Chapter 1


Author POV


Teen Top's leader, C.A.P, his real name being Minsoo, was a lot more talkative nearer to the boys' debut days. He always got involved with the other's jokes, and would say absolutely whatever was on his mind. 


But things started to change. 


Being free to say everything off of the top of your head comes with disadvantages of course. He started accidentally saying things that would hurt others feelings or recieve negative responses. 


First it started off with a few jokes where is dongsaengs would get slightly offended, which grew to even worse things, like spilling out a ist joke on TV. All the hatred he recieved from all of his stupid comments made him start to build a shell around himself which people struggled to get through. 


But there was one person who could.


From the first moment they met, the leader had liked the emotional singer, Niel. He was perfect: Big eyes that shined in the light of hundreds of Angels waving lilac torches on stage, an innocent and cute personality, a heart of gold, lucious lips that Minsoo wanted to press his own lips against, and his voice - oh his voice. That smooth and slightly low voice that never failed to mesmerize the leader. 


Minsoo never confessed his feelings to the vocal. Instead he showed it with actions. But he doesn't think that Niel ever quite got the message. 


He would sometimes hold the youngers hand, fingers intertwined, which sent electicity through his veins at the touch. The latter would smile brightly at him which 

made butterflies flutter in his stomach. 


Sometimes he would hug the singer and hold his body close to his. And he would wrap his arms as far as he could around his thin frame. 


However... Niel seemed as if he didn't feel the same way towards Minsoo as Minsoo did towards him. It wasn't that Niel didn't like the act of affection, it just seemed like Niel saw it as an act of close friendship. Which was true to a certain point - they were close friends. Whenever Minsoo was too quiet, Niel would straight away that something was wrong. And that he would always be willing to listen to him. 


It was the other way around, too. Sometimes when practice became too stressful, the boy would sit alone somewhere hugging his knees, looking down to the floor. Minsoo would sit next to him and ask him if je was okay and the younger would begin to tear up. The older would pull the other into an embrace while the other cried quiety in his chest. 


But Niel was oblivious to it all. Minsoo wanted to tell him. But he couldn't. He could never find the words nor the courage to because he feared rejection.


As the early months grew into years since debut, his bottled up feelings were driving him insane. Especially since they 6 boys were growing closer and Niel started talking even more to the others which made Minsoo's blood boil. He started taking purposefully taking selcas with him to keep for himself. He even started saving pictures of the vocal. He didn't exactly know why. 



He just couldn't control his desires anymore. 


The leader would just sit alone and look through all these photos or his crush. He felt guilty to have all of these. He knew it was wrong. He knew it even creepy and stalkerish. But he couldn't help it. 


"Just confess." Part of him would say. 


The other part would say "No. What if he rejects and you just make a fool of yourself. Just stick to photos. He'll never know." 


The second half was more persuading. He took the time to admire ever shape and perfect imperfection that the boy had, which made him fall in love with him even more. 


One day the band members were all in their dorm. There were no schedules today so they had the whole day to themselves. Though, they chose to rest indoors.


Niel was walking past the kitchen when he heard a faint vibrating sound. He followed the sound until he ended up at his and Minsoo's shared room. He walked inside and soon found Minsoo's his hyung's phone under his pillow. 


"Why is it here?" Niel thought. 


His mum was ringing him. 



The boy picked up the phone and walked around the apartment in search of the owner if the phone in his hand. 





"DO YOU SERIOUSLY HAVE TO YELL SO LOUD?" L.Joe suddenly snapped back. "He's in the shower, geez." 


The rapper then smirked.


"You might wanna go and join him."


Chunji laughed at L.joe's comment while Niel gave the two a confused look, completely not understanding what he meant. 


"It's okay Nielie." Chunji got up and ruffled the younger's hair. "It doesn't matter." 


And with that, Niel went to the bathroom and calles out to his hyung who clearly couldn't hear him over the sound of running water. 


Hesitately he answered tge phone. It was probably rude but what if the call was important? 


"Yeobeoseyo?" He said politely? 


"Oh hello! Is that Daniel? It's me, Minsoo's mum." 


"Hello! And yeah it's me. Minsoo's in the shower right now but I can get him to call you back after?"


"That would be nice of you, thank you! And Minsoo tells me about you quite a lot. You two must be pretty close."


"Really? And yeah we are haha." 


"Well okay, I'll talk him after his shower? Take care and goodbye!"


"You too and bye~!" 


As the call ended, the phome returned to the home screen which showed a selca of him and Minsoo together as his wallpaper. When he went to scroll along to see the picture better, he accidentally clicked on the gallery app. 


"Crap!" The singer mumbled. 

Before closing the app, Niel got a quick glance of pictures of him. His eyebrows knitted together. 




He opened the app again to see.


"Minsoo won't know." He mentally said.



His gallery was mainly composed of pictures of either selcas of them two, or even more so, ones of just him. 


Niel started to freak out by this. Row by Row of photos were pretty much him. Followed by even more pictures of him. 


"Why does he have all these?!" He accidentally said aloud. 


"Have what?" 


Minsoo stood at the door. 


The younger froze, the phone in his hand,staring at it in fear knowing that he had been caught. His thoughts started racing around in his head. Will he be mad? Wasn't I supposed to know? Why does he have these? What happens now? Will he yell? He's scary when he's angry! 


On the other hand, the older's blood ran cold. 


"No." He muttered. 


For what seemed like eternity, the two stood there as if time had frozen. 


Eventually Niel got the courage to speak up. 


"Hyung...Why do you have all these?"


"Niel I can explain..." 


"Explain then." 


The thick lipped boy looked up to the leader, his eyes showing complete fear. 






The tense atmosphere was choking the leader. He wanted to pour out all of his feelings to the boy infront of him. To tell him that he was beautiful and that from morning to morning (EYYYY ;3) he just wanted to see him and hold on to him and never let him go. 


But something inside stopped him from doing so. As if he suddenly forgot how to talk. His thoughts were all over the place. 


After a few moments. Niel looked to the floor and handed the phone back to the leader and slowly walked away. 




he stood there and watched as his crush disappeared, his heart becoming 10 times heavier than what it was. 




So here is my first Chapter~! IT TOOK SO LONG TO UPLOAD ITS HORRIBLE. Uploading fanfics on a phone is like the worst thing ever ;-; 

I hope this isn't too bad and earlier I was starting to write Chapter 10 of My (non)fictional Love Story so that should be up soon! Also I'll be starting other fanfics ><  

Tell me what you think below~! 

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Chapter 1: I love this...its really interesting..please update soon..cant wait for the next chapter..
Chapter 1: This is great! please update soon!
Update soon..the idea seem so interesting..