Ready, Get Set, then Go


There was a long pause at the door before she placed her clammy fingers around the knob to open back to her reality. It was silly, she thought, that the past month had been referred as a dream- a wonderful one, at that- instead of a reality to her. It was as real as it can get, but she couldn't convice herself to believe it as that. Her days were filled with anxiousness, excitement, intrigueness, and vaguely enough, happiness mixed with sadness.

"You're back..."

"Yeah... I suppose I am."




"and I'm Eunji!" "Minhyuk!" "Joshua Hong!"

Exuberant smiles and greetings had showered the floor. Indefinite noises clattered the air as everyone had so eagerly bumped greetings. It was definitely a mess for her. Her eyes wandered each figure her eyes could land on, her lips pressed into a thin line as she tried to make sense of the catastrophe. Had she signed herself up to be pushed off to the brink of madness? Her eyes continued to linger around the small space, hoping for a source of comfort and thankfully enough, there was one face she remembers so well.


Almost inaudible but she was in close perimeter to be heard. The said girl with chocolate brown locks turned around, flashing her one of those bright smiles.

"Bomi! How are you?" And instantly, they exchanged short dialogues of their own mind. Just as the flow of conversation simmers down, Chorong had asked her for help. 

"Sure." With the given papers in hand, she smiled at her familiar friend. She turned around to breathe. Breathe. Smile. Talk. Talk?! Wait, uhm. So Alright. Just calm down and just ask nicely! Politely! Don't forget to smile... wait, how do I approach them again...? Hi!... hello? No, No! Uhm. Alright. She cleared . Hello! I'm Bomi!

Even with the time spent practicing in her head, she failed miserably. "H-hey!" "Hi!" "Hello?" She mumbled off greetings like questions, she forgot to mention her name when needed, and sometimes she worries if she came off rudely.

Smile. Breathe. Talk politely. This should work...



"There were a lot of people! And it was crazy!! I don't even know how to deal with them! But oh my gosh! I met these awesome people! They're amazing! Seriously!" She rattled off to the petite girl sitting on her bed. As a pregnant pause occured, the excited girl settled down and leans against her bed. "Can I do well?"

That knowing and caring smile plastered on her older sister's face. "Hey, at least you talked to them. That's more than enough. And you'll be fine." The older had laid on her bed, ready for the night. "Besides, this is supposed to be fun. So stop just... have fun."

That's more than enough....

Yeah... I'll be fine.



The night crawled in, and of course, so did her menacing thoughts. This was her troubling part of the day. Or the very least, the most common time she drowned in her whimpers. As if on cue, the bustling of cruel words thrown at her banged into her mind. Unecessary banters and useless pleas were strangled inside her mind. With the past embracing her to succumb into the ugly world she so desperately escapes, she struggled to have some peace of mind. There was a start, though. A radiating piece of lighting that showered rays of light in her darkness. The memories of that morning replayed in her head. The smiles she acquaintained herself with, and the faces she befriended played in her head. It was short yet steady. It was small yet she can feel it growing. Tomorrow, she hopes for another light.

She slept peacefully, for once.


A/N: Inspiration? People. Let me know what you think!

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