Act I: Counting Hours

What The? [H]


Friday, 02.06 PM

Seohyun had completely broke.

Thanks to her lovely unnies, that is. No names given, we simply knew them.

Aside from that, anything was fine. Sunny and Nicole were suffering, since Tiffany and Jessica were such a pair of bastards. They bought an entire store, really. With their irresistible charm the two were made as slave for the day. And if the two weren’t their best friend (or such a bat maniac) maybe Sunny and Nicole won’t be too nice. Seohyun was off the hook, since she went home twice to dump the shopping bags to their home. People would definitely raise an eyebrow if they saw a pair of handsome boys shopping...

Half of the store.

“Remind me of why are we carrying these bloody bags?” Sunny glowered, looking pissed as always. Nicole only shrugged, being both too tired and too angry. “I don’t know,” Nicole replied. “I want to yell them the ‘f’ word.” She scowled at the passing girls, apparently (according to Nicole) whispering about their pathetic state. Few men who passed the two even patted their shoulder, saying “I feel your pain.” Before their girlfriend pulled their ear.

“Not just you.” Sunny muttered after adjusting the weight on her right arm. Man, I feel numb, she thought. She sneaked a glance to the younger Jung, who seemed angry and pissed but too scared to retaliate her cousin’s doing.

The two decided to rest on the nearest bench along with Tiffany and Jessica, who seemed tired of harassing their wallets. They were sitting for good 15 minutes when a harassed-looking Seohyun arrived with a familiar girl.

“You SHOPPED again, unnie?” Seohyun let out a frustrated cry before marching toward the piling bags and left the scene (“I AM NOT GOING TO DRAG YOU HERE ANYMORE!” said Seohyun,angrily). The other girl gave them a look, before helping the Keroro lover a lending hand. Seohyun was more than glad.

“Worst day ever,” Nicole suddenly stated. Jessica suddenly stopped talking to a girl (who fancied him) and turned to her cousin in distress. “Why?” She asked dumbly. Sunny looked at her as if she committed a terrible crime, while Tiffany glared at her. She herself didn’t even notice the two victim’s deadly aura.

“What?!” She yelled, scandalized.

“First of all, you’re an ,” Tiffany nodded with a smile, but that was before Sunny nudged her, hard. Only God knew how many times Sunny saved Tiffany from Jessica’s wrath. “Second, I know that girl,” Nicole continued, pointing at the girl who was talking to Jessica. “Third, Seohyun got broke and I’ll be the one who’ll pay her lunch this month.”

“Well that’s your problem,” Jessica snickered. “But seriously, what’s her name, hmm? I remember she whispered her name to my ear only, right Goddess?” The girl blushed. Sunny and Tiffany rolled their eyes together. It was day one and Jessica had already been a freaking womanizer.

Nicole flinched. “Ew. She’s Seokyung, and apparently she’s a middle schooler, you pedobear! She’s Hyoyeon’s dongsaeng on her music school!” Jessica’s eyes widened and then smiled awkwardly to Seokyung.

God, kill me now.


Friday, 02.59 PM

Seohyun returned along with a stranger. The three unnies gave the stranger an ‘I’m watching you’ look, and Seohyun noticed that she was shaking a bit. Seohyun placed her hand on the slightly shorter girl in order to calm her done.

“Stay calm, love.” Said Seohyun with obvious affection. “Uh, this is Yoona...” Yoona smiled bravely at them, only to have her wide smile faltered ever so quickly. Credits goes to Sunny, Tiffany, and Jessica’s glare. Nicole only gave Seohyun and Yoona a sympathetic smile.

“We know that,” Jessica glowered at her. She and the other two then continued to examine her closely.

Slightly closer distance...

Those matching shirts...

That freaking lovey dovey aura that creep single people...

Couldn’t it be...?

“Are you...” Sunny started.

“…this lunatic’s...” Seohyun held her urge to slap Tiffany.

“... Girlfriend?” Jessica finished.

The two looked at each other.

“Um... Yes?”

The four then dragged the couple to nearby restaurant. “Explain and pay, Seo.” Jessica demanded.

Seohyun couldn’t do anything but to comply.


“Yes, I am dating Seohyun.” Yoona said confidently, after her stomach had been filled with cheesecake. She need food to be confident. Jessica raised an eyebrow, looking at Seohyun who stopped munching her salad. She looked back at Yoona, then to Seohyun, to Yoona again, then to Seohyun again.

