Golden Wings - Golden Sunsets Sequel

Golden Wings - Golden Sunsets Sequel

Three years passed and Jungkook was looking for the warlock that helped Jimin. Every day he went to their tree and he knew that wherever Jimin was, he was too, watching the sunset. He saw a sign that read: Seokjin’s Spells and Potions. When he walked in, he was greeted with a warm smile. “Hello there, you must be Jungkook.”

“Have we met before?”

“Perhaps. I’ve known of you for a while. Jimin has told me a lot about you.” At the mention of Jimin’s name, Jungkook’s posture straightened and his eyes were full of curiosity. It had been three years since he last heard someone say Jimin’s name; the way it sounded coming out of the elder’s mouth made Jungkook’s heart miss a beat.

“Were you the one?”

“The one that gave you wings again? Yes.”

“Do you know where he is? I have his wings and I’ve been looking everywhere for him.”

“You’re a smart one. How did you figure that they are Jimin’s”

The corners of Jungkook’s mouth curled up to a smile. “I would know that they were his wings even if I lost my mind.” 

Seokjin pointed to the small sofa that was beside the glass window. 

“Sit, I haven’t properly introduced myself, I’m Seokjin. Kim Seokjin. The warlock in charge of the Seoul district.” Jungkook did as he was told as he watched the warlock go behind the counter before taking two glasses out. “Do you prefer tea leaves in or out?”

“In. Thank you.” There was a comfortable silence as they waited for the tea to brew. Jungkook took the opportunity to look around the store. There were spell books and potions everywhere; scattered but it still managed to look neat. Picture frames adorned the walls; most of them were photographs of Seokjin with a man around the same height with the prettiest set of wings he had seen in his life. They looked old, the photos, they were black and white with some yellowing at the edges.

“That’s Namjoon,” Seokjin said while handing him a cup of fresh rose tea. “My fiancé.”


“One of the best flyers out there. I used to say that he was better in the air than on the ground.”


Seokjin’s gaze on the picture didn’t falter. “He passed a hundreds of years ago.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

“You couldn’t have. None of us would have known. But enough about me. I’ve been waiting for you to come across my store for three years already.”

“Why didn’t you come find me then?”

“Jimin wouldn’t have wanted that.” Jungkook’s eyes widened.

“What do you mean? Wouldn’t have wanted that? Why are you using the past tense with me?!”

“Jimin isn’t here anymore.” Jungkook’s heart sank. No. This couldn't be happening. Images of Jimin lifeless without his wings flashed in his mind. He felt like throwing up. “Let me finish before you give yourself a heart attack. He is in the Wingless.”

Relief flowed in Jungkook’s veins. “I need to go down there.” Seokjin’s face dropped. 


Jungkook was surprised at the harsh reply. “Why?”

“For you. A winged Seraph to go down there is a death sentence. I’ve seen it. I am not letting you go.” Jungkook connected the dots in his mind.

“Your fiancé, Namjoon? Did he go down there?”

“The war between the winged and wingless seven hundred years ago.” He took a deep breath. “If you really want to meet him again, I can figure out a way. But I am not letting you go down there. Not with your wings.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t need to say anything. But just remember, it is against the Archangels to be with a wingless.”

“But he was born with wings. They would understand right?”

“Don’t worry. I’ve done plenty for them. They owe me much more than permitting a wingless walk in the Etherworld. However, I would still need to be very insistent on this.” They looked outside and the smell of rose tea calmed the two. Jungkook looked at his mug. The question was just sitting at the tip of his tongue.

“How is he?”

Seokjin smiled while keeping his gaze on an old seraph crossing the street. “I gave him a cozy room in a building that my friend owns. Other than the occasional feeling of loneliness, he should be doing fine.” He looked at the younger who had his eyebrows furrowed. “He writes that he goes to the top of the building to watch the sunset everyday. Which reminds me, shouldn’t you be on your way? You don’t want to miss it. The sun should be setting around fifteen minutes.”

“How did you?”

“I’ve lived a long time. And Jimin is really thorough with his stories.” He took Jungkook’s empty mug and started to make his way back to the counter. “Come back here around eight. Make sure you eat a good breakfast before coming. A shower would be nice too.”

Slightly offended, Jungkook made a questionable face. “Do I look that unappealing?”

“Not to me, I just figured that you should look and feel your best when you meet Jimin again.”

The warlock turned around when he didn’t hear a reply. “Close your mouth. You look like a fish.”

“Thank you.”


Jimin kept in touch with Seokjin, they’ve become rather close friends considering Jimin never felt the need to go out to make any new ones. It came as a surprise when he received a large package in the mail. 

Guess who came into the store today? You’re right, he is quite handsome. Come to the rooftop at eight tomorrow. 

P.S. Dress nicely and make sure to take a shower~!

Kim Seokjin :D (The man who is going to wring your neck if you’re late. Just kidding, maybe.)

Jimin’s heart raced, Jungkook had finally found Seokjin. The past three years were like living in hell but he figured that if was better than what Jungkook had suffered. Jungkook. Was he still mad at him? Did he still watch the sunset? His eyes scanned the package before opening it. Inside was a pair of wings. Beside it was another note.

