Whisper of the Devil

I Wish

When morning came I was still boiling with spite and anger, walking down the hall I hear giggles and whispers coming from Kyuhyun's room. 

Peering in the cracked door, Kyuhyun was kissing her with the passion I so desperately wanted. My blood boiled but I gathered myself together and walked outside and lit a cigarette. 

"You don't normally smoke..." Says Leeteuk as he yawns on the steps. 

"I know, but this is the only thing that will calm me down right now." I reply taking a drag and look into the sunrise.

"What's going on hyung? Is this about Kyuhyun?" He sighs

"Did Kangin tell you I was upset last night?"

"Of course, he is my boyfriend he tells me everything. But what he told you was right, you shouldn't hate her. Kyuhyun made his choice and you need to accept it Siwon."

"I can't! I love him and I know deep down he loves me! He just has to see that that woman is a devil trying to steal him away from me." I say angrily blowing out smoke

"Just please don't hurt anyone..." He mutters and walks back inside

When I finished my cigarette, I brush my hair back and go back in to shower.

"Siwon, can I talk to you for a minute please?" Kyuhyun asks me looking upset

"Of course." I say with a blank face but smile in my head as we head to his room. Finally just the two of us alone together....

"So Shelby told me about the sketchy conversation you had with her last night before I came in. Why were you asking her such weird questions?" He says with his adorable wide eyes and blushing cheeks

"Well I had a bit to drink last night and I was just worried about you. I'm sorry if I came accross a strange way. I'll go apologize right now. Alright?" I smile manipulatively at him and hug him gently

He was blushing so cutely, "Um, alright. Ehem w-well please do that and let go of me please." He pushes me away

"I'm sorry, I'll go now." I close the door behind me but I just shower and leave for my photo shoot

Why should I apologize for some innocent questions? Especially to a devil who threatens my plans to be with Kyuhyun forever!  

"Great work everyone! That's a rap!" The photographer shouts and everyone starts to pack up as my limo pulls up and I begin heading home but then I decide to call Kyuhyun 

"Hello?" He answers 

"Ah Kyuhyunssi, would you please join me for dinner at the hotel this evening? To make up more for what happened last night?" 

"S-sure hyung, I'll meet you there at 8. I'm finishing recording my new single later. I have to go I'm a bit busy but I'll see you tonight, bye." He hangs up before I can say anything else. 

Oh well at least I can start setting my plan in motion, "Driver please take me to the salon. I have a date tonight." 

He simply nods at me and picks up speed to make it there before 6:30 so I can make myself look extra good for Kyuhyun. 

Looking super good with everything perfect I head for the hotel and sit at the bar and order a bottle of the finest wine. I had the entire restaraunt reserved for just us. 

"Hello Siwon." He says sitting next to me wearing a cute blue sweater and tight tan pants

"Thank you for meeting me. Here have some wine." I pour him a glass and hand it to him

"Thank you hyung." He finishes his glass rather quickly after a bit of conversation and he drank more and soon became rather tipsy after a few more glasses. 

"I'll help you to my room so we can get you to bed, come here." I pick him up bridal style and carry him up the grand staircase to my room 

When I put him on the bed he holds onto my shirt and pulls me down with him, "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that.." He slurs together 

I couldn't help but start kissing him passionately wrapping my arms around his waist and feeling the silky smooth skin beneath his shirt

His lips were so plump and soft, the essence of his mouth was sweet like candy I just wanted to taste more. 

I slide my nimble fingers under his sweater and play with his adorable little s, teasing them with my fingers playfully. 

"Ah.." He moaned adorable and I start kissing him deeper and lead my lips down to his neck, his skin was beautiful like fresh cream I couldn't get enough of it

He had his arms wrapped around my neck when suddenly the door opens and Shelby stood there with an expressionless face , "Oh excuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt. I'll see you later at home Kyuhyun." She says with a smile and closes the door gently 

Kyuhyun sits there for a moment mortified and trembling but snaps out of it quickly and pushes me away and runs after her but she was already gone

"W-what have I done?!" He shouts falling to his knees in despair and cries heavily 

I lean down next to him but he shoves me away harshly "Don't you come near me! I should've known better than to trust you! Just stay away from me!" He shouts and runs out of the hotel  

I couldn't really process what just happened but somehow I felt bad......Why?

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Chapter 14: siwoni evil ohhh noo don't like i love wonkyu couple forever
Chapter 11: the couple just need to talkkkk
Chapter 10: she really should let kyu explain n he was serious about them that he wanted to marry her
Chapter 9: nice story!!! different from the other story I've read! keep up d good work! siwon is being evil i like haha poor Kyuhyun but Shelby should have let kyu explain if she loves him too
knitapple #5
Chapter 3: Oh...this story is getting so good, keep it up. I can't wait to see what happens next! :)