Really Us

So Meant To Be
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        So, as it turns out, the way babies behave in the hospital is not necessarily how they will behave once you get them home. It had been three months, three long months since the twins were born. Like clockwork, one of them began to cry every night around the same time, waking the other in the process. Then, they both cried and screamed at the top of their lungs. In the hospital, they mostly just slept. Sure, they had gotten better since their first month home of basically nonstop crying, but they were still a ‘handful’. I was taking online classes and tutoring middle school students from our home while Baekhyun was still working and taking physical classes.

        It seems a bit funny now, but for a while, we actually argued over who would stay at home with them during their first few months. Thankfully, it worked out and his employers were willing to pay him for a month of paternal leave. Without him, I would have been so overwhelmed. That, and I just didn’t want him to miss all of the earliest moments of their life.

        Anyway, the twins were approaching their third month and we were coming up on our first wedding anniversary. I was so excited about both things. Amazingly, Naeun and Joonho had already said their first words. No surprise that Naeun’s first words were “daddy” and “stop” while Joonho’s first words were “nap” and “tired”.

        During the day time, friends would stop by quite frequently unannounced, bring food or lend me a hand. Yixing and his wife would often come around with their two-year-old son. Boy, did that kid have energy. He looked a lot like his father, dimples and all. But, he had his mother’s brown hair, he was adorable. Other times, our other friends would come in pairs and stop by to document the twins’ growth.

        Xiumin, Sehun and Luhan probably came by the most often as those three clearly loved children. Even though neither of the twins even crawled yet, they spent a lot of time playing with them. Similar to Baekhyun and Luhan, Sehun was completely in love with Naeun. They would hold her, swing her around, feed her, cuddled up on the couch with her and do the most embarrassing things if they thought it would even slightly amuse her. In response, the would giggle or smile. I thought that was he cutest, even if I was a bit jealous that she would hardly ever do so for me.

        Minseok, on the other hand, was glued to Joonho whenever he came over. Much to Baekhyun’s disdain, he would literally come over just to take care of Joonho. He would nap with him, feed him, take him on walks and really anything else someone would do for a kid that was their own. It was so cute, to me.

        Chanyeol was mostly busy with his soon-to-be wife and stopped by less, which we understood. Chen wasn’t so good with newborns (he claimed) and promised he would be around more when they started crawling.

        Kyungsoo would sometimes stop by and sing to them and, to be honest, they loved to pick on him. I can’t count on my hands the amount of times they interrupted him, laughing or chucking their pacifiers from their cribs. He was a good sport about it though, he would take turns tickling after.

        They also picked on Tao but he took it much more personally and wouldn’t show up for a week or two. When he did come back, he was full of apologies and bearing gifts for them.

        Kris was great at putting them down for naps, Naeun loved to pull Kai’s hair and both of them purposely avoided making eye-contact with Suho. It really was like a game to them when Su

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Sorry that it's taking so long for me to finish. School is overwhelming. Hopefully, I'll wrap it up soon :)


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mitaki2 #1
Chapter 7: This is such a sweet story
Chapter 6: So much fluffiness :)))) the story is great !
loveroflove #3
Chapter 4: Hehehehe... fluff overload, I like:3 I'm taking a break from all of the angsty stories I subscribed to. Thx for this:)
loveroflove #4
Chapter 3: Argh, this fanfic is really sweet to the max, super cute and I LOVE IT. No requests, I just wanna see what you'd alr thought out for this story. So update when you can, yeah?
yanabyun #5
Chapter 2: they're so cute! love this!