Offends me

Offended Flowers

Who are we? On this question I didn't find an answer. 
After my father's death I find myself on the edge, again and again I want to jump, but he brings me back with his claws.
Have you ever feel so vulnerable, so angry and so lonely? I do this every day, every horrific day he has his fingers on me.
His foul breath on my neck, It disgusts me. 
But I have to let it wash over me, my mother is in the 6th month pregnant, my sister is too young, it's difficult for her to explain.
When he comes into my room at night and his filthy hands touch my skin, I want nothing more than to die. 

As his handles gradually were also more intimate and ever more intrusive,I saw the only solution to tell everything to my mom. She looked deep into my eyes, her chocolate brown eyes looked at me with disgust, as if I had pulled the rug from under her feet. "You lie!" her voice throbbed formally and she stood up abruptly and the chair behind her, leaving a deafening noise,when it fell with full force on the ground. "How could you? You have a roof over your head, you have every day a hot meal. What more do you want? You ungrateful brat. I never want to hear a word of it, he's a good father, he has taken you and raised you. I didn't want to hear anything bad about him, Do you understand me Minyoung-ah ?. " I nodded confused, how could my own mother think such a thing of me? Did she seriously think I'd seduce her husband?

That night I could not rest, the rain that lashed against my windowpane didn´t help either. Had I done the right thing ? My mother had me made ​​it clear that she does not believe me . I'm not important to her? The door opened again, he's back, his steps are heard now, his steps are considered and and not supposed to wake my sister up. "If you say just one damn thing, I do that life to hell, when you say one thing then you are responsible for all the bad things that happened to te both." I held my breath, every time the same scam threaten me with my mother and my sister. "Good girl, now let's see where we recently stopped." The disgusting hands that opened the buttons of my pajamas, paused, the voice of my sister could be heard. "Unnie, are you awake?" His breath that I could feel on my earlobe whispers to me. "Tell her that you're sleeping."

I briefly nodded and turn to my sister. "I ´m sleeping sweetie, do that also." I could hear as she scrunched her bedsheets and turned her back to us and fell immediately back in her dream. "Well done, I'm going but do not think that was the end. I'll see you tomorrow evening." his hands were on me. The light that was coming through the gap in our room was now degenerated into completely darkness. I let my breath freely, his words echoed in my head and I fell into a restless sleep . " Unnie ... Can you please tie my hair together ? " The voice of my sister could be heard now and she ran up to me in one hand a brush in the other her scrunchy . “Please make a very high ponytail and make purely few slides in it!” I chuckled lightly and make her hair like how she has wished in a very high Ponytail. “Minyoung-ah is your Sister ready?” “Yes Mom we are coming.” My Mother was leaning on the door frame and looked at us with sad eyes. “Minyoung-ah, you are not going to School today.”

I knitted my brows together. “Why?” ­ "Because we have anything else to, you have to help me." I nodded and prepared further my sister.

After she took her way to school, we went also. "Where are we going Eomma?" she did not say a word and went her way concentrating on.

"Show me your ID please." On the opposite street there was a police control and the students who skip school were brought to the police station.

I had I never skipped my school, i was always the flagship student, but today it was different, today I had to skip school for some reason.

At the Corner of my eye I saw a student who slowly sneaks out from the crowd. Our eyes met briefly and she looked at me pleadingly. However, at that time I had no idea that this girl would be one of my closest. "Look at these children, skip school pfft. Good that you go to school."

My eyes were remained  to the girl and turned back again to my mother. "Why I have to skip school today?" again this ignorance of her, my mother can be really stubborn when something does not fit her, and today is such a day and again she ignored me completely "You'll see in a moment ..."

I could hardly believe my eyes, I stood in front of a rusty gate, on the sign that is paved in front of me was really big written, 'girls orphanage', she did not believe me, it offends me, just because of her husband.

A soft whisper was now to hear from her. "That's the best Minyoung-ah, you know it." We went to the old courtyard along the main entrance, my steps are heavy and a lump is sitting in my throat .

How could she do this to me, how can she sacrifice her own Daughter for nothing? We were now in front of a plump old woman, her room smelled of old coffee and her to strong perfume, she saw my mother with indignation in the eyes. "You are not the first one who put her daughter into the orphanage, I also didn´t want to know the reason." my mother moved restlessly in her chair back and forth. "I'm pregnant and for another childrem I can not provide." 

The plump woman nodded and took my details. "From now on, you are in our care, behave yourself or else you're flying out of here. Ah, incidentally, if a foster family wants to have her, should i tell them, that she has a mother or not?" "Please say she has a mother." "I have no mother!" The threatening voice of the warden slurred in my head around, it turned my stomach and I rushed out of the room.

Outside,the cold breeze pushed against me and filled my lungs with it. "Here you can get very difficult out, Get used to it sweetie." It was the girl from the park, she had apparently overcomes the policemen.

Her words hit me, she was right, I could only escape difficult. My Mother rushed to me. "Minnie, I'm sorry but understand m-me, I can not provide you too .

I had to think to this one too.” she show me her belly. “I find it also difficult but please do not hate me. I am your mother." My mother sat opposite me and took my hands in hers. It was the first time that the wind blew strongly against me . And I had a hard winter ahead of me . "At some point you're going to believe me, but then something terrible has happened . " With these words I stood up and turned to my new home ...

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flickthebic #1
Very interesting