“Since when?” Jessica asked slowly.

“Uh... since early May?”

That’s three months ago... dang it.

“You must be ing kidding me.” She said monotonously, then turned to Tiffany and Nicole who looked happy. “You retards!” She growled at them, grabbing her wallet and gave some money to the two. The two were too happy pocketing my money as they didn’t notice that Seohyun were glaring at them. Nicole and Yoona stayed silent, as they saw this one pointless.

“How?” she then asked, a bit agitated.

“Wait, you BET on my love life?”

“Well yeah duh? You refused to go on some dates we set up for you! So these two little rats here concluded that YOU are already taken. I didn’t believe them, so we decided to place bets.” Jessica explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.  

“I can’t believe this...” She said, looking at the ‘winners’ with looks that could kill. Yoona did not bother to intervene. She could die, you know.

“Well... your love life and our life are boring, so we intended to spice things up.” Sunny said, not looking at Seohyun. Her shoes were more interesting, somehow. Tiffany stayed silent. “Tiffany unnie, you too?” Seohyun whined as Tiffany only nodded.

“Well you’re the only one who have an uninteresting love life...”

“... and you use us as your guinea pigs...”

“So consider it a fair and square revenge!” They said in unison.


“Fantastic, awesome, fabulous. I know.”

Before those long nails could claw their hem handsome face, Yoona interrupted. “Calm down love,” she said soothingly. “My cousin do that too, and I think we’re not the only one. Right, Nicole?”

“Yes... WAIT WHAT?!” Nicole squawked in surprise. “H-how t-the hell?”

“Believe me,” Yoona sighed. “You all are not the first guinea pigs that she did.” The four shot the scientist an unamused stare, and Seohyun became sheepish all of the sudden.

“He…he…he…” She laughed nervously.

Jessica gave her a piercing icy glare.

“Don’t hehehe me you git.”


Friday, 03.29 PM

Jessica shifted uncomfortably on her seat. She carefully dropped her fork to the plate, then started to stare at her ‘interesting’ shoes.

Being a good bestfriend she was, Tiffany asked, “Jess, what’s wrong?”

Jessica looked at her bestfriend with tears visible on her both eyes. “I’m in trouble Steph,” Tiffany now sure as hell Jessica was indeed in big trouble. Otherwise she would’ve called her ‘Tiff’ instead of ‘Steph’.

“Jess, what’s wrong?” She asked again.

“I ing need to pee.” She said quietly.

Seohyun dropped her fork and looked at Jessica with a sly smile.


Friday, 03.44 PM

They finished their lunch, finally, and decided to go home.

The meal was great, but the paying wasn’t.

Because Jessica was still mad of Seohyun, she didn’t want to pay her meal. The rest of them, too, refused to pay their meals with the same excuse. Only Yoona was responsible enough to pay hers. Seohyun then figured that she had only enough money for her meal, and set off to nearest ATM. After a quick look on her account, Seohyun cried.

As an apology she left her (expensive) shoe at the restaurant, placing a note inside it that they should sell the shoes since she and her friends ran away.


So Seohyun walked barefooted on the way to their car, and it attracted many people's eyes. She even heard a tourist from Southeast Asia said aloud: “Malu njir.” And Seohyun was positive it didn’t mean good.

“Seo, wear my shoe.” Nicole offered Tiffany’s newly purchased shoes to Seohyun, feeling guilty after noticing the rain’s puddles. Seohyun quickly took the shoe and wore it, then deliberately stomped to any puddle she found out of revenge. Sunny had to hold Tiffany the entire time Seohyun smiled evilly and began dirtying her new shoes.

“Those are my shoes, Soonkyu!” she wailed dramatically. Sunny didn’t have any pity. After all, she was responsible for her numb arms.

“She ruined it!”

“Don’t care.”

“She freaking stomped on the puddle! SEOHYUN-AH!”

“Please be quiet.”


Friday, 03.59 PM

Seating position:

Jessica (driver)       Seohyun

Sunny                        Nicole

Yoona                        Tiffany

“Hyun-ah, we haven’t done grocery shopping.” Tiffany reminded from the back seat. Seohyun nudged Jessica, who growled and took a U-turn. Jessica skilfully parked the car on the parking lot, then ushered them all to go quickly. Nicole objected the idea.

