The Suprise Incident

99 Days With You
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The Surprise Incident


Day 59

My phone rang as I apply my make-up in the washroom. I rushed to the nightstand by my bed. I checked the name.

Chanyeol Bbyu

I instantly pressed answer.

"Annyeong oppa!" I yelled into the phone. "Woah, why do you sound so excited?" He asked, chuckling. "Nothing!" I smiled at the phone. We talked for a while on the phone as I continue applying my make-up.

A few moments after I hang up, the bell rang. I dashed downstairs, to the door and looked through the peep-hole.

It was Chanyeol, so I unlocked the lock and opened the door.

We hung out at the dining table for a moment talking about stuff. He finally decided to go to a nearby café. Chanyeol said the foods there are really good. 

We waited at the bus stop 413.

About 5 minutes later, it arrived. Chanyeol went in front of me and scanned his bus card. "I'll pay." Chanyeol turned around and smiled. "Two adults please," He told the bus driver and we headed to the farest seat.

It was pretty awkward since there weren't many people on the bus. I just sat in the corner, looking out the window, when Chanyeol tapped on my shoulder. "Huh?" I looked at him with awkward eyes. "Umm, I-I was just wondering if later you have time to go to the new water park that just opened." I and thoigt for a moment. "No..." I said as he sighed. I continued, "I'm free." I smiled. His sad face turned into a grin.

We got off at the Café and line up to order. "What should we get?" I asked Chanyeol. "Anything you want." He said, while still looking at the menu.

It was our turn to order, I ordered the rilakkuma donut. Chanyeol ordered the Ice coffee and Also the rilakkuma donut. We waited patiently and awkwardly aside until they were done with our order. I refused to let Chanyeol pay, so I did. Suprisingly, he didn't stop me this time. He carried the tray of food to a empty table near the window. We sat awkwardly sat across from each other while eating our food and looking out the window a few times.

He broke the silence by saying, "I have something for you..." He ped his side bad, pulled it out and hid it behind his bad. I placed my donut down and tried to take a peek behind. Glancing at the iced coffee he ordered, I stood up and headed somewhere. His face was confused. I went to get a straw and pushed it down the drink's lid. "Gomawo" He smiled. 

Chanyeol handed me a rilakkuma plushie while I was eating my donut. "It's for you, Eun Hee," I gasped. "It's so cute!" I whispered-squeal. "It's for you," Chanyeol awkwardly said and handed it to me. I too

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