Chapter 3


Baekhyun’s Car

Wednesday, October 1

7:15 a.m.

The morning had been a good one for Emberly. She had woken up in a cheerful mood, her grandmother had surprised Em with her favorite breakfast, and she was even having a really nice hair day.

However, that pleasant feeling had started to fade when Baekhyun came to pick her up. Usually he drove up in the driveway, parked, and came inside to walk Emberly out to the car. But this morning he only honked the horn, signaling his arrival. Emberly and her grandmother had exchanged confused glances, unsure of why Baekhyun’s behavior had suddenly changed.

As Emberly walked outside and got into the car, she saw a not-so-familiar Baekhyun. Normally, he was a morning person. He would always be smiling and asking Em if she had slept well and telling her about something random like what he had dreamt the night before or what he’d eaten for breakfast. But this morning, Baek was silent.

“Good morning, love,” Em said with a smile, putting on her seatbelt.

“Morning,” Baek replied with little emotion as he backed out of the driveway. Em frowned at his response, but kept quiet.

Maybe he didn’t sleep well, she thought.

After a few minutes of silence, Em asked, “Did you sleep alright?”

“Yeah, pretty good, I guess,” he answered without even looking over at his girlfriend.

“Oh. Okay,” Emberly said, a little disappointed. “Are you getting sick?” she tried again.

“Nope,” was all he said.

Em turned away at his short answer and started looking out of the window. She decided to give him a couple minutes and maybe he’d start talking on his own. But he never did.

They had driven all the way to school in complete silence. As Baek pulled into a parking space, turned off the car, and reached for the door handle, Emberly grabbed his arm. “Hold on,” she said, slightly forcefully. Baekhyun turned and looked at her, obviously confused.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, more softly. She looked at her boyfriend with a worried expression. His eyes met hers with an equal amount of worry, but also some apprehension.

He painted on a slight smile to try and hide what he was feeling. “Really, it’s nothing,” he tried to say more cheerfully. “Let’s go.”

As they got out of the car and walked towards the school, Baekhyun placed his hand on Em’s lower back. She looked up at him with a smile. “So you haven’t forgot about Saturday, have you?” she asked.

“Uh… Saturday…?” Baek questioned.

Em looked at him with a puzzled expression. “My science competition…” Emberly responded, not impressed. “Baek! How could you forget?!”

Actually he hadn’t forgotten at all. “Slipped my mind I guess,” he said with a forced chuckle.

“Well, you are going to be there, right?” asked a disappointed Em. A frown had appeared on her lips.

“Of course, babe. Of course,” Baek answered, sounding distracted.

As they walked down the hall together, Emberly couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off about Baekhyun. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but she couldn’t help but feel she was walking next to a stranger.


Gentry High School- Cafeteria

 12:00 p.m.

Making her way into the lunchroom, Emberly looked around admiring all of her fellow classmates’ crazy outfits. Today was Disney Day and Gentry High’s student body had most definitely went all out for the Homecoming Week festivities. Em saw Mickey Mouse getting into the lunch line, Cinderella was finding a seat, and Peter Pan was sitting at a table with Sleeping Beauty.

Em had thought the previous days’ costumes were laughable, but today it was even harder for her to contain her amusement. Trying to hold in a chuckle, she hopped in the lunch line and grabbed a tray.

She had to stay a little after class today, so she wasn’t able to walk to lunch with Baekhyun. After paying for her food, she walked across the cafeteria alone while scanning the crowds for her boyfriend. Finally, she saw him sitting with the football players and cheerleaders like normal. But unlike normal, there wasn’t an empty seat open for her.

Walking up to the table, faces immediately turned towards Emberly as she tapped Baek on the shoulder. “Hey, babe,” she said as he turned around to face her.

“Oh, hey,” he responded. He seemed almost surprised to see her there. A frown crossed Emberly’s face. “Where am I going to sit?” she asked her boyfriend, a little confused.

“Um…,” Baekhyun started. He turned to look at his friends. “Sorry, guys. Excuse me for a minute.” They all nodded and continued with their conversation as Baekhyun stood up and led Emberly a few steps away from the table.

