Drunken Words Are Sober Thoughts

The List


After Gunwoo had suggested that they accomplish what she'd written on her list, she simply laughed at him and went back down to her room, leaving Gunwoo pouting. She'd continued packing up things, humming a soft tune as he stared at her from the doorway. It was almost eight in the evening when he brought it up again, the both of them lying on her bed tiredly. He'd barely started his sentence when she cut him off with a no.

"Why not, Yoona?" he asked. She smiled softly and shook her head, her wavy hair bouncing softly as she did.

"I don't know, Gunwoo. It's a lot to do, and I'm moving soon and-"

"Challenge accepted." He grinned at her before pulling out the list from his jeans' pocket. His eyes flickered over it again and he mumbled to himself a bit before looking up at her and flashing a toothy smile. "Yoona, we can start doing some of these things tonight." She reached over to grab the list but he immediately held it far from reach. "I am in charge of the list, and you'll just have to deal with it. At least one everyday until the day your family moves."

She narrowed her eyes at him and contemplated his words, before nodding slowly. "Fine, Gunwoo. But I have to approve." She smirked evilly at him. He just rolled his eyes at her before poking her nose.

"You were the one who wrote this." he reminded her, laughing as he did. She slapped his hand away before standing up and stretching slightly and grabbing a pullover, throwing it on. She tied her hair up in a neat ponytail before looking at Gunwoo who was still on her bed, but was sitting up. He gave her a confused look. She put her hands on her hips before asking him in a teasing voice, "I thought we were starting tonight!"

He laughed and stood up, straightening out his clothes before slinging his arm across her shoulders and leading her out the door, down the stairs and ut of her home. He practically had the list memorized, and he knew what he wanted to do first. He'd always wanted to do it, but she would always refuse to do it. She was convinced she sounded hideous and would be horrible next to Gunwoo - a singing god.

» Go to a noraebang «


He asked her if it was a habit of hers to keep telling him 'no'. She rolled her eyes and still shook her head fiercely. And once more, he found himself asking. "Why not, Yoong?" Her expression softened at the nickname.

She shook her head again. "I sound horrible!" she defended, "PLUS, you need my approval! So, no." He gave her a look, but immediately consented anyway. What she didn't know was that a plan was in the works.

He suggested the next best thing.

» Go clubbing «

And his mission was to get Yoona drunk - drunk enough that she would go sing her heart out at the noraebang, but not so drunk that she would collapse. A club was better for that than a soju tent, since if it were the latter she would probably black out, and he'd have to carry her and she'd puke on him. Probably.

She agreed - anything was better than karaoke - and now they were on two bar stools, awaiting their drinks. He knew Yoona was high-tol, aka she had a high tolerance for alcohol. And he insisted on buying her a drink. He thought to himself a bit, before gesturing for the bartender to come near. She approached them, smiling a bit, interest piqued at Gunwoo's handsome looks. Her shirt was two sizes too small, showing off her midriff, and a very distinct belly ring.

"Uh, I'll get a scotch on the rocks with a twist." he glanced at Yoona. "And a shot of Bacardi Superior." He slid a bank note toward the bartended. She nodded and left, leaving Yoona to exhale loudly in relief. After a moment, she hit Gunwoo's arm.

"That Bacardi shot better be for you." she glared at him. He shook his head, wagging his finger at her as if she were a child. 
"No, Yoong, that's for you. Just one shot. And we can always take a cab, no need for a designated driver." She was irritated at him, how 'devil-may-care' he was - especially when it came to things like partying. She didn't mind, really, but sometimes it wasn't fun getting dragged into something she reaaally didn't want to do. Once, he insisted she take a Flaming Moz. She almost cried.

So when their drinks arrived and Gunwoo took his scotch and handed her her shot, she didn't down it. She took it slowly, but it felt so good, the sting at the back of . One shot turned into two, and eventually made it to four before she decided to take a Flaming Moz - for the second time in her life. 

She almost cried - again.

Gunwoo comforted her, trying to hold back laughter, and told her to just take a martini - he felt bad now. She nodded weakly, before her head fell onto the bar. Her head faced, eyes closed and mouth opened wide.  He laughed, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. At the back of his head, he asked himself if she passed out from the alcohol or she fainted from the shock of the flaming shot.

He found himself laughing again as she started murmuring in her unconscious state. "Mm. Yeah... Gunwoo cute. Like? Mm. Love? Mmmolla~" Before he knew it, he was grinning. A moment passed, and he hit himself on the head for forgetting about the plan to get her to the noraebang.


This is such a fail, omg. I apologize. I'm sorry if you were expecting something better... This is loosely based off a real-life situation, the karaoke and drinking... HAHAHA.

Word count: 964

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I think gunwoo really wanted to get the last wish done(; great fic! update soon!
I swear this update is totally wonderful <3 I loved it so much, I loved it so so so so so much ;~; My dear YoonWoo <3<br />
I like the way you write Gunwoo at the first part. He really seems like Gunwoo in real life, teasing, cheerful, at the same time he's adorable and quiet at times. It's so cute, and it really made me smile. And it seems like he really does treasure his friendship with her, to want to do the entire list with her. And Yoona, I thought it was all so cute when you said Gunwoo was a 'singing god'. I cracked up there, don't know why...It was overwhelming YoonWoo cuteness ;~; <br />
Heck yes he got her drunk. xD He really has such evil plans LOL. OMG sounds so much like Gunwoo, seriously. Gunwoo is like...the King of being evilxD And yes, he's super handsome, until the bartender was totally falling for him xD I can't believe Yoona's so cool about it though ;~; She needs to chase after him! She can't leave him alone D: I can't believe she cried either...Cried over a drink? Lol xD He comforts her... so sweet ;~; I'm so happy, really.<br />
This YoonWoo fluff is so awesome it's making me... ugh ;~; It's so cute and realistic, and so pretty at the same time and I'm just loving my dear 1.5 OTP more and more and more <3
Dsinger_1998 #3
No, I'm not disappointed at all :D In fact, I'm really happy that you updated :D<br />
And it's okay even if it goes a bit whack... that's the way people(I) like it anyways.<br />
Fluff is always good too! ^^ And your comment isn't nonsensical... and I don't think you will disappoint :D
im gonna give this a super long comment soon ;~;
KensWifey #5
I`m very excited to read this story (: . This will be the first story that I subscribe to , so I hope it will be a very good one . I doubt that it will disappoint me because it seems like a refreshing new idea w/ a refreshing and new (yet so loveable) couple . YoonWoo & icollectcars hwaiting ! I will be waiting to hear from you and your updates ( possibly soon ? ) (:
--ethereal #6
awww they are so cute together. I can't wait for your next update<3 YoonWoo FTW^^
Dsinger_1998 #8
I like your story idea! A list is very original! :D<br />
And it's YoonWoo! <3<br />
LOL... I hope you do well with this fic FIGHTING!
YoonWoo! Update~
this is such a unique and beautiful idea ;~;<br />
and it's my dear YOONWOO too <3<br />
it seems so special.<br />
and i like the way they are so intimate <3<br />
GAHHHHH all those yoonwoo scenes <3<br />
though im not really sure of the plot...<br />
im so damn excited <3<br />
it sounds so wonderful...<br />
OMG imagine a kiss...<br />
KYYAAAAA~ <3<br />
YOONWOO<3<br />
i could die ;~;<br />
living in YOONWOO paradise<3<br />
update soon<3<br />
im super excitedddd~ <3<br />
<3<br />
<3<br />
<3<br />
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