
Having feelings for someone is a thing. Knowing what to do with it is another.




It was already 9:30am when Chanyeol woke up. As he came to a sitting position and opened his eyes slowly, he realized that Suho was already gone. Since, for once, he had the chance to be able to skip practice, he was left alone in his room, or even the entire dorm. He decided to stay in bed a little longer and fluttered his eyes closed.

After a few minutes, he led his sleepy self to the kitchen where he found Jongin and Kyungsoo, as it seems, ready to leave. He greeted them and sat on the first chair that came under his grab. He turned his head to the left where stood a big window from where a soft morning light shone shyly over the room. He smiled to himself, 'What a beautiful day.' As Jongin and Kyungsoo led themselves to the front door and said their goodbyes, Chanyeol stood up and went to his right where he found the only door of the dorm that was still closed.

He pushed the door open and poked his head through the opening to be greeted by a pleasing view. A sleepy puppy was standing near his bed, his eyes still a little close. As he looked up to where Chanyeol stood, a smile made its way to his lips. The too long and big shirt he wore came to his thighs and his messy bed hair made him look really adorable. (Chanyeol swore if he was in an anime, blood would really have started to flow out of his nose.)

No long ago Baekhyun took the habit to come to Chanyeol's room and take one of his shirt that he'll use as pyjamas when they were -unfortunately- roomed apart.

A warm feeling made its way to Chanyeol's stomach as he sensed delicates arms wrap up around his torso and a fluffy head naturally making its way to the area between his shoulder and chin. His smile became wider as he returned the hug, taking the petite boy closer to his chest. Oh, how much he loved having Baekhyun in his arms, so close to his heart.

He heard the sleepy boy between his arms mumbling a “good morning” as he gazed up at him.Hello baby”, he greeted the petite back as he leaned down to land a soft kiss on his forehead. “I'm sorry, I didn't make breakfast yet since I woke up no long ago”, he added as he giggled a little. Baekhyun removed himself gently from Chanyeol's grab, took the latter's hand in his own and led the two of them to the kitchen.

And the warm feeling was back. He can't help it when it's about Baekhyun, he always get lost in his eyes, he always want to kiss his lips. He would never stop losing his breath every time he saw him looking back at him. He can't control all those emotions making his inside flip every time his gaze met Baekhyun's, and heaven knows how much he tried to. When the petite boy laughs, it's like the world stops for a while. Yeollie”. When he smiles, he really believe some angels live on earth. Baekhyun's laugh is the best sound he's ever heard, it sounds like melody to his ears. Baekhyun's smile light up his world even in his darkest day, and he sincerely think this smile is the most beautiful thing in the whole universe. When Baekhyun is in his arms -whether it was when they were cuddling during a cold night, or when they were simply lying on the grass in his back garden during a cool afternoon, watching the clouds pass by calmly- he feels like he can't -ever- let go off him, because, damn, it feels just right, too right, holding him this close to his heart. Yeollie”. He could seriously watch the petite boy's face all day, without never getting tired of it, because, hell, Baekhyun is one of the most beautiful person on earth. He could spend his life with this boy around, 'cause he is the stars of his sky, the light of his world. He is everything he's ever wanted and more. When Baekhyun's there, it's like everything else has stopped to exist. He feels like he doesn't deserve someone that flawless. And sincerely, the only thing he couldn't survive without in this world is this boy. He is so special, so ing irreplaceable.

Chanyeol!”, he snapped out of his trance as he looked down to the boy in front of him, who was trying to get his attention for a few minutes now and has started to tug at his sleeve's shirt. Why didn't he realize sooner? Damn it.I'm sorry, I got lost in my thoughts”, he laughed awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck, slightly hanging his head low. What do you need honey?”, As the petite boy sent him a look mixed with confusion and suspicion, he pointed to the coffee machine and asked where the coffee powder was. As he led himself to the cupboard, he couldn't help but blamed himself for not paying attention. He is really stupid sometimes, Baekhyun is in front of him and he manages to get lost in his thoughts, in addition to that, thoughts of Baekhyun himself. What an idiot!


Here he was at that -freaking- supermarket at the end of the street, buying stuff to eat, as Baekhyun required. He didn't plan to go out of the dorm in the first place, but what can he do with those eyes? He can't refuse anything to Byun Baekhyun, and the latter knows it. The petite boy was hungry and Chanyeol couldn't do anything but please him. So here he was, wandering around in the supermarket shelves like a lost soul, occasionally taking things here and there and making them fall in his caddy. He'd seriously do anything for his baby Byun and he wants to slap himself for being that suggestible and obvious. How is it possible that the petite boy didn't notice anything yet?


