The letter, GPS, and knife


[3015.July.07- Ghosttown]

"If the human keeps this up, our world will be ruined" a tall guy with white beard stands up, yells, and starts breaking things like a crazy mad man.

I was called here to clean up the broken pieces of the mess that the old grandpa made. This is rather normal because in this world, everyone is a trainee. A trainee is someone who is trained with all kinds of skill such as Kill, Build, Solve, Cure, Cook, and also clean etc. It does not matter who you are here; if you are not one of the high ranking officials, you are just another trainee (aka slave)

"We can't let that happen" The old quiet lady with red hair then said calmly.

"There has got to be a way that we can stop this" Another official spoke

Arghhhh..I can't bare this anymore. Sitting here listening to all of the officials talking about the world problems is making me crazy. Why do I have to be stuck in here? Of all the trainees, why do they have to pick me? I should clean up fast and get out of here.

"Hey trainee! Where do you think you are going?" I was called back by the old grandpa as I was making my way out from the roomarrow-10x10.png.

"Yes sir, how can I be of help to you?" Throughout my life, I have to fake this sentence countless times. I seriously have no intention in helping any of these guys because they only bring in troubles for me. Last time, they told me to go inside an anaconda they caught from the Human world (Earth) to find out what was in its stomach. The horror still haunts me at night.

That old grandpa walks slowly and stops right in front of me. I have to have my chin up and look directly at him because there are stupid rules like that.

"I need you to go to the lab at the 34th floor and report to the Trainees in charge there that I demand to know everything they found out, Understand?" I believe he spat on me a little, gross.

"Yes sir. I'll make my way out and I will give them your words"

As I closed the door, I somehow feel relieved that I was out of there. I can walk and talk normally now. The only thing I have to do now is to report for that sick old gramp.

*Knock Knock*

*Door opens*

"Emm…. Guys, the old official told me to come here and ask you guys what have you found out about the planet earth, so if you could, please do me a favor and report it to him. See ya ..."

"I'm sorry but we got our hands tied here" the trainee in the lab coat throws me a piece of envelope.

"What is this?"

"It's the report! Now go and give it to him before he starts raging"

Without knowing everything, I was pushed out from the lab with an envelope in my hands. It was quite shocking because normally the person who discovers something gets to report it and gain credit from it. Oh well, I guess today is my lucky day then haha I'll steal all the credit kekek

Back at the official's office, everyone is still discussing and arguing about the same topic. I've read the news and as far as I know, the humans are cutting down trees which are the source of our current planet's energy. Without trees, Ghosttown will be destroyed.

 People on earth call us "Aliens" and they have no idea that we look exactly just like them. I guess we are the superior species.

"Sir, I have brought to you the report" I said excitingly knowing that I will be rewarded

"Open up and read it for us you fool!!!!!!!" he screamed at me as if I did something wrong instead, I was scared for a moment there

"Yes" I replied


"I did sir; all it says in the letter is yes….." The old grandpa and the other officials were in shock , If I'm not mistaken, someone actually cried. Did I do something wrong?

"What is your name Trainee?" the girl with red hair asked me

"Madam, I am Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun"

Everything after that happens so fast that I almost couldn't believe it. I was dragged out and was given a bag. The next thing I knew, they pushed me into a small glass box and starts shooting laser at me. I saw the look in the officials' eyes and I thought that I was done for. I closed my eyes and was prepared to be shot to death. Suddenly, all the noise disappeared. I opened my eyes back up and all I see is a house in front of me, a house that resembles the one from earth. WTH? Is this where dead people go after they die? To earth? And from earth to ghosttown?

I look around and I saw so many trees. This can't be right. I thought the earth almost ran out of trees? Why are there so many here? Could it be.. OMG .. is this for real?

 I remembered the bag that the officials gave me and when I opened it, all I saw was a letter, a machine, and a knife. My instinct told me to play with the machine first because it looks so cool.
A map?... but where does thing want me to go? I followed the device that resembles a GPS and the location that it leads me to. It's just another tall building with many roomsarrow-10x10.png. Damn all human houses look the same. Don't they know how to express themselves through design? geezzz

Afterward, I pulled out the knife and start cutting random things for pleasure. It feels good to finally be able to do this without getting caught hahaha. I draw the face of the old official on a rock and I begin to use the knife on it none stop.

Finally, I decide to open the letter and read it.

