i knew you were trouble

You're like a trouble in one of Taylor Swift's song

"I knew you were trouble when you walked in." - Taylor Swift




yoongi has always known it, already knew it all along, or so he guessed.


the moment he saw that new trainee walked—bounced, actually—in the practice room, baby face with chubby puffy cheeks, eyes crinkling into two small crescents while stupidly (and a little bit timidly) grinning and greeting to everyone in the room like an idiot, he knew it, this was gonna be troublesome.








and park jimin is absolutely trouble. yeah.

to anyone, he's maybe an adorable, weird and hyper kid—somewhat taehyung's clone but of course, less alien…—but to yoongi, he's a pure trouble.


everything about him, from that fluffy bubbly head to the wiggling toes, is screaming ‘trouble’ to him.


some of prior trainees can easily noticed it, hoseok and namjoon to be exact.


how could they not? they also knew the reason why lately their yoongi hyung is grumpier and moodier than usual, if possible. yet, they speak nothing about it.


(and their said yoongi hyung doesn’t need to know that they secretly laugh and entertain themselves about it behind his back, very amused.)








“yoongi hyung~”


yoongi's automatic reaction to jimin’s calling is flinch and sit stiffly on where he has sit for the past 30 minutes, peacefully, alone.


“what?” he glances away from his iphone screen and grunts to the bouncing annoying kid who just sit beside him on the couch without asking for his permission first. (not that yoongi owns the couch or something, it’s actually company’s property, still.)


“what are you doin’ hyung?” jimin tilts his head a little and cutely smiles his signature blinding smile at him, yoongi called it ‘mega-watt smile’ because it literally and practically lit up his whole face and everything that surrounds him like a ing brightest christmas tree in the world. 


um. where the hell are his sunglasses when yoongi desperately needs them right now?


“nothing.” yoongi nonchalantly shrugs. scoots away a little from unwelcome company beside him. but to his horror, jimin decides to not leave him alone just yet, obliviously follows him and—the ?—cuddles up against him.


“what are you watching?” he leans even closer into yoongi’s personal space and looks at his iphone. without yoongi’s permission again.


jimin smells like sweat—maybe he just finished his dance practice before hunting down for him around the building—like cheap cologne that a teenage boy can afford, and smells like jimin, just jimin.


“nothing.” he repeats, not-so-gentle tries to push jimin away and the kid pouts.



“hyung, you’re so mean.” he whines in his high pitch little voice. still pouting. and still leaning so close.


yoongi sighs. “yes and now that you’re already know that. go away and bother someone else jimin.”


“nope.” jimin replies, popping the ‘p’ at the end like an annoying child who refuses to go to sleep if you’re not read them their favorite bedtime story first. “don’t wanna.”


yoongi grumbles to himself, though the corners of his mouth curls up a bit.


just a bit.


“oh really? and, pray tell, why is that?” he decides to play along. a bit amused.


…just a bit.


“because today is my ‘bother yoongi hyung’ day which i especially reserves it just for you, hyung!” then he grins like he just states the most awesome fact in the world.


and yoongi actually laughs at that silly excuse.


“what? when did such day even exist? you're an idiot, little brat.” he playfully knocks jimin’s head. but he might not feel anything since there is a soft black beanie on his head.


“it always exists you just didn’t realized, hyung!”


“huh. whatever. if that’s what makes you sleep at night.” he snorts but no more trying to push jimin away and lets the kid do what he wants, in this case, keeps snuggling  closely with him while they’re sharing earbuds and watching some hip-hop music videos on youtube together.


somehow, it makes yoongi feels something funny in his stomach when jimin smugly says he reserves this day just for him.


not his hoseok hyung, not his kind seokjin hyung, not even his best bud taehyung nor his favorite dongsaeng jungkookkie. but his yoongi hyung.


and only for yoongi alone.


he shouldn’t feel like he’s on top of the world when he always thinks park jimin is equal to ‘trouble’, but he did, anyway.


but he lets it slide, for now, don’t want to ponder over it yet when he’s already comfortable with this position.








though he finally—grudgingly—admits that he might have grown quite fond of jimin for awhile now (as in ‘for months’). yoongi still thinks that jimin is absolutely a trouble.


