
Bae Joohyun; or Irene—as she wants to be called.
She is just an average twenty five years old woman—with a really beautiful appearance. If you see her everyday, you will notice that she is very shy and doesn't like to get herself into trouble. 
If you see her everyday, every hour, every minute, every second; you will literally find that she is one of what people called satan spawn. She is the type of human being that can't stay calm when she is excited. She is loud, very. She likes to prank people who are really close to her. 
Kang Seulgi, for example.
Irene's closest one
She is Irene's housemate—slash girlfriend. The one who sees Irene everyday, every hour, minute, and second. Literally.

It's the nth time already—in one day–, Seulgi has let out a sigh. A heavy air keeps escaping between her lips as she opens her eyes and watches a five years old girl—who lives inside the body of a twenty five years old woman– jumping on her bed. 

Seulgi made a little promise with Irene last night that she will not go to work and accompanying her Irene to play all day. 
"Wake up!" 
That voice and giggle, those always sound so cute in Seulgi's ears.
That is the problem.
No matter how Irene annoys her, Seulgi can't get angry because Irene is just plain cute. It doesn't bother Seulgi how Irene will bully her everytime. Otherwise, Seulgi is always protecting Irene from any bad things that can possibly happen because of her own pranks and stuffs.
There was one day, that Seulgi got caught by security at a mall because Irene was putting a prank on one of the shopman and accidentally burned one of the mannequins and some attributes. 
Seulgi doesn't know what happened, and she also does not one to remember it. 
There was also this time when Wendy—Seulgi's best friend– nagged at her because Irene kept touching the letter's  without any reason. Wendy thought it was Seulgi's responsibility to look after her girlfriend. So, Seulgi apologized to Wendy many times. 
And also, Irene is so close to Seulgi's nieces; which were Joy and Yeri. Together they are unbeatable. Together they are satans. Together...they are dangerously adorable
Back to Seulgi who can't get mad at Irene, not even once. She is the victim. Obviously. But, she does not care. She just wants to keep Irene happy. Irene's happiness is all that matters. So, she literally lets Irene steps on her. Everytime Irene gets bored, she will use Seulgi as an attribute to push her boredom out of her mind. 
Throwing pillows at Seulgi, ties her shoelaces into one that will make Seulgi falls, hides Seulgi's underwear. Those are nothing. 
The worst?
Only Seulgi and God know.
They are holding each other hands, seems romantic. But, it's actually just because Seulgi should hold Irene that she won't do something crazy out of nowhere. Irene jumps withing every step she does againts the ground of the park, her free hand is holding a cone with green tea ice cream in top if it. She her ice cream and that is when Seulgi brushes her thumb around Irene's lips.
Seulgi asks Irene to sit for awhile because she is tired of walking. And, it is an odd condition that Irene obeys her as she immediately lands her buttom againts the metal bench beside Seulgi. 
Seulgi sighs again when Irene gets a stain on her t-shirt. Seulgi pulls out a handkerchief from her hand-bag and cleans the mess Irene made. She smiles at Irene who keeps eating her ice cream and doesn't care about thing. She also runs her handkerchief on the corner of Irene's mouth and taps the tip of it on Irene's nose. She earns a giggle from the older girl.
Seulgi pulls Irene closer when she feels a few people are looking at Irene as if they want to eat her girlfriend. The oblivious girl finishes her last bite of her cone and looks at the frowning bear beside her. She tilts her head, because she doesn't understand what makes Seulgi does that unpleasant expression. She doesn't like it. So she pulls Seulgi and pecks her cheek. The younger gasps and turns her her head to the beautiful creature beside her.
"Don't make that kind of expression again," Irene pouts, "you are ugly."
Seulgi's mouth agape before she chuckles lightly, "I won't. If those people will stop looking at you and imagining dirty thing." 
The cheeks is Seulgi's target to pinch. Those squishy cheeks of Bae Joohyun.
"Hyun," she caresses Irene's cheeks and slowly lifting the face up. "you are perfect. I don't care if you physical hurt me, or makes me looks so stupid in public. I will still love you."
The shy smile on Irene's lips turns into a smirk within a second, "does that mean...I can pull a prank on you everytime?"
"Wha- I-"
Seulgi, once more gets shocked by what Irene does. She suddenly pulls Seulgi into a sweet kiss even before Seulgi can finish her words.
"I'm just kidding," she gives Seulgi a sweet peck on the lips. "I love you too, Seulgi. Thank you for being all perfect for me."
Seulgi smiles, that is why she loves Irene. She might be a prankster, but she is the most perfect woman for Seulgi. Everything about her is fit for Kang Seulgi.
"Now let's go! I'm hungry!" 
With her childish voice escapes from , Irene stands up from the bench. Not to mention the bright smile of hers.
She walks backwards, waitng for her girlfriend to stand up. As Seulgi does, wide smile creeps on her face. 
When Seulgi is about to take her first step, her face meets the ground. She glances at her shoes and finds that her shoelaces—once again– tied into one. She hears that giggle of Irene and sees the girl runs as fast as possible from her sight.
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turtle88 #1
Chapter 1: xD xD
Chapter 1: BAE JOOHYUN!!! LOL
seulrene_daze #3
Chapter 1: noOoOoO
Chapter 1: Kekeke is she really a prankster or having mental problem?
dinhoss #5
Chapter 1: SO CUTE!! >_<
kanss89 #6
Chapter 1: so cute! :D
snsdrv95 #7
Chapter 1: Haha, I loved this story *-*
sujusnsd26 #8
this is so cute!!! ><
can you please make a sequel and make irene who be the jealous one?? ;)
Chapter 1: Hahahahhaha
Chapter 1: Great story!