Chapter 1

Love Is...

The way he looked, you’d never guess that he wasn’t smart. He always dressed nice; button-down shirts and jeans or khakis, often with the cuffs rolled. And those glasses… Jonghyun loved Minho’s glasses. His eyes were already large and a beautiful rich brown with thick, sooty lashes, and his glasses emphasized them in a way that Jonghyun found himself appreciating more often than he’d like. The musician in him wanted to write a song about those eyes, and everything else about Minho. Except Jonghyun had never met Minho. Unless fantasies counted, which, Jonghyun supposed, they probably didn’t. He probably shouldn’t even be fantasizing about Minho, seeing as he had never met him. Word around campus was that he could be a real idiot, always getting confused or asking obvious questions, but Jonghyun couldn’t really see it as he watched Minho stand up from his table of friends and imitate what Jonghyun could only guess was a kick of some sort. Soccer, maybe? He’d better be careful, Jonghyun thought, smirking, or he’ll kick too high and rip a hole in his pants… And wouldn’t that be a shame.

Jjong had thought to come to the campus courtyard and eat his lunch in peace, writing lyrics to add to the endless bunch he already had written all over in and on his notebooks, but Minho was here, and Jonghyun wasn’t going to miss the opportunity to watch him. He’d seen Minho around campus a couple times since the semester had started, but he was trying not to make a habit of following him like a lost puppy. He ran a hand through his short, white hair, thinking about what would happen if he suddenly walked up to Minho and did the same to him, barely noticing the flurry of activity that occurred around him as someone sat down beside him.

“Daydreaming?” Kibum asked, settling himself onto the ground beside Jonghyun, wiggling until his bony was comfortable.

“Mhmm,” Jonghyun replied, not taking his eyes off of Minho. “Where’s Taemin?”

“He’ll be along,” Kibum said, opening Jonghyun’s bag and pulling out his yogurt and spoon. “I think he’s talking to Jinki. Can I have this?”

Jonghyun looked up and nodded, knowing that Kibum was going to eat it regardless of what his answer was.

“Minho is pretty cute, isn’t he?” Kibum said around the spoon in his mouth, following where Jonghyun’s eyes had automatically settled again. “You think he’s gay?”

“I could only be so lucky,” Jjong huffed, finally turning away as Minho sat back down at his table. “He doesn’t seem to suffer from a lack of female attention.”

Unfortunately, he thought.

Kibum chuckled at his hopeless friend, spooning the last of the yogurt from the plastic container. “Do you have any more food?”

Jonghyun grinned at his friend, about to say something smart-assed about Kibum’s appetite when he saw Taemin sneaking up behind him. Taemin motioned for Jonghyun to stay quiet, so Jonghyun bit back his retort and pretended to search through his bag, waiting to hear Kibums screech of terror when Taemin pounced. When it happened, even Jjong jumped. Taemin was laughing, hanging onto Kibum for dear life as the older boy tried to shake him off, calling him a brat for scaring him.

“Guys,” Jonghyun said, laughing. “You’re being too loud. How am I supposed to eat my lunch?” He reached between a screeching Kibum and laughing Taemin, trying to pry them apart as Kibum threatened Tae. The courtyard was filled with the sounds of laughter, now coming from all three boys as the tackle turned into a tickle attack on Kibum, and in between tickling Kibum and attempting not to get tickled himself, Jonghyun managed to look around to be sure they weren’t drawing too much attention, only to have his eyes meet Minho’s across the courtyard. Jonghyun felt pulled into that gaze, and realized that, behind his glasses, Minho’s eyes were crinkled into a smile. It was that second of distraction that lost him the upper hand, and both Taemin and Kibum attacked him, tickling him until his ribs were sore from laughter, forgetting completely about the gorgeous man across the courtyard.

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MinRose #1
Chapter 2: I'm dying here ≧﹏≦ I like it alot. Please complete it...
Chapter 2: what happen next? :D
Chapter 2: It's so cute :3 jong you don't have to run u know... minho won't bite you. Lol
I'll wait for the next chapter :D
Cheer up!
Chapter 2: Yes... Please update this story... PLEEEAASSSEEE!!!!!