one would think that park jimin is just a cute energetic puppy, running around the room begging for attention and affection, wants to be petted and hugged.


usually jimin’s requests are fulfilled by other hyungs (plus one kim taehyung and jeon jungkook). and of course, they willingly and eagerly give them to jimin. even before the kid starts asking and whining for it.





not yoongi though. do not include him in this . just don’t.


since he’s basically and clearly not someone who loves to initiate skinship with anybody. everyone know that min yoongi isn’t affectionate person. not really.


but sometimes jimin seems to seek them—attention and affection—from him, specifically from yoongi.


it makes his heart almost burst into a million pieces of rainbow-colored confetti. weird right? yep, yoongi himself is still so confused about it too.


so a very cool guy from daegu he is, he fake-annoyed and half-heartedly patted him on his head and earned back a bright smile as a reward which he didn’t ask for. nope.


he didn’t like it, not one bit. It’s too bright, too vivid and too ethereal for his liking.


that’s what yoongi told himself, though.







but they’re only half right. jimin isn’t just a typical sweet and adorable teenage boy who you want to pinch his cheeks, coo and bear-hug him forever. deep down of that cute baby face and bubbly surface of him, something more intense is hidden inside and calmly waits for its time to stir up.


yoongi normally tries so hard to avoid that side of jimin, but 99% of his attempts are useless. he couldn’t avoid it how much he desperately wanted to.


it's something that makes yoongi’s mouth suddenly goes dry like a ing sahara desert. heart beats so fast in his chest and it hurts. feels subfocated. surge of strange and unfamiliar electricity and heat runs through his body, up and down, from top to bottom.


and sadly, he has to deal with it, right now.


the dance crew of the trainees are performing in the middle of practice room. other trainees are sitting separately in each side in front of the mirror wall and watching them intently in awe.


from this far, he still senses their sheer power emit though every move and every step.


hoseok and jungkook are on the floor too, but the only one yoongi fixes his eyes on—since the music started playing through the speaker—is jimin. fully and entirely focuses on him. like there’s only one person there to watch and no one else.


like he said before, yoongi couldn’t pull his gaze away from the boy who’s dancing his heart out like there’s no tomorrow, like nothing else matters and like his life depends on it.


and he swears he truly didn’t want to.


yoongi swallows nothing but his saliva while his eyes are following and watching attentively at pink tongue that peeks out a little of the boy’s lips and unintentionally swipes the bottom lip in concentration, a drop of sweat sliding down from his jaw, along his neck, circling across his sharp collarbone before it slips through his loose white tank top.


a very soaked white tank top.


and—oh god—magnificent abs.


this slightly shorter boy is full of surprise indeed.


they always say that hoseok is the best dancer, or jungkook, but yoongi thinks otherwise. he seriously admires the way jimin moves, fierce, full with passion yet still looks elegant at the same time. he's very impressed and feels so proud of his little park jiminnie.


when it’s finished, everyone cheer and applaud and whoop loudly. but yoongi pays them no attention when he has to suddenly handle an armful of happy jimin.


“hyung! were you watching me? did you like it? do you like it? what do you think? am i cool? am i?”


yoongi laughs, fondly ruffles jimin’s already unruly hair and wet hair.


“woah, one question at a time brat, and please breath. i don’t wanna give anyone a show just because i need to cpr you right here.” he smiles softly down at the now-puppy-like jimin.


he pouts but do what yoongi told him, breaths in and out slowly. when he’s ready and about to say something, a strong arm winds around his neck and pulls him into a bone-crushing hug.


“chimchim~! you're so fricking awesome there dude!!! looks so damn cool i almost turn into your fangirl!” taehyung over-excitedly screams and hugs his smaller friend even tighter. jimin chuckles and slaps his arms playfully but doesn’t shove him away, lets taehyung continuously hug him.


“thanks but please don’t, tae. as much as i love you, i still need my best bud tae by my side, not over-attached fangirl tae.” he jokes back and it makes taehyung laugh.


“aw, did you just confess to me? i’m flattered.” taehyung squeals.


“no you idiot. i did not.” jimin rolls his eyes but his smile doesn’t waver.


