Chapter 34: Catherine's Big Mistake

Yes, Your Highness

The wedding went perfectly and it was an absolutely beautiful ceremony. When it was my time to walk back down with Kai, I wondered how it would feel if we were at our own wedding. Before the reception, we had to take all of the pictures. Singles, couple shots, formal shots with the bride and groom, and fun shots. My favorite was probably the couple shot, because it forever immortalized that Kai and I were together. We got into the car and made our way to the reception back at the castle. Everyone was happy and laughing with one another. I quickly scanned the room and noticed Sarah making her way over to where we were. I nudged Kai to make him aware of her presence.

“So the rumors are true. Prince Kim Jongin is dating a commoner,” she said with a snarky attitude.

“No. The rumors aren't true. Prince Kim Jongin is dating a princess. Princess Zhang Melody. Nice to meet you,” I said matching her tone.

“This is a joke, I'm sure,” she said confidently.

“Not a joke,” Kai said happily. “We just found out not that long ago. Prince Yixing is her cousin.” Sarah’s eyes darted between us and she left in a huff. I bit my lip and looked down at the ground. Kai took his hand and tilted my chin so that I was looking up at him. “No. You aren't looking down because of her. Not now or ever again.”

I smiled at him sweetly and someone began speaking into the microphone. We took that as our cue to sit down at our place next to Sehun and Catherine. Taemin and Ginny took their place in the center of the room to start the first dance. One of the princes, Prince Chanyeol, began singing “All of Me” by John Legend, a hit song from a far off country. His voice was smooth and deep, but higher than his normal voice usually was. It sounded absolutely beautiful to me, and I wondered how many of the other princes could sing. 

“All of me loves all of you,” Kai whispered into my ear as the song ended. I blushed deeply as his hand intertwined with mine. 

“That was… y,” Catherine said in complete awe. Sehun’s mouth flew open in shock and Kai and I exchanged a glance. Suddenly a look of realization came over her face and she quickly covered her hand with . An awkward silence came over the table and Catherine looked down at her lap. She got up to leave but Sehun pulled her back down so that she couldn't escape.

“So how did I do?” Chanyeol asked pulling up a chair to sit beside Catherine.

“I thought you did a great job,” I said with a smile. “Perfect first wedding dance.”

The guys nodded and he looked towards Catherine. “Cat? What did you think?”

“Uh, Catherine has laryngitis. She lost her voice at the club,” I lied quickly. 

“Really? Must have been after I left. I thought she sounded just fine,” Chanyeol said with a smile. Immediately, my eyes widened.

“Oh! Chanyeol, you were there last night?” Sehun asked.

“Yeah, Baek and I stopped by,” he said still smiling innocently. “Speaking of, I better go find him before he makes a fool of himself in front of his date. Excuse me.” I opened my mouth to say something but Kai squeezed my hand, letting me know that wasn't the best idea.

“You and I will talk later,” Sehun said in a hurt tone.

“Hunnie… I…” Catherine finally attempted to speak but Sehun cut her off.

“No. Don't ‘Hunnie’ me. After this wedding is over, we are going to have a long talk about what exactly this means,” he said pointing to the engagement ring on her finger. I looked over at Kai and saw that he too was shocked about what just happened.

Catherine nodded quietly. “I know what it means,” she mumbled under her breath. 

“Apparently not,” Sehun said coldly. 
Almost immediately after he spoke, an announcer came on announcing that it was the wedding party’s turn to dance. Kai got up and held out his arm for me, which I gladly took, excited to get away from the table. Catherine and Sehun also got up to dance, but only because it was required.

“Was there anyone there I should know about?” Kai asked quietly. 

“Well almost everyone who wasn't in the wedding was there,” I said sweetly.

“Including Xiumin?” He asked quietly.

“Yes, but I stuck by Catherine and Ginny the whole night. The only man on my mind last night was the one who gave me this necklace,” I said motioning down to the little pendant. 

“Lucky guy,” Kai said with a smile. “You have gotten a lot better at dancing. Xiumin’s lessons paid off.”

“Now you aren't as embarrassed to dance with me?” I asked.

“I was never embarrassed,” he said as he placed a light kiss on my lips. “Oh! Sorry. Makeup. I remember.” I smiled and once again wiped the lipgloss from his lips.

“Will it really kill you not to kiss me?” I asked.

“Possibly,” Kai said with certainty. I laughed and looked over at Sehun and Catherine. She looked more scared than anything. I felt for her I really did, but I can't believe she said that. Saying it to me is one thing, but in front of Sehun is completely different.

The next song started and Kai and I stayed to dance to the next song. Suddenly I was tapped on the shoulder. “May I cut in?” She asked.

“No. You may not.” Kai responded and he quickly took me away from her. 

“You could have danced with her Kai,” I said with a smile. He shook his head and we continued dancing. 