Talking in a slightly low voice, Baekhyun placed his hand on Em’s arm and said, “Do you think maybe you could find somewhere else to sit today?” His face showed sympathy but his words said otherwise.

Emberly took a step back, for she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Wh-what?” she questioned, slightly in shock.

“I asked if you could sit somewhere else today,” responded Baek. Looking around, he pointed towards a table across the room. “Look! Isn’t that some of your friends from the science club?”

Emberly turned around to glance in the direction Baekhyun was pointing. “Uh… I…,” she stuttered, trying to figure out how to even react to what was happening.

Looking back down at Emberly, Baek continued, “I’m sure they’d love for you to join them.” He smiled and patted Emberly’s arm, apparently proud of his suggestion.

Em just stood there in shock as she watched Baekhyun walk away and take his seat back at the other table. Beginning to make the walk across the lunchroom, Em’s feet felt heavy and her eyes started to gloss with tears.

Approaching the table full of her science club friends, she suppressed the melancholy feelings and put on a good face. “Hey, everybody! Can I sit here today?”

All of Emberly’s friends looked up in surprise to see her, but immediately welcomed her with smiles. “Of course you can sit with us Em,” answered a beaming Minseok. “Here, there’s a seat beside me.” He patted the vacant chair as Emberly made her way over to it. “Thanks, guys,” she announced, appreciative.

As everyone got back to their lunches and began to talk and laugh with Emberly, Minseok noticed slight anguish in her features. His face hardened as he turned to gaze across the cafeteria, landing his eyes on the back of Baekhyun’s head.

Minseok had seen everything.


Meanwhile, at the other table, Baekhyun’s eyes studied his lunch as he pushed a few peas around his plate with a fork.

“Dude, you okay?” Chanyeol asked, poking Baek’s side with his elbow.

“Huh, what?” Baek blurted, quickly looking over at his friend as he was shaken from his thoughts.

Chanyeol let out a slight chuckle as he gave Baek an amused look. “What are you thinking about, man? Join the conversation!” Chanyeol patted Baekhyun’s back as he went back to talking to his surrounding peers.

But Baekhyun didn’t have much to say. Guilt formed heavily in his heart as he thought about the way he had just acted towards Emberly. It hurt him and he knew it had hurt her.

But this is just the way it has to be, he thought.


GHS Bear Stadium

Friday, October 3

10:30 p.m.

The Homecoming game had been the best game yet for the Gentry High Bears. The boys had completely stomped all over their competition stealing the win with a score of 46-0.  

Thankfully, Baekhyun and Jongdae had put away their hard feelings that had resonated from Monday’s argument and the whole team was able to work together towards the victory.

The locker room was in complete chaos as the team shouted in celebration. They hadn’t lost a game all season and, if they kept it up, they would be on their way to the state championship.

“Baekhyun! My man!” Sehun called as he approached the quarterback. “I swear you get faster and faster every Friday. You were like lightening out there tonight!”

“Well, what can I say?” Baek snickered. “I’m just that good.” Cockiness poured over his features like a waterfall.

“Ah, typical Baekhyun,” chimed in Kai who placed an arm around Baek’s shoulders. “Cocky and confident, like always.” Baekhyun looked over at his fellow player with a smug grin.

“You know what this calls for, right?” Jongdae shouted to the entire team as he stood on one of the locker room benches. “Party at my place!” The guys erupted in excitement as they all agreed.

After changing clothes and gathering his things, Baekhyun headed out of the locker room to make his way out of the stadium. As he stepped out of the door, he noticed Emberly standing near. He tried not to make eye contact and slipped into the crowd in an attempt not to be noticed by her. But it didn’t work.

“Baekhyun! Over here!” Emberly called, smiling brightly at her number 4.

Emberly should have been at home finishing some last minute studying for the science competition that was tomorrow, but there was no way she was going to miss Baekhyun play. He had been acting strange this week, that was true, but she thought it would blow over soon, so that was no reason not to continue supporting him.