“oh my gosh, park jimin just confessed to me! park jimin loves me!” taehyung shouts, yells and whatever before drags jimin around the room just to make him suffer enough with taehyung’s self-proclaim impromptu love confession.


“oh my god please shut up you !” jimin’s laughing brightly along with his taller friend.


taehyung is a weirdo.


everyone and also yoongi always know that fact. it's a fact that entire big hit entertainment knows. but he still doesn’t like the way taehyung smoothly steals jimin from him. doesn't like the way taehyung hugs jimin, intimately, affectionately, like it’s something they always do. and that soft gaze they shares, it makes yoongi’s stomach twist.


of course, they’re best friends. but yoongi really doesn’t like it, not one bit.


and he also shouldn’t feel like he wants to kick something—or certainly someone. but he did.








yoongi’s a little bit lost and confused right now.


he should be happy, he should feel at ease now since recently park jimin-aka his trouble-suddenly decided to leave yoongi alone. no more persistently annoys him. no more random cuddling-snuggling session. no more bother-yoongi hyung-day.


then why’s he feel so alone and awkwardly empty?


“yoongi hyung. why are you looking like you’re plotting something evil or planning to murder someone?” hoseok raises an eyebrow at him.


“maybe he’s just planning to kill you while you’re sleeping?” namjoon generously offers with his derp face.


hoseok huffs and tries to act cutely. “i bet it’s you, not me. because why would he want to do that when i'm this cute?”


namjoon rolls his eyes. “yeah yeah, whatever.” and unnecessary adds. “not as cute as seokjin hyung though.”


“woah. dude. please, your seokjin hyung is the princess here, of course this commoner hoseok 100% couldn’t win this war, right? yoongi hyung?”


yoongi blankly looks at the 94line duo “huh?”


“yep i though so…” hoseok nods while namjoon’s cackling.


“you idiot, why do you even bother asking yoongi hyung in the first place when there’s only one guy in his mind that yoongi hyung thinks he’s cute?”


“damn, namjoonie, i don’t want to say this but i guess you’re right.” then they high-five each other for what reason only they know, grinning.


“what are you talking about?” yoongi finally joins this weird conversation.


“i said that hoseok is an idiot.–” hoseok protests but namjoon ignores him. “and obviously there’s only one guy that you think he’s cute.”


“what? who?”


they share a look that makes yoongi wanna hit them both. because he feels like he definitely won’t like it, whatever they’re going to say.


“well, um…” hoseok stares at somewhere dumbly and doesn’t say anything more than that until namjoon nudges him. “…jiminnie?”


“huh?” he squints. “why jimin?”


somehow just hearing his name can make his heart feels funny.


“uh, hyung, you know, lately you seems so grumpy than usual and always deadly glares at taehyung or jungkook whenever they cling to jimin or the other way around.” namjoon says and hoseok nods, completely agrees with what his friend just said.


yes, i know i did that.  “no i didn’t.” yoongi denies with straight face. 


namjoon sighs and looks sharply and seriously at yoongi. but his voice is soft and understanding.


“don’t do this, hyung.”


“do what…” yoongi looks somewhere else, anywhere is fine, just not namjoon’s knowing eyes.


“do…i don’t know, this denial thing? you should stop. you keeps denying that you feel nothing when you’re clearly not.” now he looks worried.


“i know you’re not good with words, hyung, eventhough you’re so damn good with them when you write and compose some lyrics that i always both envy and admire, hahah. but like what namjoonnie just said, please stop and do what you really want to do, hyung. we won’t judge you, hell, we will even support you.” hoseok smiles and pats his knees softly.


yoongi doesn’t know what to say or reply, since he still isn’t sure what he really wants. he knows that he just doesn’t want taehyung and jungkook to touch or steal jimin away from him, and wants to keep jimin here by his side alone.


so he only mumbles ‘thanks’ to them, and they’re flashing a matching smile back at him.








after they’re finished their vocal training that evening, taehyung drags jimin to somewhere while chatting animatedly with him, and jungkook’s trailing behind not too close and not too far.


yoongi’s fingers suddenly reach to curl around jimin’s wrist and tug gently. this causes the whole happy train to halt. jungkook bumps into taehyung’s back and they both groan.