When we got back, Sehun and Catherine had already started fighting.

“Sehun, I only made out with him once at a party,” she said confidently. “I was young! I’d never kissed anyone before!”

“He was your first kiss?! Seriously?” Sehun said as he rolled his eyes. “I thought Taemin was enough to compete with. I didn't know Chanyeol was also in the running!”

“He's not,” she said, fakely trying to sound sincere.

“Is this just a game to you or something? How many guys can you collect before you have to settle down?” Sehun spat.

“Sehun… That's not anything like what happened,” she said with a hurt tone.

“I'm done competing,” Sehun said as he walked away to the drink table.

“Did he just say that he's done?” Baekhyun said popping out from nowhere. He smirked and then left the table as quickly as he appeared. Instinctively, I followed him to see where he was going to go. He walked over to where Chanyeol was and called him over. When Chanyeol approached, Baekhyun blabbed it all. “You'll never guess what your precious Catherine said.”

Immediately Chanyeol looked over to where she was sitting all alone. “What?”

“She thinks your singing is y,” Baekhyun said with a suggestive smirk.

“No way. Really? How do you know?” Chanyeol asked trying to hide his excitement.

“I heard her say it as soon as you were done singing. It caused quite a little argument between her and Sehun,” Baekhyun said pointing over to where Sehun was talking to Luhan. Chanyeol silently mouthed a ‘thank you’ to the heavens and looked towards Baekhyun waiting for him to continue. “And I just overheard Sehun telling her that he's done competing. You know what I see, Yeol?”

“What do you see, Baek?” He asked staring towards Catherine.

“I see a sad beautiful woman sitting all alone at a wedding when she should be dancing,” Baekhyun then pushed him over in that direction a little and Chanyeol took it as his cue to go over.

Quickly I made my way across the room before Chanyeol got there and stood beside Kai, who was talking to Tae. Luckily for me, they were standing right next to where Catherine was sitting. 

Chanyeol slowly walked up to her and sat down at the table. “Catherine, would you like to dance with me?”

“I don't think that would be a great idea right now, but thank you,” she said with a shaky voice. 

“He's not going to come back. He's talking to LuHan. You know how long it takes for him to talk to Lu,” Chanyeol said with a smile.

“I-- Chanyeol…” She began stuttering, which I could tell was her feeble attempt to formulate a no.

“It's a good song. Just one dance?” He asked with pleading eyes.

“Fine,” she said finally giving in and taking his hand.

I turned my attention towards Kai’s conversation with Tae when I heard my name mentioned.

“So you and Melody are next right?” Ginny asked.

I blushed and all Kai could do is smile. “I'd love that, but we are still taking it slow. I'm still afraid I'm going to scare her off.”

I laughed and hit him playfully. “Kai, you haven't scared me yet.”

When I looked back towards Catherine and Chanyeol, I saw the unthinkable. He had her pressed close to him with their lips locked. I looked over at Sehun and saw that he was frozen in mid drink. I tapped Kai and nodded towards the two of them and his mouth flew open. He looked down at me and back at them and over at Sehun. He cursed under his breath and the kiss between the two finally ended. Quickly Catherine's hand flew up to her lips and she raced out of the ballroom. Sehun put his drink down and followed her slowly. Something told me this wasn't going to end well.

Kai and I danced to a few more songs and I realized that soon it would be over. I buried my head into his chest and took in a deep breath. It was still so hard for me to believe that this man was mine. He kissed the top of my head before laying his on top of it. “Hey Mel?” He asked softly, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Yes?” I replied, looking up into his eyes.

“I love you,” he stated before leaning down towards my lips. He stopped just before them though, afraid to mess up my makeup.

“I love you Jongin,” I said before I crashed my lips onto his. He smiled but quickly broke away. “Your makeup. Remember?”

“Who cares? The wedding is almost over,” I said pecking his lips lightly.

“After it's over, why don't you and I go back upstairs and have a repeat of last night?” He said smirking suggestively.

I bit my lip and nodded. “Sounds perfect.”

He pulled me closer to him and we continued to dance. Soon after, it was time for Ginny and Tae to leave. We waved goodbye to them and after a few minutes, I saw Catherine run out of the ballroom in tears. I looked towards Kai and then back to her. Part of me wanted to stay and enjoy a makeout session with my really hot boyfriend but another part of me knew she needed me. 

“Go,” he said nodding towards the door.

“Kai… I'm sorry. I know I promised, but…” My voice trailed off trying to make a decision.

“Go. She needs you. If you have time later come find me. You know where I live,” he said with a smile.

Impulsively I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him passionately, not caring who was watching. Several of his friends whistled and a couple of them even applauded. “I love you,” I whispered before following Catherine's lead. Knowing her, I ran up to her room to find her.

“Cat? Open the door. It's me,” I called to the closed door.

“No! Go away! Everything is ruined!” She yelled back.

