
My Dinosaur
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Hongbin's heart broke into many pieces. The news was too hard for him to take in.   "[BREAKING NEWS] JIYEON AND LEE DONG GUN REPORTED TO BE DATING FOR ALMOST 2 MONTHS"   3 more days until Hongbin would finally get to see Jiyeon again.  Just a about a week ago, during an interview with one of the media outlets, he had precisely described his ideal type. "Shall we talk about ideal types?" The question was thrown at to all the VIXX members. When it comes to Hongbin's turn, he became excited. "For me it's kind of specific. She has to be tall and have a pretty eye smile. Her eye bags have to sag a little and have a pointed chin like Hyuk's." "Thanks", Hyuk muttered and the other members laughed. "It'd be nice if she looked like a dino.  Like Jonghyun and Amber sunbaenim", he continued. "I think my heart will flutter if I see her. We'll see when I date."   Hongbin double checked again in case this was just a story made up. He prayed hard, hoping it was just a rumour when the pictures appeared on the screen of his phone. They were holding hands and Jiyeon could be seen leaning against his shoulder. His heart clenched. "Hongbin-ah, we have to get going. We're going to be late for our schedule", N knocked onto his door. The rest of the days, Hongbin couldn't concentrate.  He was mostly in a daze and all of s knew exactly why he was acting that way.       Jiyeon's hand turned ice cold the moment her CEO called to meet him. "The media is speculating that you are dating him. They even have a picture of the both of you together. Is that true or this photos are just for the sake of media playing for your upcoming movie?" She sighed. "The production team thought it would stir some interest and gain attention from the public so they would watch the movie. It was all planned." "You could have discussed with me first." "Jinjoo unnie said to go ahead with it because it's all temporary. By the time the movie stops showing in cinemas, they will announce our break up." "That lady needs to have a word with me", Kim KwangSoo, the CEO grumbled. "Many of the sites have called to ask for a one to one interview with you about your relationship. Since you're a great actress, I need you to play along." Jiyeon nodded, knowing that what she was doing was a huge mistake. Eunjung decided to visit her since she lived next door. "Who in the right mind would date a guy who's 13 years older than them? Me",Jiyeon complained as she let Eunjung in and plopped down onto the couch. "Here, drink this up." "Thanks unnie", Jiyeon gulped down the bottle of tonic drink. "If only I could understand Chinese. If only they told me what they were up to. I could have given a better solution." Eunjung patted her head. "Just take this as an experience. Who knows this marketing tactic would work?" "But what about my fans? They are all worried for me. I don't want to disappoint them", Jiyeon bit her bottom lip as she thought of them. "If they are your true fans, they would respect your decisions. I know it's a bad thing that you have to lie to them but I'm sure they would understand it's not up to you to decide", Eunjung comforted her.   "Hongbin!" "Zhoumi hyung", Hongbin greeted him.  "Are you going to be okay?" "What are you talking about hyung? Of course I'm going to be okay", Hongbin assured him. He was confused when Zhoumi asked him that because nobody except for s knew about his feelings for Jiyeon. "Don't try to lie to me Bin. I've been observing you the whole time when we were hosting this show for the past few months." Hongbin gulped. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this." "Anneyeong", Jiyeon peeked inside their dressing room. "Can I come in?" "Hey!", Zhoumi called her over and made space in between Hongbin and himself. "You want to run through our lines?" She shook her head. "Just wanted to hang out", she answered quietly. Zhoumi took a blanket and covered her exposed thigh. "So...", he trailed. "I know what you're going to say but", Jiyeon checked her surroundings. "I can assure you it's not true." Hongbin's ears perked up. He went silent the moment Jiyeon entered the room. "But the pictures?" "It's all planned oppa", Jiyeon confessed. "I didn't know why they asked me to re-enact a scene when all of us were having dinner in Shanghai that day. They even took a
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Taraloverlittledrago #1
Chapter 1: I love dino with hongbin in your story .
Keep writing new fiction on them.
ktak_dbwh_tempurung #2
Chapter 1: Keep update *Q*
xoxo_kpop #3
Chapter 1: Omg ! This is amazing jiyron x hongbin is really good together especially their special stage they have a great chemistry and youre right when tbe news came out about the dating hongbin smile change its not that bright anymore its like he's sad .. I shipp them so hard anyway i love it please keep on making stories about jiyeon and hongbin . I'll support you ^o^^ω^
jiyeonnie77 #4
Chapter 1: LOVE IT!! I really love hongbin x jiyeon since the show but that ahjussi broke my shipper heart :"( i hope in real life the story was like this too.. It's bad but i wan't uri jiyeon break up with that ahjussi... Hongbin looks like her and i think he some kind feel broken too. Lol maybe i'm just too delusional. But i really like this fic :D make another hongbin jiyeon please?
femmelya #5
Chapter 1: after i read first chapter i really jiyeon dating LDG is just marketing for movie, & their will break up soon. i also ship ji with HB,because their have real moment together. please keep continue.
femmelya #6
authornim, after jiyeon's dating news. i think hongbin also looking bad mood & not smile a lot like before. actually jiyeon back to mcing in show, i saw like hongbin more agressive than before like he always want ji attention. sometimes i feel hongbin is poor because jiyeon more close with zhoumi. good authornim, finally i can find ff about jiyeon & hongbin as main cast. you know in aff only a few ff about jiyeon & hongbin as main cast.