A day at the amusement park(ft. The buffet) Pt.2

The Princess and The Doggs (HIATUS)
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When they reached the amusement park P-goon gave the tickes to the person in the booth in exchange for their bands, when he finished he gave everyone one band to put on their wrist.

'Hyung can we go now?' A-tom asked P-goon

'No not yet, manager hyung said we have to split up into two groups so it'll be easier to go around.' P-goon said bringing out a cylinder container from his bag

'You guys pick one of these sticks, if you get blue stand on the right beside me and if you get red stand on the left beside me get it?' P-goon said earning nods from his kids aka Topp Dogg and Sunmi

'I got blue.' P-goon said

'Got red.' Jenissi said as he went to stand on the left side of P-goon

'Hyung I got red too!' Kidoh said running to Jenissi hugging him to death

'Yah! let go of me!' Jenissi exclaimed while trying to push Kidoh away earning chuckles from Sunmi and the members and also a pout from Kidoh

'Blue.' Xero said as he ran to the left side of P-goon giving him a high five

'Red! Kidoh hyung!~' Yano said jumping on Kidoh.

'Wha- AHH!' Kidoh screamed as he fell to the ground with Yano on him

'Yano get of me!~' Kidoh whined earning chuckles from the members and Sunmi

'Okay.' Yano said while getting up pouting

'Why me?!~' Kidoh whined while getting up rubbing his head

'Ha! know you know how I feel!' Jenissi said smacking Kidoh's back earning a grunt from him

'Okay I got Blue.' Hansol said as he went beside Xero giving him a high five

'I got...Blue!' B-joo said walking over to Hansol causing Hansol to hug him

'Red.' Nakta said walking towards Yano

'I got Blue~' Gohn said running to B-joo

'Got Red.' Hojoon said walking to Nakta

'Blue!' A-tom said as he went beside Gohn

'Red.' Sangdo said

It was only Seogoong and Sunmi left, both teams were praying for Sunmi to be in their team.

'I got Red...' Seogoong said

'Noo!' The members in the red team yelled in sorrow

'Woo Yes!' The blue team jumped in hapiness

'So I guess Sunmi is in our team now thank you very much.' Xero said pulling Sunmi beside him

'Can we go now?!' Sunmi asked

'Yes you can.' Jenissi sighed

'WOO LET'S GO TO THE MEGA DROP!' Xero exclaimed

'T-The M-Mega Drop?' Sunmi stuttered

'Yea why?, are you scared?' Xero asked

'Yep.' Sunmi said frozen in place

'Come on it's not scary, let's go the rest are already there! Even the red team is already gone!' Xero said pulling her by the hand

'No!~' Sunmi whined

'Well I have no choice then.' Xero sighed

'Wait wha- AHH put me down!' Sunmi  screamed as she felt Xero carry her

'Let's go!'  Xero said running to the Mega Drop while Sunmi held onto his neck for dear life

'Why must you carry me bridal style?!~' Sunmi whined while blushing

'Because you didn't listen to me.' Xero said

'We're here!' Xero said

'Finally...Put me down now.' Sunmi sighed

'No you might end up running away because you're scared.' Xero said earning a

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Mixerz #1
Chapter 6: Why do you make me feel so OLD even if I'm not around \(*------*)/