiest person in the world, before tearing me apart… He wrote me this song, and I thought of it when I was on the motorcycle, you know… Uhm… Maybe it can be the same with this guy. I can be happy again.”

She started to shed a tear. Eun Ji came and sit by her side. After a few seconds of crying, they came back to the conversation.

“Maybe this is it. He’s the one. The dark man I dream every night. My knight in shining armor.”

“Good for you!” – Eun Ji replied cheerfully.

“My agency said that I had a guardian in this school, but they didn’t tell his identity. You gotta help me find him, Jung Eun Ji. You gotta help me!”

“Okay! And now we’ve got just three hours to sleep, so let’s just turn off the lights!”

The two was now in their beds and sleeping like dead men.




Soo Jung was probably back to her normal self – Krystal. She was sitting on the bench and lit the lighter while looking around the school like the queen. She overheard two freshmen talking about her.

“OMFG Soo Jung is so fab.” – Said the chick with a signature Anna Wintour bob.

“No, more like a drunken . Look at her stocking and those pair of shoes. Hideous.” – Said the dyed redhead.

“I got footage of the fight yesterday should we take some pictures of that right now and post it on Facebook I think it’s gonna be so fetch!”

Fetch my . Not anybody can be like the “Mean Girls.”

Krystal wished she could do something but she chose to be class and not do anything. She let them take pictures of her feeling her cigarette and gave them the middle finger.

School time was almost over, and she still couldn’t find a person who looked like the man she saw yesterday. Sometimes in class, she caught Min Ho looking at her, but she thought it could not possibly be him.

Soo Jung, as Krystal, walked along the hallway to find her locker. She found her locker unlocked and inside there were hate mails, a rotten tomato and a broken DVD copy of “Autumn Leaves.” Her golden necklace was also missing. She turned around and the two girls from before stood right in front of her. One of them was intimidating her, the other held her camera.

“What are you so frightened of, Soo Jungie? Where is your middle finger now, you ?” – Redhead just got wild and cocky.

“Give me my necklace you little scumbag.” – Krystal stared at the girl.

“I didn’t take it. But if I do, what are you gonna do now, ? Hit us?” – She smirked.

Soo Jung had never imagined a day when two youngsters would make her fell ashamed of herself. They stole her things, and recorded her like those freaking paparazzis out of the school gate, but there was nothing she could do. Every school student was now looking at her, but no one had the guts to stop it. Or maybe they were enjoying the show.

And then he came. The light Armani scent got into her nose, that moment she knew the knight would come and save her. He came to the scene, took the chick’s camera and deleted every footage they had of Krystal, he gave it back to her and left the scene like a breezing wind.

He looked like a tall dark man in her dreams. He had a dark toned skin. He wore thick eyeliner. He wore that same leather jacket and the Armani scent. He wore leather boots. It’s him, it’s really him. Althought he didn’t say a jack to confirmed it, somehow she believed.

When the crowd had already gone, Soo Jung ran looking for Eun Ji. She found Eun Ji struggling to use the vending machine. She patted Eun Ji’s right shoulder while Eun Ji was kicking the machine, hoping that something would come out.

“I already put money in this thing, but nothing comes out!” – Eun Ji was still kicking it.

“I think I found him.” – Soo Jung sounded serious, and hilarious at the same time.


She left a light smile, that was when Eun Ji realized.

“Man in black?”

She nodded, then pulled Eun Ji to follow her.

They were in the parking lot. Soo Jung pointed to the dark skin guy from afar.

“That’s him. Are you sure?”

“Yes. Do you know him?”

“That’s Kim Jong In. Everybody knows him.”

Who the hell is Kim Jong In?

“Do you know where he is going?”

“No, probably to some dump or a ghetto house. That’s where he lives.”

“You cannot be kidding me.”

“Why should I?”

He was taking off his leather jacket. Suddenly Soo Jung came up with an idea that was the craziest ever.

“Let’s stalk this guy.”


“I can’t believe what you’ve just said. I have to observe with my bare eyes.”

“Why would you want me to stalk your dream guy with you?”

“Because right now you’re the only one I have.”

This had touched Eun Ji in the deepest part of her warm heart. She smiled happily that someone needed her, even if this was a whack idea and it was not going to work.

“But Soo Jung ah, you can’t leave the school! They will expel you!”

“Who said I’m Soo Jung?” – Soo Jung replied with a different voice and she had this evil genius smile on her face.

“Let’s go to the dorm, I think I’ve got some clothes that you can fit your in.”

They put on some old-fashioned clothes, wigs and sunglasses. They had to make sure no one could recognize our superstar right here. Now they looked like they were in the 60s with the Coco Chanel vibe.

“Don’t mess this up.” – Said Soo Jung.




They were in the middle of the street on Eun Ji’s bicycle. The weather was crazy hot.

“How can we follow a motorcycle with a ing bicycle?” – Soo Jung held a fan and tried to make herself cooler from the hotness.

“I don’t know, whose idea is to STALK A ING MAN?” – Eun Ji said loudly.

“Because there’s no better idea than this! I can’t believe what you say!”

“So then you!”

Eun Ji tried as hard as she could to follow the guy, but she couldn’t with another person in the back. The clothes also made her feel uncomfortable.

“Hey, I’ve got a better idea. Why don’t I follow him and tell you where he goes so you can do the stalking later?” – Said Eun Ji.

“So you can steal him from me? Hell no.”

Parts of her body were starting to hurt from working too hard. She could feel the bicycle falling down on her, and the high pitched voice screaming to her ears. She pulled her bicycle up and looked back just to see the blur of pink was further away from her. She also saw a wig on the floor, which it was not hers.

“You’re in this on your own, I’m out!”

Their plan failed miserably.

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krystaljung18cute #1
Chapter 2: Hahaha tgis good authornim promise update soon