He came back to a smiley Baekhyun who happened to be waiting for him on the doorstep. They went to the living room where stood 2 black sofa and a glass coffee table standing in the middle, in front of the big flat-screen TV. Baekhyun went to close the curtains and Chanyeol laid on the coffee table the plastic pocket filled with all the things he got earlier. He settled himself on the black material, no bothering to turn the TV on. Baekhyun decided to, somehow, lay himself on Chanyeol's body, which was already spread down comfortably. He earned a loud 'oof' from Chanyeol and his face unfortunately ended up a little closer than excepted. He felt his entire body suddenly submerged with a warm sensation, his face heated up and he just prayed for Chanyeol not to notice. He became even hotter when he felt a hand carefully land on his waist and another one making its way to his left cheek, fingertips softly through his hair, just above his ear. Chanyeol's hot breath caressed his lips and his piercing gaze was wandering all over his face. He was now sure he was blushing like mad. And that only made Chanyeol's grin become wider.. the latter really loved to see that cute pinkie color decorating his little Byunnie's face. Actually, Baekhyun should have been used to that kind of things, Chanyeol looking at his lips a little too long, always feeling a gaze burning his back as he chatted with others band members, or when Chanyeol's face or his ended up a little closer than excepted to the other when they turned around to talk or to point out something. He should have been used to that feeling always growing in the tip of his stomach when Chanyeol was way too close to him. He should have been used to the envy of kissing those lips, to the desire to always touch him and having him close, or to the hole Chanyeol's absence always left in his life. But he never got used to it, he never accepted the fact that when Chanyeol was holding him close at night he only wanted to come closer, go deeper in his embrace and never go out. He only wanted Chanyeol's body closer to him each time, and the need to feel him was growing deeper each day passing. In those kind of situation, which was surely happening right now, they always looked into each other's eyes a long, long while and lost track of time. [It explain why; in public, Baekhyun try -really hard- not to look at Chanyeol or try not to lock gaze with him, it's way too dangerous, what if they get lost in public? The polemic it will make.] They always get lost in the contemplation of each other's face and each time, Baekhyun can't believe that he find Chanyeol's one more beautiful than the last time he looked at him. And each time, his lips are looking more kissable... and that's seriously driving Baekhyun crazy. In those moment all the world could disappear they wouldn't notice it, and seriously wouldn't care. Because all Baekhyun needed to have his life complete was Chanyeol; And all Chanyeol needed to be happy was Baekhyun.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      They were snapped out of their trance when Suho barged in, not expecting to find anyone left in the dorm, and not aware of what he could bump into, even less those two in that kind of position, even if he is -kind of- already used to it. “Wow, sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt.” Baekhyun quickly removed himself from Chanyeol's grab and straightened himself up, bright shade of pink coloring his face. As for Chanyeol, he didn't move that much, because a certain Baekhyun was now sitting on his stomach, not aware of the difficulties he gave him to breathe. He just stared at Suho with shock; Suho who had the brilliant idea to barge in at that specific moment, ruining it all. Suho walked calmly to the kitchen without stopping staring at them, a soft smile playing on his lips. “You know, you didn't have to remove yourself Baekhyun. You could've kissed him again, that wouldn't have bothered me.” He said softly as he took a glass out of the sleeve -finally staring somewhere else- and started to fill it up with water. Baekhyun immediately protested with an “We didn't even kiss!”, making himself reddening even more with embarrassment. “Not yet then”, he simply replied as he smiled sweetly at the two before leaving the room. In those time, he looked so fatherly that it was almost scary. But he somehow took away with him all kind of comfort, leaving a silence that shallowed Baekhyun and Chanyeol right after. But after all, that was not the first time someone saw them and affirmed that it didn't bother them. So why are they so embarrassed and awkward each time? Maybe because none of them accepted the reality, those feelings they have for each other? or maybe because it was just unclear between them..
Baekhyun didn't know, and hell, that was annoying him so bad. He wish he could be comfortable with Chanyeol without thinking
that the latter wasn't seeing the affection the same way as him, or wasn't simply seeing him as just a friend. Just a friend, that would hurt tho.


