
Jungkook's Borrowing

     She stood on a small step stool in the kitchen. She had been organizing the shelves for the past hour or so. The fresh yellow paint that now covered them was finally dry. The new house was finally starting to come together. She had spent the past few days painting and decorating everything.

      It was quite, she was home alone. She stepped off the stool to grab a package of noodles that was sitting on the table. She climbed back on the stool with a soft sigh. It was nice to have the house all to herself. As much as she loved her boys she was glad they weren't home. Sometimes they could be a little too distracting when she was trying to get things done around the house.

     The noise came out of nowhere. It was so loud it made her jump slightly causing her to hit her head on the shelf. She turned, already knowing by the sound of his voice who had entered the kitchen. A boy wearing a red and black school uniform was standing in the doorway the kitchen.

     "Noona, there you are." The boy said as he laughed at her rubbing her head.

      "You're such a brat." She laughed at her younger brother. He was only seventeen after all, he could be a little devious at times, but she still loved him.

       "Why aren't you in school?" She questioned. She thought he wasn't due back home for another couple of hours.

       "Noona, it's almost four. School ended almost an hour ago." He laughed again.

        She looked up at the cat-like clock that was hanging on the far side of the kitchen. The clock read four on the dot. She laughed at herself as she hadn't realized the time.

      "Yeah, you're right. I must have lost track of time while I was working on the kitchen. What do you need?" She smiled as she sat down in a chair at the table. She needed a break. She'd been working on the kitchen since the boys left around seven this morning.

        "Ah, ah could I borrow some money, Noona?" He asked shyly.

        "Well duh, how much do you need?" She asked as she got back up.

        "Just enough for a meal." He said rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

         "Hey what's with the weird look? You know that you can borrow money if you need to. If you ever need anything you know I'm here for you." She smiled brightly at him. "Now go get it outta my purse."

      It was true she was always going to be there for her little brother. He was the only family she had close by. Their parents lived on the other side of the country in Busan while they lived in Seoul. Her brother moved in with her and her boyfriend a few months ago for better schooling. Even though there was a almost five year between the two. They were always attached at the hip. He went where ever she did.

      She watched his shadow retreat out of the door. She sighed softly as she pushed a strand of short, black hair behind her left ear. She was really enjoying having him around like this. Even though he was getting older he was always going to be her baby brother.

      The borrowing didn't stop. Every time Jungkook need something his sister would cave and give him whatever he needed. Anything from money to face cream. She was there to hand it to him.

      A few weeks later she was cleaning the bathroom while the boys weren't home. She could never clean it when they were in the house. They always ended up dirtying it all over again if she did.

    Once again the house was quite, not a sound to be heard all but, her light humming. The sun was shinning brightly through the bathroom window lighting up the pale blue walls. She continued to hum to her favorite tune as she scrubbed the toilet bowl clean. Next thing she knew yelling could be heard throughout the whole house.

     "Noona! Noona, where are you?" She could hear Jungkook's voice ring through her ears.

      She jumped slightly at his voice turning to see him standing in the door way. "Are you ever going to warn me when you come into the house?" She asked.

     "No, it's funny seeing you jump." He laughed at her.

     "Eventually when I get use to the new house, I'll know when you come in." She smirked up at him from her spot on the floor.

      "Yeah, sure." He said rolling his dark brown eyes at her.

     "Hey, don't be a brat to your Noona. Anyways, what is it that you need Bahbahs?" She called him by his childhood nickname with a smile as she got up from the floor.

     "Can I borrow the system?" He asked while loosening the buttons on his school blazer.

      "System? The Wii U?" She quirked an eyebrow at him as she took off her yellow cleaning gloves.

       "Yeah, with a couple of games?"

        "Where you headed?" She asked.

       "To a friend's house. It's the one with the mole by his eye." He smiled.

       "Oh, okay. Yeah go ahead. Just bring everything back or Jin will be very upset at me if there is something missing." She said a little sternly.

      "It's your system." He made a pouty face at her, "I don't know why you'd get in trouble."

      "Because I bought the new Mario game for him to play. So if you don't have it, he can't play it."

       "Still…" He whined.