“Oh. Hey, Em,” Baekhyun said almost emotionless as he hesitantly approached her. Wrinkles appeared on Emberly’s forehead as she looked at her boyfriend a little confused. But as quickly as they had appeared, the wrinkles were gone.

“You played so great out there tonight!” Em congratulated, taking both of his hands in hers. Baekhyun looked down at their fingers intertwined, a weird feeling growing in his stomach. “Yeah,” he nervously laughed. “Thanks.” He pulled his hands away and rubbed the back of his neck.

Noticing Baekhyun’s strange behavior, Emberly started wondering who she was standing next to. Because it certainly didn’t feel like the Baek she had been dating for the past year. Gazing longingly up at Baek’s face, Em desperately searched his eyes for something familiar. But all she saw was confusion and something she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

“Hey, I’ve got to go,” he said, looking back at his friends. “I’m going to a party tonight, so I’ll see you later.”

“You’ll see me tomorrow,” Emberly emphasized, excitement in her voice. “It’s the science competition. Don’t forget!”

“Yea. Right! The science competition…,” Baek said as he started walking away. “I’ll be there!” he called out, slightly distracted as he was now surrounded by his friends.

Emberly’s smile quickly melted as she watched Baekhyun walk happily out of the stadium, all thoughts of her slipping from his mind.


State Science Competition

Saturday, October 4

9:30 a.m.

“Okay, guys,” Emberly announced to the eleven eager competitors all staring at her. They had made a circle around their captain, hanging onto her every word. “This is the day. The day we’ve been waiting for. The day we’ve been preparing for. The day that will help decide our futures. Let’s knock this competition out and get those $10,000 scholarships! Everybody in.”

Twelve hands met in unison, one on top of the other. “1-2-3… Gentry High!” the team shouted as they raised their arms and split away.

“Are you ready for this, Tao?” Emberly asked placing her hand on his shoulder as she made her rounds to speak to some members individually. “You know you’re one of our strongest when it comes to trivia.”

“I-I think so,” he slightly stuttered out of nervousness. “I just can’t believe we are finally here.” Emberly smiled assuringly as she patted his shoulder. “Just take a deep breath and you’re gonna do great!”

“Lay,” she said, moving on to another member, “how are you holding up? Nervous yet?”

“A little,” he answered. “But I’ll be fine. I know we are going to do great.”

“That’s the spirit!” Emberly responded, feeling prouder than ever as she looked around at her team.

But the feeling faded as she continued to look around for someone else. Where is he? she thought, getting slightly worried.

She had seen her grandmother, some friends from her math class and even one of her teachers. But Baekhyun was no where to be found.

“What’s wrong?” Minseok asked, walking over to Em. She looked at Min, her face solemn. “Oh, I was just trying to find Baekhyun. He must be caught up in the crowd or something,” she said with a nervous laugh.

Minseok gazed at Emberly sympathetically as her eyes continued to wander around the room. “Yeah, maybe so,” he agreed to try and make her feel better. But deep down he had a feeling that Baek wasn’t going to show.


As the day went on, the Gentry High Science Team blew away their competition. Minseok, Tao and a few other members won the team over 80 points in the trivia round, immediately shooting Gentry to the first place ranking right from the beginning.

Emberly and Lay helped to keep the first place spot with an awesome experiment that impressed the judges so much that they personally congratulated the team on how well they were doing.

After a couple of more hours, the last round was completed and all teams had now relocated into an auditorium, waiting patiently for the award ceremony to begin. No one knew the final results yet and Emberly sat nervously, biting on her fingernails, waiting for the winners to be revealed.

“You gonna be okay?” Minseok asked with a chuckle, looking down at her chewed fingernails. He proceeded to put his arm around Em and heat rushed through his body, nerves racking at the feeling of being so close to her. It was a brave move, but he felt it could be justified since he was trying to comfort her.

Emberly looked up at him and he thought she was a little put off at first, but then her face softened and she slightly leaned in to his embrace. “Yeah, I’ll be fine,” she answered smiling. “Just as soon as they announce who won.” The two friends laughed together as they waited patiently to find out their fate.


Finally, thirty minutes later, the awards ceremony began.