Interruption like Suho's always leave Chanyeol and Baekhyun thinking and to avoid the freezing silence he left, they immediately turned the TV on and started to eat. It was better like that. They were still thinking about the event earlier but this wasn't going to plunge all the afternoon in the dark, was it? Soon after, it was like nothing happened; Baekhyun was -as usual- all over Chanyeol, they were sharing food and laughing, watching one of those stupid shows. Everything was back to normal, so normal that the slight shake in Chanyeol's voice almost went unnoticed. “Baek?” He has been trying so hard not to think about the earlier event but Suho's “not yet then” about the kiss made him think about it twice. Hum?” Baekhyun responded quietly, turning his head to see him better. Actually, the position he was in was not one of the most comfortable, he had his legs all over Chanyeol's lap and his head was -earlier- resting on the latter's shoulder but he wanted to look at him anyways. “I was wondering... “, His heart was starting to beat so fast against his chest and he was afraid that Baekhyun could hear it, despite the fact the TV was on. It was time to make things clear, even if it was terrifying him to death. He wanted to hide in a hole and never show up again. What if's were running through his head so fast and he was starting to have cold sweats. It felt like someone just took all the oxygen out of the room because he was seriously suffocating. He swore he had never been that afraid in his whole life, even when he had lost his mother in that huge, huge supermarket when he was five. Did it bother you that much that Suho thought when had kissed? I mean... Would it have bothered you if... uh... if I had kissed you?” Silence shallowed them once more and nothing could be heard if it wasn't the TV show and Chanyeol's heart beating furiously. Chanyeol could sense himself getting more anxious as more time passed and all he could think about was how much of a bad decision it was to bring the topic back up. As for Baekhyun, shocked with such a question coming out of nowhere, tried his best to find back his words and make a decent answer. Seriously, what the hell? Okay, maybe it was time for someone to talk about it. It was time to make it clear and he knew it but hell, he wasn't ready. Not at all. And now making a decent answer without stuttering or talking nonsense seemed seriously impossible. “I... uh...”, and yeah, it ended up just the way he thought it would end. He was making a fool of himself, damn. But he knew he had to answer. “No... uh... I mean... Actually, I don't know.” He finally slipped out, looking now at his fingers. “Uh... okay, forget it. I... I didn't know what I was saying. I'm sorry.” Chanyeol suddenly blurred out. He wanted to change the subject so bad but even the show playing in front of him didn't seem to be so much of a help. What could he say after something like that? What an idiot he is, what did he except? This is Byun Baekhyun we are talking about, why would this perfect human being want to kiss Park Chanyeol? 'The hell was he thinking?
“Chanyeol?” Baekhyun finally spoke after a minute of unbearable silence. He couldn't contain it anymore. It was his chance to say that he was dying to taste his lips for so long now but he just missed it. It's crazy the way Park Chanyeol could make him lose total control of the situation. When he plans of doing something, if -somehow- Park decides to pop out of nowhere, everything will go totally unplanned. One look and everything is ruined. It annoys him to hell and back, but at the same time, what is better than a life where everything goes unplanned? What is better than a life shared with Park Chanyeol?
“Yeah?” He responded hurriedly, almost like he was already waiting for Baekhyun to talk or do something to break the ice. Which he was. “Would it have bothered you if I had kissed you?” He said calmly, trying to act like it wasn't the craziest thing he's ever asked. Because, hell, it was. “No.” He replied sincerely, and for the first time of his whole life, he never felt so bad for being this sincere. He felt like his inside was seriously going to burst at anytime now and he felt like throwing up.
“Does that mean...” He tried to talk but Chanyeol interrupted him.
“I'm sorry, you must think it's crazy. At first I thought it was strange too... but I guess I got used to it. I'm really sorry if every time I see you I want to take you in my arms; I'm sorry if, when you get too close, it gets hard for me to breathe; I'm sorry if I want to kiss your lips each time I see them; and most of all, I'm sorry if I love you more than I should. I really am.” This is the last thing he managed to say because soft lips landed on his. It felt like the caress of the wind but it was more than enough to shut him up. He kissed back like his whole life depended on it. Because it did. What if it was a dream, what if he just fell asleep on the sofa? He wanted to take the more he could before it all faded away. It had been so much time since he wanted to taste those lips. Everything of Byun Baekhyun looked like sin, but whatever if he was a sinner. Whatever because at least he tasted an angel. And it tasted like heaven.
They broke apart, the need for air becoming too important. They stayed there, faces
a few inches apart, caressed by each other's breath, eyes looking deeply into each other's. “Don't be sorry. Why should you be?” The puppy boy said as he lifted his other hand to make it land softly on Chanyeol's left cheek and peeked again at his lips.


