
Closed Doors

"Kookie-yah! My hand!" 

As you wanted me to, I took it. Your hand.

It was the same as always. The same cushiony, warm feeling.

Wait. Your hands? Or that strange rumbling at my stomach? Whichever one it was, I wasn't complaining. 

Releasing a sigh, your grip felt tighter. The white swirl of air leaving your lips. I chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" you playfully sneered.

"Don't mind me. It's look so happy but you're smiling through blue lips."

Teeth chattering. Prominent goosebumps appearing on your arms. Eyes squinting into small lines.

But your hands felt so warm. Your fingers rested nicely against my knuckles. I liked feeling the lines of your palms. Eevry inch of them. I really did.

Did you?

"How do you like the view?"

I like it a lot. I like you a lot. I lov-




"Jungkook-ssi? Are you okay? Did you hear what I just as-"

Her hands are on my forehead now. But I know nothing more than slapping it off. 

 "The view's okay."

Oh right. You're not here anymore. I almost forgot my favorite part of this view was you.


And her hands aren't yours. Not smooth like yours. Rough and calloused. 

They're firm. They make me miss the spongy squishiness your hands offered me.

They're clammy. Yours were neither dry nor overly sweaty.

But they're warm too. And I don't think I can let go of this kind of warmth ever again.

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