Seek and You Shall Find

Against All Gods

SAfter minutes of noisily churning out papers, the printer finally fell silent. I stood up, leaving my instant ramen on the table and walked towards the printer.

I picked up the articles I printed and scanned the titles.

Basics on How to Move On 101

Moving On Like Nothing Happened

Move On, She’s Just Not Worth It

My god, I thought. I’m going bonkers. It took all of my willpower to stop myself from getting a plate and just smashing it on my head.

Despite feeling immensely stupid and silly, I took the papers with me and returned to my ramen.

Well, if this is what it takes for me to finally get Seohyun out of my head, then so be it. I sighed in resignation and started scanning the articles. I flipped to the first and—ouch dammit! I dropped the paper and looked at my index finger. Paper cut. Dammit. I some of the blood off my finger and picked up the article I dropped.

Basics on How to Move On 101

  1. The most basic is to find someone new.

I read through this line and immediately realized that no, this won’t work for me. There’s no one, NO ONE, in the world like Seohyun! She’s beautiful, smart, kind, talented in so many things—DAMMIT YOONA HOW ARE YOU GONNA MOVE ON IF YOU KEEP ON SINGING HER PRAISES

I crumpled the article and moved on to the next.

Moving On Like Nothing Happened

Well, technically nothing did happen to us, I mean, we weren’t even a couple or anything, we were just friggin’ friends. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO BE MOVING ON FROM THEN???

Feeling sillier and dumber by the minute, I crumpled the article and threw it across the room.

I really am going bonkers. Like the worst kind of going bonkers.

Move On, She’s Just Not Worth It

Is she not worth it? Those sleepless nights, wondering what she thought after I confessed to her. The endless tears I shed for her after her graduation speech that pierced my heart like a poisoned arrow. The effort I undertook to fix the crucifix she gave me that I smashed against the wall. Was all of it not worth it?

Shaking my head, I crumpled the article and threw it across the room, where it joined the others that claimed they could help me when in fact, they only confused me more.

I ate some ramen but spat it out immediately, for it had turned cold. Dammit, I thought. Besides feeling completely stupid, I felt my tummy aching from hunger. Ramen wasted just because of those stupid articles. I stood up, and as I was about to go out I saw a wrapped package lying on my bed. I sat on my bed and opened it.

It was one of those things that were sold in those artsy stores that sell, well, artsy stuff. I’m not sure why I bought this one, but maybe it was because it claimed to “ask any question—then allow your finger to hover anywhere and lead you to the answer that you seek” that caught my attention. It was a sort of cardboard with things like “Take your time”, “Do your best and everything will fall into place” and well, you get the general idea (I honestly don’t know what these are called, and it’s so hard to explain, y’know?)

Feeling like I couldn’t get any more stupider (if there is such a thing) with all the weird stuff I’ve been doing lately, I closed my eyes and whispered, “How can I move on?” I allowed my index finger to hover over the cardboard for ten seconds, and as my finger landed on the cardboard, I heard our doorbell ring.

Coming! I shouted.

As I was about to open my eyes to see where my finger stopped, the doorbell rang again. And again. And again.

What the hell? I thought. Whoever that is, he sure as hell is in a hurry.

I stood up and ran toward the door. I SAID I’M COMING!

* * *

As the cardboard fell to the floor, a red dot is visible on an area that says, You don’t have to do that. 


* * * 


I am so sorry for being gone for so long (again), and I sincerely hope you haven't forgotten my story ahuhuhuhu. Thank you to those who keep commenting that I should update, and some even posted on my wall to remind me hehehehe. Thank you so much!!!! I really appreciate your reminders, coz I also tend to be forgetful at times D: This was supposed to be a three-chaptered update, but something came up at the office and I couldn't continue my writing (probably I'll get to write again later when I get home). So there. Please comment! I love you guys hahahahaha

(I'm obviously in a good mood, coz of Dear Santa <3 Who else here watched the MV? I personally prefer the english version. :D )

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Will be updating AAG in the next few days! :D


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Chapter 19: Please update moreeeeeee!!!I love thissss
Chapter 19: This story is perfect. Every conflicts make sense. Sadly it was not completed but it's okay. I really love this one. Very different to other stories though i love cliche stories too but this one is refreshing :)
Chapter 13: “with God as my witness, i love you" so sweet confession <3

Everything's on point in this story. I liiiike.
wow this is new i mean unique. Interesting :)
yojhyun28 #5
I'm dying to know how this story is gonna end. I kind of relate to the stories you're writing. I hope you'll have the time to update this story. I miss this so much.
Chapter 19: I re read this again, not knowing that that you're still not updating it. I miss you and your stories authornim. Please update very very very soon. Its still hanging on my mind how could this amazing story of yours would go on.
D901125 #7
Chapter 19: i know the feel.Religion,conservation and gender descrimination,these things are the most things that hinder me in life.i am not so clear about my ual orientation yet but i am open person and love and value freedom the most in life,everyone deserves happiness.sometimes i wonder almost all religions are more favorable,subtlly or boldly, to the benefits of man than woman.
insane113 #8
Chapter 19: Oh my god i had bookmarkwd this story but i never subscribed and holy why didnt i i love this fanfic so much i almost cried ans ut makes me happy and i love seohyun and yoona youre the best ahhh
yojhyun28 #9
Chapter 19: I don't know what to say.. Anyone who has grown in a Christian family would definitely freak out. You know your mom enough so you would definitely know her reaction. Keeping your ual orientation a secret is really hard. I know since we are on the same boat.