“Welcome back everyone!” the announcer said from behind a podium that was positioned on the stage. “I’d like to give a special thanks to every team and bystander for waiting so patiently. And now, without further ado, your winners are…”

Emberly tensed at the words, scooting to the edge of her chair as she leaned over and rested her chin in her hands, her elbows on her knees.

“The third place medal and a $3,000 scholarship for each team member goes to… Riverdell High School!”

Emberly breathed a sigh-of-relief as the other team jumped up in excitement and made their way to the stage. Don’t get her wrong, Emberly thought third place was great. But it wasn’t what she was aiming for.

After the 3rd place team obtained their medals and exited the stage, the announcer continued. “The second place medal and a $5,000 scholarship for each team member goes to… Colby High School!”

Another sigh-of-relief escaped from Emberly’s lips as she watched the next winners make their way on and off the stage. As the second place winners took their seats, a knot formed in Emberly’s stomach as she anticipated the first place announcement.

“Now, let’s move on to the first place prize,” the announcer began. “According to the judges, this team went above and beyond in every category and scored the most points out of any team that this competition as ever seen.”

Eyes wide in shock after hearing such an accomplishment, Emberly smiled as she thought that could be her team.

Could, she quickly reminded herself.

“And now, what we’ve all been waiting for… The first place trophy and an amazing grand prize consisting of one $10,000 scholarship for each team member goes to…”

The crowd fell completely silent in anticipation. Em’s face fell blank, her breath caught in .

“Gentry High School!”

In that moment, time stood still. As Minseok, Tao, Lay and the other team members jumped up in celebration, exchanging hugs and high fives, Emberly stayed seated. Her eyes were wide, wide open in complete shock.

“Em!” Minseok shouted with a huge grin, shaking her shoulders. “We won!” Em slowly looked up at him, finally coming back down to reality. “We did?” she questioned. “We did… We did!” She jumped up and threw her arms around Min, now unable to hide her joy, excitement buzzing through her.

Minseok had never seen her smile so big and so bright. After she pulled away, he said “Come on,” admiring her beauty as he took her hand and lead her and the others to the stage.

Each member placing a hand on their trophy, they raised it high in the air in celebration of their incredible accomplishment. 


After the ceremony ended and some excitement had died off Emberly made her way towards the crowd. She looked around to find her grandmother and made her way over to her. “Congratulations, Em!” her grandmother exclaimed, embracing her granddaughter in a huge hug. “I told ya you could do it.” Em smiled at her grandma and thanked her for her support.

Em moved on to talk to and thank her classmates and teacher for coming. “Hey, did you see Baekhyun anytime today?” she asked one of her friends. “Hm. No, I don’t think so,” she answered.

“Oh, okay,” responded Em, disappointed. “Thanks anyway.” She continued looking around until she just had to just force herself to accept the fact that he wasn’t there.

He didn’t come, she thought to herself, as she walked out into the hallway to be alone. He didn’t freaking come?!

Emberly kicked the wall then turned her back to it and slid down into a sitting position. With her head in her hands, a tear slid down her face and splashed onto the floor.

“Em?” Minseok’s voice gently called as he walked into the hallway, looking around. Seeing Emberly on the floor, he asked alarmed, “Em, are you okay?!”

Emberly looked up, quickly wiping the tears from her face in order to conceal her pain. “Oh, of course!” she exclaimed as she flashed a fake smile. “I was just resting.”

“Were you crying?” Minseok asked in shock, ignoring Emberly’s answer as he noticed the tear stains on her cheeks. He quickly stepped closer to her.

Em looked up at Min knowing she couldn’t hide her feelings from him. “You got me,” she said quietly as she sniffled. “Baekhyun didn’t show.” Her eyes found the floor as she tried to hold back more tears.

“I-I’m so sorry, Emberly,” Minseok responded, wanting so badly to pull her close.

“Yeah, well, it is what it is, right?” she laughed dryly. “We better get back in there with the rest of the team.”

Minseok watched Emberly as she slowly walked back into the auditorium, grief heavy on her heart. He felt so bad for her because he knew Baekhyun’s presence at the competition meant a lot to Em.

