Please don't die


Hi guys I am back!hope that you all will like this chapter:) enjoy!

Chapter 8:

In the classroom :

When ji won walk into the classroom she was shock that ji hyo is not on her seat...because normally she would always be earlier than her

She slowly walk towards her seat....however something is not right. The atmosphere is very different,gary is not chatting with haha but instead he is reading a book... A BOOK???!When kang gary reads it is absolutely abnormal ...because he is never a fan of studying....

Her sixth senses sensed that something definitely had happened between ji hyo and gary. She turned around and asked carefully"kang gary did you see ji hyo?did something happened? "Gary put down his book and look at ji won...He look restless and also his eyes are red and puffy it seems like he had cried....

"Ji hyo?she went to the toilet ....ji won ah can you please help me to take care of ji hyo and make sure that she is alright...please do this useless guy a favour "he sounded very desperate when making this request 

Ji won get off her seat and immediately rush to the toilet. She push open the toilet door but she see no one inside.She wanted to u-turn however something tell her that ji hyo is confirm inside. She start pushin the cubical door one by one

When she open the last cubical door she was shock....too shock to even move.....she can't believe that her best friend is actually lying unconciously on the floor....blood is dripping out from her wrist ...a penknife is lying on the floor beside her.The toilet is very quiet only the sound of the blood dripping can be heard.

Slowly ji won walked towards ji hyo and hold her body."ji hyo ah!what happened to you??why did you cut yourself?why?please open your eyes!wake up !please dun die!"tears flow Down uncontrollably "can someone please help me!!"she shout as loud as possible while praying that ji hyo would be alright 

-to be continue 

Please forwards to my nxt update thank you for reading:)



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Ann020 #1
Chapter 13: Please update soon.
Chapter 13: Please, update soon ^-^
nadieya1406 #3
Chapter 13: update please
JessReadsRM #4
Chapter 8: UP^date pls!!
JessReadsRM #5
Chapter 13: I am speechless of how amazing everyone's stories are... My FF is basic.
mikanMD #6
Chapter 13: They need to meet up with their parents and know they will have to marry each other soon
prettychim #7
Chapter 13: ji hyo ya get him back.ppallii!!
prettychim #8
Chapter 12: ppalli ppalli update authornim.this story getting more interesting.
mikanMD #9
Chapter 12: Omo omo the situation can't be worse than this right now
Chapter 11: Ahh ! Cliff hanger :( whats wrong with you Jihyo eonni:(