First Kiss

Yoga Class

Yoona stood in front of the mirror, attempting to do up the tie around her neck. No matter how much Tiffany begged, she was NOT going to wear a flimsy dress to the high school reunion. They were uncomfortable for her and restricted her movements. Yeah, they made her look good, but who did she have to look good FOR? She was going there against her own will. What was so great about it?

She sighed in exasperation. She'd gone this far in life not knowing how to do a damn tie. What else could she not accomplish?

There was one thing she was both excited and worried about though.


~ Flashback ~

"I'm going."

Yoona stopped eating the half finished bowl of noodles in front of her and looked up at the girl sitting across from her. "...Going where exactly?"

"I'm going with the reunion."

Yoona's doe eyes widened as she abruptly stood up. "You don't have to do that!"

"Why the hell not?"

"Uhh..because..its..uhh..gonna be so boring!"

"Seriously? Reunions are meant to be fun, Yoongie. Don't you want me to go?"

Yoona tried to find a good excuse but she couldn't come up with one. If Yuri came with her to the reunion, all hell will break loose. Her exes were going to be there! How could she bring her soon-to-be g-friend?! It's not like she didn't want her to go. She was just afraid of her to go. She was getting so close to finally having Yuri all to herself, and if she came face-to-face with one of her past partners, one thing will be evident. Jealousy. It'd take an idiot to figure that out. Everyone knew of the incident with Jessica and that honestly didn't turn out well.

There was also the possiblity of someone taking Yuri away from her. Everyone knew how y Yuri was and the thought of someone looking at any part of her below the neck, makes Yoona want to wish nobody had eyeballs or arms. That'll prevent the worse from happening.

"Of course I want you to go."

"Then why are you so hesitant on letting me come?"

"It's just fit in!"

Yuri scoffed. "Fit in? Oh please. People love me the second I walk through the door." That's the problem...

"Don't worry, Yoona. I'll be fine." Yuri gave the other girl an encouraging smile, seeing the worry in her eyes.

With careful contemplation, Yoona returned the smile. "Alright...anything for you."

~ End of Flashback ~


"Argh! I should've just worn a stupid dress!" Yoona exclaimed before undoing the knot on her tie.

A series of knocks were heard outside her bedroom with a heavenly voice following afterwards. "Yoongie?"

Yoona unconsciously smiled before answering. "Yess~?"

"Are you okay?"

"Uhh..I can't tie my tie.." Yoona was thankful her princess couldn't see her blushing face.

The door then slowly opened, revealing the most perfect creature created by God himself. Standing before her was a cuvaceous lady dressed in a beautiful, black dress, exposing her left tanned shoulder. It was mid-length and stopped just before her knees. Her silky, long hair flowed against her back, Yoona just wanted to run her fingers through it. Beautiful and gorgeous put together would have been an understatement. Yuri was honestly too y to even be real. Sometimes, Yoona would think she was dreaming because just the possibility of getting to meet someone like Yuri shocked her. She felt sorry for the rest of the world who don't even know she exists.

"Yoong, you're drooling."

"Uh..w-what?!" Yoona quickly wiped the saliva rolling down her chin with the sleeve of her dress shirt.

"Don't do that. You'll ruin your shirt." Yuri was already in front of Yoona, fixing her sleeve. Her hands then reached up to fix the horrible excuse of a tie knot around the younger girl's neck. Like a professional, she redid the tie, shaping it into a perfect triangle. 



Silence fell upon them, obviously unsure of what else to say. 

"Everyone's gonna fall for you." Yoona averted her eyes to her shoes, jealousy rising inside her of how many pair of eyes were going to be watching Yuri the whole night.

"But I won't be falling for any of them. I already have what I want."

Yuri fiddled with Yoona's hair before handing her blazer and pulling her out of the room. Yoona never understood how the older girl always managed to make her speechless.

"You guys ready?" Tiffany asked as the two girls walked into the living room. She was busy putting on her heels while Taeyeon stood at the door, keys in her hand ready to go. "Hyo, Seo and Soo are already there."

Yuri and Yoona nodded before all four of them headed to Taeyeon's car. Taeyeon sat in the driver's seat while Tiffany was in the passenger's seat. Yoona and Yuri decided to sit at the back. They drove off, Yuri's fingers were tapping an unfamiliar beat on Yoona's knee, surprisingly calming the younger girl's nerves.

