
Promises and Puzzle Pieces
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Reality hits Yixing the second he comprehends the state Baekhyun is in. Byun Baekhyun is one of Jongdae's best friends. He remember being introduced to the young man while Jongdae was with him in China. Only after two week, he was asked to sit down for a skype meeting with the then, curly haired boy with a puppy like face. Jongdae and Baekhyun spoke so informally and pleasantly in fast paced Korean. Yixing remember pretending to not hear the comments Baekhyun has made about them being a good couple. Instead he only told Jongdae his fluency in Korean much later. Enjoying the compliments silently to himself. 

“No no, stop you don’t understand.” Baekhyun screams immediately. An ER nurses gets the blunt of his yell as he tries to reassure the young man. Yixing runs over as Baekhyun begins to start pacing. All he can see though is his blood stained shirt. He remembers see the shirt in a snap that Jongdae had sent them. Baekhyhun was lying on the floor, with a medical textbook over his head. The caption had said. The knowledge is seeping into his brain. 

Yixing sees his colleagues run out of the ER doors, a gurney in hand, but it’s Baekhyun who stops him. His hands pushes on his chest. Yixing holds Baekhyun’s shoulders as he starts to cry. Sobbing Baekhyun seems hell bent to keep Yixing from going to the car. 

“I’m sorry, you don’t want to see this. You can’t see this.” He continues to wail, his head falls on to Yixing chest. Yixing rubs his back, gesturing for a nurse to help him. His body shakes with fear and adrenalin. Nurse Yuri it says on his name tag, she gives him a nervous smile.

“His name is Baekhyun.” Yixing whispers softly to her as she walks over to Baekhyun’s side and line of sight.

“Baekhyun, sir we need to get you checked over okay?”

“I’m fine, I’m fine. You don’t understand. There was an accident. An accident. It was an accident.” He says furiously. He grasps the sides of Yixing coat. “We were, we were on our way. We had food.” Be babbles.

“We sir?” Yuri asks politely, she tries to pry his hands from Yixing.

“Jongdae?” Yixing asks softly.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I don’t understand. It was an accident.” He keeps saying, repeating himself over and over.

“Who else was in the car sir?” Yuri says quickly. She holds Baekhyun’s hand in her own, together with Yixing supporting him on the other side they get him to sit in one of the ER beds. The entire time, both Baekhyun and Yixing seem to look back at the comotion outside the ER doors. 

“Outside. We were on our way. Chanyeol and Jongdae, we were going together. We had gotten you Chinese food.” He looks at Baekhyun, a mixture of fear and sadness in his eyes. “The accident.” He says next, he tightens his grip. Yixing begins to feel ill.

“The accident.” Nurse Yuri prompts politely. She lets go of his hand and starts putting on gloves. “I’m going to check for injuries.”

“I’m not injured, I was in the back. I am not injured. I didn’t get hurt.” Baekhyun begins to look confused and agitated.

“Jongdae.” He says softly.

“Dr. Yixing, do you know him?”

“We’re together.” He says softly. Helping Baekhyun to lie down, never letting go of his hand.

“Baekhyun, I’m going to look for head trauma okay? Can you try and relax?” She asks softy, her voice soothes patients. But it’s Yixing who needs to know now.

“Did Jongdae make it out of the car?” His chests tightens. It’s almost like he can’t breathe.

“I don’t know. I ran here once I got out.” He says softy. He looks so sad. “I’m sorry, I don’t know.”

“They were running outside to get them I’m sure.” She says kindly, softly, her skilled hands comb through Baekhyun skull, her eyes carefully scan for any bruising on his skin.

Yixing keeps looking at Baekhyun eyes, the guilt and uncertainty in them kills his confidence.

“What did you see?” Yixing grows impatient. 

“Dr. Yixing, maybe you should assist someone else, there is no need for surgical intern.” She says not unkindly as she pats his arm gently. “Baekhyun seems relatively unscratched.”

“The blood though.” She looks down sadly, she’s unsure what to say. If Baekhyun isn’t bleeding, who bled on to him?

Yixing rushes out of the room, to see everything else in chaos. He moves in and out of nurses and other hospital staff, trying to make sense of what is happening. Kris, a Chinese Canadian fellow intern is rushing out of a room.

“Yixing, it’s your friend. Chanyeol in there. He isn’t looking so good. I’m going to get ortho down here. He looks like he has severe trauma on his left side. They already gave him a chest tube. His left lung collapsed. He’s awake and nervous though. He’s in pain. Yixing, go to him. I don’t know what to say.” Kris looks hurried as he moves away quickly. 

He reminds himself he’s trained for him. He knows this. He rushes into the room, pushing his feeling for Jongdae aside, he needs to be there for Chanyeol. The friendly tall man-child welcomed him with open arms. He helped move in Jongdae into the shared apartment. His height was a pleasant help for all their pictures.. 

“Chanyeol, it’s Yixing here. How are you holding up.”

“There’s a tube in my chest.” He wheezes through a face mask. His big ears hold the little string securely. His eyes wide from pain, his left arm lays awkwardly on the side. His legs covered with a white bloodied sheet.

“It’s helping you breathe.”

“I know.” He says with a small sad smile. “I didn’t forget all that I’ve learned.” 