       She shook her head and forced him to turn around . She lightly pushed him out of the bathroom door. 

     "Just go and get it, Bahbahs." She laughed.

      "Okay, okay. Thanks Noona." He turned around and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He walked out of the bathroom to get the game system and leave.

     "Awe you're welcome my little creature. Thank you for the kiss." She called after him.

      It was now August and Jungkook was packing up the Wii U into his red backpack in his Noona's room. He had noticed over the past couple months his sister was letting him borrow whatever he asked for. She never said no to him not even once. Not even when he had asked to borrow Jin's power drill so he could help his friend. As he zipped his bag shut he wondered briefly if he was taking advantage of his sister.

     "Eh, no way, she could never say no to this face anyways." He smiled at himself as he slung his backpack over his shoulder.

      He ran downstairs as his sister followed right behind him to shut the door behind him. As he was slipping his shoes on the front door suddenly swung open surprising the both of them. There in the door way stood Jin his sister's boyfriend.

      Jungkook grinned at him nervously at him while giving a small bow, "Hi, Hyung."

     Jin just smiled, "Hi Jungkook, going somewhere?" he asked with an eyebrow raised.

     "Uh a friends." He said sheepishly.

      "Borrowing more things?" he overlooked his bag.

      "No…see ya, Hyung." Jungkook then took off running across the lawn to his friends.

        Jin let out a heavy sigh before yelling after him, "Don’t break or lose anything!"

        Jungkook heard and turned to wave before he started running again. Jin looked at his girlfriend who was still standing in the doorway. She backed up so he could come in and shut the door. He shut the door and turned to look at her.

        He shook his head. "You gotta stop letting him borrow so much." he then kissed her forehead as she stuck her tongue out at him.

      "I can't help it. I love to spoil him." She smiled up at her boyfriend. She was very grateful to Jin for letting Jungkook stay with them while he finished school. She couldn't thank him enough for putting up with the both of them. Most guys would have ran by now if they had to deal with both her and her brother.

      "I know. Now in." He said with a soft laugh.

      "So bossy." She snickered before kissing his chin and walking into the kitchen.

       The house smelled like freshly cut vegetables and meat. She was standing at counter copping up the rest of the vegetables for dinner. Jin was home getting washed up before dinner while Jungkook wasn't due home for another half hour. She was going to cook something extra special since this was the first time in weeks they would all be together for dinner.

      Jin came out of the bathroom, he wasn't too pleased at the moment. He motioned for his girlfriend. She put down the knife and wiped her hands on her apron. As she got closer to him she could tell he was upset. He stood by the bathroom door with his arms crossed.

      "Sun Hi, you really need to stop letting him borrow things so much." He sighed deeply.

      "Why is that? It's only face cream. He just needed to borrow it." She didn't understand what the big deal was.

       "You didn't bother asking me?" He questioned.

       "Well I knew you wouldn't mind." She replied.

        "That's not the point." He was trying his hardest not to yell.

        "Then what's wrong with him borrowing our stuff?"

        "He can get it himself. You know this." This was only going to turn into a fight, but he has to make his feelings clear to her.

         "So?" She said crossing her arms.

        "He's taking this for granted. He should know himself he can't always get what he wants." He said throwing his hands in the air.

        "So?" She repeated.

        He pinched the bridge of his nose and stared at her seriously, "Is he a replacement for what we could have had Sun?"

     She frowned and didn't say anything for a moment. She was trying her hardest not to let tears flow.

      "So he is." His face softened.

      "Maybe." She said choking back tears.

      "I've let this go for a year. Jungkook is nineteen. You spoiling him isn't going to replace what we lost." He could tell she was struggling to fight back tears.

     "Well I think it is, Seokjin. If you're jealous of me spoiling him, then find somewhere else to go." She couldn't hold back anymore the tears started to fall and there was nothing she could do about it.

     "That's not what it is." He said softly as he took a step closer to her.

     "Then what? Why am I not allowed to spoil him?"

     "He's grown." Was all he could get out as she took a step away from him.

     "I don't consider that an excuse." She yelled at him.

     "Listen Sun Hi! Spoiling him isn't going to replace what we lost! You don't think I'm just as upset as you are? I understand tha-" He stopped mid sentence and looed over her head at something.

