
i never left

There were times when Kris would get home and put his proud smile, washing all the permanent fiery dragon face he wore at the work. This face came from seeing his son bringing home things that pleasantly surprised him. From big things like a bronze medal from winning that martial art competition to small things he picked up during his way home; unusual colored leaves, weird shaped stones, or a jar with ladybug inside. As he made dinner, his son would sat and recounted stories behind those things. Sometimes they sent Kris mad because he didn’t understand the way his son thought (daddy I brought this stone home because it reminds me of you), but sometimes it also made him happy because his son was really like him. (daddy can you give me a glass jar for this caterpillar? I want to see it change into a butterfly. I think it would take a long time. Its okay, i’ll watch patiently.) 

But there were also times when that grin wouldn’t come replacing a thin line of pursed lips. It was during the times like this he would gather his son into his embrace (with much effort) and rocked him to sleep. He would look outside and if he saw the moon at the sky, he would bring his son outside. They would sat on the backyard for hours, telling Joonmyeon how much they missed him.

More like his son did, because Kris couldn’t say it. He couldn’t say it before, and he couldn’t say it now. Not without shedding tears. So he would wait until his son deep in his sleep. He’d tell Joonmyeon he missed him by one teardrop. Just one because he was afraid he couldn’t stop.


Their life was written in the book. expected. scheduled. Kris would always know what happened next because their routine never changed. Maybe it changed a bit after Tao, their son, came to their life. And there were some unexpected small things that sent his heart palpitating but still, ther life was a series of repetition.

When he got home, just as he expected, Joonmyeon would sit on one of the sofa. A book opened on his lap.

Joonmyeon eyed the clock at the wall. “You’re.. early. today.” He said as he closed the book and put it at the coffee table. Kris scoffed. He knew he was nowhere near early when he came home at ten, three hours later than he should if he didn’t take that extra hours.

“yes. Chanyeol told me to go home.”

Joonmyeon smiled, the same smile that he always gave every night in these five years. The smile that Kris learned to love. At the beginning of their marriage, he thought that he would learn to get used to that smile. Day by day, he learned that he couldn’t only get used to it.

that was one of the unexpected things.

“He succeeded? Well, that’s new.” Joonmyeon took Kris’s lunchbox and bringing it to the kitchen. Kris knew what he would say next. He knew it by heart, it was all they ever said to each other at night. “Are you hungry? I can heat up the dinner.” And automatically, Kris would shook his head. Sometimes he wondered why Joonmyeon still bothered to ask him  when he knew the answer would be no.

the next was easy. Kris would go to take a bath, and Joonmyeon washed his lunchbox. Kris would go to Tao’s room, kissed his forehead. This was also one of the unexpected change, but just like the other changes, it swelled his heart with.. unexpected feelings.

After that he would go back to his room with Joonmyeon. Joonmyeon would  be waiting on the bed, sitting. He only slept after Kris slided up inside the duvet at the other end of the bed, swallowing 'thank you for waiting." and whispering good night instead with back facing him.

They’ve been doing this for the past five years (three years with Tao). Chanyeol kept telling him that one day, Joonmyeon would leave him if he kept doing this.

“Have you ever thought of him?”

all day.

“i know you think that this life, with you avoiding your husband and your son is the one that makes you happy. But does it make Joonmyeon happy?”

Chanyeol only sighed when Kris didn’t answer, burying himself with the paperwork. He headed to the door as he said. “When Joonmyeon leave, remember that once, I warned you.” 

Kris was terrified and he silently  pleading for thay day to never come.

Joonmyeon was sitting still on the bed as usual when Kris did one of the unexpected. He didn’t immediately go to sleep.

He could see Joonmyeon’s eyes widen in shock and Kris coughed to cover his laugh.


Silence strecthed inside the room after. Kris curled and uncurled his toes nervously inside the duvet. How did husbands do this?

 “this weekend..” he started. Only stopped because he saw Joonmyeon’s eyes brightened with hope. blinding him pleasantly. “this weekend.. I mean Saturday.. its.. its our fifth anniversary.”

The look Joonmyeon had right now was priceless and warmed his heart. He knew this look so well, the look that Joonmyeon had when Kris kissed his bangs (it supposed to be his forehead but Kris was too nervous to look properly) and whispered happy birthday, when Kris went home in the middle of his shift to get the lunchbox he forgot at the morning.