"I hope everyone still remembers me."

"Who could ever forget a ert like you, Tae?"

The two girls sitting in the backseat chuckled at Tiffany's response, growing used to the playful couple. Yoona's attention was then focused on the hand upon her knee, realising that not once had she ever held it. She imagined her slender fingers slipping between Yuri's. How they'd fit perfectly into the palm of her hand.

Without thinking, the taller of the two placed her hand beneath Yuri's. Palm to palm, fingertips to fingertips.

"Wow, Yul.."

"What?" Yuri raised an eyebrow as she stared at their hands.

"Your hands are so small!"



"Where the hell are they?"

Sooyoung shrugged at her best friend's question and continued stuffing with the variety of food placed on the table in front of them.

"How do you expect to find love when you can't even go on for 2 minutes without food?"

"That's very unhealthy, unnie.." Seohyun decided to chuck in her 2 cents too.

"Hoy! frood will alwaysh be ver fawr mey!" The shikshin retorted with a moutful of chips. "Beshides...if shat perfon trewly wuved me, shey wouldn't mind iht."

"Have you ever heard of swallowing?"

"I joo jat evy diay!"

Hyoyeon rolled her eyes while Seohyun shook her head in disappointement. Currently, everyone was either dancing or catching up with old mates. The three of them were doing neither of that, but that's because Sooyoung only came for the food. 

The shorter of the three was about to take out her phone and message Tiffany again but that thought slowly crept out of the choding's mind as her eyes laid on the people who just walked into the hall. If it was still high school, they would've been crowned popular. The way they walked in with each other was completely breathtaking like everything was in slow motion. Some of the people even turned around to take a glance at the new comers.

Well known in high school and still well known after graduation. Taeyeon walked in as if she owned the place, getting pleasure from the stares they were receiving. Tiffany was showing off her famous eye smile, taking peoples' breaths away. Yoona walked in like she had a stick up her but overall, no one could ever forget pretty playerYoong.

But who was Yoona's arm candy? She definitely didn't go to the school because if she did, everyone would've known her. Unless, she was one of those unattractive students that went through puberty and were suddenly hot the next day. The dress hugged her body in more places than one and visible drool was rolling down a few of the on-lookers' chins. Yoona protectively pulled her princess closer to her, catching one of the boys his lips at the sight of Yuri.

"This was a bad idea..."

Yuri squeezed her choding's arm, easing her mind. "Calm, Yoongie."


"Yo! Squad!" Hyoyeon walked over to the foursome, pulling a grumpy Sooyoung and an excited Seohyun with her. "Took you long enough."

"Sorry, guys. Had to make a pit stop."

"Yeah, yeah. We know that's your code word for ."

That earned a smack on the head from Taeyeon. "Just because you can't get some!" 

"Yah! We just came here and you guys are already fighting!"

"She started it!" Both shorties exclaimed simultaneously, earning a wack on the head from Tiffany this time.

"Glad you guys could make it." All 7 girls turned to the husky voice behind them. Familiar to 6, unknown to 1.


"My name's..Minho, Hyoyeon.."

"I know. How've you been?"

"Uhh..fine..there's a table for you guys by the wall, but...we didn't know you'd have a beautiful extra." Minho showed off his charming smile to Yuri, earning a grin in return. "Hi. I don't believe we've met.."

"And I don't believe you should." Yoona butted into the conversation before it could progress further. She knew Minho's intentions. All he ever did was sleep around with girls then leave them the next morning. Not even she was as bad as him.

"C'mon, Yoona. You can't take her away from me too." Yoona was so close to punching the stupid smirk off the boy's face, but it was Sooyoung's turn to intervene.

"Alright, man. Screw off, Yuri's taken. Hurry up and show us to our tables, I'm starving." The tallest of them all spoke, already pissed off at the boy's existence.

" new favourite name. Right this way, ladies." Minho lead the way, still keeping a sly smile plastered on his face. 

They stopped at a round table, 6 chairs surrounding it. Minho ran off to get another chair for Yuri, but Yoona decided to take the initiative and be the gentle(wo)man that she always was.