Thinking about Baekhyun skipping out on something so important to Emberly made Minseok furious. His hands slowly balled into fists as anger rose up in his chest.


Baekhyun’s House

12:30 p.m.


Baekhyun sat quietly on his couch staring at the clock’s minute hand change from 12:29 to 12:30.


Baekhyun’s face hit his palms hard as he dropped his head into his hands, ashamed.


Baekhyun swallowed, his throat dry, as he thought about what he had done.

Earlier that morning he had woken up at 9:00 a.m. That would have given him more than enough time to get ready and be at the competition before it started. But Baekhyun hadn’t gotten ready. And he hadn’t gone to the competition.

Em’s words rang clear in his ears as regret started to set in.

“You’ll see me tomorrow,” Emberly emphasized, excitement in her voice. “It’s the science competition. Don’t forget!”

“I’ll be there,” he had responded. But he wasn’t. He wasn’t there.

But that’s what I had planned to do, right? he thought to himself bitterly.

“That’s what you wanted! Wasn’t it, Baekhyun?!” he shouted out loud as he grabbed his hair with both hands in fury.

It had all been for Em. The silent car ride, the rude behavior at lunch, not inviting her to the party last night, skipping the competition. It was all for her own good.

How stupid that sounded now but, at the time, it sounded smart. It seemed like the right thing to do. If he had acted differently for long enough, Emberly would have eventually broken up with him. And if she didn’t have him anymore then she wouldn’t be treated badly anymore. She wouldn’t have to put up with the football players and the cheerleaders and not fitting in just to make him happy. She would have been free. And it would have been her own decision.

But now… Now, he regretted everything.


Baekhyun let the front door bang shut behind him as he quickly made his way to his car. Maybe he could make it to the competition before it ended, he hoped. Maybe he could make things right.


After parking his car in the parking lot, Baekhyun ran into the building and through the halls. He busted into the auditorium, his chest heaving as he panted from being out of breath.

But there was nothing.

Not one person was left in the auditorium. The lights were off and the entire school was empty. Baekhyun spat out a curse word in his frustration.

“Baekhyun?” a voice called from the hallways.

Baekhyun quickly turned around at the sound of his name. He squinted his eyes towards the dark hallway, trying to make out who the figure was. As the person stepped into the auditorium, Baekhyun immediately recognized the face. “Minseok? You’re Emberly’s friend Minseok, right?”

“Yes,” Min responded. “What are you doing here?” His voice was rough with anger.

“I-I came to see Emberly,” Baekhyun stuttered, caught off guard by Minseok’s harshness.

“Emberly isn’t here, Baekhyun,” Minseok stated firmly. “The competition ended forty five minutes ago. I had to come back to get some papers we forgot, but you…you shouldn’t be here.”

Baekhyun wrinkled his face in astonishment, his mouth partially open. “Excuse me?” he responded, slightly offended.

“I said you shouldn’t be here. And don’t go try to find Emberly, either. I think you’ve hurt her enou-”

“Who do you think you are?!” Baekhyun spat, cutting Minseok off. “Emberly is my girlfriend and I can go see her whenever I want!”

“Yeah, you go see her whenever you want until one day you just don’t, huh? Until one day you lose interest and treat her like she never meant anything to you. Isn’t that right?”

Baekhyun’s face was red with rage. He couldn’t believe what this guy, someone he barely knew, was saying to him. Taking a step towards Minseok, he exclaimed, “Look here, you little-”

“No, Baekhyun, you look here!” Minseok interrupted, also taking a step forward as he pointed firmly at Baek. “I was the one who realized how much Emberly was hurt on Wednesday after you turned her away in front of all of your friends. And I was the one who was here today to encourage her and calm her nerves during the competition. And I was the one who noticed her tears when she was too busy crying over you to even enjoy her first place win!” Minseok dryly let out a slight laugh as he turned away, not able to look Baekhyun in the eye. “But what do you care?” he muttered.

“Sh-she won?” Baekhyun stammered quietly, guilt written all over his face.