"Trainee Byun Baekhyun, you are by now ordered to assassinate the person behind all of our planet's trouble. I hope that you are well aware that you are now in the year of 2015. We have sent you 1000years back to eliminate the first person that causes the mass deforestation. If he lives, his children and grandchildren many generations later will complete the man-made oxygen. The GPS that you have acquired is implanted with that person's DNA; therefore, it will lead you to him as long as you stay on earth. We were not able to provide you with any of the high-tech weapon that might assist you better for this mission due to the fact that it might causes trouble with your time traveling journey. Our planet, Ghosttown's faith is now in your hand. "


Once I finished reading the letter, I got down on my knees and fainted. I woke up hoping that it was all just a dream. But instead I'm still where I was. Which means that all of this real. I am a vegetarian. I don’t even eat meat, how am I supposed to kill a human. My planet.. will eventually be .. destroyed…

"IT'S OKAY BAEKHYUN! WHO SAID YOU CAN'T KILL A HUMAN? JUST GO FOR IT!" I shouted, almost forgetting that I was sent here to kill. It would all be in vain if I got caught or arrested by the human police.

 After realizing my mistake, I look around to make sure no one is following me and use the GPS again to locate which roomarrow-10x10.png that damn bastard is in. He deserves to die since he's the one who started it all.

"He's up that high?" I look around for a way to climb up, fortunately, there is a ladder nearby so I used it and climbed up to enter using the window. I peaked from the window a little to make sure that he's asleep because there is still light coming out from his roomarrow-10x10.png. After a quick look, I realized that he and I had something in common. …urggggggg we are both cowards who are afraid of the dark…….

 So I climbed in gently and tip toed to his bed with my hand holding the knife that I brought from the future. *Gulp* Can I really do it? He turned his face at me, and I was scared to death. Although, the light in the roomarrow-10x10.png is low I could still see his face fully. Why?...why is he so good looking?  I stood there with the desire to touch his face. I… I can't kill him….. Shoot! .. is he waking up .. OMG OMG .. OMG what should I do. At the time, I jumped out of the window and skillfully landed on my feet.

I ran and hide behind a tree. Observing whether he noticed me or not. A few seconds later, I saw him walking to the window, damn he's tall, and he locked it. That night, I cursed myself for missing such a good opportunity. I sat down behind that tree, trying to think about how to kill him and without realizing it I fell asleep.


There next morning I woke up and the first thing I knew is that I was hungry as hell. I was thinking about all kinds of food, all the TV shows that I missed because of this stupid mission.
I also wondered how I am supposed to go back to the future. So I take out the letter and take a look at it again. Since I can't kill, how am I supposed to stop him?....Hmmmm….Hah! I get it ! I'll just make him broke up with his lover! And he'll never have children. !!! OMG Baek You are a genius.

I was not aware of it yesterday, but they wrote the instruction on how to return to the future at the back of the letter. I feel stupid now.

"PS: If you want to get back, just hold onto the GPS when the Genium Commets appears"


"For now… I gotta find something to eat first" I speak in a soft voice since I haven't had a single drop of water since yesterday.

"Thanks for the food Auntie"

"Get lost! And don’t ever come here again!"  

Earth is really easy; to get a free meal, all you have to do is to do some dishes. I can survive here all year long. Now… I gotta stalk that person to find out who his lover is. Stalking people is my specialty after all.

So his name is Park Chanyeol ehh? .. and who's that tanned boy named Kai that’s been with him all this time… his body guard?

Yahhh………. why is Kai kissing him… isn't that ual harassment? OMG.. did I hear right? They are boyfriends?... He's gay? does that means he will not have children? No.. No.. he could still adopt a child together with that other human.. Then suddenly, an idea pops into my head Can I really do that *Blush*

What is taking him so long ……….. What's he doing in there all this time. Why would a human class takes 3hours to finish? Back in my planet, we only study for 30minutes a day, and spend the rest of the day being a trainee (slave)

Ehhh… everybody's out now.. except Kai and Him.. don’t tell me.. they are going to do ~it~ …

At last, that tanned boy finally leaves.. now .. what should I do .. *blushes even more*

Then, I kissed him. I kissed him with the thought of making him fall in love with me and remain single forever after i return to the future (totally not because he's cute and tall and white shiny teeth and…)

"You kissed me now bow down and take responsibility"


A/N: I've tried my best to update with chapter 2 cuz i'll be having final exams next week ><
I hope you guys enjoyed it, althought there are many mistakes ! I'll try harder next time, thanks for reading



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googletranslate #1
seems interesting! i'll read it now!
Chapter 2: Baek such a cutie here xD
HunHanBubbletea88 #3
Chapter 2: I laughed so hard with the part that he could get free meal by washing the dishes whahahah!! That's cute
thanks for reading guys ><
Chapter 1: Damn, I can't wait for the next chapter!

The last sentence gave me chill~ xD
HunHanBubbletea88 #6
Chapter 1: I didn't expect u to write the opening this way :3 quite interesting. XD omo he kissed a ghost maybe?
HunHanBubbletea88 #7
Surprise mada faka! Please add mor information :* I lpve ya. Keep waiting even a thousand year