"Here you go, Yul." Yoona pulled the chair out and waited for Yuri to sit down before pushing it in. 

Minho came back with an extra seat. "Yuri, I got you a-"

"Thanks, dude." Yoona took the chair and placed it right next to the older girl's until the sides came in contact with each other. She then gave a cheeky smile to Minho as he glared back at her and walked off in defeat. The girls snickered as they watched him fade into the crowd, away from their table.

Yoona reached out her hand and started playing with the ring on Yuri's finger.

"You're jealous aren't you, Yoongie?"

"Of course I am. I'm the only one that's allowed to give you that attention."

"So I only deserve to be catered by one person?"

"Yep. Just me. I'll treat you how princesses are supposed to be treated." Yuri smiled at the younger girl's determination.

"Can you guys stop? That made me want to puke.." The biggest shikshin announced while eating a piece of cake.

"Maybe because of how much food you've eaten in the past hour!" Taeyeon flicked the taller girl on the head, amazed at her appetite.

"Did you just say food? I'll think I'll go get more!" Sooyoung stood up and strode towards the buffet table, being followed by an angry Taeyeon and a concerned Tiffany.

"Man, this . I should've gotten a date or something.." Hyoyeon mumbled to no one in particular as her chin rested on top her hand. She abruptly stood up and eyed the dance floor. "I'm gonna go look for Sunny.."

That left Seohyun, Yoona and Yuri sitting at the table.

"Yoong-unnie, can you come with me to get a drink?" Seohyun spoke, hoping to hear a definite yes from her best friend.


"God, Yoongie. I'll be fine." Yuri chuckled at her choding's pouting face.

"We'll be quick!" Seohyun grabbed Yoona's wrist and walked off with her to get a drink, ignoring the protests from the slender girl. They stopped in front of a table containing a selection of drinks to choose from. Seohyun scanned her eyes over the options before picking one.

"Why couldn't you just get the drinks yourself?"

"Because..I wanted some alone time with one of my best friends.." 

Yoona rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, glaring at the taller girl in front of her. "We spent every day together last week.." Her eyes softened as she turned to the direction they came from. "I didn't get to see Yul at all.."

Seohyun saw it. She saw how much Yoona couldn't live without Yuri and it surprised her. It surprised her how dedicated Yoona was to stealing the other girl's heart. But Seohyun knew it had already been stolen the moment the two girls looked at each other. "Unnie, what's your relationship with Yuri-unnie?"

"M-my relationship?" Yoona stuttered at the random question. "I-it's complicated.." 

Yoona started rubbing the back of her neck. A trait the maknae was too familiar with when the choding was ever nervous.

"How much do you like her?"

"'s probably more than 'like' now.."

"Omo..She must really be important then."

"I'm not playing around anymore, Hyunnie! That girl..she's so different.."

"I can tell.." Seohyun gave Yoona an endearing grin before focusing her attention where Yuri was. "Well, you better do something quick before oppa steals her from you."

Yoona then turned to find Minho standing at the table, hitting it up with her princess. Oh HELL NO!

She stomped off towards their direction, ready to give the boy a piece of her mind. But she stopped in her tracks as soon as she saw the look on Minho's face, observing their interactions. It looked like Yuri told him his pet rabbit died or something. 

He then bid his goodbye and walked off, his back arching in disappointment. Yoona then thought it was the right time to go up to Yuri and find out what happened.

"What did he want?" She pulled out her chair and sat down facing the girl beside her. 

"A dance."

"And you refused?"

"Of course."


Yuri arched her eyebrow at the younger girl's weird enquiry. "You ask that as if I like him."

"You might.."

"I've only know him for 5 minutes, Yoongie. Besides, I've already got a date, and I'm saving my first everything for her."

A sly smile appeared on the choding's face, accepting victory from her weak opponent. Minho couldn't even stand a chance.

She then grabbed Yuri's hand, pulling her up to stand. "Let's dance."

They walked towards the centre of the hall where some of the students were dancing. A soft ballad played in the background of the dimmed room, lovers sharing kisses and whispers here and there. Yoona placed her hands on Yuri's hips while the latter wrapped her arms around the other girl's neck. Both of them ignored the close proximity and started swaying.