“yoongi hyung?”


there's always this tingling feeling when jimin calls him, says his name.


“come with me.” he tells him and wastes no more time, walks to other direction and pulls a very confused jimin with him.


yoongi hears taehyung shout after them-“where do you taking him hyung!? we’re going to the ice cream parlor!”-but he pays him no attention.


“where are we going hyung?” jimin asks, but doesn’t stop walking.


yoongi doesn’t answer him and just keeps walking.


it turns out that yoongi takes jimin to his usual favorite secluded spot in the building.


and they just sit awkwardly there on the same couch they’ve cuddled before.


“um. hyung. what exactly are we doing here…?”


“i don’t know. what do you want to do?”


jimin pouts. and yoongi swears he doesn’t melt.


“if you have nothing to say, then can i leave now? i want to eat ice cream with tae and kookie.”


yoongi scowls and shoots him a murderous glare.


“why? do you hate spending time with me? am i that boring?”


“huh? what are you talking about?” jimin blinks. “i didn’t say anything like that, it’s just that you haven’t said anything yet and we just sit here silently and do nothing. like, at all.”


“then don’t go. just, stay here.”


jimin blinks again, twice, and doesn’t leave. he scratches his cheek sheepishly and speaks so soft that yoongi needs to listen carefully.


“hyung, i don’t know what’re you trying to do. but actually i do love spending time with you and you’re not boring at all. and i…um…kinda like you? hehe. and you’re my favorite hyung.” he smiles sweetly at him and abruptly says. “but please don’t ask me why because i have no idea. oh and please don’t tell anyone i said that because i don’t want hoseokie hyung or kookie to tease me for the rest of my life…” then he grumbles to himself, leaves yoongi to register and process what he just heard alone.


“…askdjl?!” he unintelligently blurts out when his consciousness finally returns.


“huh?? what's that mean?” jimin laughs brightly and yoongi can listen to that angelic sound forever.


“you like me? like, like me?? park jiminnie just said he like me? like, like me?”


jimin flushes this prettiest shade of pink yoongi have ever seen in his life. “oh my god hyung you sound like that idiot tae! yes i like you and don’t make me repeat it!”


“but…but…recently you seems to attach to both taehyung and jungkook and it was like you completely forget about me.”


“no! that’s not true hyung! because you always frown or scowl or have this weird look whenever i try to be with you.” and hello again jimin’s pout. “and because tae is an idiot who will freak out whenever he’s alone with kookie so he decided to use me as a distraction or something.”


“uh, seriously? taehyung has a crush on jungkookie?”


“yup. since the first time tae had laid eyes on kookie or so he said.” jimin rolls his eyes fondly when he thinks about his best friend. yoongi chuckles and ruffles jimin soft fluffy hair, fingers linger there for a moment.


“maybe taehyung already fainted by now.”


“probably have a mental and nervous breakdown in the lobby, poor jungkook!” jimin giggles and yoongi feels warm sensation spreading inside.


he's so stupid and so hopeless.


min yoongi is hopelessly falling for park jimin since the moment he saw that new trainee walked—bounced, actually—in the practice room, baby face with chubby puffy cheeks, eyes crinkling into two small crescents while stupidly (and a little bit timidly) grinning and greeting to everyone in the room like an idiot.


 “jiminnie, hyung sorry for not telling this sooner…”


“hmm?” he hums as response and tilts his head a little.


“hyung kinda likes you too, i think.”


jimin blinks, and then cutely smiles his signature blinding smile at him, that mega-watt smile yoongi always love, because it literally and practically lit up his whole face and everything that surrounds him like a ing brightest christmas tree in the world.


and yoongi has always known it, already knew it all along, that park jimin is absolutely a trouble. yeah.


his little trouble.

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capucinnofrape #1
I really love this!!! ;;-;;
matisarmy #2
Chapter 1: How much do I wanna die right now? ^^
Cuteness Overdose, someone call the doctor
Chapter 1: Hihi..its cute..jimin really trouble of yoongi's life..and..my life.. *sighed* that little cute cupcake dont even know how much he affected my life..