Baekhyun and Chanyeol all go to medical school with Jongdae. Chanyeol wants to be a pediatrician. Baekhyun was going to neurologist. Jongdae, he wanted to be just like Yixing, a general surgeon. They were just finishing up their last year. They were studying tonight. They weren't suppose to be in the car. 


Chanyeol’s eyes dart away. His neck is restrained by the foam headboard. But Yixing knows that if he was able to, he would have turn his entire body.

“Yixing, I don’t know. The car came out of nowhere. The guy hit me dead on, but there was a tree. I didn’t think we were too hurt. Your food though, it was in the front seat next to Jongdae. It was everywhere. Baekhyun, he got freaked out by the blood. He ran out. Is he okay? Is Baekhyunnie okay?” Chanyeol whisper, trying not to wince as Ortho comes in and lifts up the sheet. His hands clenches around Yixings.  

“Baekhyun is fine, he’s not hurt that badly.” Yixing says softy.

The Orthopedic surgeon looks at Yixing quickly. “This will need surgery. Kris, scrub in. Yixing, take a break, go relax or visit this Baekhyun.”

Chanyeol takes a deep breathe stiffly. His chest rising and falling with the intruding tube. 

"It was my blood. On Baekhyun. My arm was cut on the glass." He tries to sound brave and calm. Kris pats his shoulder before nodding off for Yixing to leave. They hace to prepare him for surgery. Kris nods quickly giving Yixing a confident look. He knows that Chanyeol will be in good hands. However he still struggles to leave his friend in pain. The quicker the better. Yixing will have to get his answers somewhere else. His footsteps quickly move in haste. His legs moving on their own accord. But moving out of the room seems harder than he thought. 

“Go find Jongdae.” Chanyeol says, as a rush of people start to prepare him for surgery. Yixing grabs the knob before running out of the room. The hall was busy, but Yixing makes his way to the room farthest away.

Minseok comes out of the other heavily occupied room. His blue scrubs have bright red blood on them. His eyes wide and his bottom lip trembles.

“You don’t want to go in there.” He pushes against Yixing hard. “They don’t want you in there. Yixing stop struggling.” Yixing tries to get to the door knob, his hand is so close, but Minseok is so much stronger. 

“What’s what’s happening in there? What’s going on. That’s Jongdae isn’t it?”

“It is. He’s alive. He’s alive. Focus Yixing, focus.” Minseok steers him away from the door and sits him down. They see Chanyeol speed past, sitting in silence Yixing looks confused and dazed.

“How could all this happen?” Yixing asks.

Yixing takes a deep breath as Minseok pats his thigh softly. Yixing remembers Jongdae, He was 20, a fresh face on the university campus. Lost and a little confused the exchange student had map tightly held to his chest as he tries to make out the foreign characters around him. It was Yixing to help him get to his first class.  The broken Chinese was cute, and the bubbly student was so profoundly grateful. He asks for his number. They exchanged WeChat information and went their separate way. Yixing made sure Jongdae knew that he wasn’t a bother. Hoping that he would be able to help the foreign student out some more. 

“We believe that Jongdea suffers from massive head trauma. The car, was sit on the passenger side of the front. Chanyeol was in the back passenger side with Baekhyun to his left. The blood on Baekhyun’s is Chanyeols. But Jongdae, the airbag didn’t go off.” Minseok relays the information he knows back to Yixing, his hands start to tremble.

“We don’t know what’s going to happen. We’re taking him into surgery. He has broken ribs, we think…”

Minseok voice fades in and out as Yixing tries to grasp the situation. He knows he should be paying attention, Minseok is his teacher, a resident here at the hospital. Assigned to him to help him. But all he can see is the bright red on his blue scrubs. The bright red blood that belongs to Jongdae.

“We don’t know the extent of his head injuries. He was slipping in and out of conscience, unfortunately he wasn’t able to answer our questions. But followed the light when asked to. We’re going to get him…”

Jongdae, sweet happy Jongdae. He use to come to Yixing dorm room to study Chinese. His tone was always so spot-on for someone who claimed to never spoke it. Yixing remember that Jongdae was practicing with another on the side, so that he would be super impressed with his progress. His cheeks use to flush and he would bite his bottom lip nervously, embarrassed. Yixing found him cute in every way.

“We want you to understand that, when he does wake up, if he wakes up, he’s going to need a lot of patience. I know that’s your strong suit. You never lose your temper. I didn’t know Jongdae very well, but in the future…”

Jongdae was always full of bright smiles. When they use to hug, he would bounce happily in his arms. He use to tell Yixing that he was just so excited to be close to him that it was enough to make his hop. When Yixing asked him out, nervous and unsure. With only a week left in the semester. Jongdae shouted out yes, of course. He tells Yixing he was waiting so long for him to ask. Because he’s just so sweet.

“Yixing. Baekhyun is calling for you. We’re going to keep him over night in case anything occurs.” Nurse Yuri says softly. She leans forward to cat

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taratata #1
Chapter 1: just found this story and i hope you can update in the future...^^ and you can place more tag in your story like #chen or it easier for people to read this story ^^
darexvyn #2
Chapter 1: How sad :(
It's a very good storyline, I do hope you continue sometime :)