The look that screams, you remember.

“let’s go to our summerhouse.”

Joonmyeon kept closing and opening his mouth. either too happy or too shocked to form any coherent words.

That summerhouse abroad, gift from both of their parents for their marriage, was never touched before. Chanyeol told Joonmyeon in the subtlest way possible that Kris hated that house. He saw it not as a gift but as a compensation from his parents for agreeing this arranged marriage.

If Kris wanted to go to the summerhouse, wasnt that meant he accepted the gift? wasnt that meant He accepted their marriage?

“I.. are.. don’t you have to go to the hospital at weekend?” his voice was barely audible, weighed with  hopes.

“Chanyeol gave me three weeks leave.”

They slept closer than usual that night. Near at the morning, in hope that he wouldn’t have to let Joonmyeon go, Kris turned to face joonmyeon. Dragged him closer to his chest, letting Joonmyeon curled up inside his arm.

Kris was halfway finishing his dinner when he realized that Tao hadn’t move a spoon at all. “Do you have something to tell me?” he asked.

Tao shook his head. “Then why you don’t eat your food?”

“I.. can I use chopstick?”

Kris had unconsciously removed all the chopsticks from the house. Telling and got Tao used to forks and spoon instead. He had one set that he couldn’t remove, though. Buried inside the back of the kitchen cabinet.

“You can’t eat soup with chopsticks, Tao.”

“I’ll use it to eat the rice.”

“You can eat the rice with the spoon.”

“I want chopsticks.”

Kris sighed and put his spoon. He went to Tao, kneeling to reach the same height. He put his hand on Tao’s knee.

“What happened?”

Tao looked at the ground. refused to meet his father's eyes. Kris gathered his son into his arm, hand caressing his hair slowly. He knew exactly why this happened.

he pursed his lips into a thin line. as if on cue, his son started to sob.

“Mamaa.. spooooooon..." tao whined cutely, trying to win his mother's heart.

Joonmyeon didnt even blink. kris sighed and decided to step in. they've been doing this for half an hour and.. how could joonmyeon resist that cute pout?

"let him use the spoon, Joonmyeon."

"no." he said stubbornly. hand busy placing his son's finger over the chopstick. "he uses spoon and forks all of his life. he needs to learn how to use chopstick. especially right now when we are in your hometown where people used chopsticks."

kris didnt say anything after. he knew Joonmyeon did this all the time at home. blame Joonmyeon and his obsession over persevering cultures.

he watched his small family wrestling adorably upon a set of chopsticks. somehow this view warmed his heart. he didnt mind watching this all day instead sitting behind te table and examining patients.

"Tao, stop. baby youre going to get hurt.." Joonmyeon screeched as Tao did his final act with a mocking grin; inserting the chopsticks into his nose.

tao leeched to kris inside the blanket. clinging to him desperately. he can only pulled him closer and patting his back.

"Those guys at school.." Tao began between sobs, almost inaudibly. "They told me mama left because he hated me, because i always disobey what mama said."

Hence, the chopstick at dinner. Kris thought.

"Mama never hates you, baby. Not even once. Even when you disobey what he said he always love you."

"Then why did he leave us? Why did he leave me? Did he left because he hates you Papa?"

Did he hate me? Kris thought for awhile. Sometimes it invaded his mind whether Joonmyeon used to hate him or not even for awhile back then. He was never a warm husband, selfishly working all day long even on weekends and holidays to avoid his family. While joonmyeon was a complete opposite, he was loving, a personification of sunshine in the morning. Joonmyeon was made of patience, but after five years, was there a time when he couldn't do it anymore and loathed Kris even only inside his head?

He only settled with whispering "i love your Mama with all my life, Tao."

A week of their summerhouse holiday had passed and a promise had made its way from Kris's lips.

"When we comeback home, we wont return to our old lives." He whispered in between kisses showered to Joonmyeon's hair on their bed at night, Joonmyeon's back was pressed to his chest and Tao slept contently in Joonmyeon's arms. Kris was grateful for his long limbs that he could fit both of them in his embrace.