Yuri looked into Yoona's eyes, seeing a billion stars in them. It was one of those moments when everything felt right and their surroundings didn't exist. All that mattered to them was each other. Slowly, their swaying stopped with the song still playing.

Yoona felt the older girl's arms slowly tightening, pulling their faces closer with each second. Their lips were inching towards each other, both of them craving for the taste of the other's lips. Both pair of eyes fluttered closed as they waited for the contact.


Yuri quickly pulled away as a light blush formed against her cheeks while Yoona groaned at the interruption. She hoped the person was praying for their life.

"When can I get a god damn break and be with Yul alone? Why do you people always have to interrupt us?" The taller girl was about to blow up the perpetrator and tell them to piss off, but the familiar face caught her off guard.

"Jessica.." Out of all the people!

The shorter girl gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry for disturbing such a moment but...I just needed to see how you were going.."

Yoona instinctively held onto Yuri's hand. 

"We're fine now."

"That's great to hear! Can to Yuri?"

"I don't think she'd-"

"Of course you can." Yuri squeezed Yoona's hand and looked at her shocked expression. "We're just talking, not planning a day to beat the crap out of each other."

She let go of her hand and followed Jessica out the hall, the cold breeze hitting her bare arms instantly. A shiver ran through her entire body before she turned to face the other girl.

"I'm sorry." Jessica spoke with guilt in her eyes. "I wasn't thinking right that day. The first moment I saw Yoona, it sparked this emotion in me and I just..I'm really sorry."

Yuri didn't say anything. Partly because was almost frozen shut from the wind.

"I promise you it was all my fault. I just really needed someone."

Yuri sighed, watching her breath fade into the space in front of her. 

"It's okay, Jessica."

"No, it's no-"

"It is. Seriously. I would've probably reacted the same way if I were in your shoes."

Silence fell upon them with soft smiles on their faces, happy to have worked things out.

"So, you guys are official?"

Yuri chuckled at the question. "Not exactly.."

"What? Why not?"

"I'm still having a hard time trusting her."

Jessica contemplated the answer before speaking. "If it makes you feel any better, I was the one who dumped her. She's had her heartbroken more times than she's broken hearts."

Yuri faced the ground, guilt eating her up at the new information she received. She didn't realise how much Yoona had to go through and she realised how awful she was for leading Yoona on.

"While we were dating, she really put %110 into the relationship. I broke it off because she wouldn't stop trying so hard to keep me. I needed her to stop relying on other people and do things for herself."

The taller girl realised what a complete opposite she was to that. She never wanted to rely on other people because the more she did, the more she was hurt, so she pushed people away. Just like how she pushed Yoona. She ended up hurting other people instead of herself. But was that a good thing?

"And by the looks of it..." Jessica continued on. "..she hasn't learnt a thing...but maybe, you can change that about her."

Jessica gave Yuri a warm smile before patting her on the shoulder.

"She's pretty stubborn. I don't know if I can do that." 

Both girls laughed as Jessica agreed, completely absorbed in their conversation.

"C'mon. Yoona's probably missing you." They headed back towards the entrance, ready to be faced with a furious Yoona. But the moment they saw a bunch of girls surrounding their table, Yuri didn't want to take another step towards it.

Jessica saw the hesitation in the other girl's actions and the jealousy and sadness in her eyes.

"Stay here. I'll bring her out." 

The ice princess made her way towards where Yoona was sitting, ready to confront her.

She heard the younger girl's voice break through the crowd. "Look, I'm really flattered but..I'm with a date.." 

Oh how disgustingly polite you are, Im Yoona.

"She's talking about me." One of the girls sitting at the table spoke.

"Uhm are you blind? She was obviously looking at me when she said that."

"If anything, she'd date me out of all of you any day."

Jessica was getting tired of hearing the girls' voices and decided to cut in. "What the hell are you idiots doing at this table? It is obviously not reserved for you."

"Ah Jessica! W-we're just talking t-to Yoona about something."

"Yeah well talk's over. Get back to where you're supposed to be."

All the girls quickly stood up and bowed to Jessica before quickly walking away. Everyone knew not to mess with a furious ice princess.

"Jessica! Please don't tell Yuri they were here! I swear I didn't-"

The shorter girl stuck her hand out, signalling Yoona to stop talking. "Of course you didn't, but Yuri already saw all the girls at the table. She's scared, Yoona."