Don’t get your hope up too high Jiminnie. These are temporary wings. Temporary! I’ve created them through a spell so don’t play with them too much. Once you place them near your back, they should attach itself to you so be sure to wear them when you come to the roof tomorrow. Again. Do. Not. Be. Late.

Kim Seokjin.

Jimin smiled as his hands lightly the wings. They were white with the exception of the tips. They were a golden orange colour. Tomorrow was going to be a big day.

Jungkook didn’t sleep at all last night. He took a shower and wore the red sweater that Jimin always said that he looked absolutely stunning in. He walked into Seokjin’s store at exactly 7:59.

Jimin took a deep breath and placed the wings near his back. The warmth spread across his back and the wings spread itself wide. Tears prickled in his eyes. They were beautiful. The clock on his nightstand told his it was about time he left. Looking at his wings one more time in the mirror, he gave himself a thumbs up before leaving for the roof.

Seokjin told Jungkook that he would have to leave to their tree instead of going with him to the Wingless. 

“I thought about it all night. I’ll go and you just wait where you think you need to go.”

“Why did you make me come here then?”

“I wanted to make sure you looked like you were in your best shape.”

“You are such an unattainable person sometimes.”
“Just go before I tell Jimin you changed your mind.”

“Did I say unattainable? I meant to say amazing.”

Seokjin gave him a look that had ‘shut up’ plastered in his face. “Thank you.”

“No problem.”

Seokjin found Jimin looking at the forest on the roof.

“I did a pretty good job right?”

“They are beautiful. I don’t even know how to thank you.”

“Well. Just be sure to keep in touch with me. That’s all I need. I mean it though. Come by my store every week from now on.”

“Your store is in the Etherworld though.”


“Seokjin, if you’re lying to me I am going to be so mad at you.”

“I’ve got this agreement with the Archangels. You can stay in the Etherworld. On one condition.”

“Go on.”

“These wings that I’ve given you, they won’t work until the sun starts to set. So you can only fly from the evening through dusk and until the night ends.”

Jimin was in a state of shock. 

“Jimin? Say something, I don’t want to tell Jungkook that Jimin lost his voice too.” Jimin's eyes widened at Jungkook's name.

“Jungkook! How is he? Is he still mad at me?”

“Why don’t you go find out yourself. Just come by to my store tomorrow and I’ll tell you everything else. For now, go find Jungkook. I think you should know where to find him.”

Jimin gave a tight hug to Seokjin. “I really owe you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you Seokjin.”

The older patted Jimin’s head and hugged him back. “Your most welcome.”

Jimin made his way back to the Etherworld. When he go back, the sun was beginning to set. His wings tingled in excitement; like they wanted to be let out and be flown. Looking around, Jimin found the small path to the tree that he knew that Jungkook would be waiting at.

Jungkook sat on the top branch of the tree. The fluttering of wings froze him to the spot; the pattern that they were beating at sounded too familiar. Jungkook closed his eyes and the fluttering got louder, closer. When he opened them back up again, there he was. Jimin flying in front of him with a smile that made his eyes disappear and wings the colour of the sun. 





“I’m right here.”

“Thank you.” 

“Anything for you.”

“Still with the cheesy lines?”

“I mean it this time.”

“Thank you.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I forgive you.”

“Thank you.”



“I love you.”

“Now you’re being cheesy.” Jimin leaned his head onto Jungkook’s shoulder. “I love you too.”

Jimin could only fly in the evening through dusk and up until night ended. It was alright though. As long as he was able to watch the sunset with Jungkook again, Jimin didn’t care about his wings anymore. Jungkook was his wings. And Jimin was Jungkook’s sun.

HEY GUYS I HOPE THIS IS GOOD! I'M SUPPOSED TO BE SLEEPING BUT I PROMISE YOU GUYS ON A SEQUEL BY SUNDAY NIGHT. I hope you guys enjoyed this! I plan on writing a NamJin Story based on this too. Maybe you can check it out when it's out~? 

p.s. I love you all who wrote me such nice comments on the original story. You don't know how much it means to me. 

p.p.s. comments would be such a great thing to wake up to tmr... I sound so desperate hahahehe.... *crying* 

have a great day/night/evening/morning/afternoon/etc~


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mwenlili #1
Chapter 1: Ohhhh... this is so sweet!!! I love that story so much. You are incredibly good with words!! Thank you so much!! <3 :3
mingpouted #2
Thank youuuu
ineedmytherapy #3
eyesmilegyu #4
Chapter 1: that was beautifully written! ;;;;
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful :""""")
Neliel3 #6
Chapter 1: Awwww... I knew you would make a sequel... and you did sooooooooooooooooo well making it... T^T

Thank you so much for this sequel and the story before it. The idea was very amazing. Thank you so much...

hope you write more JIKOOK fics in the future... annyeong!!!
subreddit #7
Chapter 1: *cries* this is so beautiful... it insfires me :)