
Idol life

The next morning you woke up first, like always, and went to wake up the other girls. All of you had schedules today. You and Ara were the first ones to leave since you had the audition for the mini drama. During the drive you two started talking about everything that was happening in your lives at the moment. You were enjoying the presence of your dongsaeng, but suddenly, out of the blue, she brought forth a topic that you didn’t like to reminded about. Your life had enough to stress about, even without this problem. Of course, with Minseok beside you, many of the factors of your stress seemed insignificant, but even he could not physically heal you.


“Hana-yah, how is your ankle, you are still feeling pain on it?” on the trainees days, you had injured you left ankle, but it wasn’t nothing serious, and you recovered fast of the injury. However during the preparation for the promotions of your second mini-album, you had felt some pain on it. The only member that knew about it was Ara, because she saw you putting some medications and ice on your ankle. And because you didn’t want to worry the other girls, you made her promise you that she wasn’t going to tell anyone about it.


“I am fine Ara, I am not feeling pain anymore, I think it was just that one time because I was putting too much pressure on it, but now I am okay, you don’t need to worry,” and you weren’t lying, it’s been sometime since you last felt the pain.

“You are telling me the truth right?” she knew you well enough to know that you preferred to secure this kind of thing to yourself instead of telling the others, because you didn’t like to burden the others with your problems.

“I am, chill out, and how are you feeling, anxious for the audition?” you tried to change the subject. She seemed to catch on even though she still had a hint of worried expression on her face.


“A lot, I really want to try this, and the fact that I might have the chance to do this with you, is even better. How about you unnie, are you nervous?”

“Omo, my dongsaeng. You are so cute. I am a little nervous too, I think it’s because I never thought of me like an actress, but seems fun, and if everything goes right, we will be doing this together is so amazing,” you told her.


After your prep talk it didn’t take too long after you arrived. The chauffeur told you that you guys had arrived, and that the directors were waiting for you inside. You were the first ones to audition. Since you still had a lot of schedules after them, you had to me there as early as possible. Ara went in first, and soon after her it was your turn.


“Annyeonghasaeyo, FG Hana-imnida” you bowed after entering the room. When  the directors had explained what they were expecting of your personage, and why they thought you would be a good choice for the paper, you started reading the script and gave your best at it. The audition was soon over, and you looked at the directors expectantly.

“Okay, thank you for coming Hana-ssi. We will contact your manager to talk about the results, but I think we can tell you that it seems that this paper will very well be yours,” one of the directors told you. You felt very happy and showed your flashiest smile to them.

“Thank you so much. Goodbye.” You bowed and left the room, to see that Ara was waiting for you outside. She saw you coming out and directly gave you a hug, and told you that they said that she had a huge chance of getting the role. You congratulated her and told her that they said the same thing for you.


“I think we did unnie. This will be so amazing, imagine the two of us doing our debut as actresses together. This is amazing unnie, I like it.”

“True, it would be amazing, I am happy for us both.” You were ecstatic because both of you had done so well. But the responsible side kicked in you, and reminded that you still had schedules left for the day. “Let’s go, we still have practice and schedules today,” you reminded your dongsaeng and grabbed her hand to lead her to your car.


You both went straight to the JYP building to your practice. When you arrived the girls told that they talked with the 2PM guys, and Changsung had offered his house for you to have the party in. They had also talked with the other groups and decided that they would do the celebration today.


“Is it alright with you Hana-yah?” Jessie asked.

“I think it is, since everybody thinks that today is the best day, so why not? Oh and did they say something about if it’s okay for me to invite Minseok and s?” you asked. After all you wanted to celebrate this win with your boyfriend.

“I will imitate what Nickhun oppa said,“ she then started to imitate Nickhun’s voice “Don’t forget to tell Hana to invite her boyfriend and his friends, because we want to see if he is appropriate for her,” Mia said laughing straight after.

“Ne?” you were surprised by what your maknae told you. It seemed that you had Nickhun’s permission. Although you were anxious knowing how protective they could be. But he will surely accept Minseok and treat him well after knowing how happy he makes you.


“That’s what he said unnie; after all they want to interrogate him like a bunch of overprotective older brothers.” Just like your predictions, Jessie verified that it was going to be a hard time for Minseok, and probably for you too.

“Aish, why I feel like they will try to embarrass me in front of everyone.” You face palmed yourself, since you knew that they would try to say something embarrassing and make you feel flushed in front of Minseok.


“And by the way, did you already invite Amber?” They all nodded, so the only two people left, were your boyfriend Minseok, and your friend, Taemin. After you sent a message to Taemin to tell him and come, you decided that you preferred to call Minseok. You wanted to hear his voice while you were talking to him. Even the thought made you a little nervous. But who could blame you, you were still at the beginning of your relationship and just starting to get to know each other.

“Yeobsayeo?” he answered. You heart rate quickened and you opened your mouth to answer.

“Hi oppa,” you said back “Are you busy right now?” you wanted to talk with him but you were afraid that you would be interrupting his schedules.


“Ani, right now I am on a break, it’s everything alright?”

“Yes, I am fine oppa. It just that the girls planned to do our celebraton dinner tonight at Changsung oppa’s house, and I really want you to come, you can bring your members too. Can you go?” you were biting your lips afraid that he would be too busy and couldn’t make it. You could not even picture the party without Minseok.


“Of course I will go jagi, I wouldn’t miss this for anything.” And like always he put a smile on your face, you were so absorbed on your talk with Minseok that you didn’t notice that your members and some of the GOT7 guys had entered the practice room and were looking at you with smiles on their faces. Seeing you acting like a teenage in love, a thing that they never saw, not even when you were with Hanbin, was rare sight to see.


“Really, that’s good oppa, it would if you couldn’t go” you whined which made him laugh.