"I know..but-"

"Then go out there and talk to her. Promise her the world and she'll promise you her heart. I can bet on that." 

Yoona smiled and eagerly nodded in determination. She abruptly stood up, giving Jessica a quick embrace before heading outside. The latter smiled, knowing that she's done her job.

Yoona walked outside to find her princess sitting on one of the benches near the walls of the hall. She nervously walked over and sat next to her, the side of their thighs coming into contact.

"It's pretty cold out here."

"I can handle it." A gust of wind blew past both girls, making Yuri shiver in her seat. Yoona chuckled before placing her blazer over the older girl's shoulders, keeping her warm throughout the night.

"Are you Him Yuri now?" Yoona had a small smirk on her face as she watched the girl beside her try to suppress a grin of her own.

"Why don't you just go back inside? Your fangirls are probably waiting for you."

"You're jealous, aren't you?~"

"What?! N-no I'm not!"

"Yes you are! keke~ Come here!" Yoona pulled her princess into her arms, feeling her breathe into her neck. "How many times do I have to prove to you that you're the only one that I want?"

"That's kinda hard to believe when you have a reputation for being a erted womanizer.."

"I wouldn't drop a black pearl for a rock."

"Yah! Are you insulting me?!" Yuri tried to pull away from Yoona, offended at her remark. But the tight grip never disappeared, not wanting the older girl to leave her warmth.

"I'm not. I'm saying you're worth more than anyone of them in there." 

Yuri stopped squirming and accepted defeat. She blew a sigh, tickling Yoona's neck. "I'm not giving up on you, Yul."

"Why not? I feel like an idiot for leading you on for so long.."

"Honestly, I'll go to the ends of the Earth just to see you smile."

"But you're too far away to see me smile. And why would I smile at something so stupid?"

"Agh! It's just a metaphor, I'm trying to make it romantic. Can you please just play along?"

Yuri laughed and buried her face deeper into the crook of Yoona's neck. The vibration tickling the latter.

"I know~ I'm sorry, Yoongie~"

"Yeah, you should be."

"You wanna say that again?" This time, Yuri managed to pull away, threatening Yoona with a raise of her brow.

"N-No, I'm sorry. Forgive me!"

"That's what I thought.." Yuri smirked in victory as she watched Yoona cower away, but her arm was still draped over the older girl's shoulder.

They smiled at the stars watching them from above, the dark sky making them shine brighter. Yuri unconsciously rested her hand on Yoona's thigh, lightly rubbing it to calm the other girl.

"I'm serious this time, Yoona. I'm sorry for everything."

"It's okay, Yul." Yuri leaned her head against the other girl's shoulder, wanting to stay in the position forever.

"I know apologies aren't going to fix the past, but they make the future better. And for future can't be better without you..."

Yoona eyes widened at the sudden confession. This is it, Yoona. Take it like a boss.

"I can't relate to everything that you've been through, but I can promise you i'll make you forget about it, even for just a minute. I'll stop this cat and mouse thing."

"I kind of enjoy chasing after you, though." Yoona smirked at her response and continued. "Take all the time that you need. I'm willing to wait."

"I don't need more time, and I don't want you to wait anymore."

Yuri slowly lifted her head and turned to face Yoona. This was the moment she was going to pour her heart out and risk everything just for love. Because love is important, and everyone needs to be loved. Even if it's just by their pet dog, love is always important.

Yuri reached out her hand and caressed the younger girl's cheek, admiring the soft skin under her fingertips. "Yoongie, I am tired of everything that's happened in the past few months and I'm questioning myself. 'Why did it take this long for me to notice?' was the only question going through my head the whole night."

Yoona bit on her tongue, refusing to speak as she watched Yuri promise everything to her. If there was one moment she wanted to relive, it would be this moment. To see the look of admiration in Yuri's eyes and to hear her say the words Yoona had always wanted to hear.

"Im Yoona...I am love with you, and I sure as hell know you feel the same way about me too."

Yoona laughed, she was the happiest she had ever been. For once in her life, everything was going the way she wanted it go and she wasn't going to let anyone interrupt them this time.

