The Definition of Love

Lift Off

“Hye Rin… Hye Rin-ah, wake up.” Mi Cha shook the sleeping girl, “Breakfast is ready.”


The young girl groaned as her eyes opened and sat up to face her guardian, “Please help me dress.”


Mi Cha laughed, “Hey, you’re not the Enian Princess for now, a normal girl can dress herself. But anyways, good morning to you too.”


“Oh…” Hye Rin said as she yawned, “My apologies, it’s very early, I must’ve forgotten. I will be down in around ten minutes.”


The older lady smiled as she patted her back with an assuring smile, “Let me know if you need anything. Hyo Geum and I are just downstairs, just call for us and we’ll be here.”


As Mi Cha walked out of her room, the girl stood up and looked at herself in the mirror, “How am I going to get used to this?” she questioned herself, “If I only had a genie to grant me three wishes so I can save my kingdom. I want to do something to help, but I am not able to…” she sighed as she opened their closet, grabbing some clothes, and started dressing herself for the day.


After that, she did the make-up routine the stylist had shown her, and unlike her sophisticated “Princess makeup,” this look was very simple and to the point. She brushed her now longer hair; the stylist had also sewn in extensions which made her hair reach up to her area.


She made her way into the bathroom to brush her teeth before going downstairs, where to her, it looked like a miniature feast, “I’m ready for breakfast, Mi Cha-ssi.”


Mi Cha smiled, “Oh, you’re finally down. Come and eat, Hyo Geum should be coming down too, lets eat together.”


After the man came down, they all ate together. It was silent at first, but the curious Hye Rin just had to ask a few questions: “About what you said last night, you said I would be enrolled in college? Is that something like school?”


The older lady nodded, “Yes, it is. I’m sure that you’ve been homeschooled before, but college is post-secondary education. If you wanted to continue your success, then you go to college. We’re enrolling you to make you look normal which was requested by President Gong. I’m sure it will work.”


“Hmm… Okay. Did you go to college, Mi Cha-ssi and Hyo Geum-ssi?”


Hyo Geum looked at his wife with a smile on his face as he looked at Hye Rin, “Yes, we did. We actually met at college when we were...just Freshmen, right?”


Mi Cha nodded, “Yes, I believe we were only in our first year.”


“Then... you two must’ve really have fallen in love with each other when you first met?”


The two of them laughed, “Oh no.” the man commented, “Mi Cha here hated me when we first met each other. I had the same history class as her during our first year, and I’d always cheat on my test and I’d copy hers.”


“I was really annoyed at that point, so right before our final exams, I became furious when I found out that he almost had the same grade as me. Obviously we didn’t have a strict professor, and Hyo Geum here just laughed it off when I confronted him about my annoyance. After that class, I didn’t see Hyo Geum until after my second semester of our second year. We ran into each other at the campus library, and helped me when I couldn’t reach a book.”


Hyo Geum smiled at their memories, “I didn’t know it was her at first, because that was the first time I actually bothered to look at her, and I bought her a cup of coffee as an apology, and our friendship went from there and after a few months, we started dating...and now, we’re happily married.”


The former Princess smiled as she took a sip of her water, “ old are you two? You two couldn’t be passed forty.”


“We’re both only thirty-five, so you’re correct. We dated for three years, and we’ve been married for almost thirteen. We don’t have any kids though, we simply just can’t.”


Hye Rin nodded, “That’s fine if you’re not able to conceive, because at least your marriage was based around love...unlike my parents.”


“Is it because your mother was married off to another Prince?”


She nodded again, “Sort of… My mother is the only one of actual royal blood among my parents. My uncle was the King before my parents took over, and since he had no kids and his wife passed from an illness; my grandfather, who had already passed before he himself passed, gave the throne to my mother and a family friend’s son. That family friend was only a servant, so you could say that my father was formerly only a peasant. They didn’t really have a romantic relationship, they just got married because they had to, and only had me to train me to be Queen when I got older. That’s why I simply don’t believe in love.”


Mi Cha sighed as she put her hand over hers, “I am so sorry to hear that, Hye Rin, but don’t let your parents’ story be the foundation of yours. It’s simple to love, and you can never control how you feel over someone when you never expected to love someone. Trust me, Hye Rin, love is real. I’m sure either of your parents may have felt it at one point with someone else before their marriage, but you should never believe that love doesn’t exist.”


She only nodded in understanding, “I get it. I will try to erase that belief, thank you, Mi Cha-ssi.”


The older couple smiled, “Good, well then...we should get ready to leave if we want to make it to orientation on time and to register for her classes..” Hyo Geum stated as he got up, “Lets go and have a good day, right Hye Rin?”


The young girl looked at him with a smile, “Yes, definitely! I’m excited to walk around this foreign land!”


Mi Cha only laughed with a big smile on her face, “So cute, I’m glad you’re so excited.”



Hello, everyone!!! I'm back lol I'm so sorry if you all waited for so long... I was part of my friend's 18th Birthday Party as a "court," as Filipinos know are "debuts," and left on a roadtrip to Santa Cruz the following morning. But I'm back and fresh with ideas (kinda), so I hope you enjoy this chapter! See you all soon!
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Chapter 10: oh gawd i feel so bad for Namjoon taking care of his children XDD
Chapter 8: I'm gonna chop that wench's lips off for cheating on my hoseok.
Chapter 6: bruh... i'm just done with taehyung right now... LOLOL
Chapter 4: i have like mixed feelings for this LOL first, butterflies in my stomach when jimin came in, agreeing about the whole crazy fans towards the populars and now the rest of bts coming in... i like this chapter :D
CuteSnowflake #7
Chapter 14: This chapter was so emotional, it almost made me cry (I tried not to, there are people here) and..... No comment... But I am grateful Taichi stayed kindhearted <3
Infiresssman0 #8
Chapter 14: Well I am waiting for an update and wow I sound so sassy ....sorry for that ! I love your has been written very well love your work and also love you ♡♡
Infiresssman0 #9
Chapter 13: So I started reading this today and no doubt I love the plot and the stroy .....boy I can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 12: I am new here but please update more!!! I love this story so much!!