
"Hyung! What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing! Just stay in your room!”
“But why?!”
“Just stay there!”
Without hearing another complaint, Namjoon shuts the door and locks it from the outside. Jungkook bangs relentlessly from behind the wooden frame, bawling out of fear and confusion, pestering Namjoon and telling him that this was all a sick joke just to make him cry, but how Namjoon wished it was.
A pang of pain hit the older, but he has to do this for his safety.
Ignoring the frightened kid, Namjoon rushes to his room and locks the door.
Before he could proceed, Namjoon heard the faint sound of barking from the distance. His eyes widen in horror and panic.
Without wasting a second, he sprinted towards the drawers of the end table and brings out a bag of salt. He tears it open and start dumping it on the bottom of the door, the window sill, and lastly, he scattered the remaining contents on the center of the room, forming a not-so perfect circle on the floor.
Now that’s left is on top of Namjoon’s computer desk. He picks up the metal stick he managed to snag from his friend’s dad’s working ground. He’ll take it back of course, unless he’s still intact, that is. He walks over the salt circle with weapon in hand; ready for whatever that’s bound to come.
Besides the discordant barking, Jungkook has gotten real quiet. Just a while ago, he was hammering and bawling at the door. He must’ve grown tired and fell asleep. That’s good, Namjoon thought. The kid would be completely dead to the world once he got some shut eye. Even if you threw him out the window, he’d still be sleeping and would wonder why he’s in the backyard covered in dirt and grass and splinters.
So whatever will happen right now, Jungkook will have no idea. No idea at all.
The thought made Namjoon chuckle despite the pain he felt in his heart. The thought of seeing Jungkook waking up and starts searching for his hyung, only to find him ripped apart in the most unimaginable way a person could be butchered to pieces.
He started thinking that he’ll never get to be around his little brother anymore, in matters of being physically present. He could probably still wander around without a vessel and watch over the little punk, or so he heard from the punk himself. But could he?
Namjoon was interrupted from his thoughts when he heard the front door flying off its hinges and probably landed in the living room. He heard heavy shuffling ascending the stairs. This was it. It was coming for him, but Namjoon wasn’t going to back down without a fight.
If only he hadn’t done that stupid summoning, if only he had just accepted the fact that he was tone-deaf and just practiced long and hard to fix it, if only he waited long enough to stand on stage-
Relentless pounding and banging greeted Namjoon. The wind the moving door was making blew away the salt, slowly rolling them off of their formation. Namjoon gripped the stick, palms slicked with sweat, bracing himself for the impending terror waiting behind the door.
More pounding and banging, now stronger, was enough to break the salt’s formation. The door dashed open, yanking it off its hinges. The impact caught Namjoon off guard, sending him flying towards his bed. How wonderful, it was going to end on his own bed, the only place he could feel at ease, oh the irony.
Then again, it was still the place he could feel completely relaxed, since he did relax, decided actually. He knew he has no chance against these invisible creatures. He knew this was punishment for his greediness for fame, so why resist? He closed his eyes and felt their sharp canines sinking into his flesh, tearing him apart. He screamed in pain, but didn’t struggle. He just screamed from the unbearable feeling like any normal person would do.
Namjoon’s consciousness was slipping. His head lay limp on the blood soaked pillow and he swore he saw Jungkook standing by the door before his eyesight went numb.


Author’s Note :

I feel bad for Namjoonie. But a price must be paid.
In Supernatural, summoning a crossroad demon will give you anything you want in exchange for your soul. The time span for the pick-up would be a year. And yes, that would mean dragging you to Hell by invisible killing machine mutts ( Hellhounds, to be exact ). Btw, Supernatural is a cool show for you interested in the supernatural ( hence the title )
Hope ya’ll enjoyed it !
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Linneyth #1
Chapter 1: So....Namjoon sold his soul to the crossroads demon for his musical genius? OMG...I can't believe I didn't get this idea when I watched Supernatural. Poor Kookie, standing right there on the other side of the door when they dragged his hyung away...
qinyin1023 #2
Wow, I can feel the supernatural thing here. So simple, I love this! It's true that a price must be paid but OMG how about my kookie :'( namjoon left him alone.
Anyway, I love your writting style. It doesn't confusing me :D so author-nim, good job~~~!!