[DRUMSTEP] Run Away From Me

Empire of Sound


"What are you all saying now?" Jaejoong is not too thrilled by the news.

The screen flickers, drawing Earth's World Council into full focus. All sixteen members, one from each remain country. "We prefer not to repeat ourselves, Hero."

"How are we supposed to do our best when all we have to live on are ramen and chicken eggs?" 

The ty decisions sent out from the Council back on Earth keep getting better and better. First, they are landed with a useless princess when they should be given two useful replacements. Now, they are required to eat as if suffering from a shortage?

"Is there some kind of food shortage on Earth? Did something happen?"

"No. Nothing of the sort."

"Okay... that's just—" Then, suddenly... a thought hits him. Their useless sleeping princess... she probably still gets to eat whatever the hell she wants.

"So this new ration decree... it applies to all of us, correct? Even the sleepy one back there?" Jaejoong jerks his thumb towards the occupied couch in the background.

"The sleepy one? We do not know to which you are referring to. According to our visual here, there are three sleepy ones back there."

Jaejoong turns around to witness not one... but three sleepy ones. When the hell did Junsu and Yoochun join her sleeping brigade? He feels betrayed. He feels totally betrayed. "I mean the new sleepy one." He snaps his neck back to face the Council.

"The Sweetheart? Yes, yes. All four." Oh, good. At least she is not receiving any special treatment from the Council. That would really piss him off. That would really, really piss him off. "Truth be told, her diet consist strictly of ramen and eggs. She refuses to consume anything else. That is one of the main reasons why we have decided upon this new ration decree... so that the new recruit will not feel excluded seeing the rest of her mates partake in other comestibles."

Jaejoong smacks the screen most violently and breaks the line of communication... before anything else breaks. Seriously... the next thing he wants to hear is that they are required to undergo a change just so the new recruit will not feel left out being the only female.

• • • • • • •

Junsu opens up his eyes to find a horrify shadow looming at the foot of his bed. Oh. It is not the ghost of his late mother. It is just her.

"Noona... what are you doing up so early...?" He yawns. "Did you have a nightmare? But we're not even singing right now... so your colorful dreams shouldn't be turning into nightmares."

Her tablet lights up... and so does her creepy, white face. Do you know you sing in your sleep? You sing in your sleep, Junsu. You need to break that habit. She must eliminate as many variables as she can. Only then... only then can she beat all odds and live forever.

• • • • • • •

Yoochun turns his head to find her jogging beside him.

"Whoa, noona..." He yanks out both his earphones. An unnecessary habit. "Where did you come from? I didn't even notice you on the track."

Of course, you didn't. You were busy singing... irritatingly loud. Do you know you sing while you exercise? You need to break that habit. Because these variables, one by one, must be eliminated. Only when they are eliminated can she beat all odds and live forever.

• • • • • • •

Jaejoong steps out of the shower to find her sitting on her white throne again. Why is he even surprised? He yanks the dry towel from its peg and whips it around his waist. Tired. Too ing tired. He will just ignored her this time. But damn... that flashing tablet of hers. Damn it to hell.

Do you know you sing in the shower? You do, Jaejoong, you do. You really need to break that habit. She must eliminate them... those variables. Only then can she make the impossible possible. To beat all odds. To live forever.

• • • • • • •

She must take control of their playing field... as best as she can. Bump.

"Oh, ... not them again."

"Why do they gotta be all up in our faces? Aren't we fighting to save the same sun? We're on the same side. We should be friends. We should be holding hands and singing peace loving songs. I don't understand them. Why they gotta be like this?"

"They're Martians. We don't have to understand them."

"We don't want any trouble. We're just headed out to eat our ramen and egg."

Want to play?

The Martians turn pale. Rather than stay and play, they are better off running away.

"Well that was fast. What's up with the Martians today?"

"They must have somewhere important to be."

Yeah, somewhere far, far away from the razor sharp Earthling.

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