It's okay

Fan ficition name: It's okay.

Characters; BAP's Yongguk & Melody (You)



[Yongguk's POV]

After a long day at work,I decided to go buy some lemon cake for my dear and I. I believe she had a long day too. Stopping by just to buy a cake,I head home straight away. Entering in our house,I cheerfully yell „I'm home.“ However getting closer to our living room I hear sobbing.  Horrified that something happened to my love I rush in . „Melody?“ I see her there. Holding her knees and crying.“Melody? What happened?“  I sit next to her petting her hair. „Hey, talk to me.I'm here.It's okay.“  She looks up and hugs me. „I'm so sorry. It's all my fault.“  I hugged her back.

„What are you talking about ? I'm sure it's not your fault. Just talk to me okay?“  She pulls away staring at me for the whole 60 seconds which felt like enternity.  „I killed him. I killed him!“ She yelled.

[Melody's  (Yours) POV]

Yongguk looks at me confused.  „Who did you kill?“ He reaches his hand towards me but I block it.

„The patient. He died during my surgery so his blood is on my hands.“I sobbed. In my two years of being a sergeon ,no one ever died. This is the first time and it felt horrible. The eyes of his parents when I told them that he didn't make it.

„You didn't kill him. He died because he waited too long to get a treatment, there's nothing you could do about it.“ While I know all this too well,it still felt like it was somehow my fault. So I just continued to cry.  Yongguk hugged me hard then. „Shhh. It's going to be okay. Cry it out now.“ He whispered.I cried into his chest, and the next thing I know my eyes felt heavy and I fell alseep.

  ~The next morning~

[Melody's (Yours) POV]

I rubbed my eyes feeling tired. I looked at the clock and it was already 9am. „Oh !I'm late for work.“ I yelled , trying to get out of bed. Yongguk pulled me back. „It's your day off.“I said in his y morning voice.  Then he kissed my neck. „How are you?“ He asked,still not opening the eyes. „I'm good.“  A smiled formed on his face.  Then suddenly he got up. „Wait here.“

[Yongguk's POV]

I went to the kitchen to get that lemon cake I brought yesterday. Yeah,I know cake's not a good thing to start the morning with but oh well.  When I got back in the room she was sitting there still coveredup with blankie."Here" I offered. She smiled. „It's lemon cake! My favorite.“ I smiled back. She cut off a piece of cake and feed me with it. „ I love you so much,husband.“ 


A/N: Yes,I know it's small but I hope you guys like it. Sorry for grammar it's 5am here. 

Uhh.Let me know what you think? Criticism is good too,I want to be better at writing. But I'm also very lazy. D;

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