
Jimin's birthday

"Jiminnie come here." Yoongi said and the little boy wobbly ran over to his dad. Yoongi clapped his hands "just wait till your papa sees you running, he'll be so proud of you Jiminnie." Yoongi picked up his son.

"Daddy when will papa comes home?" Jimin said struggling to speak. Yoongi set Jimin down on the couch.

"In a few minutes." Yoongi said smiling at his son, Jimin clapped his hands.

"Daddy ands when will kookie and tae comes here." Jimin asked his dad.

"When Namjoon and Jin come over." Yoongi answered, Jimin crossed his arms and frowned. "Why are you frowning Jiminnie?"

"Daddy is a bads boy." Jimin said.

"Why Jiminnie? What did daddy do to you?" Yoongi crossed his arms and also frowned.

"You don't invites kookie and tae daddy's over to us home." Jimin said.

"They are coming over tomorrow for your birthday so don't worry okay Jiminnie." Yoongi said pinching his sons cheeks.

"Goods cause Jiminnie loves kookie and tae a lots." Just as Jimin finished saying that there was a knock on the door. "Papa!" Jimin ran to the door and waited for his dad to open it.

"Papa! Papa! Guess what?" Jimin looked up at his papa.

"What?" He bent down to pick up his son and hugged him then set him down and after he hugged Yoongi he gave him a kiss full on the lips. Jimin giggled and continued to talk.

"I can runs wiffout falling!" Jimin said proudly and then showed his papa how he could run. Hoseok clapped his hands and squatted eye level to Jimin when he saw his son yawn.

"I'm so proud of you Jimin, now it's time for your nap." He picked up his son again and went to the bedroom and set him on the bed, covered him with a blanket, and kissed his forehead.

Hoseok went to the kitchen to find Yoongi washing dishes, he went over to his husband and back hugged him.

"Stop it Hoseok, I'm washing the dishes, we can cuddle later." Yoongi said trying to push his husband away without using his wet hands. Hoseok let go, kissed Yoongi on his cheek, and went to the couch to watch TV.

After a while of watching TV Yoongi told his husband to go get Jimin and wash his hands.

"You wash your hands too Hoseok, and hurry before dinner gets cold." Yoongi said while washing his hands too.

Hoseok went to Jimin's room and opened the door quietly, he went over and sat at the edge of his son's bed. He looked at his son sleeping peacefully in his bed curled up into a ball from the lack of blanket, Hoseok didn't want to wake his son but he had to get his nutrition so he woke him up gently.

Jimin yawned as he rubbed his eyes and sat up.

"It's time for dinner Jimin and you don't want to keep daddy waiting so lets go wash you hands, and mine too." Hoseok picked up his son and went to the bathroom to wash their hands.

Hoseok set his son in his chair and sat down himself. Yoongi returned with a plate full of delicious looking food for Hoseok and returned back to the kitchen to get his sons dinner and his own too.

Hoseok and Yoongi ate while talking about things that happened at work or at home and little Jimin just ate silently until his birthday was mentioned.

"Will kookie and tae comes and uncles will comes too?" Jimin asked while eating getting his face dirty with food and his hands too.

"Yes they will Jiminnie don't worry." Yoongi smiled at his son grabbing a napkin to wipe his mouth.

"Who's else will comes?" Jimin asked excitedly as his daddy cleaned his mouth. "Cans Jiyong ands Sungie comes too, kookie will be happy if Jiyong comes to birthday."

"Yes Jiyong and Daesung can come if their mom lets them, I don't know if they will want to come though since are already 18 years old." Yoongi said, Jimin frowned.

"Don't worry Jimin ill make sure they come." Hoseok smiled and Jimin clapped his hands.

"Sanks papa." Jimin thanked his dad and struggled to leave his seat, Yoongi picked him up and re-washed his hands and let him go. Jimin ran to the living room and started to play with his toys. Yoongi watched him go, once he was out of sight he turned his attention to his husband.

"What are you going to do if you can't get Jiyong and Daesung to come?" Yoongi asked his husband as he walked over to him, hugged him, and rested his chin on top of Hoseok's head.

"Don't worry they will come." Yoongi could feel his husband smirk, and he got all worried. He let go of Hoseok and faced him.

"What are you going to do Hoseok?" Yoongi asked with a worried look.

"Nothing bad I'm just going to make them feel bad if they don't go, like telling them 'if you don't Jimin will be so disappointed and so will Taehyung but Jungkook will be especially sad'" Hoseok said proudly.

"Really Hoseok?" Yoongi laughed.

"What? I think it'll work, don't you believe in me honey?" Hoseok made a fake sad face, and Yoongi laughed.

"Fine, do whatever you want." Yoongi said in fake defeat.

"Give me a kiss, please? You never give me those really great kisses you used to give me all the time anymore." Hoseok pouted.

"That's because Jimin is around and we can't ruin him, he still so so young Hoseok. Just wait till he gets out of the house more often, or at least until he starts school again." Yoongi said.

"Then why didn't we kiss when he was at school?" Hoseok pouted again.

"Because you always come home after Jimin gets home from school. Now shut up and do other things, don't bother me, I have to wash the dishes." Yoongi's waved Hoseok to leave.

Hoseok left and went to the living room, watching his son play with his toy.

"Hey papa?" Jimin suddenly asked.

"What's wrong Jimin?" Hoseok asked his son.

"It just that whens I was at school... Kids tolds me stuffs about me having two dads, and they laughs at me, and calls me gay." Jimin eyes started watering.

"Why didn't you tell me this before Jimin?" Hoseok picked up his son and looked at him worriedly.

"Is cause you were busy, ands I did nots wants to bothers you." Jimin said hot tears falling down his cheeks.

"Jimin it doesn't matter if I am busy or whatever, but you should always tell me these things no matter what, because those kids shouldn't laugh at you for having a loving family. And it doesn't matter if you like girls or boys as long as it's true love, and you really love each other." Hoseok hugged his son, who was now crying so much. "Don't listen to what other kids say okay Jimin, they are probably just jealous that you are cooler than them."

Hoseok decided to put on a movie, by the time the movie ended it was dark, Jimin was asleep, and so Hoseok took him to his bed. 

He was now sitting on the couch cuddling with his husband.

"Hey Yoongi," Yoongi hummed a what. "Remember when we first met?" 

"Mhm, I remember." Yoongi replied as he ate a piece of bread.

"Do you also remember how stubborn you were into liking me back," Hoseok chuckled. "I can't believe you fell for me in the end, when you had someone who was already perfect by your side."

Yoongi sat up and so did Hoseok.

"Seokjin? He was an , so I dumped him." Yoongi replied finishing his bread.

"But he was really handsome, and I'm just all normal here, all ugly." Hoseok chuckled heartlessly.

"Oh shut the hell up Hoseok," Yoongi hated it when Hoseok said these things about himself, he hated when Hoseok thought like this about himself. "I married you Hoseok, I had a child with you, and you still say these things about yourself."

Yoongi frowned and hugged Hoseok.

"I love you so much Hoseok, you are perfect just the way you are." Yoongi leaned and gave Hoseok a kiss a special one, not the ones that they just pressed their lips together, but not ones where they were like hungry animals either, it was just in the middle of those two kisses and it was perfect. Hoseok didn't want to pull away and just stay like this forever but they had to sleep and so Yoongi pulled away and pulled Hoseok to their bedroom and they got ready to sleep.

"Goodnight the love of my life." 

"Goodnight Hoseok." Yoongi pecked Hoseok's lips and drifted off to dreamland.

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