      They were too busy fighting that they didn't hear him come in. There was a thud sound as Sun Hi turned around to see Jungkook standing in the kitchen's entrance. He had come in the back door. The face cream was laying by his feet. He looked upset he had heard them fighting.

      "Jungkook…." Sun Hi said.

      Jungkook didn't say anything he just ran back out the back door. Sun Hi was upset seeing him run off like that. She turned to Jin and hit his chest before taking off after her little brother. She didn't have to go far because she saw Jungkook sitting on the deck playing with something in  his coat. Her heart sank as she watched him. She slowly walked around to him and sat down.

      "Jungkook." She sighed.

     "I…I got you something Noona." She was confused as he pulled out a black kitten from his jacket. He handed her the kitten. She started to gush over the little creature petting it happily.

     He explained to her that his friend's cat had kittens a little while back. He remember seeing all the pictures of her old cat Smoogy in the house. He thought about how sad she was when she had passed away. After his friend's cat had kittens he thought he would give her one of the kittens as a way of saying thank you.

    She gave him a kiss on the cheek and thanked him. He specifically wanted to give her the black kitten because of all the pictures of her old cat he saw. Jungkook smiled and gave her a hug. It got quite between the two.

      "What all did you hear?" She asked softly.

      "I promise I wouldn't borrow anything anymore." He gave her another hug from the side hiding his face in her shoulder.

       "Oh Jungkook." She set the cat down in one hand as she Jungkook's hair with her free one. "You don't need to do that you can still borrow." She smiled.

       "Hyung didn't sound so pleased."

      "That's Jin." She shook her head.

      "He's right though. I am old enough to take care of myself. I do have a job and money." He said lifting his head from her shoulder.

       "So?" She made a face.

      "You never ask anything from me." He said with guilt.

      "Why do I need to? I'm willing to do a lot for you Jungkook. Jin as well and he knows that." She reasured her brother.

       "So he's not jealous?" Jungkook asked with wide eyes.

       "He pretty much said he wasn't when I threaten for him to move on from me." He was quiet and he let go of her he had a sad expression on his face.

       "Did…did you two lose a baby or something?"

       Her face fell slightly at the thought. Just a couple weeks before Jungkook had moved in with her, she had had a miscarriage. The baby would have been born around her brother's birthday. She took it pretty hard since it was her first child she had just lost. When Jungkook came she had pushed that all aside to focus on him.

      "Yeah…a long while back." She was trying to hold back to tears again she didn't want him to see her cry.

    "So…you spoiling me was making up for a lost kid? I'm confused on that?"   

     She took a deep breath, "When you lose connection to something, you can feel empty. The day I lost our child I wasn't feeling myself. It's painful having a miscarriage. And it's painful losing something that makes you whole with your partner. Something you both wish you could have together." Tears started sliding down her cheeks.

     "So…when you lost the baby you felt empty?" He asked as he put his arm around her.

      "Right. I felt like a big failure to Jin as well. I want to try for another but, I'm scared for the same thing to happen again. So I thought 'Why not try the next best thing' and that was you. You're still young. You're my brother but, I also consider you a child. I mean you're grown but, I really want something to fill the hole that was left in me." She sniffled.

     "And I happened to help with that?" He was confused as to what was happening to his sister. He felt helpless to help her when she was suffering.

     "In a way you did." She smiled a little at him, "But not fully. I love you Jungkook. You're my Bahbahs and I want to keep it that way. I think me spoiling you isn't going to help fix me." She sighed.

    "So it's like what Hyung said." He sighed, "Well, I did take advantage of the whole spoiling thing to be honest, Noona. I noticed you were doing a lot one day and I liked it. I just didn't know there was a big reason for it. I feel really bad now that I took such advantage of it. I'm really sorry Noona." He hugged her once again.

     "Don't be, you didn't know."

     "You and Jin are the only two I see fit for each other Noona. Please don't break up with him." He let go of her so he could lay his head on her shoulder.

     She just smiled as she petted his hair, "Fights happen Jungkook. Even silly ones." She laughed.


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Chapter 1: I seriously can't wait for the update. hehe <3