“Yes, Baekhyun. She won,” Minseok replied, annoyance obvious in his tone as he was growing tired of the conversation. “And she didn’t need you to do it.”

Minseok’s words hit Baekhyun hard. He felt like a thousand weights were pressing down on his shoulders as he took in the whole situation. Baek hung his head in disgrace, ashamed and embarrassed.

“You should go now,” Minseok finished, ending the conversation as he turned to walk out of the building.

Baekhyun followed suit, a dark cloud of despair surrounding him as he walked to his car.


Emberly’s House

 4:30 p.m.

Emberly sat on her living room couch, TV remote in hand, flipping through the channels. Slumped into the cushions, all emotions were drained from her face except for one.


After coming home from the competition, Emberly cried a few more times and hadn’t said much of anything to her grandmother. She ate little dinner and refused to move from the couch.

Standing in the kitchen, Emberly’s grandma looked out into the living room at her granddaughter. She hurt for Em, but knew she needed to give her space.

In that moment, the door bell rang. Em’s grandmother made her way to the front door to see who was there. After a few seconds, the older woman called from the foyer, “Em, sweetheart, there’s someone here to see you.”

Emberly didn’t want to see anyone for the rest of today, but, despite her feelings, she got up and walked slowly to the door.

There, standing on her front door step, was Baekhyun.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” Emberly’s grandmother said as she stepped away.

Emberly stepped out onto the doorstep and closed the door behind her. She looked up, staring straight into Baekhyun’s eyes, but didn’t say a word.

“H-Hey,” he stammered, hands in his pockets, eyes quickly darting to the ground. Emberly didn’t return the greeting. “I heard you won first place at the competition,” he continued, nervously glancing up at her with a smile.

But Emberly’s face continued not to change, anger and sadness resonating from her stare.

“Look, baby,” Baekhyun began, “I know you’re upset and-”

“What is wrong with you, Baekhyun?!” Emberly finally called out, her tone harsh.

Baek’s eyes widened. “Wha-what?” he stammered.

“How could you?!” she continued. “You knew how much it meant to me! You knew!” Emberly turned away, trying to hold back tears. She stood there silent for several seconds. “And why have you been treating me differently this past week?” she finally muttered, her voice almost a whisper.

As Emberly looked up at Baekhyun, he saw a depth of sadness in her eyes that he had never seen before. At that moment, his heart finally broke completely in two. He took a step towards Em, his hand stretched out to take her into his embrace.

“No,” Emberly suddenly said, blocking his arm with hers. “Don’t touch me.”

Baekhyun’s face fell as he stuttered, “Bu-But Em… I… I’m sorry.” He looked pitiful standing there with shoulders dropped, a deep frown on his lips, and tears glossing his eyes.

But Emberly had no sympathy. “We’re over, Baekhyun.”

The words flew out of Em’s mouth like a bullet firing from a gun, the impact so deadly that Baekhyun almost thought he was dreaming.

What is she saying?! he thought, in a panic. This can’t be…

“Em…Please…,” he called through tear blurred vision, desperation all too obvious in his voice. But Emberly had already turned her back to Baek, reaching for the door knob to go back inside.

After she entered the home, closing the door behind her, leaving Baekhyun alone on the doorstep, Baek slowly made his way to his car. Sitting in the drivers seat, he hit the steering wheel with his fist as his tears began to fall like rain.

This is what you wanted, he told himself. This is what you thought was best.

“But this isn’t what I wanted!” Baek shouted, his voice cracking as his face writhed in sorrow. “I was wrong! I was wrong…” he sobbed, resting his forehead on the steering wheel. With tear stained cheeks and a battered heart, the quarterback couldn’t help but feel that he had made the biggest mistake of his life

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Hariniisawesome #1
Chapter 6: More chapters please
Hariniisawesome #2
Chapter 3: Good job Baekhyun wait to go isn't this what you wanted???? Now you are officially SINGLE!!!
ReadTheGems #3
Chapter 3: Wow. A really different approach. I like how you have created this setting based on the 'Love Me Right' MV. Maybe other scenes from the MV can be woven into your story. Thanks for creating a quality story for us to enjoy.