Chapter 1

Ice, Cold Ethics
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Click. Clock. Click. Clock.

A usual group of girls walked the same way to their lockers, chattering noisily about what they had done during the holidays.

It was the first day of school yet again and everyone is definitely not looking forward to another stressful year of studying.

"Aishh...same cycle of studying breathlessly every year all over again. Wonder what we could after we completed our studies? We would be having TOTAL FREEDOM!" Soo Jung exclaimed dramatically while raising her arms up high towards the ceiling, earning several weird looks from the students around her. But, this year the group of girls had a new added member, their childhood friend who they finally persuaded to attend Seoul High, Jung Ji Eun.

Jung Ji Eun was actually really reluctant to switch schools, she worried that it would be a big trouble for her parents. Ji Eun wasn't in a low-income family, her Father owns a big company and her Mother is a popular writer but she would always do her best to not waste any cash. Yes, under that cold exterior she is someone who would put her family first over anything else. She had a younger sister and an older brother and she loved them dearly as well. Many don't know much about her, only this group of girls who had stuck by her since when they were 9 do.

She wasn't someone you would want to be friends with when you first see her. She always had on a stern and straight face, many would find it quite arrogant, but once you get to know her, you would be able to see that she has a behaviour that is quite unexpected. 

Ji Eun was still feeling pretty uncomfortable so she didn't really talk much with her friends. Not that she talks a lot but she would at least say a few lines most of the time. They were currently in the classroom, waiting for the teacher to arrive. Right on time, the teacher arrived along with a boy rushing from behind.

"You're late. I don't wish to scold anyone on the first day but you better be on time for the following lessons, do you understand?" Mrs. Kwon, our math teacher said sternly.

The boy gave a sheepish smile before bowing gratefully, then proceeding to the back of the class where his friend was.

Ji Eun furrowed her brows while thinking,"why does he seem so familiar? Oh, that's right!"


"Ji Eun-ah, we'll wait for you in class, don't be late!" Han Mi shouted over the loud noise in the hallway.

Ji Eun nodded in response before proceeding to gather her books from her locker. Thankfully, Soo Jung had already settled her locker for her or not she would have had to lug her heavy bag of books with her wherever she went.

She locked up before she went off to class,not wanting to be late. Turning around swiftly, she smacked right into someone who was running past her, making her lose balance and fall down.

"Ohh, Mian! Are you okay? I'm sorry for not looking where I was going." A boy with dark brown hair said as he stuck out his hand to help Ji Eun up while rubbing his own head with his other hand. He gave her an embarrassed smile while waiting for the girl to get up.

Ji Eun hissed in pain and looked up to glare at that person. She got up on her own, sweeped the dust off her uniform and immediately walked away while muttering,"Ugh, Idiot."

The poor boy was taken aback by her anger and somemore by what she said. "Idiot.." He repeated quietly to himself. He shrugged to no one in particular and ran once again to the restroom before heading to class.

*End of Flashback*

" it was that annoying guy." Ji Eun muttered to herself but Soo Jung, sitting next to her heard her,"Annoying guy? Who is it?" Ji Eun just shook her head, brushing off the topic about the questioned boy. 

"Okay, we have 36 students in this class. Perfect! We would be doing a project in pairs so we should have 18 groups." Mrs. Kwon said as she clapped her hands together. "Ah, I just remembered we have a new student with us this year..Jung Ji Eun, would you like to introduce yourself?" 

Ji Eun had no choice but to stand at where her seat was and introduced herself. "Good morning everyone, my name is Jung Ji Eun. I hope I would get along with all of you." She sat back down as the class clapped for her, even earning some whistles from the guys in class. Ji Eun wasn't a sore to the eye at all, she was actually pleasant-looking with her doe-eyes and plump lips, but she was always just that serious. 

The whole class then started chattering, finding their partners to work with. Soo Jung and Ji Eun decided to pair up while Han Mi and Jae Yin make another pair.

"Okay, okay guys! Hold up! I would be choosing the partners for you, so quieten down!"Mrs. Kwon said, earning groans of disagreement.

Ji Eun wasn't all that unhappy with what the teacher had implied. Since she was new to this school, maybe she should try to make more friends as well(just like what Soo Jung told her). 

Mrs. Kwon listed

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