It was dinner time when all the members came back from schedules. Baekhyun and Chanyeol had ordered a lot of junk food to please everyone. Knowing they'd all come back exhausted, they prepared the table, the food and greeted them back. Quickly, everyone took place around the table, chatting lively and eating happily. During all meal, Chanyeol and Baekhyun smiled to themselves. When their eyes met, all the room lit up. It didn't take long for the others to notice but for now on they just stared at their interactions while containing their laughter. Like, what the hell happened again? Did they finally kiss or something? They didn't know how right they were.
The good ambiance kept going
and they kept emptying the dishes that were earlier full. Each of them just waited for the subject to be bring up by someone and so they could just make it clear already. So Jongin did. “Hey, guys, did you kiss or something?” He simply said, his gaze wandering around the table. Everyone turned immediately to Chanyeol and Baekhyun, even if no one mentioned them yet. They all tried so hard to contain their laughter as they looked at them. The faces they were making at that specific moment were simply amazing. They took a quick look at each other before both turning bright red. Why were they all looking at them, damn it. Why does it suddenly feels like I'm ? Why can't they just eat and I don't know, just stop looking at us? 'The hell? Plus, how did he manage to find that out? “Why would you say that?” Chanyeol exclaimed, saving Baekhyun for saying anything and risking embarrassing the two of them any further. Chanyeol's voice seemed normal and calm, as he just asked what was the time but he prayed so hard for his heart not to pound too loudly. “Oh, c'mon, you don't have to lie!” Jongdae added. “Why would he be lying?” Baekhyun asked, trying to defend the cause. He thought that if he didn't talk at all, that would've been suspicious, plus he can't let Chanyeol alone against them all, that's not fair and he is as much involved as him. “Really! The two of you are just too obvious and you always have been by the way. We all know what you feel for each other, just admit it already.” Sehun added. “You don't have to hide it, we don't judge you and we won't. Since we know it for so long already. Being in love is not a crime. You can tell us. Is it that hard seriously?” Everyone paid a sudden attention to the person who pronounced those words. The least we can say is that Kyungsoo usually never talk first or only when it's necessary, he only respond briefly when we question him and never involve himself in stupid muddle... And he just happened to speak it out loud. “So what? What if we have kissed?”, Chanyeol replied, sounding more like someone guilty admitting defeat. He wish his voice would've been more challenging but what the hell? Kyungsoo opened his mouth and just stated the obvious; He was in love with Baekhyun and yeah, they kissed. But damn, were they that obvious? Could the members really read them that easily? They are so screwed. But why not tell them then? The thing is, is he dating Baekhyun? He doesn't even know! He is freaking lost but he can't lose his calm. 'Just keep calm Chanyeol.' “So you admit it?” Jongin spoke up once again, smiling at Kyungsoo. Everyone was now waiting for them to accept the fact, or at least tell them because they already knew and for a quite long while now. Maybe they even knew it before the two lovebirds realized it themselves. Yes, those two were that obvious. They all waited but no answer came. None of the two spoke, not knowing if the other was okay to tell them or not. That was such a stupid situation. But we're used to it with EXO, aren't we? “Are you guys together?” Xiumin spoke, seeing everyone stuck with those two not replying. 'Okay, if they don't want to admit the kiss, maybe we simply have to change the method.' “I... uh... I don't know..” Baekhyun stuttered, looking at Chanyeol for a sign or something. He was so lost, he didn't even thought of that! Now what can he say? Is Chanyeol okay with that? It's not even funny anymore. “Are we?” he added, never stopping looking at Chanyeol. Uh... Yeah. I mean... only if you want to”, He responded quickly when his gaze met Baekhyun's. Why was his heart beating so fast? “Yeah, okay.” They exchanged a shy smile and quickly ended up looking at their plate, flushed. And at that exact moment, they all burst out laughing because, seriously, those two are so cute, aren't they?

Okayyyy, The end! Hope someone out there liked it.. Tell me what you think if you have a little time! Love you!~♡♡ #WeBelieveInChanbaek

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iinbaekyo #1
Chapter 1: yes cute.. just get married you two!!!
iinbaekyo #2
Chapter 1: yes cute.. just get married you two!!!
Chapter 1: omg how cute :,3 forever BaekYeol!!!!