“Cat if you don't let me in then I'm going to stay right here on this side of the door all night,” I responded. “I just want to talk. I won't judge you. You can tell me everything. Just let me in.” Quietly, the door opened slightly and she let me in. When I walked in she had already changed her clothes and her makeup had run all down her face. As I gave her a hug, more tears followed and I just sat there comforting her. When she couldn't cry anymore, I grabbed a wash rag and helped her wipe her face off. “Just take in some deep breaths and tell me what happened. Start from the very beginning.”

She laid down on her bed, looking up at the ceiling. “Ok. So Chanyeol and I were at this party a couple years ago. We were talking about how we both had never kissed anyone so we decided to be each other's firsts. Our first kiss turned into a makeout session. After that, we hardly talked. I met Taemin and then started dating him a year after Chanyeol. I thought it was true love, but then I met Sehun. Everything from that point on changed, until tonight. Once I heard his voice, it clouded my judgement. Ok? I just blurted the first thing out of my mouth. Then when Sehun left he asked me to dance. He asked ME to dance. It was only supposed to be a dance, but he leaned down and started singing in my ear. What girl wouldn't die from hearing that man singing in their ear? My mind went fuzzy again and I just kissed him.” Her eyes started to tear up and I handed her a tissue. “I didn't want to hurt Sehun. I love him. I know I do.” She began to cry harder and I handed her some more tissues. “Melody. He wanted the ring back. He… didn't believe me.” She stopped to blow her nose. “So I threw it off the balcony.”

“You threw a 45 thousand dollar ring off the balcony?” I asked in astonishment. 

“I didn't know how much it cost! I just wanted to show him how upset I was with him!” She got up and started pacing the floor.

“Well I can see why he was upset,” I responded.

“What? You're on his side?” She asked.

“No. I'm just saying that you don't have the best track record with guys,” I sat her down on the bed and patted her comfortingly.

“You don't understand! You've only ever been with Kai!” She exclaimed.

“Kai's the only one I want to be with. Sure Xiumin is extremely attractive, Kyungsoo couldn't be sweeter if he tried, and Chanyeol has a nice singing voice. But they aren't my Kai. They never will be,” I said as I laid down on the bed.

“I can't choose Mel. I want both of them,” she said quietly.

“You have to decide at some point. What's more important to you? Some fling with Chanyeol or the lifetime you could have had with Sehun,” I looked over at her and could tell she was ready to cry again.

“I threw my ring over the balcony. There's no more lifetime with Sehun,” she said quietly.

“Then you've made your choice,” I said.
“You should get some rest. You've had a long day the two of you can talk more about it tomorrow. I'll even stay in here with you,” I began to make my way towards the head of the bed, when she stopped me.

“No. You need to go see Kai. You look beautiful,” she said with a sniffle.

“You trying to say I don't normally look beautiful?” I asked in a shocked tone.

“Oh you know that's not what I meant! Go! I'll just stay in tonight and wallow in self pity or something,” she said as she walked over to pick up a book off the floor.

“Well now then I really can't go,” I protested.

“I'm going to read. I'll be fine. If I need you, I'll come find you,” she said as she sat down on her bed.

I nodded and gave her one last hug before leaving. When I arrived at Kai’s room, I was shocked to find that he wasn't in there. I went back down to the ballroom and he wasn't there either. “Has anyone seen Kai?” I asked.

“I think he's with Princess Sarah,” said one of the servants.

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Chapter 8: Hi~ I'm back (∩_∩) I only made it through one chapter tonight but gosh I love it!!!

Kimlee! *excited* I love the idea of putting their names together! So cool!!! And it's a pretty name for a horse (^ᴗ^)

And this...

It was like we were connected by a strong force and neither of us could pull away. With his strong arms around me, I felt like a princess. sooooo beautiful!!!! \(^o^)/
Chapter 7: Gahhhhhhhhh!! \(^-^)/ I only made it to chapter 4 so far but I already love this!!!

I'll try to read more tomorrow night! ~( ・ᴗ・)~
Chapter 57: oooohh melody is going to find out she is actually royalty. But I knew it since the ball.
Chapter 57: yay, so i was right, her name is Zhang Melody.
exolover22345 #5
Chapter 57: Finally she gets to know who her father is!!!
haha Kai sees it big now. Slow down there cowboy it's one thing to let your parents know, it's another to announce it to the world.
WOW the way they had to fid out wasn't the best though :O
But still god there cute, especially Jongin ^^
Chapter 56: kyaaaaa!!!!so cute!!!!
Chapter 56: Oh my gosh! It finally happened!! Yay yay yayyy!!! XD
Chapter 54: it's so fluffy ^^. congrats on college :p
Xinyiluvren #10
Chapter 53: This story is sooo cute!!! Pls update soon cuz I just can't wait for the next chapter!!!