Without wasting a moment, she closed the gap between them. Their lips connected as well as their hearts. The soft touch of Yuri's lips made her crave for more and It made her feel the most complete. The taste of them were Yoona's new favourite flavour.

She could feel a smile form on Yuri's face, causing her to smile as well. Her arms wrapped around the older girl's waist to pull her in closer, closer than they had ever been. In Yoona's arms, Yuri felt the most safe. She had her heart caught in and she wondered why the hell she waited so long to experience something so special. 

They didn't want to pull apart. They never planned to. But the need for oxygen was apparent and so they sparated, forehead met with forehead. Yoona looked into Yuri's eyes and saw the world. Yuri looked into Yoona's eyes and saw the future. They were completely enraptured by each other, they had fallen so hard, neither could get up. Everything else didn't matter anymore. The only that mattered to them, was each other.

They both giggled as Yuri fiddled with Yoona's tie, her eyes still laid upon the doe ones.

"I'm so glad Jessica interrupted us.."

"..Why?" Yoona questioned, focused on the emotions in Yuri's eyes.

"Cus then the kiss wouldn't have been as meaningful as this one."

"Pfft, I promise you there will be way more meaningful ones than this."

"I'll be looking forward to it then."

They both smiled their brightest and warmest before their lips found each other once again, forgetting just how cold they were and understanding just how complete they felt.






A/N: FI NAL LY!!! THEY HAVE KISSED BUT ALSO..There's an epilogue :))) so it's not quite over yet...

again...sorry for the late update :))))((((



2ne1snsd: AHAHA yeess agreed ^^ And thank you for that lovely compliment! I appreciate your patience~ I hope this one is full of rainbows and more too :)) There's an epilogue as well so let me annoy you guys a bit more.. :D

peregrinestar: Lucky Sunny is a close friend aye? hahah And I honestly knew ppl were going to think it was Sica xD I wanted to trick you guys hehe ^^ Coz I had 8 of OT9 appear in the fic and I wanted maknae in it too so she just kinda popped out of nowhere. Hope this chapter met your expectations tho! AHAH I already have a few ideas for one fanfic xD but I won't really have time to post it straight after I finish this one coz -.- and YES! yoonyulTV is baaaack~ I'm gonna watch all of them when I get time :D omg! I've never seen the ones you just sent me! #1: Yuri's srsly too girly to handle Yoong absolutely loves it. #2: Their instincts literally just kick in and they look at each other THEIR SMILES UGH! #3: THAT FIRST BIT WITH YOONA BEHIND YURI KILLED ME THEY ARE TOO CUTE! I love long comments, so no need to be sorry! :DD do you have any more favourite moments? ;3 I was honestly happy when you shared these videos with me hahaha too adorable~ hope you enjoyed this chapter! epilogue is currently in the making :))

allayjadhule: Yoong is so delusional but now..kissuuu ;3 Lucky Yoona chased after her Yuri and finally got the chance to kiss her! Hope this was a nice ending for you. dw, there's an epilogue~

Khairunjiha: Your questions have been answered in this chapter~ hahaha ofc Yuri is gonna follow :D She's Yoong's follower! Yoona must've enjoyed this one waaay more tho! hahaah c: I hope you look forward to the epilogue T.T thank youuu~ for everythingg~

forrester: I love how the majority of this comment is you reassuring me! Sooo sweeet~ I will definitely take your advice :) and don't worry! There's goonna be an epilogue to sooth your hearts hahaha Thank you so much for this comment! ;DD You're too kind !

kwonchatiz1186: idk why but your comment is absolutely funny xD hahaha Yoong will keep dreaming until that day comes~ Keep a look out for the epilogue :) Hope you liked this chapter~

allaboutyoonandyul: You're back! I was wondering where you went xD Why are you saying sorry for not commenting?! >:( Your other comments will suffice! haha I hope your headache has gotten better! Get well soon :)) And yeah! Yoona needs to stop being such a player and be loyal to Yuri xD Poor Yul~ Woowwwowo! 10 million?! Srsly sones are so dedicated!! GOO SNSD!! I rly enjoy reading your comments :) I hope this chapter was to your liking and Stay tuned for the epilogue~ Thank youuuuuu~~~~ :DDDD