"When we return home, i'll be a proper husband i never was." He inhaled Joonmyeon's scent. This holiday brought him a realization that Joonmyeon smelled just like him, joonmyeon thought like him, joonmyeon completed him. Maybe, just maybe, they had been one all this time, only for Kris to defy it.

"I'll tell you I love you everyday." And this is a right time for him to embrace that truth.

"I love you so much Joonmyeon. You are my life."

If only Joonmyeon was awake to hear him, then it will be perfect.

If only.

The crash outside his house made him jumped out of his bed, Tao safe inside his arm. Tao whimpered but didnt wake up. He went to the window and peeked out. A part of his fence was crushed. A mover's truck that undoubtedly created the chaos was parked near it.

He was debating whether to leave his son or brought him outside when the bell rung. He tucked tao on his bed and reached for the front door.

He was greeted with a man with dimpled shy smile.

The smile was.. warming.

"Hi im sorry but the movers truck that supposed to move my stuff didnt do his work perfectly and took your fence as a victim..."

The next morning had Kris woke up disgruntedly. The house's antique phone was ringing mercilessly. Afraid of waking his family up, he immediately ran for then phone.

"Hello?" He grunted.

"Kris, its me Chanyeol." Of course it was him. Who else knew where to reach him. "Look, i'm sorry man but there had been an emergency..."

Kris half tuned out what Chanyeol said next. Joonmyeon had woken up and looked at Kris from the door with his lips pouted, already knew what the call was about.

When the call was ended, Kris offered his hand. There was a brief surprise in Joonmyeon's eyes before he reached for it. Kris pulled Joonmyeon to his lap and enveloped him in a hug. He buried his face in Joonmyeon's neck. Dreading what he had to do next.

"Hospital?" Joonmyeon asked when it seemed like kris wouldnt move anytime soon from his place.

Kris gave a grunt as a response. Silently wondering why did hhe choose to become a doctor.

Joonmyeon giggled and turned his head to kiss Kris's hair. "I'll pack then, you go back to sleep, sleepyhead."

"I'm going alone." Said Kris. "You and Tao stay here. After the surgery done, i'll fly back here. I dont want to finish our holiday early."

The summerhouse was heaven. Being there was like in different reality where work didnt exist and the things that matters were joonmyeon and tao only.

"Its okay, really. We can go back here next summer and I rather we all be together.." Joonmyeon said quietly. "Or lets go to your hospital together then we go back here together."

It was too much haste. Joonmyeon know, but he couldnt help to say it. "You two will be tired. I'll be back before you know it." Kris put their forehead together, took a deep breath  and whispered. "I love you" Joonmyeon's eyes widened, he looked at his husband in disbelief. Kris only chuckled and pressed their lips together. Joonmyeon kissed back eagerly silently pleading  him for more. If only there was time, Kris would give it all to him.

From Chanyeol, Kris found out more about his newly moved neighbor. He already knew his name was Yixing, but that Yixing was the new doctor to their hospital? He never imagined it. "Three doctors in the neighborhood?" Kris asked in disbelief. "Well, I might have informed him about the vacant house beside yours.." Chanyeol sing song 'i thought you'll need some push but look at you. Day one and you managed to score a dinner date with him." Chanyeol continued. "its not a date. He broke my fence and forced me to dinner as an apology and Is there something you dont tell me, Chanyeol?" Kris asked in annoyance. Chanyeol shrugged. "Yixing was a good old friend. He is nice and he likes kids too." When Kris didnt respond, Chanyeol put his hand on Kris's shoulder

"Maybe its time for you to look further than Joonmyeon."

Kris shouldve guessed.

  The surgery was successful despite the intense nervousness from all around the room, after all, this is the president's wife they were operating.  As he made his way to his room, he heard small talks about minor earthwquake. Right, he felt the ground shook a little but he thought it was caused by his nervousness and tiredness.

"We got the minor one. The earthquake happened quite far from here." He heard one of the nurse said before closing his door.

Today he wore his best smile when he reached home. At first he thought Tao would sulk. He never recovered fast from his tantrum but then he heard Tao laughed before started talking animatedly from the front door.

He was shocked to find Tao wasnt alone. More shocked when he saw who it was.

"Hello." Yixing greeted him with his dimpled smile again. Kris took several steps back. His smile was warming, welcoming, but somehow felt not right.