“Jagi, are you pouting?”

“Ani” you said smiling “But oppa, how is your day till now?”

“Better now” he said making you chuckle and feel the heat climb up your cheeks.

“You are too cheesy oppa!”

“But you like it, I know you well enough,” he told you what made you laugh hard.

“I won’t deny that” you said between laughs.


“Oppa I have to go now because I still have practice today. Can’t wait to see you later, and you can bring your friends, okay? Bye oppa” you told cheerily.

“Bye jagi, till later, and I think you will regret the fact that you are inviting my members, see ya.” He bid his goodbyes to you.


After you ended the call you went to your purse to guard your phone. At that moment, you saw how your members and the GOT7 members were looking at you with amused smile on their faces.

“What?” you said don’t understanding why they were looking at you like that.

“I never thought that I would live to see this scene” Bambam said quietly with a smirk on his face.

“What scene?” you still didn’t understood what was happening. You felt confused about their glances.

“I know oppa, me too” Mia said shaking her head.

“See what, come on guys, give me a clue” you were getting frustrated with their actions.

“To see the you, the tough person, who isn’t good to show her emotions, acting like a teenage girls in love” Jackson teased and giggled, yes, he giggled, after the revelation.


“You guys were eavesdropping my conversation with Minseok?”

“Kind off, but it’s not our fault noona, you were so different talking with him that we couldn’t help but observe you two talking” Yugyeom said.

“Aish, you guys are too much. And what are you guys doing here?” you asked to the guys with a mix of annoyment and embarrassment in your voice.

“We saw that you guys won yesterday on Music Bank, and decided to come here to say congratulations.” JB told you and tapped your head. With all these tall boys, you felt like a little bug in a field.


“You guys aren’t going to Changsung oppa’s house to the dinner that we are going to do?” you asked

“Of course we will go; after all it will be in hyung’s house and there will be free food” Junior joked “But some of us have schedule, so they will be arriving late,” he explained. “And we want to say congratulation together, that’s why we are here now.”


“We bought you some flowers. You guys deserved these for winning, and flowers also combine with the name of your group. Of course this amazing idea was mine” Jackson said winking at your group, making all of you laugh.

“Of course it was oppa.” Lizzie said with sarcasm. You and the girls appreciated the fact that they had done this to you, after all you and GOT7 were the most close to each other in the company, since you guys lived in the same complex building. They were one of the groups that helped you the most with the training.


“We have to go now, since we have some schedules and you guys have to train, we will see you later. Bye girls, congratulations once again.” JB said bidding their goodbye to you.


Before you started to practice, you decided that it was the best time for announce to the girls about your first album.

“Girls, I have something to tell you,” all of them stopped what they were doing to pay attention to you. “You guys know that yesterday after the Music Bank, I had to come here to talk with JYP right?” and they nodded. “We talked about some important information, and the most important was about us. I hope you guys are prepared for this, but after we finish promoting this mini album, we will start the production of our first album” you told happily to them, and when they processed the information that it was passed to them, they start to scream in joy, and hug each other.


Then you decided to explain what JYP had told you, and told them about the duets, and the solo’s that he was thinking in giving to each of you. They were very anxious, just like you, about this album and couldn’t wait for start working on it.

After the little reunion you guys had, you decided it was time for practice. You practiced for 3 hours before deciding it was time to stop. You stayed on the building to practice a little more and try some choreography before you, and the girls decided that it was time to go to the dorms to take a shower and change to go to Changsung’s house.



Finally a update for you guys, and since this chapert got so long I will post the other part later today. Hope you enjoy this part for now. >.<


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Sorry for not updating in some time, I am so stuck trying to write the last chapters, and this is starting to get on my nerves. Sorry guys, I will try harder.


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cherriesontop0 #1
Chapter 39: So sweet.. *-* This is one of the first fics I read on this website. I need an epilogue, about the wedding or aftermath. You are such a talented writer. Please don’t give up writing
cherriesontop0 #2
Chapter 39: Love this story! I know it’s been a while since your last update, but are there possible a chance for a sequel or at least an epilogue now that it’s been a few years?
tafa_marie #3
Chapter 39: wait i need more!!! or at least an epilogue about the wedding! this is too cute (^_^)
Chapter 15: yep dont be jealous MINSEOK.....
Yongmi5 #5
Chapter 39: Hello.
Thanks for writing a great story.
I really enjoyed reading it. I love Minseok obviously!!!
I'm sure you are feeling bittersweet right now.
2 years is a long time for anything!!
Please keep writing and doing what you love.
Live_JasmineV #6
Chapter 39: Ahhh... I knew about this being the last chapter and I was so excited for your update but I didn’t expect the bittersweet feeling.. You’ve done such a good job with this story! I’ve grown so attached to it so I can’t even imagine how you’re feeling about finishing it. Thank you so much for this brilliant creation! I’m going reread everything again while I wait for the epilogue >~<
Live_JasmineV #7
Chapter 38: Oml! The next chapter is the last one?! I can't wait yet I don't want it to end T^T I don't know what you're going to do for the last chapter I know it's going to be great!
Live_JasmineV #8
Chapter 37: Omg, they are such goals. Where do I get me a Minseok? Great chapter! There a lot of character and relationship development going on, which is great! Thanks for the update. (P.S in response to the previous comment thread.... *Virtual Hug*)
Live_JasmineV #9
Chapter 36: YAY YOU UPDATED!!! Don't worry about when you're going to update next. School is hard. Life is harder. This isn't your job so we (readers) understand :). We're just grateful for every update that you bring. Even if it takes years,months, weeks, days, hours.... you name it. Thank you for the update! #HappyXiuminDay :D
Chapter 2: Mark is so full of himself here :D