
Is This Love?

Somehow I found myself back in Minho's car and on the way to his house. He just told me that he wanted to work more on our project  since it was due in a week and a half. I couldn't reject since it was nice to see that he "somewhat" cared about our assignment. At least, enough to stop avoiding me for the time being.

Neither one of us spoke and the radio being turned off just thickened the silence in the car. I made sure to keep my eyes looking out the passenger window while Minho drove. Houses, trees, people, it all passed by as we were on route to the house where only a few days ago Minho and I...

I blushed.

As we approached Minho's house, I felt less intimidated than the first time he brought me here. Once the car was parked, I unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped out onto the gravel paved driveway.

"Aww man, my dad's home." Minho said to himself in a low tone. I didn't really know what this meant so I didn't ask him about it. We kept on into the house, Minho leading with me right behind. We made our way towards the lounge room we worked in the last time and then we heard a loud husky voice ring through the hall.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! I'd sure hope so for their sake if they are truly interested in landing-" the voice then stopped mid-sentence. "Oh, Minho is that you?"he called out.

"Yeah Appa, it's me." Minho answered and then stopped me before we made it to the room. "Looks like it'll have to be my room we work in today." He sighed.

"That's okay, I don't mind." I looked up at him with a reassuring smile. "Just as long as we can work on this together then anywhere will do."

"Uh-Uh.." Minho stuttered. "Whatever" he continued on, brushing past me and then telling his father that he'd be in his room. We made our way up a few stairs in the direction of minho's room. It was located on the third floor and placed toward the end of one  of the halls. It was amazing how easily he navigated through a house which seemed so easy to get lost in. When we stepped into Minho's room the first thing I noticed was how clean and orderly everything was. (Completely different than how I would have expected it) His bed had been perfectly made, his dressors were neatly organized and he even had a boookcase with a nice collection sitting on the shelves. Everything in his room seemed to be arranged in way where everything had it's own place. And then there was a slight smell of the room that resembled Minho's natural sent that lingered throughout every corner. It was almost as if he was everywhere around me.

Gosh, why did his room have to smell like him?

"You can just drop your stuff down wherever." Minho told me as he plopped onto his bed.

"Thanks." I found a spot on the floor and emptied my backpack of the notes and calculations I took while I worked in the lab. After doing that I looked up and noticed I was receiving a questioned expression from Minho who was still on his bed.

"You know you don't have to sit on the floor." He said.

"I know. Here is fine though, and I'd feel a little more comortable..." I turned away from him. "Not doing this on your bed." I blushed. As tempting as being on his bed sounded, that'd only distract me from what we actually came here to do.

It wasn't long before Minho joined me on the floor with a slight red coloring to his face. He quickly grabbed one of the data sheets and held it up, blocking his face.

"So what's this here?" he asked

"That there shows the voltage used on the muscle and how much was needed for it to actually cause a movement. I then continued a steady flow and timed how long it took for the muscle to fatigue." I explained.

"Ok then I'm guessing this right here is the graph for these results?" He asked while holding up another sheet of paper.

"Yup. We just need to conduct several more experiments and then put a presentation together."

"So then you don't really need me then since you've got it all figured out." He said as he placed the papers back on the floor.

"No, I still need you!"

"Oh you need me?" He raised an eyebrow.

I paused for a second to think about my choice of words. "Well, what im trying to say is... is that i still need you for this proect. We are a group and... you still havent learn the backgro-"

"It's a joke Taemin, lighten up." Minho slightly smiled at me. I could feel my face turn red. How was I supposed to lighten up though, this was Minho I was working with.He was the guy who had me on an endless rollercoaster ride of mixed emotions.

"You know..." I stopped myself.

It'd be a lot easier if I just knew where I stood with you


Both of us just looked over my notes quietly for a little while before a "suttle" noise cut through the silence.

GRRRR (my stomach began to growl)

"Hungry?" Minho asked me.

"N-No, im okay. I can wait until I get home." I answered.


"Something tells me your stomach cant though."

Darn it!! Curse those small lunch portions they serve in the school cafeteria

"Give me one second, I'll go get us something." Minho rose from the ground and then stepped out of the room. Small squeaks sounded from the steps as he walked down the stairs. I surveyed his room briefly and then did something you'd only see in cheesy animes.