"Papa!papa!" Tao ambushed him with hug. He clinged cutely to his father's leg. "Yixing played with me." He heard Tao said. Yixing got up. "He sat on your front porch crying when I fixed your fence."

Oh, Kris didnt notice his fence already fixed.

"So i thought i should do something. Turns out Tao here is a future martial arts master who will have a panda conservation and succesfully managed to eat with his chopstick." He ruffled Tao's hair. Tao smiled in return. Kris frowned with jealousy, since when Tao told that to anyone else except him?

Yixing made his way to the door. "I'll see you at dinner."

"Will we have dinner in uncle Yixing's house, Papa?" Tao asked happily after Yixing left. "Yeah, I guess so." Kris answered. "Do you like Yixing, Tao?''

Tao nodded. "He is funny and nice."

Kris wondered when was the last time Tao easily open up to someone.

"He smelled nice, like Mama."

Kris realized Tao never did.

He turned his laptop on, planning on immediately booked the tickets back to where his summerhouse located.

Back to his son. Back to Joonmyeon.

While waiting for his laptop to boot, he absentmindedly took his phone. Three messages, one from his parents, another from Joonmyeon's and one from joonmyeon.

Why did his and joobmyeon's parents texted him?

Whatever it is, it could wait. He could wait.

But he couldnt wait for Joonmyeon's message.

He opened that first.

Please tellour son that I love him so much. Please love him too.

And i love you.

Please be happy.

His heart immediately racing.

Did Joonmyeon finally had enough of him?

Did he leave him?

He quickly typed back, questioning what happened, but he deleted it. Was he overthinking it?

I will always love our son. And i will always love you.

he settled with that.


He went back to his laptop and booked his flight. Only to have it unavailable.

The flight you requested is currently unavailable.

He called the number on the websife.

"I'm sorry sir but the airport for your flight is heavily damaged because of the earthquake.."




He remembered that day. It was blurry, but he remembered reading the news of the powerful earthquake that hit the city where his summerhouse is located.

He remembered crying silently in despair when he couldnt reach Joonmyeon's phone or the number shown on the tv for those who are looking for their family.

At night, he was ready to go using a plane that sent medicine, courtesy of the president's wife.

When he was arrived, there was nothing. His summerhouse was crumbled into pieces. No single thing was able to salvage.

No Tao. No Joonmyeon.

The day after he stayed, hoping that somehow he'll find his family. He helped too. His doctor instinct was screaming when he saw helpless victims and minimum medical aids.

Day seven, he came back home. Drained with fading hope and fruitless search. He promised he'd go back.

When a call change everything.

They found Tao, alive with cuts and bruises here and there, clutching a still intact but dead phone and a pair of chopstick inside Joonmyeon's embrace. Joonmyeon was protecting their son, using his body as a shield from a collapsed building. They were in the airport's waiting room, catching the plane to go to where kris were.


Tao got home with Joonmyeon's ashes. Kris was beyond mad when he found out that his husband was cremated without his consent.

When they managed to turn the phone on, he found that his message was read. Somehow he was grateful that Joonmyeon died knowing that Kris loves him, that he will continue to love and raise their son. That a part of his last will was fufilled.

Please be happy.

He still tried to be happy.

his mind wandered to the warmth he always seeking, the dimpled smile, yixing.

If yixing was able to make him happy, would Joonmyeon forgive him?

Please be happy.

"Papa are you ready?" Tao asked from the door. Kris rushedly put Joonmyeon's phone back to his desk drawer.

Tao already wore his jacket.

Was he ready?


Please be happy


He closed the drawer and walked toward his son.



whatever the future holds, i will embrace it with this hand.

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greenarray #1
Thank you for writing such a beautiful story.
mayday16 #2
Chapter 1: i still cant stopmy self from crying everytime i read it. omg, its too mucnh
Chapter 1: I blame the plot and music for these tears. It was wonderful really, thank you for the krisho though!
Chapter 1: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
No... junmyeon
rene_aoi #5
Chapter 1: this is really really sad... TT^TT I literally tear up reading this. it was beautifully written but really sad... just by reading the foreword I know this fic will be a heartbreaker but never expecting it will be this sad.