
Some things change, some things don't
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The weather outside is chilly, Cheonsa is doing everything to avoid having to go to school. Her mother is sleeping, her father went to work and her sister went to school, so she’s home alone with the dog. School starts at 8:30, it’s 7:50. Around eight the dog is supposed to eat, usually Cheonsa gives him the food with her shoes and clothes on already so she can just leave for school, what time it is really doesn’t matter those days. 


Today, Cheonsa is really dragging out time - trying her hardest to give the dog its food just at 8:00. The dog is irritated with her stinginess, but she’s not giving in. 


”Don’t look at me like that, Snowy,” she tells her dog and attempts to pat his head but he dodges the attack. ”Don’t blame me, blame the weather.”


When she finally gets out of the house, she’s even later than she usually is. She doesn’t know why she’s late all the time, she’s longing for school and Myungsoo, it’s just how optimistic she is with the time. Speaking of Myungsoo, it’s rude of her to let him wait.


‘I’m later than usual today, so just go to your class or else you’ll be late as well’ she texts him. 


When she had just gotten his number, she woke up every morning to check that it was still there. Though, they only text when it’s necessary. For example like now, or wondering about the Japanese homework. Cheonsa is okay with that.


Just as she puts her phone back down in her pocket, the message sound rings. She unlocks her phone and reads Myungsoo’s reply in surprise.


’Nope, I’m waiting, so hurry up or I’ll be late too’


Cheonsa sighs in frustration and ruffles her hair. ”Aish, this idiot!? Is he purposely teasing me?!”


Another text from Myungsoo arrives. ’Oh, by the way, my first subject is math’.




”Just what are you thinking?!” Cheonsa wheezes as she arrives to her and Myungsoo’s meeting place, putting her hands on her knees as support to not fall over. ”Are you asking for detention?!”


Myungsoo is leaning against his the locker in front of hers, eyeing her from head to toe. ”Doesn’t that go for you as well?”


She ignores his point, knowing that he’s right. ”And math is your favourite class, just hurry and go!”


”Nope, I’ll follow you to your classroom so hurry up, we’re already late with...-” he looks down at his watch. ”Wow, only 5 minutes. You were quicker than I thought.”


”I ran all the way here,” Cheonsa mutters, opening her locker and getting her biology stuff. Her biology teacher is quite chill, he has never really given her absence from the class, even though she can be quite late. Once she came in half an hour too late.


Or. Well. That was before she and Myungsoo became such close friends. Now they’re so close that Cheonsa can even playfully insult him. Before she could barely even speak to him. She remembers high school, not being able to talk to Myungsoo even once. Was that the same Myungsoo? One thing is certain; it wasn’t the same Cheonsa.


Cheonsa slams the locker door shut, grabs Myungsoo by his wrist and runs away towards Myungsoo’s classroom. She knows his schedule by heart.


”Wait, wait, where are we going, your room is in the opposite way?” he questions, also knowing Cheonsa’s schedule. Somehow.


”I have to drop you off first,” Cheonsa explains, irritated at how Myungsoo who barely speaks is so talkative right now. If Myungsoo gets detention or his grade in math is reduced she’s going to blame herself until the day she dies.

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Chapter 11: i'm actually skipping a class just to read all these chapters, and there so worth it. Update soon author-nim xD
Chapter 6: getting me hooked up :)
ChoiKyuJae #3
Chapter 4: I love your fic, I hope can you update it soon ^^