MArchiChocoBox: Yooo! Glad to hear you're still reading this fic :)) lolol Yoona can dream ~ It's so great that they're interacting much more now! I can't wait to see what they do next together! Their cuteness is too hard to handle..Thanks for commenting again! :) There will be an epilogue so keep a look out! :3 

KrySulDay17: Wooo! New commenter! :D This is honestly such a great reaction towards my first on-going fic! I couldn't stop giggling xD I can't believe it was worth binge reading hahaha That's honestly such a big compliment though! Top ten?! Is it really that great? ;3 Thank you for this wonderful comment and I hope this update was to your liking :)) Wait for the little epilogue~

yoonyulid: Don't worry, dude! I won't let you down :DD I still remember that request you wanted ;D so don't think I haven't forgotten about it~ Look forward to the epilogue, my friend :3

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Nice work! This fic proves that a story doesn't need to be lengthy to get all the right feels. Keep writing author, you did a great job! I'm ready to read your other stories as well as the ones you're about to write soon. :) I hope a lot more YoonYul in the future. :D

Chapter 14: the story is so good. it's makes me giddy at times. thumbs up!
litayyoong #3
Chapter 14: Woww just wow. Amazing
Love that so much.
I am craving for yoonyul more
YoonYul just lovely
Chapter 2: Oh.Lord.have mercy God. was it always that big..?! Lmao XD
yoongie you're such a and yul, you're such a tease. what a perfect match kkk^^
whoaaaaahhh... already got her number..?! daebak!!! good job yoong-yoong!!
Chapter 1: lazy yoong , you got the same laziness as her or is it your own true story..? XD
first meeting with Yuri and she already took your breath away eh...??? u r hooked yoongie~~~ kkk^^
RavensHaven #6
I reread this :) a lot different from Refuse to Lose. I just realized that I never commented on this hahahaha, but hey just want to say thank you for this awesome YoonYul story :)
ThatFan #7
Heey, how come I just found your story? It's probably the best well written YoonYul story I've seen in a while. I really like how you keep it realistic. I just cannot deal with taeny, though, so I imagine Sica in Taeyeon's place and vice versa and tcha daaaa. =D but seriously. You are awesome!! Thanks for writing YoonYul, I will go and finish yoga class now! See ya
Chapter 14: Thanks for the comments guys :) I'm glad you enjoyed the scene xD See you in my future fics :)
peregrinestar #9
Chapter 14:
Author! Sorry for the late comment. I'd like to thank you for finishing this story! There are so many stories out there that are left unfinished or people go on hiatus for such a long time that the updates become inconsistent. Thank you for finishing this through so timely! Are you sure that's the first time you've written a scene like that? XD I think you did a great job! I really enjoyed the playfulness and flirty scenes. It's nice how you still added their personalities into it. Ahhh, this will be your last story in a while, right? Thank you for everything again author!! I've now become a fan and I look forward to your next story soon hopefully, even if it's a super long one-shot...hehehehe.

I'm still waiting on their other videos from the other moments but here is their latest:

Some other random videos for you :)
allaboutyoonandyul #10
Chapter 14: Wahhh ~ thor-nim, sorry i haven't left a comment to your past two updates :3 *crying* huhu~ such a bad , reader:3 but im here now im back ~ i've been busy lately thats why I haven't read your two updates:3, i've been busy preparing my job requirements, so thats why ~ *run* hehe^^v,
To your last two updates wahhhh~ thor-nim, the last second update of yours is too Short:3 but your late update wasss ~ wahhh~ its .. Its too, ahmmm... Hot ?! Wahhh~ what did i say ? Omygerddd ~ my innocent mind you corrupted it, *evil smile* haha xD but its really hot really ... *i need air* ,

And im sad because, its complete already :3 is it complete already ? I miss Them,.i miss your story huhu:3 i need your new story ASAP>:-D haha eager me:-P but yeah i understand you thor-nim, i know its gonna be Worth the wait ~*singing Lemon, Sujo, neon tequilla, neo mojito* haha xD Im PARTY deprived~ wossshhh~ i miss The Party era:3 i miss blonde Yoong, I miss brownie Yul:3 i miss them :3*crying at the corner, with BG PARTY song* 0°0.

Ps: Im waiting to your new, Story^^ under a Twinkling star ^^ hahaxD*silly* boing boing.