Lola : Red Apple And Yellow Banana

Lola : Red Apple And Yellow Banana

-Back from School-

Kim Jin : Ya!! Lola shii!! Wait for me

Lola : Oh Kim jin , What?

Kim Jin : Let's go to watch the movie .. erm ya i wanna watch terminator .. how about you?

Mino: Ant Man ! Ya ! Let's go to watch the Ant man. many people recommend that movie because it is so funny

Lola : Ya mino.. where are you coming from? hahaha are you a witch? hahahhahahahaha

Mino: Ya a witch? don't start your imagination again lola hahahaha !!

Kim Jin : it's up to her to be in her imagination. it is her self

Mino: Yaa!!

Lola : quiet please.. okay tonight we will going to cinema right? Mino , kim jin please don't start a fight .. why not we watch the minion?! they soo cute and i want to watch it!!!

Mino : Huh? Minion?

Kim Jin : Minion? okay lolaa.. see ya tonight byee

Lola : hahahaha okayy byee

Mino : yaa!! do you leave me alone?? haish


- Home-

( Lola Home ) 

Lola : haish Which clothes should I wear? dress? mini skirt? jeans? haish! I should be cute infront of my prince banana.. *smiling

( Kim Jin Home )

Kim Jin : haish which clothes should i wear? i should be handsome infront of Lola.. haish! okay i will wear jeans and tshirt! okayyy okayy okayy!!! haish!

* Mino still in school because he has a training

Mino : Sir, may i go back home? i have a plan tonight

Sir : huh? You think i will give you a permission? our game is around the corner! 

Mino : arasso sir


- Cinema-

Kim Jin : Haish where is it that ?! it was too late. movie already start

Lola: maybe he still have a training

Kim Jin : Haish why he want to join us if he know that he have a training! 

Lola : Calm down Jin.. let's go in first.. i'll messeage Mino. let's go

Kim Jin : Okay. let'sgo

...........................................................................Watching movie.................................................................................................................

Lola : Ya! that movie is fun right ?soo funny and cute.. i can't control myself to laugh.. hahahahhahah

Kim Jin : yeah that right! soo funny.. i felt so speechless hahhaha if this movie have a part 2  we watch that movie again. okay?

Lola : hahahhaha okayy jin..

Kim Jin: Lola... why you so cute?

Lola : Haish kim jin *_*

Kim Jin : hahahahhahahaha 

* Suddenly kim jin be close with lola and kiss him mouth to mouth #OMGGGGGG

* Mino is running to meet lola and wanna apologized because his late but when he saw lola and kim jin are kissing...

Mino : Ya! what wrong with this heart? i felt very sick. ya of course i was closed with her from chilhood but it's impossible to felt like this. 

* Mino is back to home with heartbroken

Mino : Lola like kim jin? she tell me that she hate kim jin.. Jin like Lola too? i can't believe that...This should not be happened.. i firstly closed with Lola since childhood.. haish! Lola look very happy with kim jin... -'-

- In The Car-

Kim Jin : Yaa! it is your house?...

Lola : yes. hihihi thank you for sending me to my home

Kim Jin: No problem Lolaaaa... but lola can i ask you something?

Lola : yeah sure. what?

Kim Jin: Can i be your first love? and can i be your prince yellow banana?

Lola: Kim jinnnn.... are you serious?

Kim Jin: yeah ofcourse. i falling in love with you since you advised me and i felt very calm .. you so cute and kind

Lola: hahahah erm yess of course suree. actually, i have falling in love with you since first i met you

Kim Jin: what? really? hahah thank you Lolaa

Lola: hihihi * Lola kiss kim jin cheek* Okbye hahahah

Kim Jin : heyy ! hahahahha okbyee * Kim Jin is back home



Lola : Omggg! My dream is come true!! hahahah my dream is right ! he is my yellow banana . i fell very happy today. i don't wanna end this dayyy. arghhh!!!!! This is best day everrrrr










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