
Iridescent Music Entertainment [Hiring staff | Trainees needed] FREESTYLE DANCE CHALLENGE CLOSED (please check updates page)
Iridescent Entertainment
Iridescent Entertainment



New collab opened! iKon's APOLOGY

Please show this collab some support guys! We know that we've been on Hiatus for some time, so we're opening up new collabs, show us some love, yeah??:D 

Trainee list updated, please comment if you don't see your name on the list. PM either CEO or @Iridescentent directly if you have any suggestions on how to make this entertainment better, have any song suggestions, or want to give us some ideas about the entertainment company. 

Stay tuned, iridescents!

And a very merry Christmas~ 


New collab opened! GOT7's If you do

Please join it or it's difficult for us t0 continue with the entertainment~~~~

Trainee list updated! Comment below if you do not see your name in the trainee list!

Those who want to be in our line group please pm us your line ID so that we can add you into the group.

Freestyle dance challange is being edited, those who haven't sent us your dance please send them to yue either by pm or other ways (idk how else you guys can contact her oops)

Stay tuned, iridescents~~


Trainee list is updated!

Dance challenge and first collab opened. Please join them, everyone!


Trainee list is updated!:) 

Dance challenge and first collab opened. Please join them, everyone!:) 


Hi guys!

We have decided to open a freestyle dance challenge for fun! All dancers are required to join in, and the rest of you guys can join for fun as well:)) 

Please PM us/check the line group for more updates on this. 

Link to Freestyle Track. 

Anyway, all who take part are required to attempt the ENTIRE song. If you can't finish dancing, you are allowed to pose/walk around/be natural. Think of it as a four minute stage to show off your charisma!:) 

Deadline will be released soon. Meanwhile, you can start filming and thinking of the moves! Post your clip onto youtube and link it to us. Please comment below if you're going to be taking part and we will add you to the list below. 

People taking part: 

Side note: To all trainees waiting for us to put you on the trainee list, feel free to apply for this as well! You are accepted into the family already, just that the processing of your forms are a bit slow because the both of us are a bit busy these few weeks. :) Hope you guys understand, and thank you for your patience!:D


11/8/2015: Trainee list updated (comment below if you do not see yourself up on the trainee list) New collab opened! Comment with audition links and state your desired parts in the comments below~~~

Greetings from your two lovable CEOs!:) It's Yue and Hyerim here. We have been talking about starting a new entertainment for a while already~ It's been a pleasure working with various talented companies here on AFF, but nothing like creating our own, right?:p We really look forward to working with all of you, and we hope that you can have fun here at Iridescent! Keep the applications coming guys~~ 
Note to all trainees/artists/staff: Please PM us your Line ID so that we can add you all into our family group!!:) 




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Chapter 3: i would like to pull out as a trainee.
im so sorry ;;
WiseGirl #2
Applied as mixer!
Chapter 3: i don't see myself here :(