“Why it has to be us?” She narrowed her eyes to Jessica. Nicole gulped when Jessica stared at her, indignantly. “I mean, one is enough.” She added nervously at the end. They all looked at Nicole with pity on their eyes.

“Then I shall go!” Seohyun declared, eyes twinkling in utter excitement.

The speed of them grabbing Seohyun’s arms before she could exit the car was nothing kind of miraculous.


Friday, 04.04 PM

It took full five minutes to decide who will be the one to go.

In the end, it was all of them.

And their effort to be unseen crumbled when Sunny took off her cap to ‘cool off’ which sent them to this situation. They do knew well there were quite a lot of high schoolers doing grocery shopping, and as soon as they spotted the four handsome boys doing grocery, they couldn’t be stopped.

“MARRY ME!” A love-sick brunette yelled to Tiffany’s ears. Tiffany didn’t bother to hide her discomfort. She openly scowled to them, only finding them fainted because of her ‘amazing set of cold smiling eye’. She could swore someone her .

“Remind me of why, we got into this predicament!” Tiffany exclaimed angrily, eyes boring holes to Sunny’s back. They narrowly escaped the sea of girls thanks to Jessica’s flirty way and Nicole’s brother aura, and successfully diverted the attention from nearly fainting Tiffany and Sunny. Sunny turned her body to Tiffany after throwing two sets of pasta to the cart. Her small eyes narrowed dangerously to Tiffany.

“Predicament? That’s exaggerating, Miyoung!”

“Don’t you dare call me by that name!”



Nicole and Jessica contributed greatly for separating them. Apparently, their fight was so intense that they knocked out three securities because of their missed flying fists. The two were well-known as the strongest girl duo on their year, and Jessica couldn’t even defend her friend when Tiffany KO-ed Mr. Jeon, their former PE teacher, when he demonstrate a basic of martial-arts. Mr. Jeon who clearly didn’t know the fact that Tiffany was experienced in jujitsu and karate, assumed Tiffany was the easiest opponent he would ever face.

“Why are they like that?” A middle aged woman asked Seohyun who facepalmed.

“Grocery shopping. None of them are willing to accompany me.” She said in exasperation. The woman shook her head muttering, “Boys will be boys.”


Friday, 04.55 PM

That was perhaps the quickest grocery shopping Seohyun ever done. It was as if she was on hurry…

“Seo… what’s with the hurry?” Jessica asked cautiously. Seohyun didn’t answer. Instead she threw the plastic bags rather carelessly at the trunk, and ushered the four to get in the car. Seohyun even snatched the car key and gave it to Yoona.

“Hyun-ah, you’re scaring us...” Nicole said slowly.

“Did you all feel any strange… stomach growling?”


“Just answer me!” The four flinched and looked at each other in discomfort.

 Nicole nodded slowly, confirming she did. “I felt a strange feeling on my stomach just before we escape…mall…” Yoona and Jessica were quick enough to caught Nicole on time. In panic, they quickly but carefully put her into the car.

“I knew this was going to happen!” Seohyun exclaimed and ushered them all to enter the car quickly.

“Now close your eyes! I’ve said it before!” The other three complied.


Omg I'm in such a great mood since yesterday

Sadly my body wasn't in a great mood since two days ago.. (probably stress? idk) and I'm basically pushing myself to write a decent story as my old file is gone:(

Oh and I had written a chaptered story of JeTi... about some kind of Fairy Tail magic based fanfiction... but I guess I should post it later after this story reach 20 chapters :)

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Please write a review, it greatly helps me:)




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Writing is hard for me now... U_U


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Kkomofam #1
Chapter 14: Gosh this story were hillarious af
1139 streak #2
Chapter 14: Damn I totally forget this hehehe but glad you comeback authourssi
Chapter 12: Seguire esperando mas yulsic
Chapter 11: Ahhhh cant wait for next chapter
Its freaking awesome. Update please author-nim
Chapter 11: Kwon Yuri is cute. *_*
More Yulsic please.
vhelzzz #6
Chapter 11: yeah yul are u really a girl?
Mishiki_Yuuki18 #7
Chapter 11: Oh and good luck author! Hope u pass :)
Mishiki_Yuuki18 #8