I quickly leaped onto his bed and immersed myself in his blankets. When was i ever going to get a chance to do this again? He had such amazing sheets,, they were so soft and just like the room, they smelt of Minho. His pillows were like little clouds that must have made it amazing to sleep on at night. I rolled in his bed for a little longer before I hopped back onto the floor as if nothing happened. I couldn't help but blush at my actions.

I cant believe I just did that

"i'm back." Minho opened the door and stepped in with two grinders(sub sandwhiches) and a family sized bag of chips in between his arms.

"Uh.. um, okay" I fumbled with my words.

"Taemin you okay? You seeem a little flushed." He asked while he sat back down across from me.

"No, no im okay." I paused. "Maybe it's just because I need to eat something."

Nice save Taemin!! XD

"Mm, okay well then take this." He motioned to the large sandwhich in his arms and then handed it to me.

"Thanks." I said.

"Don't mention it. We have premaid things on hand all the time for when my dad and I get hungry or have to quickly go out." He stated.

"Mm, thats pretty convenient." I said in between bites.

"Wait. Taemin," Minho suddenly stopped me. "What's that in your hair?"

"Huh, my hair?" I asked.

"Hold on, let me get it off." minho approached me with his hand raised. Out of habit I recoiled away from him and slightly closed my eyes. Usually his hand being this close to my face didn't have great outcomes. His fingers slightly brushed my hair as he grabbed what he saw.

"This kind of looks like the fabric from my pillows." Minho began to raise his eyebrows. "But how did that-?" He looked at me with an expression I couldn't make sense of.

Instantly I felt my face heat up. I was so stupid for jumping on his bed and even more stupid for not properly putting it back to how it was before I jumped on it. Now he's going to think I'm this huge creep and I'll be banned from ever coming back. I'll be lucky if Minho even lets me out alive now that he's basically found out I was rolling amongst his sheets.


I didn't know how to respond and couldn't even look Minho iin the eyes at this point. The sandwhich was no longer in my hand and I was now clenching the fabric of my pants.

Minho sighed.

Thats it, just say it. Say I disgust you. Hit me. Kick me out. Just get it over with.

"What am I going to do with you Tae?" He voiced softly to me.


Suddenly I found myself being picked up by Minho and in the direction of his bed. He softly placed me back on to the very place I never thought I'd be again. Now the only thing I could see was Minho's larger body hovering over me.

"If you really wanted to be on my bed so badly, you know you didn't have to wait for me to leave the room for you to do that." Minho cooed from above.

I didnt know what to do. I didn't know what to say. Everythiing was happening too fast for me to comprehend and I could now feel Minho's hand lifting my shirt up. I quickly grabbed his hand and halted the  progression of this situation.

"Stop...please. Last time.. you completely rejected me after we did this and I don't think I can take anymore of this." I breathed out. "What do I mean to you Minho?"

"Taemin." He said soflty before kissing me on the lips and continuing where he left off. Soon my shirt was off and Minho was now planting lustfull kisses along my neck. I still had no answers and was yet again at the mercy of Minho. His touch was something I couldn't resist and I was beginning to realize how dangerous that was.

JJGDFKUGBWFEHLIOS!!! OMFG!! I can't believe it's been so long since i've written on here! Haha I came on here the other day and read this story and was like, "I need to continue on with this because i actually enjoyed writing it." it's been a while since ive written something so I hope you guys can bare with me. I'll try to update this like once a week since I've set aside about 30 minutes a day to write :D Dont hold me to anything though, i have a bad rep since it took me almost a year to put up a new chapter TuT

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Chapter 6: Uhmmmm... pls update( ^ω^)
Chapter 4: Authornim... you're back!!! *hugs*
Thank you for updating authornim ^^
Chapter 3: Ughhh Taemin. Why do you let your feelings have the control over your actions. He's messing with you clearly.
kpopboyshipper #4
Chapter 3: I like this story ! ❤
Cephei #5
Chapter 2: i will forever be intrigued by fics like this... thanks for writing this <3 im really excited to see how this will all play out.
I will absolutely enjoy reading this. :)